Translation of Lawh-i-Amvaj.
Posted to H-Bahá'í in August of 1998; presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #28, London England, July 2000; translation revised in June of 2001.
Introductory Note The Lawh-i-Amvaj (Tablet of the Waves [or Billows])[1] of Bahá'u'lláh has been published in Majmu`ih-yi alwah-i-mubarakih-yi hadrát-i-Bahá'u'lláh.[2] It also exists in numerous unpublished manuscripts. This Tablet was apparently written for a certain `Áqá Siyyid Yahyá[3] and is a 3-4 page Persian and Arabic Tablet of the middle to late West-Galilean period.[4] The title Lawh-i Amvaj is derived from the fact that Bahá'u'lláh states towards the beginning of the Tablet that the "Ocean of the [Bahá'í] Exposition" (bahr-i bayán) is characterized by the Waves [Billows] of [Demonstrative] Proof and [Pure] Bounty (burhán va faDl) of the person of Bahá'u'lláh. Later in the Tablet, four ethico-religious "waves" of divine revelation are set forth; these four "waves" [of the Ocean of Revelation] billow forth various religio-ethical principles consonant with the realization of the eschatological "Day of God". The Tablet concludes with a wholly Arabic prayer for the protection of the Bahá'í friends and the illuminative potency of their good works. The Tablet has not, so as far as I am aware, been fully translated into English.[5] A complete, but very provisional translation follows. For further details, see my forth-coming work on Bahá'u'lláh's Tablets, Traces from the Musk-Scented Pen: A Chronological Survey of the Major Writings of Mírzá Husayn `Alí Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892). He is Herald of good Tidings, the Gracious, the Noble!
This Day,[6] the Mother Book[7] proclaimeth before the faces of the companions that the very Alpha and the Omega[8] of realization constituteth awareness that, `In reality [these] Days hath ever been peerless and without comparison!' Blessed be the souls that are in no way held back from the True One[9] by the clamourings of their contemporaries! Rather, do they rise up on the Right Path[10] ornamented with the qualities of trustworthiness[11] and piety[12] which are among the hallmarks of the fear of God.[13]
[1] Amwaj (Per. amvaj ) is the [Arabic] plural of mawj (`wave', `billow'..etc). (SL note) [2] Cairo, 1338/1920, pp. 362-364. (SL's note) [3] See ibid., p. 412; cf. Ishráq Khavárí, Ganj-i Shayígán, 186. `Áqá Siyyid Yahyá should not to be confused with Siyyid Yahyáy-i-Darabí, surnamed Vahíd (Peerless), one of the early heroes during the dispensation of the Báb (SL's note, modified by MW, June, 2001). [4] i.e. the `Ákká period, between 1880 and 1890 (SL's note, modified by MW). [5] However, an official translation into Turkish is extent. See Mecdi Inan (trans.), "Hz. Bahaullah'in Levihleri", Istanbul, 1974. (MW's note, based on information contained from the Leiden List) [6] i.e. eschatological Day. (SL's note) [7] or, Archetypal Book (Bahá'u'lláh) (SL's note) [8] mabdá va maáb (SL's note) [9] Or, Ultimate Reality (az Haqq) (SL's note, slightly modified by MW.) [10] SiráT(SL's note) [11] amánat (SL's note) [12] [honesty, religiousness..] diyánat (SL's note) [13] taqwá Alláh (SL's note) [14] Possibly 'Abdu'l-Bahá' (SL's note, modified by MW, June 2001.) [15] bahá'í (SL's note). [16] al-awliyá Possibly referring to a journey to visit the resting places of certain souls. (SL's note, modifed by MW) [17] bá Talab-i-kámil(SL's note) [18] istidá`-yi faDl (SL's note) [19] dhikr-i abadí (SL's note) [20] thaná-yi sarmadi(SL's note) [21] baHr-i bayán (SL's note) [22] burhán (SL's note) [23] faDl maqsúd-i-alamiyán (SL's note) [24] dhikrí(SL's note) [25] al-awlyiá(SL's note) [26] bi-núr-i ittihád(SL's note) [27] This short section of the Tablet is from the authorized translation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, and published in the compilation, Trustworthiness (London: Bah‡'’ Publishing Trust., 1987) p.1. Lambden's first draft translation of this same passage is as follows: `Today the most befitting ornament in the estimation of God is trustworthiness (or `sincerity'). Bounty and Providence be upon every soul which hath been adorned with this most great adornment.' (SL's note, expanded by MW, June, 2001)[28] aHsan aT-Taráz(SL's note) [29] amánat(SL's note) [30] ruHan (SL's note) [31] taqdís-i dhátíyah(SL's note) [32] an al-mithl wal-amthál(SL's note) [33] ammá qilá wa qál(SL's note) [34] `arf Alláh (SL's note) [35] awliyá (SL's note) [36] sirajan(SL's note) [37] málik aZ-Zuhúr(SL's note) [38] Hakím an-nushúr "Verily it is We Who give Life and Death; and to Us is the Final Goal; the Day when the Earth will be rent asunder, from (men) hurrying out: that will be a gathering together,- quite easy for Us." Qur'án, 50.43-4. See Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, p.40: "By Him Who is the Great Announcement! The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty. The Balance hath been appointed, and all them that dwell on earth have been gathered together." See also the Lawh-i-Páp (Tablet to the Pope): "Verily, the day of ingathering is come, and all things have been separated from each other." Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 86. (SL's note, expanded by MW, June 2001) [39] al-Haqq (SL's note) [40] allám al-ghuyúb (SL's note) |
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