The Beauty of holiness hath risen from behind the veil.
And this is a wondrous thing!
And the spirits have fainted away from the flames of attraction.
And this is a wondrous matter!
They have recovered consciousness and flown unto the pavilion of holiness on the Throne of Domes.
And this is a wondrous mystery.
Say: the Maid of Eternity hath removed the veil from her face.
Exalted be the new and wondrous Beauty!
And the lights of her face have shone from the earth unto the clouds.
And this is a wondrous light.
And she hath cast her glances as shooting stars are cast.
And this is a wondrous casting.
And all names and all titles have been set aflame by the fire of her face.
And this is a wondrous deed.
And she hath cast her glance upon the people of earth and dust.
And this is a wondrous glance!
Whereupon the tabernacles of creation shook and then vanished.
And this is a wondrous death.
Then there appeared from her a jet-black hair, like the ornament of the spirit in the darkness of torment.
And this is a wondrous colour.
And there issued forth from her breezes of the spirit and sweet perfumes.
And this is a wondrous musk.
In her right hand ruby wine and in her left a portion of roast sweetmeats.
And this is a wondrous bounty.
And her palms were red and stained with the blood of the lovers.
And this is a wondrous affair.
And she passed round the living wine in long-necked pitchers and goblets.
And this is a wondrous fountain.
And she sang in the name of the Beloved with lute and rebec.
And this is a wondrous melody.
Whereupon the hearts melted with fire and flames.
And this is a wondrous love.
And the sustenance of the Beauty was given them, with neither balance nor measure.
And this is a wondrous sustenance.
And the sword of her flashing eyes was drawn upon the necks.
And this is a wondrous blow.
She smiled and there appeared white, shining pearls.
And this is a wondrous pearl.
Whereupon the hearts of the possessors of minds cried out.
And this is a wondrous renunciation.
And every proud, disbelieving one turned aside from her.
And this is naught but a wondrous rejection.
And when she heard this, she returned unto her palace in sadness and affliction.
And this is a wondrous grief!
She came and she returned; How exalted her coming and going!
And this is a wondrous decree.
And she cried out in her heart, a cry that caused all existence to expire and vanish.
And this is a wondrous sadness.
And she opened the fountain of her mouth in discourse and in reproof.
And this is a wondrous stream.
And she said, "Do not reject me, 0 People of the Book!"
And this is a wondrous matter.
"Are you the people of guidance and are you the friends?"
By God, this is a wondrous lie!
And she said, "We shall not return unto you, 0 companions."
And this is a wondrous returning.
And we shall conceal the secrets of God that are in the Tablets and the Book.
And this is a command from a Mighty and Generous One.
"And you shall not find Me, save when the Promised One appears in the day of return!"
By my life, this is a wondrous abasement!