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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

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Date 1981-00-00, sorted by date, descending

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1981 (In the year)
The Department of Immigration signed an agreement with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada permitting that body to sponsor the immigration of several hundred Iranian Bahá'ís. Iranian Bahá'ís were also named specifically by the Minister in his December 1982 submission to the House of Commons on the 1983 quota for Government sponsored refugees. Some 2,300 Iranian Bahá'í refugees arrived in Canada and settled in all of the provinces and territories. [The Future of Canada: A Bahá'í Perspective; A Symposium on the Iranian Bahá'í Refugee Movement to Canada, 1981-1989]

This cooperative partnership between the Bahá'í Community and the Department of Immigration became a model for some 25 other countries.

    Note: This brief was presented to The Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects of Canada by the Canadian Bahá'í Community through its National Spiritual Assembly in Saskatoon November 21-22, 1983.
Presentations; Saskatoon, SK
1981 (In the year)
The founding of the Canadian Bahá'í International Development Agency (CBIDA). It takes on projects in areas like education, sustainable development through agriculture, and community development that aim to enrich the social and spiritual life of the community. The CBIDA supports its partners usually by means of providing access to funding, often in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency, as well as assisting with project design and monitoring and helping to build organizational capacity. [CBNS 1 November 2006] Canadian Bahá'í International Development Agency (CBIDA)
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