RIS record for "Membership of Religious Groups in the U.S., 1996"

download: https://bahai-library.com/ris/2738.ris  [plain-text file, encoded in UTF-8]

ID  - 2738
UR  - https://bahai-library.com/almanac_religious_information_1996
WT  - Baha'i Library Online
T1  - Membership of Religious Groups in the U.S., 1996
T2  - 1996 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches
JF  - 
JA  - 
A1  - World Almanac and Book of Facts
A2  - 
A3  - 
Y1  - 1996/11/15
Y2  - 
VL  - 
IS  - 
SP  - 
EP  - 
M2  - 
PB  - National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
CY  - 
M1  - 
M3  - Statistics
SN  - 
LA  - English
L3  - 
DO  - 
U1  - 
U2  - 
U3  - 
AB  - Numbers of adherents, holy days, and headquarters of religious groups in the U.S. and Canada in 1998; statistics on Cardinals, Popes and world faiths including Atheists, Ethnics, Mandaeans, Parsis (Zoroastrians), Shintoists, and Spiritists.
N1  - This document is only partly formatted.  Text originally posted at elibrary.com, which later became highbeam.com, which no longer has this document.  See also Membership of Religious Groups in the U.S., 2002.
C1  - Formatted 2011-11-14 by Jonah Winters.
KW  - Statistics
ER  -