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2013 (In the Year)
The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity initiated a line of action conceived as "areas of inquiry". Through this initiative the Institute aimed to develop capacity to describe and examine, in the light of the Revelation, social phenomena that were pressing and crucial to the life of humanity. Working with collaborators such topics as the global movement of populations, peace and justice in societies in transition, and the role of religion in migration. [The Five Year Plan 2011-2016: Summary of Achievements and Learning pg113] Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)
2013 - 2017
In 2013 the United Kingdom Bahá'ís undertook a multi-year project to restore and improve the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi. It was carried out in three phases, the restoration of the area immediately around the Resting Place, the arboricultural aspects of the property and the construction of a permanent Reception Area and office for the custodian. [Reference website no longer available.]

Here you will find information on The Guardian's Resting Place and directions to the Southgate Cemetery.

Shoghi Effendi, Resting place of (London); United Kingdom
2013 (In the year)
The publication of the article George Ronald: A Bibliographic Historyby Jan T Jason. The article lists their publications from the founding in 1950 until 2012. * Publishing; Oxford, England; United Kingdom
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