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TAGS: * Leiden List; - Cross-reference; - Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh (book); - Summons of the Lord of Hosts (book); - Tablets to kings and rulers

Summons of the Lord of Hosts:

Cross-Referenced to Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh, the Leiden List, and Other Works

Brett Zamir, compiler


The following information (besides the references cited within the passim references) was devised largely with the help of the information at -- a website which shows which Summons of the Lord of Hosts passages (and other works) are in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh--as well as from the references in Summons of the Lord of Hosts on-line at . Another resource which might be consulted is at

There are four basic sections.
  1. Summary of what is and what is not included in Summons of the Lord of Hosts (or in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh).
  2. Summons of the Lord of Hosts cross-referenced to The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh (only).
  3. Summons of the Lord of Hosts cross-referenced to The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh and other references (those listed in the published references to Summons of the Lord of Hosts (at ))
  4. Summons of the Lord of Hosts cross-referenced to the Leiden List (including editable, updatable versions)

Summary of what is and what is not included in Summons of the Lord of Hosts (or in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh).

The phrase from the introduction to Summons of the Lord of Hosts states: "The present volume brings together the first full, authorized English translation of these major writings [message to the kings and rulers of the world]. Among them is the complete Súriy-i-Haykal, the Súrih of the Temple, one of Bahá'u'lláh's most challenging works. It was originally revealed during His banishment to Adrianople and later recast after His arrival in `Akká. In this version He incorporated His messages addressed to individual potentates -- Pope Pius IX, Napoleon III, Czar Alexander II, Queen Victoria, and Násiri'd-Dín Sháh."

The key phrase is apparently "major writings" since there are some items entirely missing from Summons of the Lord of Hosts yet present in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh:

The Tablets to Kaiser Wilhelm I, Emperor Francis Joseph, and The Rulers of America are not present in Summons of the Lord of Hosts (though they are paragraphs in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas). Some of the excerpts in the sections to the Kings and Rulers Collectively, to the Religious Leaders Collectively, to the Clergy and People, and in "The Great Announcement to Mankind" are also not present in Summons of the Lord of Hosts.

The Suriy-i-Ra'is, Lawh-i-Ra'is, and Lawh-i-Fu'ad (Tablets to two Ministers of the Ottoman regime), on the other hand, alone are not included in any fashion in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh.

Summons of the Lord of Hosts cross-referenced to The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh (only).

The following is a cross-referencing in the order of the Summons of the Lord of Hosts showing the corresponding passages in The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh (only).

Summons of the Lord of Hosts corresponded to Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh
Summons of the Lord of Hosts Par.#Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh sectionPB page #PB sec. #PB par. #
H 102-126 passim (102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 112-114, 118, 120, 126)Pope Pius IXpp. 83-86sec. Ipar. 1-4
H 108 (new translation)The Clergy and People of Various Faithsp. 97sec. XVpar. 1
H 109, 111The Clergy and People of Various Faithsp. 97sec. XVIpar. 1
H 127-129The Clergy and People of Various Faithsp. 91sec. Vpar. 1
H 131-156 (131-135, 137-140, 143-145, 152-156) passim, ESW 46-56 passimNapoleon IIIpp. 17-23sec. Ipar. 1-12
H 136, ESW 49The Clergy and People of Various Faithspp. 95-96sec. XIIIpar. 1
H 158-170 passim (158-160, 162-164, 170), ESW 57-59Czar Alexander IIpp. 27-30sec. Ipar. 1-4
H 171-173, ESW 59-64Queen Victoriapp. 33-34sec. Ipar. 1-3
H 174-176The Elected Representatives of the People in Every Landpp. 67-68sec. Ipar. 1-3
H 179-182Kings & Rulers Collectivelypp. 12-13section IIIpar. 1-3
H 185Queen Victoriapp. 34-35sec. Ipar. 4
H 192-195, 230, 249, 265-266, 268Násiri'd-Dín Sháhpp. 57-60sec. Ipar. 1-6

M 2-23 passim (2, 3, 4, 6, 10-14, 20-21, 23)Kings & Rulers Collectivelypp. 7-12sec. IIpar. 1-8
M 58-72, 81-83Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azízpp. 47-54sec. Ipar. 1-18
M 108-112 passimThe Clergy and People of Various Faithspp. 102-103sec. XXpar. 1

Summons of the Lord of Hosts cross-referenced to The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh and other references
(those listed in the published references to Summons of the Lord of Hosts (at ))

The references from Summons of the Lord of Hosts are as paragraphs whereas the references of The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh are page numbers.

The letters H and M were appended in this section to Súriy-i-Haykal and Súriy-i-Mulúk references, respectively, but no letters were appended to the other passage items.

H 6-7GPB 101-102
H 8WOB 109-110
H 34WOB 110
H 42ESW 25
H 44WOB 109
H 47WOB 169PDC 112
H 50WOB 109
H 66WOB 109
H 75WOB 107
H 88PDC 271
H 89PDC 208
H 89PDC 208
H 96WOB 138
Pope Pius IX (Lawh-i-Páp)
H 102PDC 71PB 83
H 103PDC 71PB 83
H 105PDC 71PB 83
H 106PDC 72PB 83-84
H 108 (new translation)PDC 72PB 84, 97
H 109PDC 256PB 97
H 111PDC 256PB 97
H 112PDC 73PB 84
H 113PDC 73PB 84-85
H 114PDC 73PB 85
H 115PDC 247
H 116WOB 108
H 118PDC 74PB 85
H 120PDC 74PB 85-86
H 126PDC 74PB 86
H 127PDC 261PB 91
H 128PDC 261PB 91
H 129PDC 261PB 91
Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyún II)
H 131-135PB 17-19ESW 46-49
H 136 -139PB 19-21, 95-96ESW 49-52
H 140PB 21ESW 52
H 141GPB 206
H 142-143ESW 52-53
H 143PDC 70
H 143PDC 70PB 21
H 144PB 22ESW 53
H 145PB 22ESW 53-54
H 146ESW 54
H 147ESW 54
H 149ESW 54-55
H 150-151ESW 55
H 152PB 22ESW 55-56
H 156PB 22-23ESW 56
Czar Alexander II (Lawh-i-Malik-i-Rús)
H 158PDC 75PB 27ESW 57
H 159-160PDC 75-76PB 27-28ESW 57-58
H 162-163PDC 77-78PB 28-29ESW 58-59
H 164PDC 78PB 29
H 170PDC 78PB 29-30
Queen Victoria (Lawh-i-Malikih)
H 171-173PDC 79-81PB 33-34ESW 59-64
H 173ESW 61-62
H 174-176PB 67-68GWB CXX
H 176-177ESW 63-64
H 178-182PB 12-13GWB CXIX
H 185PDC 82PB 34-35
Násiri'd-Dín Sháh (Lawh-i-Sultán)
H 192-195PDC 97-99PB 57-59
H 217PDC 182
H 221PDC 110
H 225PHW #24
H 226PHW #25
H 227PHW #28
H 228PHW #30
H 230PDC 100PB 59
H 231KI 247-248
H 231KI 238
H 232GPB 143
H 242KI 5
H 242KI 5
H 244KI 109-110
H 249PDC 101PB 59
H 258ESW 17
H 265PDC 102
H 265-266PDC 102PB 59-60
H 267GPB 186
H 268PDC 102PB 60
H 273ESW 94
H 276PDC 113
1WOB 178
2WOB 178
5PDC 152
11GPB 179
12GPB 179
12GPB 179-180
13GPB 180
13GPB 136-137
14GPB 181
18WOB 105-106
21PDC 185
6GPB 187
7PDC 153
9PDC 153
25-26PDC 111
13PDC 156
M 2PDC 41PB 7
M 2-3PDC 41PB 7-8
M 4PDC 41PB 8
M 6PDC 41PB 8-9
M 6PDC 41PB 9
M 7-14PDC 42-46PB 9-11
M 15PDC 64
M 20-23PB 11, 11-12GWB CXVI
M 24-30GWB LXV
M 58-72PB 47-52GWB CXIV
M 74GPB 161
M 74GPB 161
M 75GPB 161
M 78-83PB 52-54GWB CXIV
M 108PDC 224PB 102
M 109-111PDC 224PB 102-103
M 111PDC 224PB 103

The following table links to the Leiden List discussions of the Tablets in Summons of the Lord of Hosts as well as to publicly editable pages corresponding to the same Tablets.

Summons of the Lord of Hosts sectionSLH page #Leiden List #Editable Wiki #
Súriy-i-Haykal / Surih of the Temple1306306
Pope Pius IX54208208
Napoleon III67200200
Czar Alexander II83154154
Queen Victoria88153153
Násiri'd-Dín Sháh / Lawh-i-Sultán96248248
Súriy-i-Mulúk / Surih to the Kings183319319
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