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Tag "Covenant-breaking" details:

tag name: Covenant-breaking type: General
web link: Covenant-breaking
variations: naqd-i-'ahd, náqidín
related tags: Covenant
referring tags: Covenant-breakers (individuals)

"Covenant-breaking" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (58 results; expand)

  1. Grover Gonzales. A Lost History of the Baha'i Faith, by Eric Stetson: Review (2016). — Critical review of a book about the history of some covenant-breaker groups.
  2. Ahang Rabbani, Khazeh Fananapazir. Abdu'l-Baha's First Thousand-Verse Tablet: History and Provisional Translation (2010-04). — Tablet revealed in 1897 in response to events in Akka and the rebellion against Abdu'l-Baha by his f...
  3. Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks (2018/2023). — 167 selections, updated August 2023.
  4. Abdel Karim Effendi Teherani. Anton Haddad, trans. Addresses Delivered before the New York and Chicago Assemblies (1900). — Talks to the New York and Chicago assemblies, delivered at Abdu'l-Baha's request, to deepen the beli...
  5. Grover Gonzales. Aghsan, The (2021). — The article gives a new, different view of the development of the Bahai Covenant, the end of the Gua...
  6. Paul E. Haney, Horace Holley, Corinne True. Ahmad Sohrab and the New History Society (1958-01-14). — Overview of the defection of Ahmad Sohrab and the formation of the "New History Society" and the "Ca...
  7. Badi Villar Cardenas. Apostasía en al Marco Jurídico Bahá'í, La (2001). — Este ensayo constituye uno de los primeros esfuerzos por construir una marco juridico para los proce...
  8. Adib Masumian. Assessing the Claims of Nigar Bahá'í Amsalem (2009/2012). — On claims made by the great-granddaughter of Baha'u'llah, as presented in the outsider film Baha'is ...
  9. Universal House of Justice. Authority of the Hands of the Cause to direct the Faith and expel Covenant-breakers (1997-06-04). — Authority of the Hands of the Cause assume control of the Faith and eject Covenant-breakers followin...
  10. Universal House of Justice. Authority of the International Teaching Centre in Expelling Covenant-Breakers (1998-01-05). — On the role of the Counsellors and the ITC in protecting the Faith, and the process of expelling a p...
  11. Manya A. Brachear. Bahá'í Schism Battles It out in Court (2009-05-30). — Short article touching on a lawsuit to prevent covenant-breakers from using the word "Baha'i" and "T...
  12. Robert Stauffer, comp. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume (1998). — List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  13. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Basis of the Bahá'í Community, The: A Statement Concerning the New History Society (1941-11). — A statement on Ahmad Sohrab's activities and its trademark infringement case.
  14. Adib Taherzadeh, Dariush Lamie, Juan Cole. Biographies of Jamal-i-Burujirdi (1998). — Three short biographies of about the man who asked to be exempt from the laws of the Aqdas.
  15. Moojan Momen. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: Chapter 31 of Some Answered Questions (2009). — An examination of covenant-breaking in the Baha’i Faith in terms of the Biblical reference to blas...
  16. Abdu'l-Bahá, Mirza Badi'u'llah. Ahmad Sohrab, trans. Center of the Covenant: Tablet to Mason Remey, interview with Badi'u'llah (1912-07-13). — Brief interview conducted by Howard MacNutt. Includes a tablet from Abdu'l-Baha to Mason Remey.
  17. Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield. Chosen Highway, The (1940/1967). — Oral Baha'i histories collected by an eminent early English Baha'i, first published in 1940.
  18. William Sears. Covenant Breaking (n.d.).
  19. George Townshend. Covenant, The: An Analysis (1950). — A study guide in outline form on the idea of a covenant, Messengers and their missions, the covenant...
  20. Moojan Momen. Covenant, The, and Covenant-breaker (1995).
  21. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, comp. Covenant-breakers and other Enemies of the Faith, Writings of; Photographs of Baha'u'llah (2000). — Baha'i scholars may, when needed, use books by Covenant Breakers, including William Miller's The Bah...
  22. Universal House of Justice. Covenant-Breakers in Bahá'í Historiography (1991-06). — Baha'i scholars may, when needed, use books by Covenant Breakers.
  23. Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Covenant-breakers, Electronic Communication with (1998).
  24. Universal House of Justice. Covenant-Breakers, Encountering Online (1997-11-18). — Actions Baha'is need or need not take upon meeting Covenant Breakers in online "chat rooms" or by em...
  25. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Continental Board of Counsellors, comp. Covenant-breakers, Non-association with (1999-12-7). — Includes extracts regarding electronic communication with Covenant-Breakers.
  26. Denis MacEoin. Divisions and Authority Claims in Babism (1850-1866) (1989). — Factors leading to the division of Babism into the Azalis and the Baha'is, and the question of succe...
  27. Universal House of Justice. Election and Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice (1996). — Answers to three questions: Why were steps taken to elect a Universal House of Justice with the fore...
  28. Shoghi Effendi. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans, Mehdi Wolf, ed. Episodes in the History of the Covenant (Waqáy-i-Tárikhiyyih dar 'Ahd wa Mitháq-i-Iláhi) (1997-12). — Message revealed by the Guardian to the Baha'is of ‘Iran concerning the incorruptibility of the Co...
  29. Mirza Badi'u'llah. Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. Epistle to the Bahá'í World, An (1907). — Letter from the half-brother of `Abdu'l-Baha about Badi'u'llah's exit from, return to, and then exit...
  30. Robert W. Balch, John Domitrovich, Barbara Lynn Mahnke, Vanessa Morrison. Fifteen Years of Failed Prophecy: Coping with cognitive dissonance in a Bahá'í sect (1997). — An academic article about the prophetic expectations of a covenant-breaker group, Baha’is Under th...
  31. Charles Mason Remey. Firmness in the Covenant and Protection of the Cause of God (1914/1918). — Two versions of an essay written in response to "certain conditions of violation" of the Covenant in...
  32. Vernon Elvin Johnson. Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Bahá'í World Faith, An (1974). — Detailed study of major changes in the Faith's history, opposition to such changes, and their result...
  33. Universal House of Justice. Kitab-i-Aqdas and the Expulsion of Covenant Breakers (1997-06-04). — Discussion of a reference in the Kitab-i-Aqdas to the possible end of the Guardianship, and the auth...
  34. Abdu'l-Bahá. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — Tablets of ‘Abdul-Baha describing aspects of the life of Baha’u’llah including the tribulation...
  35. Janet Ruhe-Schoen. Lighting the Western Sky: The Hearst Pilgrimage and the Establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in the West by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson: Review (2014).
  36. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
  37. Brent Poirier. Lists of Articles (2009-2019). — Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites.
  38. Chad Jones. Mason Remey and Joel Bray Marangella (2001-10-26). — Short research note about Remey's claim to the Guardianship, which may have been inspired by Joel Ma...
  39. Universal House of Justice. Mason Remey and Those Who Followed Him (1997). — Letter from the US NSA on the importance of commitment to the covenant, a letter from the UHJ on cov...
  40. Youness Khan Afroukhteh. Riaz Masrour, trans. Memories of Nine Years in Akka (1952/2003). — Translation of Khatirat-i-Nuh-Saliy-i-‘Akka, the memoirs of Dr. Yúnis Afrukhtih, who served ‘Ab...
  41. Mention of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in the New York Times 1852 - 1922 (1852-1922). — 45 articles and brief mentions, spanning 70 years.
  42. Universal House of Justice, Ruhiyyih Khanum. Ministry of the Custodians: An Account of the Stewardship of the Hands of the Cause 1957-1963 (1992). — Account of the stewardship of the Hands of the Cause of God from 1957-63, from the passing of Shoghi...
  43. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States vs. New Mexico Covenant-Breakers (1966). — Documents from the lawsuit by the NSA vs. the New Mexico covenant-breaker group "The National Spirit...
  44. Shahin Vafai. Passing of Shoghi Effendi, Ministry of the Hands of the Cause, and Defection of Mason Remey, The (2005).
  45. Moojan Momen. Power and the Bahá'í community (2018). — While Baha'i social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the...
  46. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahmad Sohrab, trans. Prayer for Fathers (1921). — Tablet revealed for Albert Windust, first American publisher of the Baha'i Writings and founder of S...
  47. Universal House of Justice. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age (2023-11-28). — Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guard...
  48. Robert Stockman. Remey, Charles Mason (1995).
  49. Corinne True, Hermann Grossmann, William Sears. Statement on Mason Remey from the Western Hands of the Faith (1960-05-31). — Background information on the claims of Remey, compiled by the Hands of the Cause of God in the West...
  50. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Tablet Concerning Covenant-Breakers: Excerpt (1998). — Translation, posted to email list, of a portion of a Tablet revealed on the occasion of the expulsio...
  51. United States National Spiritual Assembly vs. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab (1941). — In 1941 the National Spiritual Assembly unsuccessfully sued Covenant Breaker Mirza Ahmad Sohrab for ...
  52. Robert Stockman. Unity Principle, The: Ideas of Social Concord and Discord in the Bahá'í Faith (2001). — The concept of unity pervades Baha’i thought, expressed both in the functioning of Baha’i admini...
  53. Abdu'l-Bahá. Fares Hedayati, trans, Bryn Higgins, trans. What is there to grieve about? (2011-10).
  54. Robert W. Balch, Gwen Farnsworth, Sue Wilkins. When the Bombs Drop: Reactions to Disconfirmed Prophecy in a Millennial Sect (1983-04). — An academic article about the prophetic expectations of a covenant-breaker group, Baha’is Under th...
  55. Abdu'l-Bahá. Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá (1992). — 'Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament consists of three parts - all three written in His own hand. The ...
  56. WIPO Domain Name Dispute: Case D2005-0214, "" (2005-08-25). — A legal ruling finding, against the Baha'is, that covenant breakers are allowed to use the domain uh...
  57. Mirza `Isa Khan Isfahani. Ahang Rabbani, trans, Ahang Rabbani, ed. With Abdu'l-Bahá: The Diary of Mirza 'Isa Khan Isfahani (2008-03). — Account of a visit to Haifa, December 1919 - January 1920, by a little-known author Mirza 'Isa Khan ...
  58. Moojan Momen. Yahyá, Mírzá (2009). — On the younger half-brother of Baha’u’llah, later his opponent, known as Subh-i-Azal, described ...

2.   from the Chronology (110 results; expand)

  1. 1864-00-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Suriy-i- 'Ibad (Tablet of the Servants) for Siyyid Mihdiy-i-Dahaji Ismu'lla...
  2. 1867-09-02 — "The Most Great Idol" was cast out of the community. Mirza Yahya's henceman, Siyyid Muhammad, con
  3. 1887-12-31 — E. G. Browne, the noted Orientalist, spent 12 months in Persia. An important purpose of his journey ...
  4. 1892-04-01 — Close to the end of His life Baha'u'llah became displeased with Mirza Àqa Jan and dismissed him fro...
  5. 1892-05-01 — During the lifetime of Baha'u'llah Muhammad Ali made two trips to India for seditious purposes. With...
  6. 1892-05-29 — The Ascension of Baha'u'llah   Baha'u'llah passed away at Bahji in His seventy–fifth year. [AB...
  7. 1892-06-20 — Soon after the ascension of Baha'u'llah the Covenant-breakers led by Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, on the pre...
  8. 1893-05-28 — Mirza Áqa Jan, Baha'u'llah's amanuensis for almost 40 years, threw in his lot with Mirza Muhammad`A...
  9. 1896-11-00 — Mirza Muhammad-`Ali sent letters with misleading statements and calumnies against `Abdu'l-Baha, thus...
  10. 1896-11-01 — `Abdu'l-Baha was forced to withdraw from `Akka to Tiberias owing to the accusations levelled against...
  11. 1897-03-26 — From the time of the passing of Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha endured significant family opposition to Hi...
  12. 1897-05-15 — Finding the situation in `Akka intolerable, `Abdu'l-Baha had moved to Haifa's Retreat of Elijah on M...
  13. 1897-05-30 — The Covenant-breakers living at Bahji, realized that Mirza Àqa Jan would be useful to them in their...
  14. 1897-12-00 — In a gathering in Akka, 'Abdu'l-Baha informed the friends of the threats of Siyyid Jamalud-Din-i-Afg...
  15. 1899-05-01 — Kheiralla returned to the United States from `Akka. [BFA1:xxix, 158] (After his departure from Pales...
  16. 1900-00-00 — For the state of affairs in Haifa just after the turn of the century see CB231-234....
  17. 1900-03-08 — At a meeting in Kenosha, Kheiralla publicly announced his doubts about `Abdu'l-Baha's leadership of ...
  18. 1900-04-26 — On the instructions of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Egyptian businessman Haji `Abdu'l-Karim-i-Tihrani arrived in Ne...
  19. 1900-11-04 — The Persian teachers Mirza Asadu'llah-i-Isfahani (1826-1930) and Haji Hasan-i-Khurasani, a merchant...
  20. 1901-05-01 — 'Aqa Jamal Burújirdi had been a member of the Islamic clergy in Burujerd and was widely known and r
  21. 1901-08-00 — Mirza Abu'l-Faḍl-i-Gulpaygani arrived in North America. [BFA2:XV] Laura Barney financed the vis...
  22. 1901-08-20 — Sultan `Abdu'l-Hamid re-imposed the restrictions confining `Abdu'l-Baha and His brothers within the ...
  23. 1902-12-00 — One of the chief promoters of Mirza Muhammad-'Ali in India was Mirza Husayn-'Aliy-i-Jahrumi. See ...
  24. 1903-02-00 — Mirza Badi'u'llah, the fourth surviving son of Baha'u'llah, wrote to the Baha'is announcing his brea...
  25. 1904-00-04 — Mahd-i-`Ulya (Fatimih Khanum), the second wife of Baha'u'llah, died. She and all her four surviving ...
  26. 1904-00-05 — Through the year the Covenant-breakers plotted until the friendly governor of `Akka was replaced by ...
  27. 1905-00-00 — Muhammad-'Ali sent his eldest son Shu'a'u'llah to North America as his representative. It would app...
  28. 1905-00-09 — Following the dispatch of his eldest son Shu'au'llah to North America, Muhammad-'Ali sent Mirza Ghul...
  29. 1907-00-00 — The publication of A Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America by August J Stenstrand....
  30. 1912-04-29 — Mirza Yahya died in Famagusta. [BBD243; BBR312] He was the younger half-brother of Baha'u'llah an...
  31. 1912-07-05 — Talk at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York, the home of Howard MacNutt. [PUP218] ...
  32. 1912-10-20 — Shu'au'llah, who had been living in Pasadena at the time, had persuaded a newspaper editor to write ...
  33. 1912-11-18 — `Abdu'l-Baha had instructed MacNutt to meet with a group of potential Covenant-breakers in Chicago a...
  34. 1913-08-01 — With his final year of high school over, Shoghi Effendi hastened from Beirut to Ramleh to join the M...
  35. 1913-12-00 — "Tamaddunu'l-Mulk (Mirza 'Abdu'l-Husayn Khan Qalati Shirazi) caused mischief amongst the friends and
  36. 1914-00-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was forced to expel Tammaddun'ul-Mulk for corrupt behaviour. He was from Shiraz and ha
  37. 1914-01-21 — Mirza Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Cairo. [AB404; BBD67] ... lea...
  38. 1914-06-22 — The defection of Dr Amin Farid, (b. 1882, d. 1953)`Abdu'l-Baha's translator while in America, becam...
  39. 1919-00-00 — Ibrahim Kheiralla died, having been abandoned by all of his followers. [CB252] See MD16 for 'Abd...
  40. 1921-11-29 — The funeral of `Abdu'l-Baha. [BW15:115] For details of the funeral see AB464-74; BW1:23-6; BW15...
  41. 1921-11-31 — Mirza Muhammad-`Ali published far and wide that he was the successor to `Abdu'l-Baha. [CB277] T...
  42. 1923-01-00 — The Guardian sent `Abdu'l-Husayn, Ávarih, to Europe to deepen the believers. [CB335; SBR68; EJR223]...
  43. 1927-10-00 — Shoghi Effendi announced the defection of 'Abdu'l-Husayn Ávarih (Abd al-Hosayn Ayati). He had been ...
  44. 1927-11-00 — "Muḥammad-'Ali and Majdiddin [his cousin] has sent a message requesting us to repair the roof whic
  45. 1928-01-17 — A Covenant-breaker, Jamil Irani, tried to stir up trouble by implicating the Baha'is with Salaru'd-D...
  46. 1928-12-31 — Ruth White, who had met 'Abdu'l-Baha in New York in 1912 and who had been on pilgrimage in 1922, wro...
  47. 1929-02-27 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada forwarded a pamphlet published by Ru...
  48. 1929-04-00 — The New History Society was founded in New York by 'Abdu'l-Baha's former secretary and interpreter A...
  49. 1929-11-27 — The Mansion at Bahji was evacuated by the Covenant-breakers after the occupation by Muhammad-Ali and...
  50. 1930-05-30 — The New History Society came into conflict with the local Baha'i Assembly. Sohrab refused to allow t...
  51. 1930-08-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly published a statement in the Baha'i News entitled The Case of Ahmad ...
  52. 1930-10-07 — Ruth White wrote to the High Commissioner of Palestine stating that she had sent a photograph of 'Ab...
  53. 1930-11-00 — The National Assembly published a detailed supplementary statement in the Baha'i News, quoting passa...
  54. 1931-07-10 — The administration in Palestine wrote to Ruth White advising her that they would take no further act...
  55. 1937-12-00 — The writing of Episodes in the History of the Covenant by Shoghi Effendi originally written as "Waqa...
  56. 1937-12-20 — Muhammad-'Ali, half-brother of 'Abdu'l-Baha and Arch-breaker of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, died. [...
  57. 1937-12-20 — Mirza Ḥusayn-'Aliy-i-Jahrumi represented the arch-breaker of the Covenant, Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, in...
  58. 1940-07-00 — Gerrard Sluter, a German with Canadian citizenship and previously a pioneer in Guatemala, arrived in...
  59. 1941-11-02 — Shoghi Effendi sent two cables the the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Stat...
  60. 1941-11-31 — Some members of the National Spiritual Assembly filed suit against Ahmad Sohrab to try to stop him f...
  61. 1941-12-00 — The excommunication of Shoghi Effendi's sister, Mehrangiz Rabbani with this message. "Sister Meh...
  62. 1942-01-01 — Shoghi Effendi announced the expulsion of his sister Mehrangiz. [B...
  63. 1943-08-16 — The passing of Sydney Sprague (b. Oshkosh WI in 1875) in Los Angeles. He was buried in Inglewood Cem...
  64. 1944-11-00 — Shoghi Effendi sent the cable below to the Baha'i world: "Monib Shahid, grandson of both `Abdu'l-Bah...
  65. 1945-04-15 — Shoghi Effendi sent the following cable to the Baha'i world: "My faithless brother Husayn, after lon...
  66. 1946-00-00 — The publication of Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament by Ruth White. The book contains the ...
  67. 1948-00-13 — War broke out in Palestine. Many Covenant-breakers fled the country. [DH118] ...
  68. 1948-12-19 — Shoghi Effendi sent a further cable regarding his brother: "Faithless brother Hussein, already abase...
  69. 1949-04-24 — The passing of Montfort Mills. He had been a believer since 1906 and by 1909 he had made two pil...
  70. 1950-11-01 — Mirza Badi'u'llah, the youngest son of Baha'u'llah, (b.1867 in Adrianople) described by Shoghi Effen...
  71. 1951-12-13 — Shoghi Effendi's brother Riaz Rabbani was the last of his siblings to become a Covenant-Breaker. ...
  72. 1952-00-00 — Published on the instructions of Shoghi Effendi, Dr Yúnis Afrukhtih's Khatirat-i-Nuh-Saliy-i- Akka,...
  73. 1952-05-18 — The case brought against Shoghi Effendi by the Covenant-breakers in connection with the demolition o...
  74. 1952-06-01 — In a letter written on behalf of the Guardian by the Assistant Secretary, the National Spiritual Ass...
  75. 1953-10-29 — Opal Jensen arrived on Réunion Island from the United States and was named a Knight of Baha'u'llah....
  76. 1954-03-26 — Leland Jensen arrived on Réunion Island from the United States and ws named a Knight of Baha'u'llah...
  77. 1954-11-01 — A plot of land of slightly less than half an acre (1,300 metres) owned by Farah Sprague (Farahangiz ...
  78. 1954-12-16 — Shoghi Effendi announced the death of Avarih in Iran, "CONDEMNED POSTERITY MOST SHAMELESS, VICIOUS, ...
  79. 1955-06-03 — Shoghi Effendi announced to all National Assemblies that Majdi'd-Din, "the most redoubtable enemy of...
  80. 1956-04-00 — Shoghi Effendi announced that the remaining 22 pillars of the International Baha'i Archives had been...
  81. 1956-12-20 — The publication in the Official Gazette of the government of Israel of the issue of an expropriation...
  82. 1957-04-03 — Shoghi Effendi announced that the Treasury Department of Israel had issued an expropriation order fo...
  83. 1957-05-31 — The judgement of the Supreme Court of Israel against the Covenant-Breakers appeal, resulted in their...
  84. 1957-06-00 — The Covenant-breakers completely abandoned Bahji. [CB367–9; DH215; MBW120–2; PP233–4]...
  85. 1957-09-06 — Shoghi Effendi announced 'the complete evacuation of the remnant of Covenant-breakers and the transf...
  86. 1957-12-02 — The titles to the Shrine of the Bab, the Mansion of Bahji, and all other buildings and lands which t...
  87. 1957-12-25 — The Hands of the Cause announced the destruction of the long, two-storey house previously occupied b...
  88. 1958-00-00 — In the late 1950s a meeting that was held in Famagusta at which representatives of all three main ge...
  89. 1958-04-20 — Mirza Ahmad (Esphahani) Sohrab, the Covenant-breaker who rebelled against Shoghi Effendi, died. [MC9...
  90. 1959-10-23 — The third Conclave of the Hands of the Cause of God was convened at Bahji. [BW13:351; MC127-173] ...
  91. 1959-11-04 — The Hands of the Cause issued a message from their third Conclave. [MC166–70] The date for the ...
  92. 1960-04-21 — Hand of the Cause Charles Mason Remey claimed he was the second, 'hereditary' Guardian of the Baha'i...
  93. 1960-04-27 — The International Baha'i Council by unanimous vote rejected the claim of Charles Mason Remey to be t...
  94. 1960-04-28 — The Custodians called upon all believers to join the Hands in repudiation of the claims of Charles M...
  95. 1960-04-31 — Twenty–four national spiritual assemblies and five national conventions sent messages of support t...
  96. 1960-05-05 — Hand of the Cause Abu'l-Qasim Faizi was sent by the Custodians to France to meet with the National S...
  97. 1960-05-12 — Six national spiritual assemblies sent messages of support to the Custodians, repudiating the claim ...
  98. 1960-05-13 — The International Baha'i Council wrote to the Custodians recording its decision taken on 27 April to...
  99. 1960-05-31 — In a letter addressed to all National Assemblies in the Western Hemisphere and to the Auxiliary Boar...
  100. 1960-07-26 — The Hands of the Cause of God declared Charles Mason Remey a Covenant-breaker. [BBRSM221; MC224–5]...
  101. 1960-08-03 — Cable from the Hands of the Cause of God announcing the expulsion as Covenant Breakers of John Carre...
  102. 1962-09-00 — Following full investigation and consultation on certain information concerning the activities of Re...
  103. 1964-11-05 — Followers of Charles Mason Remey filed suit in the United States District Court for Northern Illinoi...
  104. 1965-03-23 — The case filed by the followers of Charles Mason Remey against the National Spiritual Assembly of th...
  105. 1965-11-11 — The Universal House of Justice announced that the 'final step' in the 'process' of the 'purification...
  106. 1966-03-08 — The second suit brought against the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States by the follower...
  107. 1966-06-01 — The counter-claim of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States against the followers of C...
  108. 1971-00-00 — In Germany, Hermann Zimmer resurrected the claims of Ruth White in a small book published in 1971 (E...
  109. 1974-02-04 — The death of Charles Mason Remey, Hand of the Cause of God (1951-60) and subsequently a Covenant-bre...
  110. 1997-01-31 — The Universal House of Justice wrote all National Spiritual Assemblies, Continental Counsellors, and...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; expand)

  1. 1939-08-27 — Gerrard Sluter-Schlutius— German-born, former U-boat captain, enrolled in November of 1932 and w
  2. 1969-07-27 — In a cable from the Hands of the Cause in the Holy Land it was announced that Mason Remey had been e...
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