Notes to Aqdas, Sentence #55

Anton Haddad's Notes:

(According to the laws of the Bab the share of the children was only 540, but being doubled by the manifestation it became 1080. The additional 540 which was granted to them must consequently be subtracted from the other six shares equally - that is ninety from each share - hence the seven divisions run as follows: -
Law of the Bab          Law of the Manifestation

Children          540   Children          1080
Husband and wife  480   Husband and wife  390
Father            420   Father            330
Mother            360   Mother            270
Brothers          300   Brothers          210
Sisters           240   Sisters           150
Teacher           180   Teacher           90
-------           ---   -------           ---
                 2520                     2520

So every inheritance is divided into 2520 and should be distributed to the heirs according to the foregoing law of the manifestation - the 2520 can be regarded as either English pounds, dollars or cents.)

Earl Elder's Notes

1. Baha'u'llah says that when he heard the protests of unborn children that they would not get enough of the inheritance, he doubled the amount for children and decreased the amounts for others. He does not state here what the proportion will be, but it is given in a Persian book called Question and Answer.

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No.:1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24
25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54 55-57
58-60 61-63 64-66 67-69 70-72 73-75 76-78 79-81 82-84 85-87 88-90
91-93 94-96 97-99 100-02 103-05 106-08 109-11 112-14 115-17 118-20 121-23
124-26 127-29 130-32 133-35 136-38 139-41 142-44 145-47 148-50 151-53 154-56
157-59 160-62 163-65 166-68 169-71 172-74 175-77 178-80 181-83 184-86 187-90