Liz Coats painter, Australia / New Zealand.
Terry Eichler, visual artist, Australia.
Hooshang Eshraq-Khavari, calligraphy, design, illustration, Australia.
J.J. Jannu, sculptor, Australia.
Phillip Hinton, actor, playwright, Australia.
Michael Knopf, musician, composer, Australia.
Mary Lin McMahon, visual artist, Australia.
Ruth Park, ceramicist, Australia.
June Perkins, poet, theatre, film theory / history, Australia.
Ron Price, poet, reviewer, Australia.
Wildfire, dance-theatre, Australia.
Associations, Groups, Publications... on this website |
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Interactive or Moving Image
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image -(ACMI) established in 2002, is in Melbourne, Australia.
DAC -International Digital Arts and Culture Conference, Perth, Australia :: The 7th conference in Perth, will be held: 15-18th September 2007.
Australasian Computer Music Association -founded in 1989, provides a forum for new compositions, information sharing, and research about music technology and computer music throughout New Zealand and Australia.
Poetry + Creative Writing
Australian Humanities Review -a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal founded by Cassandra Pybus. It is published quarterly with regular updates every two weeks. Edited by Elizabeth McMahon with assistance from an Editorial Board.
-started in 1995 and based in Perth, is a Bahá´í-run socio-economic development project whose focus is on those of low socio-economic or indigenous backgrounds where they take spiritual principles into schools and at festivals through performance, painting, acting and music. Youth come for one year and undergo an extensive 2 month training before the group goes on an 8 month tour around Western and Northern Australia.
Visual arts
-features seven Sydney-based contemporary art galleries, with a database of Australian-based artists.
Museum of Contemporary Art,
National Gallery of Australia,
National Gallery of Victoria.
National Gallery of New South Wales
Art Gallery of Western Australia
Art Gallery of South Australia
Stelarc -performance artist who connects computer systems and machinery to his body.
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands email: |