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Date 1875-00-00, sorted by firsts, descending

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1875 (In the year)
Ḥakím Áqá Ján was the first Jewish believer from Hamadán. Given his position of leadership in the Jewish community, his acceptance of the Cause guided countless other Jews of Hamadán to do the same. He was convinced of the truth of the Faith after attending the talks of Hand of the Cause Ibn-i-Aṣdaq who had come from Khurásán to Hamadán and would hold gatherings for teaching the Cause.

The wife of Ḥakím Áqá Ján, Ṭúṭí Khánum, was a deeply faithful believer and his son, Mírzá Mihdí Khán, a doctor of medicine like his father, became the personal physician of Náṣiri'd-Dín Sháh.

In 1881, on his deathbed, Ḥakím Áqá Ján was reported to have seen Bahá'u'lláh standing in his room although He was in the Holy Land. In a tablet addressed to his son after his passing, Bahá'u'lláh said that He was with him at the moment of his ascension. [An Account of the Life of Ḥakím Áqá Ján translated by Adobe Masumian]

For more information on the enrolment of Persian Jews see Jewish Identities in Iran: Resistance and Conversion to Islam and the Baha'i Faith by Mehrdad Amanat as well as Arsalan Geula's Iranian Bahá'ís from Jewish Background: A Portrait of an Emerging Bahá'í Community.]

- Biography; Hamadán, Iran; Iran; Jews the first Jewish believer from Hamadán.
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