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Numbers of adherents, holy days, and headquarters of religious groups in the U.S. and Canada in 1998; statistics on Cardinals, Popes and world faiths including Atheists, Ethnics, Mandaeans, Parsis (Zoroastrians), Shintoists, and Spiritists.
This document is only partly formatted.

Text originally posted at, which later became, which no longer has this document.

See also Membership of Religious Groups in the U.S., 2002.

Membership of Religious Groups in the U.S., 1996

World Almanac and Book of Facts

published in 1996 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, 1996-11-15

Membership figures generally are based on reports made by officials of each group and are not based on any religious census. Membership figures from other sources may vary. Many groups keep careful records; others only estimate. Not all groups report annually. Christian church membership figures reported in this table are inclusive and refer to all "members," not simply full communicants or confirmed members. Definitions of membership vary from one denomination to another. Only data reported within the past 10 years are included.

Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas, Mid-1995
(Source: 1996 Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year)

Northern AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaAmericaOceaniaWorld
Roman Catholics122,108,00090,041,000270,677,000402,691,00074,243,0008,265,000968,025,000
Other Christians61,335,000158,297,0004,795,00011,997,00038,478,000681,000275,583,000
Chinese folk religionists12,000224,828,000116,00066,00098,00017,000225,137,000
Ethnic religionists72,777,00036,579,0001,200,0001,061,00047,000113,000111,777,000
New Religionists19,000118,591,000808,000913,000956,00010,000121,297,000
Other religionists88,00098,000443,000184,0001,068,00042,0001,923,000
Total Population728,074,0003,457,957,000726,999,000482,005,000292,841,00028,549,0005,716,425,000

Continents. These follow current UN demographic practice, which divides the world into the 6 major areas shown above and 21 regions. "Asia" now includes the former USSR Central Asian republics. "Europe" extends eastward to Vladivostok, the Sea of Japan, and the Bering Strait.

Adherents. As defined and enumerated for each of the world's countries in World Christian Encyclopedia (1982), projected to mid-1995, adjusted for recent data.

Christians. Followers of Jesus Christ affiliated with churches (church members, including children: 1,791,227,000) plus persons professing in censuses or polls though not so affiliated.

Other Christians. Catholics (non-Roman), marginal Protestants, crypto-Christians, and adherents of African, Asian, black, and Latin-American indigenous churches.

Atheists. Persons professing atheism, skepticism, disbelief, or irreligion, including antireligious (opposed to all religion).

Buddhists. 56% Mahayana, 38% Theravada (Hinayana), 6% Tantrayana (Lamaism).

Chinese folk religionists. Followers of traditional Chinese religion (local deities, ancestor veneration, Confucian ethics, Taoism, universism, divination, some Buddhist elements).

Confucians. Non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism, mostly Koreans in Korea.

Hindus. 70% Vaishnavites, 25% Shaivites, 2% neo-Hindus and reform Hindus.

Jews. Adherents of Judaism. For detailed data on "core" Jewish population, see "World Jewish Populations" in the American Jewish Committee's American Jewish Year Book.

Muslims. 83% Sunni Muslims, 16% Shia Muslims (Shiites), 1% other schools.

New-Religionists. Followers of Asian 20th-cent. New Religions, New

Religious movements, radical new crisis religions, and non-Christian syncretistic mass religions, all founded since 1800 and most since 1945.

Nonreligious. Persons professing no religion, nonbelievers, agnostics, freethinkers, dereligionized secularists indifferent to all religion.

Other religionists. Including 70 minor world religions and a large number of spiritist religions, New Age religions, quasi-religions, pseudoreligions, parareligions, religious or mystic systems, and religious and semireligious brotherhoods of numerous varieties.

Total Population. UN medium variant figures for mid-1995, as given in World Population Prospects: The 1994 Revision (1995).

Note: the text below is the remainder of the document from, but
it is of less interest than the table above and so I have not formatted it. -J.W.

The number of houses of worship appears in parentheses. (*) Indicates that the group declines to make membership figures public.

Religious Group Members
Adventist churches:
Advent Christian Ch. (328) 27,300
Ch. of God Gen. Conf. (Oregon, IL; Morrow, GA) (89) 5,195
Primitive Advent Christian Ch. (10) 345
Seventh-day Adventist Ch. (4,303) 775,349
American Rescue Workers (16) 35,000
Apostolic Christian Ch. (Nazarene) (63) 3,723
Apostolic Christian Churches of America (80) 11,450
Bahá'í Faith(1) 300,000
Baptist churches:
American Baptist Assn. (1,705) 250,000
American Baptist Chs. in the U.S.A. (5,686) 1,507,934
Baptist Bible Fellowship Intl. (3,600) 1,500,000
Baptist General Conference (813) 135,128
Baptist Missionary Assn. of America (1,360) 230,171
Conservative Baptist Assn. of America (1,084) 200,000
Free Will Baptists, Natl. Assn. of (2,496) 207,576
General Assn. of Regular Baptist Chs. (1,458) 136,380
General Baptists, General Assn. of (876) 74,156
Liberty Baptist Fellowship (100) (*)
Natl. Baptist Convention of America (2,500) 3,500,000
Natl. Baptist Convention, U.S.A. (33,000) 8,200,000
Natl. Missionary Baptist Convention of America (*) 2,500,000
North American Baptist Conference (263) 43,236
Progressive National Baptist Convention (2,000) 2,500,000
Separate Baptists in Christ (100) 8,000
Seventh Day Baptist General Conference (86) 4,400
Southern Baptist Convention (39,863) 15,614,060
Sovereign Grace Baptists (300) 3,000
Brethren (German Baptists):
Brethren Ch. (Ashland, OH) (121) 13,028
Fellowship of Grace Brethren Chs. (273) 32,229
Old German Baptist Brethren (58) 5,622
Brethren, River:
Brethren in Christ Ch. (198) 18,152
United Zion Ch. (13) 852
Buddhist Churches of America(1) 780,000
Christian Catholic Church (3) (*)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (3,933) 937,644
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (5,579) 1,070,616
Christian Congregation (1,437) 112,437
Christian and Missionary Alliance (1,943) 302,414
Christian Nation Church U.S.A. (5) 200
Christian Union, Churches of Christ in (240) 10,400
Church of Christ, Scientist (2,400) (*)
Churches of Christ (13,013) 1,651,103
Churches of God:
Chs. of God, General Conference (352) 31,862
Ch. of God (Anderson, IN) (2,314) 216,117
Ch. of God (Seventh Day), Denver, CO (160) 5,700
Ch. of God in Christ Which He Purchased With
His Own Blood (7) 800
Ch. of God by Faith (145) 8,235
Church of the Nazarene (5,156) 597,841
Community Churches, Intl. Council of (423) 500,000
Congregational Christian Chs. (405) 90,000
Conservative Congregational Christian
Conference (201) 36,864
Eastern Orthodox churches:
Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America (2) 1,875
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek 19,321
Catholic Ch. (78)
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of 300,000
North America (184)
Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Ch. of the East, 120,000
N.A. Diocese (22)
Armenian Apostolic Ch. of America (32) 150,000
Armenian Church of Amer., Diocese of the (72) 414,000
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Ch. (9) 1,100
Coptic Orthodox Ch. (85) 180,000
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South
America (535) 1,950,000
Orthodox Ch. in America (600) 2,000,000
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (37) 65,000
Serbian Orthodox Ch. in U.S.A. & Canada (68) 67,000
Syrian Orthodox Ch. of Antioch (Archdiocese of
the U.S.A. and Canada) (17) 32,500
True Orthodox Church of Greece (SOMC),
American Exarchate (9) 1,080
Episcopal Church (7,388) 2,504,682
Evangelical Church (134) 12,458
Evangelical Congregational Church (151) 23,504
Evangelical Covenant Church (597) 89,511
Evangelical Free Church of America (1,213) 227,290
Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches (23) 1,343
Fire Baptized Holiness Church (Wesleyan) (49) 692
Evangelical Friends International, North
American (246) 26,322
Friends General Conference (550) 31,500
Friends United Meeting (*) 50,803
Grace Gospel Fellowship (128) 60,000
Hindu(1) 910,000
Independent Fundamental Churches of America (670) 69,857
Islam(1) 5,100,000
Jehovah's Witnesses (10,307) 945,990
Jewish organizations:
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
(Reform) (876) 1,300,000
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of
America (1,200) 1,000,000
United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, The
(800) 2,000,000
Latter-day Saints:
Ch. of Jesus Christ (Bickertonites) (63) 2,707
The Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(Mormon) (10,218) 4,613,000
Reorganized Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (1,001) 150,143
Liberal Catholic Ch.-Province of the U.S.A. (34) 2,800
Lutheran churches:
Apostolic Lutheran Ch. of America (60) 7,700
Ch. of the Lutheran Brethren of America (119) 25,548
Ch. of the Lutheran Confession (71) 8,864
Conservative Lutheran Assn. (8) 1,047
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Ch. (23) 3,989
Evangelical Lutheran Ch. in America (10,973) 5,199,048
Evangelical Lutheran Synod (128) 25,379
Free Lutheran Congregations, Assn. of (234) 30,769
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (55) 12,446
Lutheran Ch. -- Missouri Synod (6,148) 2,596,927
Lutheran Chs., American Assn. of (94) 22,061
Protestant Conference (Lutheran) (7) 1,150
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (1,251) 414,874
Mennonite churches:
Beachy Amish Mennonite Chs. (95) 6,968
Church of God in Christ (Mennonite) (90) 10,742
Evangelical Mennonite Ch. (29) 4,228
Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches (14) 1,925
Hutterian Brethren (395) 41,475
Mennonite Brethren Chs., The Conf. of (147) 19,218
Mennonite Church (1,099) 95,591
Mennonite Ch., The General Conference (221) 32,782
Old Order Amish Ch. (898) 80,820
Methodist churches:
African Methodist Episcopal Ch. (8,000) 3,500,000
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Ch. (3,098) 1,230,842
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection (120) 2,056
Evangelical Methodist Ch. (132) 8,500
Free Methodist Ch. of North America (1,050) 74,585
Fundamental Methodist Ch. (12) 787
Primitive Methodist Ch., U.S.A. (79) 7,298
Southern Methodist Ch. (126) 7,876
United Methodist Ch. (36,559) 8,584,125
The Wesleyan Church (U.S.A.) (1,609) 116,763
Metropolitan Community Churches, Universal
Fellowship of (291) 30,000
Missionary Church (300) 28,821
Moravian churches:
Moravian Ch. in America, Northern Prov. (95) 27,713
Moravian Ch. in America, Southern Prov. (56) 21,513
Unity of the Brethren (26) 2,602
Natl. Organization of the New Apostolic Ch. of
North America (554) 41,863
Natl. Spiritualist Assn. of Churches (143) 3,634
Old Catholic churches:
Christ Catholic Ch. (8) 1,018
Pentecostal churches:
Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, OR) (54) 4,500
Apostolic Faith Mission Ch. of God (28) 11,000
Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God (160) 12,369
Assemblies of God (11,764) 2,324,615
Bible Church of Christ (6) 6,850
Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (5,918) 722,541
Church of God in Christ (15,300) 5,499,875
Church of God of Prophecy (2,005) 70,570
Congregational Holiness Ch. (190) 2,468
Elim Fellowship (66) (*)
Intl. Ch. of the Foursquare Gospel (1,710) 222,658
Open Bible Standard Chs. (361) 45,988
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (1,760) 1,000,000
Pentecostal Church of God (1,209) 113,400
Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Ch. (163) 18,500
United Pentecostal Ch. Intl. (3,730) 550,000
Polish National Catholic Church (156) 150,000
Presbyterian churches:
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Ch. (General
Synod) (206) 38,936
Cumberland Presbyterian Ch. (772) 90,125
Evangelical Presbyterian Ch. (177) 56,499
Korean Presbyterian Church in America (203) 26,988
Orthodox Presbyterian Ch. (181) 20,151
Presbyterian Ch. in America (1,263) 257,556
Presbyterian Ch. (U.S.A.) (11,399) 3,698,136
Reformed Presbyterian Ch. of N. America (70) 5,657
Reformed churches:
Christian Reformed Ch. in N. America (737) 211,154
Hungarian Reformed Ch. in America (27) 9,780
Netherlands Reformed Congregations (15) 4,374
Reformed Ch. in America (915) 309,459
Reformed Ch. in the U.S. (36) 4,172
United Church of Christ (6,180) 1,501,310
Reformed Episcopal Church (83) 6,565
Roman Catholic Church (19,723) 60,190,605
Salvation Army (1,222) 443,246
Schwenkfelder Church (5) 2,577
Swedenborgian Church (50) 2,423
Unitarian Universalist Assn. (1,020) 141,315
United Brethren:
United Brethren in Christ (239) 24,671
Vedanta Societies (13) 2,500

(1) Based on reliable estimates; figures from other sources may vary.

Headquarters of Selected Religious Groups in the United States

Source: 1996 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches, (c) National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA; World Almanac research

Year organized in parentheses

African Methodist Episcopal Church, (1787), 1134 11th St. NW, Washington,
DC 20001
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (1796), PO Box 32843, Charlotte, NC
28232; Pres., Bishop George E. Battle Jr.
American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. (1907), PO Box 851, Valley Forge,
PA 19482; Pres., G. Elaine Smith
American Rescue Workers (1890), 2827 Frankford Ave., PO Box 4766,
Philadelphia, PA 19134; Commander-in-Chief & Pres., Gen. Paul E. Martin, Rev.
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (1895), 358
Mountain Rd., Englewood, NJ 07631; Primate, Metropolitan Philip Saliba
Armenian Apostolic Church of America (1887), Eastern Prelacy: 138 E. 39th
St., New York, NY 10016; Prelate, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian; Western
Prelacy: 4401 Russel Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027; Prelate, Archbishop Datev
Assemblies of God (1914), 1445 Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802;
General Supt., Thomas E. Trask
Bahá'í Faith, 536 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, IL 60091
Baptist Bible Fellowship Intl. (1950), Baptist Bible
Fellowship Missions Bldg., 720 E. Kearney St., Springfield, MO 65803;
Pres., Sam Davison
Baptist General Conference (1852), 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington
Heights, IL 60005; Pres., Dr. Robert S. Ricker
Brethren in Christ Church (1778), PO Box 290, Grantham, PA 17027;
Moderator, Rev. Harvey R. Sider
Buddhist Churches of America (1899), 1710 Octavia St., San Francisco, CA
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (1809), 130 E. Washington St., PO
Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206; Gen. Minister, Richard L. Hamm
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, 4210 Bridgetown Rd., Box 11326,
Cincinnati, OH 45211
Christian Congregation, Inc. (1887), 804 W. Hemlock St., LaFollette, TN
37766; General Supt., Rev. Ora W. Eads, D.D.
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (1870), 4466 Elvis Presley Blvd.,
Memphis, TN 38116; Executive Secretary, Dr. W. Clyde Williams
Christian and Missionary Alliance (1897), PO Box 35000, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935; Pres., Rev. David Rambo, PhD
Christian Reformed Church in North America (1857), 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49560; Gen. Secretary, Dr. David H. Engelhard
Church of Christ, Scientist (1879), 175 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 01945;
Pres., David C. Driver
Church of Christ (1830), PO Box 472, Independence, MO 64051; Council of
Apostles Sec., Apostle Smith N. Brickhouse
Church of God (Anderson, IN) (1881), Box 2420, Anderson, IN 46018; General
Sec., Edward L. Foggs
Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (1886), PO Box 2430, Cleveland, TN 37320;
Gen. Overseer, Robert White
Church of God in Christ (1907), Mason Temple, 939 Mason St., Memphis, TN
38126; Presiding Bishop, Rt. Rev. L. H. Ford
Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonites) (1862), 6th & Lincoln Sts.,
Monongahela, PA 15063; Pres., Dominic R. Thomas
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) (1830), 50 E.
North Temple St., Salt Lake City, UT 84150; Pres., Gordon B. Hinckley
Church of the Nazarene (1907), 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64131;
General Sec., Jack Stone
Coptic Orthodox Church, 427 West Side Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07304
Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1810), 1978 Union Ave., Memphis, TN 38104;
Moderator, Rev. Clinton Buck
Episcopal Church (1789), 815 Second Ave., New York, NY 10017; Bishop, Most
Rev. Edmond L. Browning
Evangelical Free Church of America (1884), 901 E. 78th St., Minneapolis, MN
55420; Pres., Dr. Paul Cedar
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (1987), 8765 W. Higgins Rd.,
Chicago, IL 60631; Bishop, Rev. Dr. H. George Anderson
Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches (1882), PO Box 386, Winona Lake, IN
46590; Moderator, Steve Peters
Free Methodist Church of North America (1860), World Ministries Center, 770
N. High School Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46214
Friends General Conference (1900), 1216 Arch St. 2B, Philadelphia, PA
19107; Gen. Sec., Bruce Birchard
General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (1860), 4824 E. Butler
Ave., Fresno CA 93727; Moderator, Ed Boschman
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America (1864), 8-10 E. 79th
St., New York, NY 10021; Chairperson, Archbishop Spyridon
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (1927), 1910 W. Sunset Blvd.,
Ste. 200, PO Box 26902, Los Angeles, CA 90026; Pres., Dr. John R. Holland
International Council of Community Churches (1950), 21116 Washington Pkwy.,
Frankfort, IL 60423; Pres., J. Ronald Miller
Islamic Association in the U.S. and Canada, Federation of, 25351 Five Mile
Rd., Redford Township, MI 48239; Sec., Nihad Hamed
Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201; Pres., Milton
G. Henschel
Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod (1847), 1333 S. Kirkwood Rd., St. Louis,
MO 63122; Pres., Dr. A. L. Barry
Mennonite Church (1893), 421 S. Second St., Ste. 600, Elkhart, IN 46516;
Moderator, Owen E. Burkholder
Mennonite Church, The General Conference (1860), 722 Main, Newton, KS
67114; Moderator, Darrell Fast
Moravian Church (1735), Northern Prov.: 1021 Center St., PO Box 1245,
Bethlehem, PA 18016; Pres., Rev. Dr. Gordon L. Sommers; Southern Prov.: 459
S. Church St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; Pres., Rev. Dr. Robert E. Sawyer;
Alaska Prov.: PO Box 545, Bethel, AK 99559; Pres., Rev. Frank Chingliak
NationalBaptist Convention of America, Inc. (1880), 777 S. R. L. Thornton
Freeway, Ste. 205, Dallas, TX 75203; Pres., Dr. E. Edward Jones
National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., 1700 Baptist World Center Dr.,
Nashville, TN 37207; Pres., Dr. Henry J. Lyons
Natl. Missionary Baptist Convention of America (1988), 6717 Centennial
Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209; Pres., Dr. W. T. Snead Sr.
Orthodox Church in America (1794), PO Box 675, Syosset, NY 11791; Primate,
V. Rev. Robert S. Kondratick
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (c 1900), 3939 Meadows Dr.,
Indianapolis, IN 46205; Presiding Bishop, Paul A. Bowers
Presbyterian Church in America (1973), 1852 Century Pl., Atlanta, GA 30345;
Moderator, Frank A. Brock
Presbyterian Church (USA), (1983), 100 Witherspoon St., Louisville, KY
40202; Moderator, Marj Carpenter
Progressive Natl. Baptist Convention (1961), 601 50th St., NE, Washington,
DC 20019; Pres., Dr. Bennett W. Smith Sr.
Reformed Church in America (1628), 475 Riverside Dr., New York, NY 10115;
Pres., I. John Hesselink
Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1830), 801 W. 23rd
St., Independence, MO 64055; Pres. Marcus L. Juby
Roman Catholic Church (1634), National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 3211
Fourth St., Washington, DC 20017; Pres., William Cardinal Keeler
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (1929), PO Box 309, Grass Lake, MI
49240; Ruling Bishop, His Grace Bishop Nathaniel Popp
Salvation Army (1865), 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22313; National
Comdr., Commissioner Robert A. Watson
Seventh-Day Adventist Ch. (1863), 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring,
MD 20904; Pres., Robert S. Folkenberg
Southern Baptist Convention (1845), 901 Commerce St., Ste. 750, Nashville,
TN 37203; Pres., Jim Henry
Swedenborgian Church (1792), 48 Sargent St., Newton, MA 02158; Pres., Rev.
Edwin G. Capon
Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Reform), 838 5th Ave., New York,
NY; Pres., Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 333 7th Ave., New York,
NY 10001; Pres., Sheldon Rudoff
Unitarian Universalist Association (1793), 25 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108
United Church of Christ (1957), 700 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115;
Pres., Rev. Paul H. Sherry
United Methodist Church (1968), PO Box 320, Nashville, TN 37202; Pres.,
Bishop Roy A. Sano
United Pentecostal Church Intl. (1925), 8855 Dunn Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042;
General Superintendent, The Rev. Nathaniel A. Urshan
United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism 155 5ths Ave., New York, NY
10010; Pres., Alan Tichnor
Vedanta Societies (1893), 34 W. 71st St., New York, NY 10023
Volunteers of America (1896), 3939 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002;
Chairperson, Walter Faster
Wesleyan Church (1968), PO Box 50434, Indianapolis, IN 46250; General
Supts., Dr. Earle L. Wilson; Dr. Lee M. Haines; Dr. H. C. Wilson

Episcopal Church Liturgical Colors and Calendar

Source: The Episcopal Church Center, New York City

White -- from Christmas Day through the First Sunday after Epiphany; Maundy
Thursday (as an alternative to crimson at the Eucharist); from the Vigil of
Easter to the Day of Pentecost (Whitsunday); Trinity Sunday; Feasts of the
Lord (except Holy Cross Day); the Confession of St. Peter; the Conversion
of St. Paul; St. Joseph; St. Mary Magdalene; St. Mary the Virgin; St.
Michael and All Angels; All Saints' Day; St. John the Evangelist; memorials
of other saints who were not martyred; Independence Day and Thanksgiving
Day; weddings and funerals. Red -- the Day of Pentecost; Holy Cross Day;
feasts of apostles and evangelists (except those listed above); feasts and
memorials of martyrs (including Holy Innocents' Day). Violet -- Advent and
Lent. Crimson (dark red) -- Holy Week. Green -- the seasons after Epiphany
and after Pentecost. Black -- optional alternative for funerals.
Alternative colors used in some churches: Blue -- Advent; Lenten White --
Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday.

In the Episcopal Church the days of fasting are Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday. Other days of special devotion (penitence) are the 40 days of Lent
and all Fridays of the year, except those in Christmas and Easter seasons
and any Feasts of the Lord that occur on a Friday or during Lent. Ember
Days (optional) are days of prayer for the church's ministry. They fall on
the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after the first Sunday in Lent, the Day
of Pentecost, Holy Cross Day, and the Third Sunday of Advent. Rogation Days
(also optional) are the 3 days before Ascension Day and are days of prayer
for God's blessing on the crops, on commerce and industry, and for the
conservation of the earth's resources.

Days, etc. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Golden Number 2 3 4 5 6
Sunday Letter GF E D C b & a
Sundays after Epiphany 7 5 7 6 9
Ash Wednesday Feb. 21 Feb. 12 Feb. 25 Feb. 17 March 8
First Sunday in Lent Feb. 25 Feb. 16 Feb. 29 Feb. 21 March 12
Passion/Palm Sunday Mar. 31 Mar. 23 Apr. 5 Mar. 28 April 16
Good Friday Apr. 5 Mar. 28 Apr. 10 Apr. 2 April 21
Easter Day Apr. 7 Mar. 30 Apr. 12 Apr. 4 April 23
Ascension Day May 16 May 8 May 21 May 13 June 1
The Day of Pentecost May 26 May 18 May 31 May 23 June 11
Trinity Sunday June 2 May 25 June 7 May 30 June 18
Numbered Proper of 2 Pentecost #5 #4 #6 #5 #7
First Sunday of Advent Dec. 1 Nov. 30 Nov. 29 Nov. 28 Dec. 3

Greek Orthodox Movable Ecclesiastical Dates, 1996-2000

This 5-year chart has the dates of feast days and fasting days, which are
determined annually on the basis of the date of Holy Pascha (Easter). This
ecclesiastical cycle begins with the first day of the Triodion and ends
with the Sunday of All Saints, a total of 18 weeks.

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Triodion begins Feb. 4 Feb. 16 Feb. 8 Jan. 31 Feb. 20
Sat. of Souls Feb. 17 Mar. 1 Feb. 21 Feb. 13 Mar. 4
Meat Fare Feb. 18 Mar. 2 Feb. 22 Feb. 14 Mar. 5
2d Sat. of Souls Feb. 24 Mar. 8 Feb. 28 Feb. 20 Mar. 11
Lent Begins Feb. 26 Mar. 10 Mar. 2 Feb. 22 Mar. 13
St. Theodore--3d Sat. of Souls Mar. 2 Mar. 15 Mar. 7 Feb. 27 Mar. 18
Sunday of Orthodoxy Mar. 3 Mar. 16 Mar. 8 Feb. 28 Mar. 19
Sat. of Lazarus Apr. 6 Apr. 19 Apr. 11 Apr. 3 Apr. 22
Palm Sunday Apr. 7 Apr. 20 Apr. 12 Apr. 4 Apr. 23
Holy (Good) Friday Apr. 12 Apr. 25 Apr. 17 Apr. 9 Apr. 28
Western Easter Apr. 7 Mar. 30 Apr. 12 Apr. 4 Apr. 23
Orthodox Easter Apr. 14 Apr. 27 Apr. 19 Apr. 11 Apr. 30
Ascension May 23 June 5 May 28 May 20 June 8
Sat. of Souls June 1 June 14 June 6 May 29 June 17
Pentecost June 2 June 15 June 7 May 30 June 18
All Saints June 9 June 22 June 14 June 6 June 25

Important Islamic Dates, 1996-2001 (1417-21)

The Islamic calendar is a lunar reckoning from the year of the hegira, ad
622, when Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina. It runs in cycles of 30
years, of which the 2d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th,
and 29th are leap years; 1417 is the 7th year of the cycle. Common years
have 354 days, leap years 355, the extra day being added to the last month,
Dhual-Hijjah. Except for this case, the 12 months beginning with Muharram
have alternately 30 and 29 days.
Actual western-hemisphere moon sightings may occur a day later, but never
earlier, than these dates reflect.

1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01
(1417) (1418) (1419) (1420) (1421)
New Year's Day
(Muharram 1) May 18, 1996 May 8, 1997 Apr. 27, 1998 Apr. 17, 1999 Apr. 6, 2000
Ashura (Muharram 10) May 27, 1996 May 17, 1997 May 6, 1998 Apr. 26, 1999 Apr. 15, 2000
Mawlid (Rabi'l 12) July 28, 1996 July 17, 1997 July 6, 1998 June 26, 1999 June 14, 2000
Ramadan 1 Jan. 10, 1997 Dec. 31, 1997 Dec. 20, 1998 Dec. 9, 1999 Nov. 27, 2000
al-Fitr (Shawwal 1) Feb. 8, 1997 Jan. 29, 1998 Jan. 19, 1999 Jan. 8, 2000 Dec. 27, 2000
al-Adha (Dhu al-Jijjah 10) Apr. 17, 1997 Apr. 7, 1998 Mar. 28, 1999 Mar. 16, 2000 Mar. 5, 2001

Jewish Holy Days, Festivals, and Fasts, 1996-2000

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

(5756-57) (5757-58) (5758-59) (5759-60) (5760-61)

Tu B'Shvat Feb. 5 Mon. Jan. 23 Thu. Feb. 11 Wed. Feb. 1 Mon. Jan. 22 Sat.
Ta'anis Esther (Fast of Esther) Mar. 4 Mon. Mar. 20 Thu.* Mar. 11 Wed. Mar. 1 Mon. Mar. 20 Mon.
Purim Mar. 5 Tue. Mar. 23 Sun. Mar. 12 Thu. Mar. 2 Tue. Mar. 21 Tue.
Passover Apr. 4 Thu. Apr. 22 Tue. Apr. 11 Sat. Apr. 1 Thu. Apr. 20 Tue.
Apr. 11 Thu. Apr. 29 Tue. Apr. 18 Sat. Apr. 8 Thu. Apr. 27 Thu.
Leg B'Omer May 7 Tue. May 25 Sun. May 14 Thu. May 4 Tue. May 23 Tue.
Shavuot May 24 Fri. June 11 Sun. May 31 Sun. May 21 Fri. June 9 Fri.
May 25 Sat. June 12 Mon. June 1 Mon. May 22 Sat. June 10 Sat.
Fast of the 17th Day of Tammuz July 4 Thu. July 22 Tue. July 12 Sun.* July 1 Thu. July 20 Thu.
Fast of the 9th Day of Av July 25 Thu. Aug. 12 Tue. Aug. 2 Sun.* July 22 Thu. Aug. 10 Thu.
Rosh Hashanah Sept. 14 Sat. Oct. 2 Thu. Sept. 21 Mon. Sept. 11 Sat. Sept. 30 Sat.
Sept. 15 Sun. Oct. 3 Fri. Sept. 22 Tue. Sept. 12 Sun. Oct. 1 Sun.
Fast of Gedalya Sept. 16 Mon. Oct. 5 Sun.* Sept. 23 Wed. Sept. 13 Mon. Oct. 2 Mon.
Yom Kippur Sept. 23 Mon. Oct. 11 Sat. Sept. 30 Wed. Sept. 20 Mon. Oct. 9 Mon.
Sukkot Sept. 28 Sat. Oct. 16 Thu. Oct. 5 Mon. Sept. 25 Sat. Oct. 14 Sat.
Oct. 4 Fri. Oct. 22 Wed. Oct. 11 Sun. Oct. 1 Fri. Oct. 20 Fri.
Shmini Atzeret Oct. 5 Sat. Oct. 23 Thu. Oct. 12 Mon. Oct. 2 Sat. Oct. 21 Sat.
Oct. 6 Sun. Oct. 24 Fri. Oct. 13 Tue. Oct. 3 Sun. Oct. 22 Sun.
Hanukkah Dec. 6 Fri. Dec. 24 Wed. Dec. 14 Mon. Dec. 4 Sat. Dec. 22 Fri.
Dec. 13 Fri. Dec. 31 Wed. Dec. 21 Mon. Dec. 11 Sat. Dec. 29 Fri.
Fast of the 10th of Tevet Dec. 20 Fri. Jan. 8 Thu. Dec. 29 Tue. Dec. 19 Sun. Jan. 5 Fri.

The months of the Jewish year are: 1) Tishri; 2) Cheshvan (also
Marcheshvan); 3) Kislev; 4) Tebet (also Tebeth); 5) Shebat (also Shebhat);
6) Adar; 6a) Adar Sheni (II) added in leap years; 7) Nisan; 8) Iyar; 9)
Sivan; 10) Tammuz; 11) Av (also Abh); 12) Elul. All Jewish holy days, etc.,
begin at sunset on the previous day. *Date changed to avoid Sabbath.

Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday (Western churches)

Year Ash Wed. Easter Sunday
1901 Feb. 20 Apr. 7
1902 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
1903 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
1904 Feb. 17 Apr. 3
1905 Mar. 8 Apr. 23
1906 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
1907 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
1908 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
1909 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
1910 Feb. 9 Mar. 27
1911 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
1912 Feb. 21 Apr. 7
1913 Feb. 5 Mar. 23
1914 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
1915 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
1916 Mar. 8 Apr. 23
1917 Feb. 21 Apr. 8
1918 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
1919 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
1920 Feb. 18 Apr. 4
1921 Feb. 9 Mar. 27
1922 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
1923 Feb. 14 Apr. 1
1924 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
1925 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
1926 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
1927 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
1928 Feb. 22 Apr. 8
1929 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
1930 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
1931 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
1932 Feb. 10 Mar. 27
1933 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
1934 Feb. 14 Apr. 1
1935 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
1936 Feb. 26 Apr. 12
1937 Feb. 10 Mar. 28
1938 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
1939 Feb. 22 Apr. 9
1940 Feb. 7 Mar. 24
1941 Feb. 26 Apr. 13
1942 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
1943 Mar. 10 Apr. 25
1944 Feb. 23 Apr. 9
1945 Feb. 14 Apr. 1
1946 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
1947 Feb. 19 Apr. 6
1948 Feb. 11 Mar. 28
1949 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
1950 Feb. 22 Apr. 9
1951 Feb. 7 Mar. 25
1952 Feb. 27 Apr. 13
1953 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
1954 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
1955 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
1956 Feb. 15 Apr. 1
1957 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
1958 Feb. 19 Apr. 6
1959 Feb. 11 Mar. 29
1960 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
1961 Feb. 15 Apr. 2
1962 Mar. 7 Apr. 22
1963 Feb. 27 Apr. 14
1964 Feb. 12 Mar. 29
1965 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
1966 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
1967 Feb. 8 Mar. 26
1968 Feb. 28 Apr. 14
1969 Feb. 19 Apr. 6
1970 Feb. 11 Mar. 29
1971 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
1972 Feb. 16 Apr. 2
1973 Mar. 7 Apr. 22
1974 Feb. 27 Apr. 14
1975 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
1976 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
1977 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
1978 Feb. 8 Mar. 26
1979 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
1980 Feb. 20 Apr. 6
1981 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
1982 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
1983 Feb. 16 Apr. 3
1984 Mar. 7 Apr. 22
1985 Feb. 20 Apr. 7
1986 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
1987 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
1988 Feb. 17 Apr. 3
1989 Feb. 8 Mar. 26
1990 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
1991 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
1992 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
1993 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
1994 Feb. 16 Apr. 3
1995 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
1996 Feb. 21 Apr. 7
1997 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
1998 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
1999 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
2000 Mar. 8 Apr. 23
2001 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
2002 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
2003 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
2004 Feb. 25 Apr. 11
2005 Feb. 9 Mar. 27
2006 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
2007 Feb. 21 Apr. 8
2008 Feb. 6 Mar. 23
2009 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
2010 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
2011 Mar. 9 Apr. 24
2012 Feb. 22 Apr. 8
2013 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
2014 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
2015 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
2016 Feb. 10 Mar. 27
2017 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
2018 Feb. 14 Apr. 1
2019 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
2020 Feb. 26 Apr. 12
2021 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
2022 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
2023 Feb. 22 Apr. 9
2024 Feb. 14 Mar. 31
2025 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
2026 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
2027 Feb. 10 Mar. 28
2028 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
2029 Feb. 14 Apr. 1
2030 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
2031 Feb. 26 Apr. 13
2032 Feb. 11 Mar. 28
2033 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
2034 Feb. 22 Apr. 9
2035 Feb. 7 Mar. 25
2036 Feb. 27 Apr. 13
2037 Feb. 18 Apr. 5
2038 Mar. 10 Apr. 25
2039 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
2040 Feb. 15 Apr. 1
2041 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
2042 Feb. 19 Apr. 6
2043 Feb. 11 Mar. 29
2044 Mar. 2 Apr. 17
2045 Feb. 22 Apr. 9
2046 Feb. 7 Mar. 25
2047 Feb. 27 Apr. 14
2048 Feb. 19 Apr. 5
2049 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
2050 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
2051 Feb. 15 Apr. 2
2052 Mar. 6 Apr. 21
2053 Feb. 19 Apr. 6
2054 Feb. 11 Mar. 29
2055 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
2056 Feb. 16 Apr. 2
2057 Mar. 7 Apr. 22
2058 Feb. 27 Apr. 14
2059 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
2060 Mar. 3 Apr. 18
2061 Feb. 23 Apr. 10
2062 Feb. 8 Mar. 26
2063 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
2064 Feb. 20 Apr. 6
2065 Feb. 11 Mar. 29
2066 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
2067 Feb. 16 Apr. 3
2068 Mar. 7 Apr. 22
2069 Feb. 27 Apr. 14
2070 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
2071 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
2072 Feb. 24 Apr. 10
2073 Feb. 8 Mar. 26
2074 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
2075 Feb. 20 Apr. 7
2076 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
2077 Feb. 24 Apr. 11
2078 Feb. 16 Apr. 3
2079 Mar. 8 Apr. 23
2080 Feb. 21 Apr. 7
2081 Feb. 12 Mar. 30
2082 Mar. 4 Apr. 19
2083 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
2084 Feb. 9 Mar. 26
2085 Feb. 28 Apr. 15
2086 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
2087 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
2088 Feb. 25 Apr. 11
2089 Feb. 16 Apr. 3
2090 Mar. 1 Apr. 16
2091 Feb. 21 Apr. 8
2092 Feb. 13 Mar. 30
2093 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
2094 Feb. 17 Apr. 4
2095 Mar. 9 Apr. 24
2096 Feb. 29 Apr. 15
2097 Feb. 13 Mar. 31
2098 Mar. 5 Apr. 20
2099 Feb. 25 Apr. 12
2100 Feb. 10 Mar. 28

The Ten Commandments

According to Judeo-Christian tradition, as related in the Bible, the Ten
Commandments were revealed by God to Moses and form the basic moral
component of God's covenant with Israel. The Ten Commandments appear in 2
places in the Old Testament -- Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21; the
phrasing is similar but not identical.

Following is abridged text of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17:

I. I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.
II. You shall not make for yourself a graven image. You shall not bow down
to them or serve them.
III. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
IV. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
V. Honor your father and your mother.
VI. You shall not kill.
VII. You shall not commit adultery.
VIII. You shall not steal.
IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
X. You shall not covet.

Most Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox Christians follow Jewish tradition,
which considers the introduction ("I am the Lord") the first commandment
and makes the prohibition against idolatry the second. Roman Catholic and
Lutheran traditions follow a division used by St. Augustine, which combines
I and II and splits the last commandment into 2 that separately prohibit
coveting of a neighbor's wife and a neighbor's goods. This arrangement
alters the numbering of the other commandments by one.

Books of the Bible

Old Testament -- Standard Protestant List New Testament List

Genesis II Chronicles Daniel Matthew Ephesians Hebrews
Exodus Ezra Hosea Mark Phillippians James
Leviticus Nehemiah Joel Luke Colossians I Peter
Numbers Esther Amos John I Thessalonians II Peter
Deuteronomy Job Obadiah Acts II Thessalonians I John
Joshua Psalms Jonah Romans I Timothy II John
Judges Proverbs Micah I Corinthians II Timothy III John
Ruth Ecclesiastes Nahum II Corinthians Titus Jude
I Samuel Song of Solomon Habakkuk Galatians Philemon Revelation
II Samuel Isaiah Zephaniah
I Kings Jeremiah Haggai
II Kings Lamentations Zechariah
I Chronicles Ezekiel Malachi

The standard Protestant Old Testament consists of the same 39 books as
in the Bible of Judaism, but the latter is organized differently. The Old
Testament used by Roman Catholics has 7 additional "deuterocanonical"
books, plus some additional parts of books. The 7 are: Tobit, Judith,
Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, I Maccabees, and II Maccabees.
Both Catholic and Protestant versions of the New Testament have 27 books,
with the same names.

Roman Catholic Hierarchy

Source: U.S. Catholic Conference; as of mid-1996

Supreme Pontiff

At the head of the Roman Catholic Church is the supreme pontiff, Pope
John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla, born at Wadowice (Krakow), Poland, May 18, 1920;
ordained priest Nov. 1, 1946; appointed bishop July 4, 1958; promoted to
archbishop of Krakow Jan. 13, 1964; proclaimed cardinal June 26, 1967;
elected pope as successor of Pope John Paul I Oct. 16, 1978; installed as
pope Oct. 22, 1978.

College of Cardinals

Members of the Sacred College of Cardinals are chosen by the pope to be
his chief assistants and advisers in the administration of the church. Among
their duties is the election of the pope when the Holy See becomes vacant.
In its present form, the College of Cardinals dates from the 12th century.
The first cardinals, from about the 6th century, were deacons and priests
of the leading churches of Rome and were bishops of neighboring dioceses.
The title of cardinal was limited to members of the college in 1567. The
number of cardinals was set at 70 in 1586 by Pope Sixtus V. From 1959
Pope John XXIII began to increase the number; however, the number of
cardinals eligible to participate in papal elections was limited to 120.
There were lay cardinals until 1918, when the Code of Canon Law specified
that all cardinals must be priests. Pope John XXIII in 1962 established
that all cardinals must be bishops. The first age limits were set in 1971
by Pope Paul VI, who decreed that at age 80 cardinals must retire from
curial departments and offices and from participation in papal elections.

North American Cardinals

Name Office Born Named Cardinal
Luis Apone Martinez Archbishop of San Juan 1922 1973
William W. Baum Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican 1926 1976
Joseph L. Bernardin Archbishop of Chicago 1928 1983
Anthony J. Bevilacqua Archbishop of Philadelphia 1923 1991
John J. Carberry (1) Archbishop emeritus of St. Louis 1904 1969
G. Emmett Carter (1) Archbishop emeritus of Toronto 1912 1979
Ernesto Corripio Ahumada Archbishop emeritus of Mexico 1919 1979
Edouard Gagnon Pres. of Pontifical Commission of Int. Eucharistic Congresses 1918 1985
James A. Hickey Archbishop of Washington, DC 1920 1988
William Henry Keeler Archbishop of Baltimore 1931 1994
Bernard F. Law Archbishop of Boston 1931 1985
Adam Joseph Maida Archbishop of Detroit 1930 1994
Roger Mahony Archbishop of Los Angeles 1936 1991
John J. O'Connor Archbishop of New York 1920 1985
Juan Sandoval Iniquez Archbishop of Guadalajara 1933 1994
Adolfo Suarez Rivera Archbishop of Monterrey 1927 1994
Edmund C. Szoka Pres. of Prefecture of Economic Affairs of Holy See, The Vatican 1927 1988
Jean-Claude Turcotte Archbishop of Montreal 1936 1994
Louis-Albert Vachon(1) Archbishop emeritus of Quebec 1912 1985

(1) Ineligible to take part in papal elections.

Chronological List of Popes

Source: Annuario Pontificio. Table lists year of accession of each pope.

The Roman Catholic Church names the Apostle Peter as founder of the church
in Rome. He arrived there c 42, was martyred there c 67, and was raised to
The pope's temporal title is: Sovereign of the State of Vatican City.
The pope's spiritual titles are: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ,
Successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the
Universal Church, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and
Metropolitan of the Roman Province.
The names of antipopes are in italics. Antipopes were illegitimate
claimants of or pretenders to the papal throne.

Year Pope
St. Peter
67 St. Linus
76 St. Anacletus or Cletus
88 St. Clement I
97 St. Evaristus
105 St. Alexander I
115 St. Sixtus I
125 St. Telesphorus
136 St. Hyginus
140 St. Pius I
155 St. Anicetus
166 St. Soter
175 St. Eleutherius
189 St. Victor I
199 St. Zephyrinus
217 St. Callistus I
217 St. Hippolytus
222 St. Urban I
230 St. Pontian
235 St. Anterus
236 St. Fabian
251 St. Cornelius
251 Novatian
253 St. Lucius I
254 St. Stephen I
257 St. Sixtus II
259 St. Dionysius
269 St. Felix I
275 St. Eutychian
283 St. Caius
296 St. Marcellinus
308 St. Marcellus I
309 St. Eusebius
311 St. Melchiades
314 St. Sylvester I
336 St. Marcus
337 St. Julius I
352 Liberius
355 Felix II
366 St. Damasus I
366 Ursinus
384 St. Siricius
399 St. Anastasius I
401 St. Innocent I
417 St. Zosimus
418 St. Boniface I
418 Eulalius
422 St. Celestine I
432 St. Sixtus III
440 St. Leo I
461 St. Hilary
468 St. Simplicius
483 St. Felix III (II)
492 St. Gelasius I
496 Anastasius II
498 St. Symmachus
498 Lawrence (501-505)
514 St. Hormisdas
523 St. John I, Martyr
526 St. Felix IV (III)
530 Boniface II
530 Dioscorus
533 John II
535 St. Agapitus I
536 St. Silverius, Martyr
537 Vigilius
556 Pelagius I
561 John III
575 Benedict I
579 Pelagius II
590 St. Gregory I
604 Sabinian
607 Boniface III
608 St. Boniface IV
615 St. Deusdedit or Adeodatus
619 Boniface V
625 Honorius I
640 Severinus
642 Theodore I
649 St. Martin I, Martyr
654 St. Eugene I
657 St. Vitalian
672 Adeodatus II
676 Donus
678 St. Agatho
682 St. Leo II
684 St. Benedict II
685 John V
686 Conon
687 Theodore
687 Paschal
687 St. Sergius I
701 John VI
705 John VII
708 Sisinnius
708 Constantine
715 St. Gregory II
731 St. Gregory III
741 St. Zachary
752 Stephen II (III)
757 St. Paul I
767 Constantine
768 Philip
768 Stephen III (IV)
772 Adrian I
795 St. Leo III
816 Stephen IV (V)
817 St. Paschal I
824 Eugene II
827 Valentine
827 Gregory IV
844 John
844 Sergius II
847 St. Leo IV
855 Benedict III
855 Anastasius
858 St. Nicholas I
867 Adrian II
872 John VIII
882 Marinus I
884 St. Adrian III
885 Stephen V (VI)
891 Formosus
896 Boniface VI
896 Stephen VI (VII)
897 Romanus
897 Theodore II
898 John IX
900 Benedict IV
903 Leo V
903 Christopher
904 Sergius III
911 Anastasius III
913 Landus
914 John X
928 Leo VI
928 Stephen VII (VIII)
931 John XI
936 Leo VII
939 Stephen VIII (IX)
942 Marinus II
946 Agapitus II
955 John XII
963 Leo VIII
964 Benedict V
965 John XIII
973 Benedict VI
974 Boniface VII
974 Benedict VII
983 John XIV
985 John XV
996 Gregory V
997 John XVI
999 Sylvester II
1003 John XVII
1004 John XVIII
1009 Sergius IV
1012 Benedict VIII
1012 Gregory
1024 John XIX
1032 Benedict IX
1045 Sylvester III
1045 Benedict IX
1045 Gregory VI
1046 Clement II
1047 Benedict IX
1048 Damasus II
1049 St. Leo IX
1055 Victor II
1057 Stephen IX (X)
1058 Benedict X
1059 Nicholas II
1061 Alexander II
1061 Honorius II
1073 St. Gregory VII
1080 Clement III
1086 Bl. Victor III
1088 Bl. Urban II
1099 Paschal II
1100 Theodoric
1102 Albert
1105 Sylvester IV
1118 Gelasius II
1118 Gregory VIII
1119 Callistus II
1124 Honorius II
1124 Celestine II
1130 Innocent II
1130 Anacletus II
1138 Victor IV
1143 Celestine II
1144 Lucius II
1145 Bl. Eugene III
1153 Anastasius IV
1154 Adrian IV
1159 Alexander III
1159 Victor IV
1164 Paschal III
1168 Callistus III
1179 Innocent III
1181 Lucius III
1185 Urban III
1187 Clement III
1187 Gregory VIII
1191 Celestine III
1198 Innocent III
1216 Honorius III
1227 Gregory IX
1241 Celestine IV
1243 Innocent IV
1254 Alexander IV
1261 Urban IV
1265 Clement IV
1271 Bl. Gregory X
1276 Bl. Innocent V
1276 Adrian V
1276 John XXI
1277 Nicholas III
1281 Martin IV
1285 Honorius IV
1288 Nicholas IV
1294 St. Celestine V
1294 Boniface VIII
1303 Bl. Benedict XI
1305 Clement V
1316 John XXII
1328 Nicholas V
1334 Benedict XII
1342 Clement VI
1352 Innocent VI
1362 Bl. Urban V
1370 Gregory XI
1378 Urban VI
1378 Clement VII
1389 Boniface IX
1394 Benedict XIII
1404 Innocent VII
1406 Gregory XII
1409 Alexander V
1410 John XXIII
1417 Martin V
1431 Eugene IV
1439 Felix V
1447 Nicholas V
1455 Callistus III
1458 Pius II
1464 Paul II
1471 Sixtus IV
1484 Innocent VIII
1492 Alexander VI
1503 Pius III
1503 Julius II
1513 Leo X
1522 Adrian VI
1523 Clement VII
1534 Paul III
1550 Julius III
1555 Marcellus II
1555 Paul IV
1559 Pius IV
1566 St. Pius V
1572 Gregory XIII
1585 Sixtus V
1590 Urban VII
1590 Gregory XIV
1591 Innocent IX
1592 Clement VIII
1605 Leo XI
1605 Paul V
1621 Gregory XV
1623 Urban VIII
1644 Innocent X
1655 Alexander VII
1667 Clement IX
1670 Clement X
1676 Bl. Innocent XI
1689 Alexander VIII
1691 Innocent XII
1700 Clement XI
1721 Innocent XIII
1724 Benedict XIII
1730 Clement XII
1740 Benedict XIV
1758 Clement XIII
1769 Clement XIV
1775 Pius VI
1800 Pius VII
1823 Leo XII
1829 Pius VIII
1831 Gregory XVI
1846 Pius IX
1878 Leo XIII
1903 St. Pius X
1914 Benedict XV
1922 Pius XI
1939 Pius XII
1958 John XXIII
1963 Paul VI
1978 John Paul I
1978 John Paul II

Membership of Religious Groups in Canada

Source: 1996 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches; World Almanac research

Number of houses of worship in parentheses; groups reporting fewer than
1,000 members not included. Figures are generally based on reports of
all-inclusive number of "members" by officials of each group; some groups
keep careful records, while others only estimate. Not all groups report
annually. *Indicates church declines to make membership figures public.

Religious Group Members
Anglican Church of Canada (1,767) 848,256
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of
North America (16) 50,000
Apostolic Church in Canada (14) 1,600
Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada Inc. (133) 13,723
Associated Gospel Churches (126) 9,284
Bahá'í Faith (398)(1) 30,000
Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec (372) 44,713
Baptist General Conference of Canada (70) 6,066
Baptist Union of Western Canada (161) 20,006
Brethren in Christ Church, Canadian Conference (39) 3,200
British Columbia Baptist Conference (23) 2,400
Canadian and American Reformed Churches (41) 13,774
Canadian Baptist Ministries (1,150) 130,000
Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists (103) 6,857
Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious
Society of Friends (22) 1,893
Central Canada Baptist Conference (36) *
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (376) 86,540
Christian Brethren (also known as Plymouth
Brethren) (60) *
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in
Canada (34) 3,199
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ in
Canada (140) 7,500
Christian Reformed Church in North America (244) 83,848
Churches of Christ in Canada (147) 7,181
Church of God (Anderson, IN) (52) 3,438
Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (110) 7,948
Church of God of Prophecy in Canada (40) 3,107
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
in Canada (391) 130,000
Church of the Nazarene (167) 11,699
Conference of Mennonites in Canada (149) 28,075
Coptic Church in Canada (12) *
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (12) 6,159
Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada,
Fellowship of (512) 85,944
Evangelical Church in Canada (46) 3,688
Evangelical Covenant Church in Canada (22) 1,245
Evangelical Free Church of Canada (650) 198,665
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (652) 199,609
Evangelical Mennonite Conference (49) 6,508
Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (27) 3,587
Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (145) 12,217
Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada (53) 2,531
Free Methodist Church in Canada (146) 7,186
Hindu(1) 90,000
Islam(1) 120,000
Italian Pentecostal Church of Canada (24) 2,500
Jehovah's Witnesses (1,351) 110,659
Jewish congregations (250+) 350,000
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (17) 4,922
Lutheran Church-Canada (343) 84,898
Mennonite Brethren Churches, Canadian
Conference of (195) 29,651
Metropolitan Community Churches, Universal
Fellowship (12) 1,500
Missionary Church of Canada (92) 6,431
Moravian Church in America, Northern Province,
Canadian District of (9) 1,928
Netherlands Reformed Congregations of North
America (9) 4,634
North American Baptist Conference (121) 17,910
Old Order Amish Church (17) *
Open Bible Standard Churches of Canada (4) 1,000
Orthodox Church in America (Canada Section) (606) 1,000,000
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (1,068) 226,678
Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland (157) 30,992
Presbyterian Church in Canada (999) 236,822
Reformed Church in Canada (41) 6,667
Reformed Doukhobors, Christian Community and
Brotherhood of (1) 2,108
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints (82) 11,111
Roman Catholic Church in Canada (5,844) 12,584,789
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
(Jackson, MI) (13) 8,600
Russian Orthodox Church in Canada, Partiarchal
Parishes (22) 1,200
Salvation Army in Canada (370) 92,388
Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (331) 43,840
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (258) 120,000
Union D'Eglises Baptistes Francaises
au Canada (26) 3,000
Unitarian Universalist Association (40) 6,003
United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic
Provinces (546) 63,625
United Church of Canada (3,960) 1,903,394
United Pentecostal Church in Canada (3,724) 550,000
Wesleyan Church of Canada (82) 5,256

(1) Based on reliable estimates; figures from other sources may vary.

Headquarters of Selected Religious Groups in Canada

Source: 1996 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches, (c) National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA; World Almanac research (year
organized in parentheses)

Anglican Church of Canada (1700), Church House, 600 Jarvis St., Toronto, ON
M4Y 2J6; Primate, Most Rev. Michael G. Peters
Bahá'í National Centre of Canada, 7200 Leslie St., Thornhill, ON L3T 6L8
Baptist Ministeries, Canadian, 7185 Millcreek Dr., Mississauga, ON L5N 5R4;
Pres., Dr. Bruce Milne
Buddhist Churches, 4860 Garry St., Richmond, BC V7E 2V2
Canadian Jewish Congress (1919), 1590 Ave. Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Que.
H3G 1C5. Nat. Exec. Dir., Jack Silverstone. (Nonreligious umbrella
organization of Jewish groups)
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (1887), #510-105 Gordon Baker
Rd., North York, ON M2H 3P8; Pres., Dr. Arnold Cook
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) (1830), 50 E.
North Temple St., Salt Lake City, UT 84150; Pres., Gordon B. Hinckley
Church of the Nazarene (1902), 20 Regan Rd. Unit 9, Brampton, ON L7A 1C3;
Natl. Dir., Dr. Wiiliam E. Stewart
Council of Muslim Communities in Canada, 1250 Ramsey View Ct., Ste. 504,
Sudbury, ON P3E 2E7; Dir., Mir Iqbal Ali
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (1985), 1512 St. James St., Winnipeg,
MB R3H OL2; Bishop, Rev. Telmor G. Sartison
Evangelical Missionary Church in Canada, #550 1212 31st Ave. NE, Calgary,
AB T2E 7S8; Pres., Rev. David Crouse
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada (1953), 679 Southgate
Dr., Guelph, ON N1G 4S2; Pres., Rev. Terry D. Cuthbert
Greek Orthodox Diocese of Toronto, 27 Teddington Park Ave., Toronto, ON M4N
2C4; Primate of the Archdiocese of North and South America, Archbishop
Jehovah's Witnesses (1879), Canadian office: Box 4100, Halton Hills, ON L7G
4Y4; Pres., Milton Henschel
Lutheran Church -- Canada (1959), 3074 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3H OW3;
Pres., Dr. Edwin Lehman
Mennonite Church (1898), 421 S. Second St., Ste. 600, Elkhart, IN 46516;
Mod., Owen E. Burkholder
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (1919), 6745 Century Ave., Mississauga, ON
L5N 6P7; General Supt., Rev. James M. Mac Knight
Presbyterian Church (1925), 50 Wynford Dr., North York, ON M3C 1J7;
Moderator, Dr. Alan M. McPherson
Roman Catholic Church, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 90 Parent
Ave., Ottawa, ON K1N 7B1; Pres., Msgr. Jean-Guy Hamelin
Salvation Army (1865), 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON M4H 1P4; Territorial
Cmdr., Commissioner Donald O. Kerr
Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1148 King St., Oshawa, ON L1H 1H8; Pres.,
Orville Parchment
Ukranian Orthodox Church (1918), Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church of Canada, 9 St. John's Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2W; Presidium,
Chairperson, Very Rev. Oleg Krawchenvo
United Church of Canada (1925), The United Church House, 3250 Bloor St. W.,
Etobicoke, ON M8X 2Y4; Moderator, Marion S. Best
Wesleyan Church (1889), The Wesleyan Church Intl. Center, PO Box 50434,
Indianapolis, IN 46250-0434

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