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[Previous] earth shall shine with the light of her Lord." (1) Holy and exalted is He, Who has caused the nature of man to be the dayspring of this boundless grace: "The God of mercy hath taught the Qur'án, hath created man, hath taught him articulate speech." (2)

O ye that have minds to know! Raise up your suppliant hands to the heaven of the one God, and humble yourselves and be lowly before Him, and thank Him for this supreme endowment, and implore Him to succor us until, in this present age, godlike impulses may radiate from the conscience of mankind, and this divinely kindled fire which has been entrusted to the human heart may never die away.

Consider carefully: all these highly varied phenomena, these concepts, this knowledge, these technical procedures and philosophical systems, these sciences, arts, industries and inventions--all are emanations of the human mind. Whatever people has ventured deeper into this shoreless sea, has come to excel the rest. The happiness and pride of a nation consist in this, that it should shine out like the sun in the high heaven of knowledge. "Shall they who have knowledge and they who have it not, be treated alike?" (3) And the honor and distinction of the individual consist in this, that he among all the world's multitudes should become a source of social good. Is any larger bounty [Next]

1. Qur'án 39:69.
2. Qur'án 55:1-3.
3. Qur'án 39:12.
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