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TAGS: * Báb, The; * Báb, Writings of; * Báb, The, Basic timeline; * Báb, The (chronology); - Báb, Writings of (first stage); - Báb, Writings of (second stage); - Báb, Writings of (third stage); - Chronology and timelines; Gate of the Heart (book)
Overview of some of the major, or more frequently mentioned, works of the Báb in chronological order.
Adapted (2024) from an annotated listing in Saiedi's book Gate of the Heart (2008), Partial Inventory ID's are not included in the book.

A Short Chronological List of the Báb's Writings

Nader Saiedi

Arjen Bolhuis, editor

published in Gate of the Heart

pp. 29-35


originally written or published


1. Some Works of the First Stage (To January 1846)

The first, interpretive, stage comprises works written up to the middle of the first month of A.H. 1262 (A.D. 1846).

# Title: Place and date: Structure: Comments: Partial Inventory ID:
1 Fi's-Suluk I (On the Virtuous Journey I) Very early work was written before the declaration of the Báb and even before the death of Siyyid Kazim. BB00297
2 Fi's-Suluk II (On the Virtuous Journey II) Written after the Báb's declaration. BB00065
3 Tafsir-i-Suriy-i-Baqarih I (Commentary on the Surih of the Cow I) Written within a year, was completed at the end of A.H. 1260 (A.D. 1844). BB00008
4 Tafsir-i-Suriy-i-Yusif (Commentary on the Surih of Joseph), commonly referred to as the Qayyumu'l-Asmá' (The Self-Subsisting Lord of All Names) Began on the night of the Báb's declaration in May 1844 and completed during the next forty days. 111 chapters Crucial text; interprets various verses of the Qur'anic Surih of Joseph in terms of the principle of progressive revelation, disclosing both the station of the Báb and of Bahá'u'lláh. BB00002
5 Sahify-i-Makhzunih (Hidden Treasured Epistle) Written shortly after the declaration of the Báb. Fourteen prayers and visitation tablets BB00018
6 Kitabu'r-Ruh (Book of the Spirit) Written at sea during the Báb's return journey from Mecca. Large work, consisting of approximately seven-hundred short surihs. BB00009
7 Tafsir-i-Bismillah (Commentary on Bismillah) BB00022
8 Sahifiy-i-A'mal-i-Sanih (Epistle on the Devotional Deeds of the Year) Written between Mecca and Medina, on the first day of A.H. 1261. An introduction and seven chapters BB00025
9 Sahifiy-i-Bayna'l-Haramayn (Epistle Revealed between the Twin Shrines) Written between Mecca and Medina, on the first day of A.H. 1261. BB00019
10 Kitabu'l-Fihrist (Indexical Tablet) Written in Bushihr on Jumadi'th-Thani 15, 1261 (June 21. 1845), shortly after the Báb returned to Iran from Mecca. BB00128
11 Sahifiy-i-Radaviyyih (Epistle of Rida') [also known as Risaliy-i-Dhahabiyyih] Written at different times, many sermons were written during the journey to Mecca and Medina. Fourteen sermons BB00137
12 Sharh-i-Du'a'-i-Ghaybat (Commentary on the Occultation Prayer), also called Tafsir-i-Ha' (Interpretation of the Letter Ha') and Sahifiy-i-Ja'fariyyih (Epistle of Ja'far) Written in the early to middle part of the first month of A.H. 1262. Fourteen chapters BB00012

2. Some Works of the Second Stage (January 1846 - April 1847)

The second, philosophical, stage consists of works the Báb wrote during the remainder of His stay in Shíráz and His six months of residence in Isfahan (January 1846 - April 1847).

# Title: Place and date: Structure: Comments: Partial Inventory ID:
1 Sahifiy-i-Adliyyih (Epistle of Justice: Root Principles) Written in the second half of the first month of 1262 (late January 1846). The first major work that the Báb wrote in Persian. BB00017
2 Sahifiy-i-Furu-i-Adliyyih (Epistle of Justice: Branches) BB00039
3 Tafsir-i-Suriy-i-Kawthar (Commentary on the Surih of Abundance) Written during the final months of the Báb's stay in Shíráz ... around May 1846. Long work BB00007
4 Tafsir-i-Ha' (Commentary on the Letter Ha') Written after the Commentary on the Surih of Abundance, but before the Báb's departure for Isfahan. BB00021
5 Tafsir-i-Sirr-i-Ha' (Commentary on the Mystery of Ha') Written shortly after the Commentary on the Letter Ha'. BB00029
6 Tafsir-i-Suriy-i-Va'l-'Asr (Commentary on the Surih of the Afternoon) Written in one night, in October or November 1846, during the Báb's stay in Isfahan. BB00010
7 Risaliy-i-Ithbat-i-Nubuvvat-i-Khassih (Epistle on the Proofs of the Prophethood of Muhammad) Written in Isfahan. BB00014
8 Tablet to Mirza Sa'id Written in Isfahan. One of the most explicit and complex philosophical writings of the Báb. BB00064
9 Risalah Fi'l-Ghina' (Treatise on Singing) BB00037

3. Some Works of the Third Stage (April 1847 - July 1850)

The third, legislative, stage encompasses works written during the period from the Báb's departure from Isfahan for Maku in April 1847 to His martyrdom in July 1850.

# Title: Place and date: Structure: Comments: Partial Inventory ID:
1 Bayán-i-Farsi (Persian Bayán) The greater part of this work was written in the prison of Maku. Comprising of nine vahids (unities) of nineteen chapters or bábs (gates) - with the exception of the last unity, which has only ten gates. The Mother Book of the Bábí Dispensation BB00001
2 Bayánu'l-Arabi (Arabic Bayán) The greater part of the work was written in Maku. While much shorter in length than the Persian Bayán, the Arabic Bayán contains eleven full unities, whereas the Persian Bayán ends with gate 10 of the ninth unity. BB00020
3 Dala'il-i-Sab ih (Seven Proofs) Written in Maku. BB00015
4 Tablet to Mulla Baqir [Mulla Muhammad-Baqir Tabriz] BB00078
5 Kitabu'l-Asmá' (Book of Divine Names) Some of the chapters were written during the Báb's imprisonment in Maku, and others while He was in Chihriq. More than three thousand pages. Consists of nineteen unities and 361 gates (chapters). BB00003
6 Kitab-i-Panj Sha'n (Book of the Five Modes of Revelation) Written within the first days of the spring of 1850. Nineteen chapters The Tablet of Hurufat, or Tablet of Nineteen Temples, is one of the chapters. BB00005
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