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TAGS: - Islam; Hidden Imam; Imams; Interfaith dialogue; Mahdi (Mihdi); Qaim; Shia Islam (Shiism); Twelfth Imam
One-paragraph passage related to the coming of the Mahdi.
From Ma`idih-yi Asmani (Heavenly Spread) 1:7 (scan or download). Mirrored with permission from

The One Who Related the Existence of the Qáʼim


Adib Masumian, translator


Regarding the one who related the existence of the Qáʼim[1]

In a tablet to Mírzá Aqáy-i Afnán, the blessed pen of the Ancient Beauty—exalted be His glory—hath revealed:

“The one who related the existence of the Qá’im was a woman. It was asked of Jaʻfar,[2] ‘Does [Imám Ḥasan] ʻAskarí have any living sons?’ That wronged one[3] declined and said, ‘There was a child, but he passed away two years ago.’ Those with ill intentions condemned him as a liar, and they shunned and cursed him. Ignorant and heedless, they accepted and proclaimed as truth the words of that lying woman, which were in agreement with their selfish intentions.”

دربارهء راوی وجود قائم

از قلم مبارک جمال قدم جلّ جلاله در لوح ميرزا آقای افنان نازل:

"راوی وجود حضرت قائم زنی بوده از حضرت جعفر سؤال نمودند آيا از برای حضرت عسکری اولاد ذکوری موجود آن مظلوم ابا نمود و فرمود دو سال قبل طفلی بوده و فوت شد صاحبان غرض او را طرد و لعن نمودند و کذابش گفتند

و قول آن زن کاذبه چون موافق هوی و اغراض نفسانيه نفوس غافله بود آن را اخذ کردند و اعلان نمودند"


[1] According to the Twelver Shíʻah tradition, the twelfth Imám—known as the Mahdí, or “rightly guided one”—was born to the eleventh Imám, Ḥasan ʻAskarí, in 869 AD. After Ḥasan ʻAskarí died in 874, the Mahdí—who would have been five years old at the time—was purportedly hidden to protect him from the ruling ʻAbbásid caliphate. He would communicate with his followers through a series of four intermediaries. This period, known as the Minor Occultation, ended in 941 with the death of the fourth intermediary. Since that time, Twelver Shíʻahs believe that the Mahdí has continued to exist in hiding, and will eventually reveal himself to battle the forces of evil and firmly establish submission unto God—the literal definition of “Islám”—as the universal religion for mankind.

Moojan Momen refers to this tablet in his article, “Shi`i Islam” (1995; available online), as evidence that Baha’u’llah rejected the story of the twelfth Imám as a pious fraud.

For more information on the concept of the Mahdí, refer to the following articles in the Encyclopedia Iranica:

[2] The brother of Imám Ḥasan ʻAskarí, known to Twelver Shíʻahs as "Jaʻfar-i-Kadhdháb" (“Jaʻfar the Liar”). In this tablet, Baha’u’llah dismisses this tenet of Shíʻah eschatology by establishing the truth of Jaʻfar’s reply to the question about his brother’s son. (This is not the same person as Imám Jaʻfar al-Ṣádiq, who lived in the eighth century AD—roughly a hundred years before Jaʻfar-i-Kadhdháb.)

[3] This characterization of Jaʻfar is likely a reference to the fact that generations of Twelver Shíʻahs have considered him a liar, even though he was actually telling the truth.

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History Typed 2015 by Adib Masumian.
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