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TY - EDBOOK ID - 2548 UR - WT - Baha'i Library Online T1 - Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File T2 - JF - JA - A1 - Bahá'u'lláh A1 - Abdul-Bahá A1 - Shoghi Effendi A1 - Universal House of Justice A2 - Hornby,Helen Bassett, compiler A3 - Y1 - 1988 Y2 - VL - IS - SP - EP - M2 - PB - CY - M1 - M3 - Compilations-personal; Books SN - LA - English L3 - DO - U1 - U2 - U3 - AB - The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition. N1 - A special thanks to Charles Hornby and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador for their generous permission allowing us to publicly post this invaluable Bahá'í resource as well as to those volunteers who originally typed up and proofread the digital document on which this formatted version was based. For those who are interested to republish this work, we were informed of the following by the Publishing Trust: "Permission for publication of “Lights of Guidance” on the Internet is allowed, and if there is any cost involved in obtaining it, the usual 10% royalty applies, to the name of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador, as per the author’s request." Add or read quotations or links pertaining to this work here. C1 - Formatted 2004-10-17 by Brett Zamir. KW - Abjad system KW - Abortion KW - Adam and Eve KW - Administration KW - Alchemy KW - Alcohol KW - All subjects KW - Archives KW - Arts and crafts KW - Astrology KW - Auxiliary board members KW - Backbiting and gossip KW - Bahá'u'lláh KW - Bahá'u'lláh, Ancestry of KW - Bahá'u'lláh, Station of KW - Bayan KW - Begging KW - Bible KW - Birth control KW - Burial (funeral) KW - Burning Bush KW - Báb, Laws of KW - Báb, Portrait of KW - Báb, The KW - Calamities and catastrophes KW - Chastity KW - Children KW - Christianity KW - Committees KW - Compilations KW - Congregational prayer KW - Consultation KW - Contradictions KW - Conversion KW - Copyright and trademarks KW - Counsellors KW - Covenant KW - Covenant-breaking KW - Cremation KW - Crime KW - Criticism and apologetics KW - Cycles, Eras, Ages and Epochs KW - Day of Resurrection (or Day of Judgment) KW - Day-year principle KW - Dayspring KW - Death KW - Divorce KW - Drama KW - Drugs KW - Economics KW - Education KW - Elections KW - Emanuel Swedenborg KW - Endowments KW - Equality KW - Evil KW - Extraterrestrial life KW - Family KW - Fasting KW - Fear KW - Firesides KW - Food KW - Funds KW - Future Manifestations of God KW - Gambling KW - Gender KW - God KW - God, Fear of KW - God, Names of KW - Greatest Name KW - Guardianship KW - Hands of the Cause, Institution KW - Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres) KW - Health and healing KW - Helen Hornby KW - Holy days KW - Huqúqu'lláh KW - Infallibility KW - Institutions KW - International Teaching Centre KW - Islam KW - Israel KW - Jesus Christ KW - Jews KW - Judaism KW - Kalimat-i-Maknunih (Hidden Words) KW - Laws KW - Letters of the Living KW - Life after death (afterlife) KW - Lights of Guidance (book) KW - Living the life KW - Lord (name of God) KW - Love KW - Man-made doctrines and dogmas KW - Manifestations of God KW - Marriage KW - Marriage, Civil KW - Mary (Mother of Jesus Christ) KW - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship) KW - Masturbation KW - Meditation KW - Mental fantasies KW - Mental health KW - Metaphors and allegories KW - Miracles KW - Mormonism (Latter Day Saints) KW - Moses KW - Music KW - Native Americans KW - Nineteen Day Feast KW - Nuclear energy KW - Numbers KW - Numerology KW - Obligatory prayer KW - Opposition KW - Other organizations KW - Other teachers KW - Parents KW - Peace KW - Pilgrims notes KW - Pioneering KW - Politics KW - Prayer KW - Prophecies KW - Psychic powers KW - Publishing KW - Publishing, Review KW - Punishment KW - Quran KW - Race KW - Ralph Waldo Emerson KW - Reformation (Christianity) KW - Reincarnation KW - Resurrection KW - Return KW - Rituals KW - Self KW - Service KW - Sexuality KW - Smoking (tobacco) KW - Social and economic development KW - Soul KW - Spiritual Assemblies KW - Spiritualism KW - Spirituality KW - Studying KW - Suicide KW - Summer schools KW - Supreme Tribunal KW - Teaching KW - Tests and difficulties KW - Translation KW - Transmutation of elements KW - Unity KW - Universal House of Justice (UHJ general) KW - Veils KW - Wealth and poverty KW - Will and testament (general) KW - Women KW - Words and phrases KW - Work KW - Worldwide KW - Writing KW - Youth KW - `Abdu'l-Bahá KW - `Abdu'l-Bahá, Pictures and portraits ER - |