BAFA © 2010. All material here is copyrighted. See conditions above. |
Ozan Diler
photography, Turkey
Born in 1970 and raised in Istanbul, photograpy was an important hobby until I met the Danish photographer Niels Stoltenborg in 1999. He taught me a lot while I worked as his assistant on a company catalogue. After that I worked as an production assistant for commercial films and photographs and now photography is my profession.
I have worked a lot with Bahá´ís and in particular, for the Bahá´í presence at the UN organized Habitat Conference in 1996, in Istanbul. It was a four day conference with thousands attending each day.
The main themes in my photography are witnesses of time and life. So, for example, the "Camels" are just frames from life. While trekking in Turkey I saw 'signs of life' on the mountain road. It was the skeleton of a horse. Perhaps it died from old age or for another reason but the body of the dead horse didn't look dead. For me it was alive. One day we all will die. This is a message about just trying to be good human until that time comes...
 Horse,1992, Photograph.
Camels, 1991, Photograph.
"Camels" was shot in the tourist village, Side near Antalya in southern Turkey. I saw a lot of tourist shops and shows. But it wasn't real life. Then I saw the camels: a mother and son. They showed me life. Humans and animals do not have separate lives. Mothers are mothers and children are always children.
Detail of a photograph by Ozan Dilar.
- Illustration and caption: Just Let the Wind, 2006
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands