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TITLEA Most Noble Pattern: Collected Essays on the Writings of the Báb, `Alí Muhammad Shirazi (1819-1850)
CONTRIB 1Todd Lawson, ed.
CONTRIB 2Omid Ghaemmaghami, ed.
PUB_THISGeorge Ronald
ABSTRACTSixteen essays by many of the leading specialists on the sometimes very difficult and challenging writings of the Báb. Includes link to audio recordings of a descendant of the Báb reading from his works.
NOTES Only a few of the essays in this book are online, and those are in unedited, pre-publication draft form. Order the book from George Ronald.
TAGS* Báb, Writings of; Color; Hidden Imam; Imams; Muhammad Sháh; Qayyumul-Asma (book); Taqiyyah (dissimulation); Twelfth Imam

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General Introduction
                Todd Lawson

Readings from the Writings of The Báb
               read by Muhammad Afnan

1. A General Introduction to the Qayyúm al-Asmá’
               Muhammad Afnan (translated by Omid Ghaemmaghami)

2. The Commentary on the Sura of Joseph
                Nosratollah Mohammadhosseini

3. Khutbat al‑iftikhár
                Introduced and translated by Khazeh Fananapazir

4. Colours in the Writings of the Báb
                Vahid Rafati (translated by Omid Ghaemmaghami)

5. A Grammar of the Divine: Solecisms in the Arabic Writings of the Báb and His Thoughts on Arabic Grammar
               William F. McCants

6. Secrets Concealed by Secrets: Taqiyya as Arcanization in the Autobibliographies of the Báb
               J. Vahid Brown

7. The Súrat adh-Dhikr of the Qayyúm al-Asmá’ (chapter 108): A Provisional Translation and Commentary
                Moojan Momen

8. The Súrat al-‘Abd of the Qayyúm al-Asmá’ (Chapter 109): A Provisional Translation and Commentary
                Todd Lawson

9. The Khutba al-Jidda (The Literary Sermon at Jeddah) of the Báb
    See at author's site: text and translation.
               Stephen Lambden

10. Muhammad Shah Qájár in Four Early Writings of the Báb
               Sholeh A. Quinn

11. A Youth of Medium Height: The Báb’s Encounter with the Hidden Imam in Tafsír Súrat al-Kawthar
               Omid Ghaemmaghami

12. Phenomenology of Occultation and Prayer in the Báb’s Sahífiy-i Ja‘faríyyih
                Nader Saiedi

13. The Báb’s Panj Sha’n (Five Modes)
               John Walbridge

14. Undermining the Foundations of Orthodoxy: Some Notes on the Báb’s Sharia (Sacred Law)
               Armin Eschraghi

15. Concealment and Burial of the Báb
                Translated and annotated by Peter Terry

16. Collusion and Re-creation: Dogen and the Báb as Interpreters of Scripture
                Gary Fuhrman

See publisher's webpage for this book.

See editor's webpage.
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