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COLLECTIONSBahá'í Writings, Books
TITLEGleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
AUTHOR 1 Bahá'u'lláh
CONTRIB 1 Shoghi Effendi, trans.
DATE_THIS1988 [1935]
PUB_THISBahá'í Publishing Trust
NOTES See also sources of Gleanings study guide, an index to Gleanings, and original Introduction by Kenneth Christian.

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TAGS* Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; - Basics; - Compilations; Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
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I Lauded and glorified art Thou, O Lord, my God! ...
II The beginning of all things is the knowledge of God, ...
III The Revelation which, from time immemorial, ...
IV This is the Day in which God's most excellent favours ...
V This is the Day whereon the Ocean of God's mercy ...
VI Behold, how the divers peoples and kindreds ...
VII Verily I say, this is the Day in which mankind ...
VIII By the righteousness of God! These are the days ...
IX O Husayn! Consider the eagerness with which certain peoples ...
X The time foreordained unto the peoples and kindreds ...
XI All glory be to this Day, the Day in which the fragrances ...
XII Bestir yourselves, O people, in anticipation of the days ...
XIII Consider the past. How many, both high and low ...
XIV The Divine Springtime is come, O Most Exalted Pen ...
XV The Pen of Revelation exclaimeth: "On this Day ...
XVI Say: O men! This is a matchless Day ...
XVII By Him Who is the Great Announcement! ...
XVIII Say: We have caused the rivers of Divine utterance...
XIX To every discerning and illuminated heart it is evident ...
XX Know thou of a certainty that the Unseen ...
XXI O Salmán! The door of the knowledge of the Ancient Being ...
XXII The Bearers of the Trust of God are made manifest ...
XXIII Consider the former generations. Witness ...
XXIV Beware, O believers in the Unity of God, ...
XXV It is evident that every age in which a Manifestation of God ...
XXVI Praise be to God, the All-Possessing, the King ...
XXVII All praise to the unity of God, and all honour to Him ...
XXVIII Happy is the man who will arise to serve My Cause ...
XXIX The purpose of God in creating man hath been ...
XXX God witnesseth that there is no God but Him ...
XXXI Contemplate with thine inward eye the chain of successive Revelations ...
XXXII That which thou hast heard concerning Abraham ...
XXXIII It hath been decreed by Us that the Word of God ...
XXXIV All praise and glory be to God Who, ...
XXXV Ponder a while. What is it that prompted, ...
XXXVI Know thou that when the Son of Man ...
XXXVII Blessed is the man that hath acknowledged his belief in God ...
XXXVIII Know of a certainty that in every Dispensation ...
XXXIX Praise be to Thee, O Lord My God, for the wondrous revelations ...
XL O My Well-Beloved! Thou hast breathed Thy Breath into Me ...
XLI God is My witness, O people! I was asleep on My couch ...
XLII O Son of Justice! In the night season the beauty ...
XLIII O Afnán, O thou that hast branched from Mine ancient Stock! ...
XLIV Lay not aside the fear of God, O ye the learned of teh world ...
XLV The Ancient Beauty hath consented to be bound ...
XLVI I sorrow not for the burden of My imprisonment ...
XLVII O Jews! If ye be intent on crucifying once again Jesus ...
XLVIII God is my witness! Had it not been in conflict ...
XLIX Know verily that whenever this Youth turneth His eyes ...
L Shake off, O heedless ones, the slumber of negligence ...
LI O people! I swear by the one true God! This is the Ocean ...
LII Say: O people! Withhold not from yourselves the grace of God ...
LIII O Násir, O My servant! God, the Eternal Truth ...
LIV By the righteousness of God, my Well-Beloved! ...
LV Call thou to remembrance, O Land of Tá ...
LVI Let nothing grieve thee, O Land of Tá ...
LVII When thou art departed out of the court of My presence ...
LVIII Call thou to mind that which hath been revealed unto Midhí ...
LIX Every unbiased observer will readily admit that ...
LX My captivity can bring on Me no shame....
LXI The world is in travail, and its agitation waxeth ...
LXII Recall thou to mind My sorrows, My cares and anxieties ...
LXIII O thou whose face is turned towards Me! ...
LXIV t is Our wish to remember the Abode of supreme blissfulness ...
LXV Call Thou to remembrance Thine arrival in the City ...
LXVI Fear God, ye inhabitants of the City (Constantinople), ...
LXVII There hath appeared in this Revelation ...
LXVIII O thou who art the fruit of My Tree and the leaf thereof! ...
LXIX Call thou to mind the behavior of Ashraf's mother ...
LXX The world's equilibrium hath been upset ...
LXXI Be not dismayed, O peoples of the world, ...
LXXII Let not your hearts be perturbed, O people, ...
LXXIII It is clear and evident that when the veils that conceal realities ...
LXXIV Every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God ...
LXXV Tear asunder, in My Name, the veils that have grievously blinded ...
LXXVI Give ear, O My servant, unto that which is being sent down ...
LXXVII And now, concerning thy question regarding the creation of man...
LXXVIII As to thy question concerning the origin of creation....
LXXIX As to thy question concerning the worlds of God....
LXXX Thou hast asked Me whether man, as apart from the Prophets ...
LXXXI And now concerning thy question regarding the soul of man ...
LXXXII Thou hast asked Me concerning the nature of the soul....
LXXXIII Consider the rational faculty with which God hath endowed ...
LXXXIV Regard thou the one true God as One Who is apart ...
LXXXV O My servants! It behoveth you to refresh and revive your souls ...
LXXXVI And now concerning thy question whether human souls ...
LXXXVII And now regarding thy question, "How is it that no records ...
LXXXVIII Know verily that the essence of justice ...
LXXXIX Know assuredly that just as thou firmly believeth ...
XC Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth ...
XCI Amongst the proofs demonstrating the truth of this Revelation ...
XCII The Book of God is wide open, and His Word ...
XCIII Know thou that every created thing is a sign ...
XCIV And now concerning thy reference to the existence of two Gods....
XCV Know thou that, according to what thy Lord, ...
XCVI The Pen of the Most High is unceasingly calling ...
XCVII Consider the doubts which they who have joined partners ...
XCVIII Say: O leaders of religion! Weigh not the Book of God ...
XCIX The vitality of men's belief in God is dying out in every land ...
C The voice of the Divine Herald, proceeding out of the throne ...
CI The purpose underlying the revelation of every heavenly Book, ...
CII Give a hearing ear, O people, to that which I, ...
CIII God hath, through His tongue that uttereth the truth, ...
CIV O ye peoples of the world! Know, verily, ...
CV O kings of the earth! He Who is the sovereign Lord ...
CVI The All-Knowing Physician hath His finger on the pulse ...
CVII He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, ...
CVIII We have a fixed time for you, O peoples ....
CIX O Kamál! The heights which, through the most generous favour ...
CX The Great Being saith: O ye children of men! ...
CXI O contending peoples and kindreds of the earth! ...
CXII Behold the disturbances which, for many a long year ...
CXIII Dost thou imagine, O Minister of the Sháh ...
CXIV Hearken, O King (Sultán `Abdu'l-`Azíz), ...
CXV The Pen of Revelation, O Dhabíh, hath, in ...
CXVI O kings of Christendom! Heard ye not the saying of Jesus, ...
CXVII The Great Being, wishing to reveal the prerequisites of the peace ...
CXVIII Lay not aside the fear of God, O kings of the earth, ...
CXIX O ye rulers of the earth! Wherefore have ye clouded ...
CXX O ye the elected representatives of the people ...
CXXI Say: O ye that envy Me and seek My hurt! ...
CXXII Man is the supreme Talisman. Lack of a proper education ...
CXXIII The generations that have gone on before you ...
CXXIV How wondrous is the unity of the Living, ...
CXXV O My brother! When a true seeker determineth to take the step ...
CXXVI To whatever place We may be banished, ...
CXXVII If it be your wish, O people, to know God ...
CXXVIII Say: Doth it beseem a man while claiming to be a follower ...
CXXIX O wayfarer in the path of God! Take thou thy portion ...
CXXX Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity....
CXXXI The Pen of the Ancient King hath never ceased to remember ...
CXXXII The Purpose of the one true God, exalted be His glory, ...
CXXXIII The ordinances of God have been sent down from the heaven ...
CXXXIV The first and foremost duty prescribed unto men, ...
CXXXV O Letter of the Living! The ear of God hath heard thy cry, ...
CXXXVI Say: Deliver your souls, O people, from the bondage of self, ...
CXXXVII Some have regarded it as lawful to infringe ...
CXXXVIII Thou seest, O God of Mercy, Thou Whose power pervadeth ...
CXXXIX Let thine ear be attentive, O Nabíl-i-A'zam, ...
CXL O Muhammad-`Alí! Great is the blessedness ...
CXLI A Book sent down in truth unto men of insight! ...
CXLII I swear by the beauty of the Well-Beloved! ...
CXLIII Blessed art thou, O My servant, inasmuch as thou hast recognized ...
CXLIV The Pen of the Most High hath decreed and imposed ...
CXLV If ye meet the abased or the down-trodden, turn not away ...
CXLVI It is Our wish and desire that every one of you may become ...
CXLVII The Most Great Name beareth Me witness! ...
CXLVIII O Salmán! All that the sages and mystics have said ...
CXLIX Should any man, in this Day, arise and, with absolute detachment ...
CL When the victory arriveth, every man shall profess himself ...
CLI Release yourselves, O nightingales of God, ...
CLII Thine eye is My trust, suffer not the dust of vain desires ...
CLIII O banished and faithful friend! Quench the thirst ...
CLIV Warn, O Salmán, the beloved of the one true God, ...
CLV The first duty prescribed by God for His servants ...
CLVI He Who is the Eternal Truth hath, from the Day Spring of Glory, ...
CLVII They that have forsaken their country for the purpose ...
CLVIII God hath prescribed unto every one the duty of teaching ...
CLIX Consider the pettiness of men's minds. They ask for that ...
CLX He is indeed a true believer in the unity of God ...
CLXI Gird up the loins of thine endeavor, that haply thou mayest guide ...
CLXII The All-Merciful hath conferred upon man the faculty of vision, ...
CLXIII All praise be to God Who hath adorned the world with an ornament, ...
CLXIV Members of the human race! Hold ye fast by the Cord ...
CLXV Know thou that every hearing ear, if kept pure and undefiled, ...
CLXVI Whoso layeth claim to a Revelation direct from God, ...

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