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Tag "Esperanto"

tag name: Esperanto type: General; Translation, languages
web link: Esperanto
related tags: World Esperanto Congress
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"Esperanto" appears in:

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  1. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume, Robert Stauffer, comp. (1998) List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  2. Esperanto, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Hasan Elías, comp. (2015) Compilation on Esperanto.
  3. L'implantation de la foi baha'ie en France: et impact de la venue de Abdu'l Bahá à Paris au début du XXème siècle (The establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in France and the impact of the arrival of Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century), by Natalia Behnam. (2006) French society at the end of the 19th century; Western expansion of the Bahá'í Faith; Abdu'l-Bahá's stays in Paris 1911-1913; religious minorities in France; on meeting Guillaume Apollinaire, Romain Rolland, Auguste Forel, Queen Marie of Romania, et al.
  4. Lidia Zamenhof, by John T. Dale. (1996) Brief biography of the daughter of Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto.
  5. Principle of an International Auxiliary Language, The, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Bahá'í World Centre, comp. (1979?)
  6. Whither the International Auxiliary Language?, by Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew. (1989) The Bahá'í Faith has promised that a day will come when there will be a universal auxiliary language taught in schools around the world. This promise is vital for peace and harmony. English and Esperanto have both strengths and flaws.
  7. Women and Religious Change: A case study in the colonial migrant experience, by Miriam Dixson. (2000) The story of Margaret Dixson, and one woman's growth from Anglicanism, via numerology and astrology, to commitment to the world ideals of the Bahá'í Faith.

2.   from the Chronology (8 results; expand)

  1. 1887-07-26 — Leyzer (Eliezer) Levi Zamenhof published, in Russian, La Unua Libro, (The First Book) of his fully-f...
  2. 1912-04-25 — Talk to Theosophical Society, Home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Parsons 1700 Eighteenth Street, NW, Was...
  3. 1913-01-07 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke to a crowd of several hundred Theosophists. The Theosophical Society (founded 18
  4. 1925-00-00 — The Baha'i Esperanto magazine, La Nova Tago (The New Day) was first published. [BBRSM150] It con...
  5. 1926-08-02 — Two Baha'i Esperanto conventions were held in conjunction with the Eighteenth Universal Esperanto Co...
  6. 1927-00-00 — Martha Root gave a talk to the International Esperanto Conference in the Free City of Danzig*. [SYH...
  7. 1933-00-03 — On the initiative of Martha Root, Mr. György Steiner, an Esperantist in the city of Győr translate...
  8. 1942-08-00 — Lidia Zamenhof was killed in the gas chambers at Treblinka. [HDBF516] For her obituary see BW10:5...
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