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Date 1958-00-00-03, sorted by date, descending

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1958 In the late 1950's
In the late 1950s a meeting that was held in Famagusta at which representatives of all three main generations of Bahá'ís were present including: Jalal Azal representing the followers of Mirza Yahya (Bayanic), `Ismat and others represented the followers of Mirza Muhammad `Ali (Unitarian Baha'is), and Ahmad Sohrab represented those opposed to any form of administration. One of the aims of this conference was to build a mausoleum over the grave of Mirza Yahya. [The Cyprus Exiles p102 by Moojan Momen] Ahmad Sohrab; Covenant-breaking; Cyprus; Famagusta, Cyprus; Ismat; Jalal Azal; Mírzá Yahya (Subh-i-Azal)
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