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COLLECTIONSUnpublished articles, Book reviews
TITLEStrong Foundationalism in the Bahá'í Faith?: An Analysis of Michael Karlberg's 'Ontological Foundationalism'
AUTHOR 1Filip Boicu
ABSTRACTA close reading of Michael Karlberg's Constructing Social Reality. An Inquiry into the Normative Foundations of Social Change, and reflections on the Bahá’í methodology for social justice and social change that he has put forward.
NOTES Mirrored with permission from See also a reworked excerpt from this article, Karlberg's Notion of Consultation and Bahá'í Consultation (Boicu, 2022).
TAGSMichael Karlberg
About: This article explores notions of Strong Foundationalism in the Bahá’í Faith based. It offers a close reading of Michael Karlberg’s book Constructing Social Reality. An Inquiry into the Normative Foundations of Social Change (see and from the perspective of a concept highlighted by the author in that book: that of "Ontological Foundationalism." The second part of the article (Second Answer) analyzes the Bahá’í methodology for social justice and social change that Karlberg has put forward. Both parts are written in response to a specific sets of questions asked by a colleague researcher and are reflective of a live dialogue and quick debate that could serve as inspiration for more serious theoretical efforts or discussions.
VIEWS589 views since 2022-08-20 (last edit 2022-08-20 17:00 UTC)
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