Mark Ochu, concert pianist, lecturer on music, U.S.A.
Karen Oleson, singing, voice training, U.S.A.
Carl O'Kelley, photography, U.S.A.
Kwame Okyere-Boateng, musician, writer, Ghana / South Africa
Mary O´Malley, poet, Ireland.
Anna Oniszk, drawings, illustrations, Poland.
Daniel Orey, mathmatician, reviews, photographs, U.S.A. / Brazil
Sean O'Rourke, musician, graphic artist, Scotland, U.K.
Elena Ostrer, painter, stage design, illustrator, Russia.
Keli Ottarsson, poet, Iceland.
Craig Owens & the Bodo Ensemble, jazz, U.S.A.
One country, arts related mention in our publications, U.S.A.
Orison, arts journal produced by the Bahá´í Institute for the Arts, Canada / U.S.A.
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands http://Bahá´í email: