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Date 2022-04, sorted by firsts, descending

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2022 Ridván - 2031 Ridván
In a letter dated 25 November 2020 the Universal House of Justice announced a Nine Year Plan to begin at Ridván 2022. In the letter to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors dated 30 December 2021 the details were announced.


  • establish programs of growth in all cluster in the world (22,000) 14,000 at some level and 11,000 intensive, with 5,000 past the third milestone.
  • establish at least on Milestone Three cluster in every country and every region of the world. This "constitutes on of the Plan's chief objectives"
  • deployment of teams of international and homefront pioneers.
  • enrollments "wide open" involvement of families and households as larger groups embrace the pattern of Bahá'í life.
  • expanding nucleus
  • coordination of large numbers as more communities enter the 3rd milestone
  • maturation of Bahá'í institutions
  • in areas where activities reach high degree of prevalence the inhabitants now possess a substantially increased capacity to steer the course of their own development, and the institutions and agencies of the Faith there now have an expanded vision of their responsibilities.
  • more efforts to support social and economic development
  • participation in the discourses of society as a means of releasing what the Guardian described as "the society-building power" of the Faith.
  • It will be heralded by the convocation of a series of conferences held over a span of months across the globe. [25 November 2020]
  • * Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Conferences; - Global Conferences; - Institute process; Nine Year Plan (2022-2031)
    2022 20 Apr
    The International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance issued a statement noting "with grave concern the increased pattern of repression and discrimination against members of the Bahá'í community" in some countries around the world. The statement is the first time the Alliance, also known as IRFBA, has made a direct intervention on challenges facing Bahá'í communities as a result of religious prejudice. Specific countries where Bahá'ís are persecuted or discriminated against were not named in the statement but the description of the challenges made it clear that the statement was written in support of the Bahá'í communities in Iran, Qatar and Yemen. [Statement on Bahá'ís] * Persecution, Iran; International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA); Iran; Persecution, Qatar; Persecution, Yemen; Qatar; Yemen
    2022 8 Apr
    A fire broke out and clouds of black smoke billowed from the construction site of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá when wind-blown sparks from welding on the dome ignited scaffolding and plastic forms being used to mold poured concrete. Firefighters evacuate the nearby suburbs of Giv'at Hatmarim and Afraid. The completed concrete walls and structures were undamaged but the blaze destroyed "several months of work" on the 2,900-square-meter (0.7-acre) circular platform and piazza.
  • YouTube.
  • Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 14 April 2022. iiiii
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of
    2022 20 Apr
    The end of the One Year Plan


  • Gathering in the Holy Land November 2021 for the Centenary of the Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  • Programs of growth under way in over 6,000 clusters and close to 5,000 of those will have passed the 2nd milestone and that in 1300 have advanced further.
  • Construction continued on the Houses of Worship around the world and on the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [Ridván 2022]
  • One Year Plan
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