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Date 1990-04-09, sorted by date, descending

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1990 9 Apr
The establishment of the Chair for Bahá'í Studies at the University of Indore (later renamed Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya). Dr. Vishnudatta Nagar was appointed to the position. [BINS222:8; VV108; BW'86-'92pg454]

The purpose of the Chair for Bahá'í studies embodied in the agreement was as follows:
a. to promote Research and scholarship in Bahá'í Studies.
b) to design and conduct courses , seminars, and studies in the field of Bahá'í studies and related subjects within an interdisciplinary context and publish results and reports of such activities.
c) to promote inter-university linkage through seminars, exchange lectures etc with a view to promote interfaith harmony, national/ international integration and world peace. [Bahá'í Chair for Studies and Development]

  • See Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 12 February 1990.
  • Chair in Bahá'í Studies; India; Indore, India; Universities
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