Moving or Interactive Image - film, video, installations, CDroms, web or net art, etc.
Alí Allié, filmmaker, U.S.A.
Geoff Broadway, interactive installations, art project involving the wider community, U.K.
Kuljit "Kooj" Chuhan, visual artist, makes interactive CDroms and video installations, U.K.
Omid Djalili, theatre, acting, stand-up comedy, U.K.
Joseph Galata, video, film, arts organizer, U.S.A.
Grant Hindin Miller, singer, songwriter, film script writer, New Zealand / Aotearoa.
Joshua Homnick, filmmaker, visual artist, U.S.A.
Alan Murdock, performance / video, U.S.A.
Nawruz Paguidopon, illustration, animation, webdesign, The Philippines.
Mark Sadan, photographer, filmmaker, U.S.A.
Hubert Schuurman, filmmaker, Canada
Sonja van Kerkhoff, videos, video installations, Aotearoa / The Netherlands.
Ken Zemke, film, New Zealand.
external LINKS:
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- Very search engine and database server for people interested in electronic media art or netart, artists, curators and involved people.
- listings, festivals, venues, filmlinks.
- Network for International Media Art and the Performing Arts
- Animate
UK-based organization hosts, commissions, film, video, animation, events or work. Works with Channel 4 Television.
- The European Coordination of Film festivals
- Sublime TV (London-based) is an online digital festival dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of digital filmmaking and digital video art.
- Interactive Media Design a line up of new media projects and websites.
late January:
International Festival of Animation Middlesbrough, north east England.
March - April:
Doc Aviv - international documentary film festival Tel Aviv, Israel.
Arizona State University Art Museum Short Film and Video Festival Tempe, Arizona, for a day in mid-April annually. Deadline: mid February.
April - May: Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen / The Oberhausen International Short Film Festival
May: Documenta Madrid - International Documentary Festival, Spain. Deadline: 1st January (screening only BETACAM SP and 35mm)
May: DOXA - International Documentary Film + Video Festival, in Vancouver, Canada. Deadline: 15th January (all formats for screening but only NTSC VHS for preview).
May:Microwave Festival 2001: Hong Kong. The coming festival will focus on the future media culture exploring the new images in cinema, new concepts in writing and new sounds in music.
?July:The Digital Arts & Culture (DAC) 2005 conference: at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. DAC was the first conference (1998, University of Bergen, Norway) to attract and present the work of researchers, practitioners and artists working within the field of digital arts, cultures, aesthetics and design. It is now held every second year: 2003 (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 2001 (Brown University, Providence, US).
Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens - Internationl Short Film + Video Festival, (under 60min: 16mm, 35mm, Betacam SP PAL), in Vila Do Conde, Portugal. Deadline: April.
July-Sept: prog:ME International Festival of Electronic Media of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, -video art, net art and interactive cd-rom/dvd. Deadline:each June.
October: Festival International Nouveau Cinéma Nouveaux Médias Montréal: octobre -date limite: juin
The Montreal international Festival of new cinema & new media: october each year Deadline: June.
late October: e-culture fair: usually biannual (the last one was in 2003), in Amsterdam show-casing gadgets, installations, etc, made with the aid of the computer. Deadline: June.
October - November: The One Minute Film and Video Festival: held in Amsterdam and other locations in the world.
November: IDFA - International Documentary Festival Amsterdam.
November: CYNET ART: Annual Festival, for computer based art and interdisciplinary media projects, Dresden,
Yvonne Bahn (Press & Public relations) d / Eng
Schandauer Str. 64, D - 01277 Dresden, Tel: + +49 - (0)351 - 340 0673, Tel/Fax: + 49 - (0)351 - 340 0033. Email:
Nov-December: FILE - Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica: Annual Electronic Language Festival in English + Portugese, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
-new media news bulletin, games, essays
December: Dance Screen: annual festival for dance films and videos
in IMZ/dance screen 2000, Speisinger Str. 121-127, 1230 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-889 03 15, Fax: +43-1-889 03 15-77
video festival links on the montevideo website
Film: commissions, research, etc.
-Dutch based film distribution and production for alternative film or -raw images, drama without a story, computer-generated animatons or films that don't let you go.
Raindance is dedicated to fostering and promoting independent film in the UK and around the world. Raindance combines Raindance, Raindance East and Raindance Kids Film Festivals, Training Courses, Raindance Film Productions and the Raindance Film Magazine, and every year host the prestigious British Independent Film Awards in London. Raindance spans the full spectrum of the art, craft and business of independent movies - from guerilla style low or no budget productions to big budget indie blockbusters.
Internet or new media: commissions, research, labs, etc. -
New Media in Australia and Asia - journal, projects, commissions.
Future Physical
-a cultural programme exploring the changing boundaries between the virtual and the physical, the creative use of digital technologies in enhancing human interaction, and to activate, inform, and engage a broad and diverse community, focising on innovative physical/digital research. They commission work and research and are based in East England.
The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand - (HIT Lab NZ) is a human-computer interface research centre hosted at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. The lab is a partner of the world-leading HIT Lab US based at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Rhizome - net art commissions
The Institute of Network Cultures (INC), set up in June 2004, caters to research, meetings and (online) initiatives in the area of Internet and new media. The INC functions as a framework within which a variety of studies, publications and meetings can be realised.
Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) is a nonprofit resource for video art and interactive media. Founded in 1971, EAI's core program is the distribution and preservation of a major collection of new and historical media works by artists. EAI also offers educational services, viewing access, exhibitions and public programs. The Online Catalogue is a resource of 175 artists and 3,000 works in the EAI collection.
Virtueel Platform, The Virtual Platform is a network for policy and cooperation in the field of new media and 'living culture' in the Netherlands. Its aim is to further the free development and application of ICT and free access to ICT within culture in general and in the arts in particular. Most of the site is in Dutch.
The Waag Society for old and new media, Amsterdam based new media lab. They host regular events, projects and lectures.
Aotearoa Digital Arts, for those involved in new media with connections to Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Australian centre for moving image
new media lab in Plymouth, U.K. The HMC MediaLab encourages experimentation between the arts, science and technology disciplines.
The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, seeks to nurture a critical awareness of technology's implications for human beings and their natural and cultural environments, and to promote the exploration of aesthetics suited to evolving human environments. The Centre for Research and Documentation (CR+D) seeks to document history, artworks and practices associated with electronic and digital media arts and to make this information available to researchers in an innovative manner through data communications.
Internet Projects
The low-fi net art locator
is a project to increase visibility of art projects which use the internet as a medium and to promote development of 'net based art.
are New Zealanders Honor and Adam, who could be anywhere in the world working on another sound related project.
run since 1998 by New Zealander software developer, composer and media theorist, Julian Oliver is a game-based media lab. Selectparks has grown to be a hub for the independent game development community, hosting an international game art archives. Selectparks' current developmental interest is in game-based hypothetical architecture and site-specific reinventions of public space.
initiated by the Latvian media art collective, e-Lab Xchange began as a website and a mailing list documenting the growing number of artists' groups experimenting with radio online. It now has another outlet, a culture centre called RIXC. One symposium / workshop / project was the Acoustic Space Lab performed in a 32 metre satellite dish at the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center (VIRAC) near Riga, Latvia.
The Laboratory
-is the research wing of the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, the fine art department at the University of Oxford. Visible output from the unit takes the form of exhibitions, public art projects, multiples, live and time-based art, and publications in electronic and paper-based formats. The exhibitions and other projects occur in and out of Oxford and form the basis of symposia on a wide range of topics.
Check out The Gas-station.
Individuals For webdesigners see: design
Danny Butt, new media theorist, based in New Zealand.
Mark Bamford, a Bahá´í and a filmmaker, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. about the film: Cape of Good Hope
Fátima Lasay -professor in new media,College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines. Her site shows work by students and at the Digital Media Festival.
Adam Phillips -3d flash animater, Australia.
Nathan Strik
-based in the Netherlands: animations, illustrations, and short movies.
We are One slideshow -by Paul Ancheta, a slideshow of images in commemoration of the Asian Tsusami accompanied by a song of the same name by Dan Seals.
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands email: |