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  1. John David Rees. Bab and Babism, The (1896-08-22). An early, brief account of Bábí history and speculation about the presence of the Bábís (i.e. Bahá'ís) in contemporary Iran by a British colonial official and traveller.
  2. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Baha'i Faith, The: A Future-Oriented Religion (1997). The rise and fall of civilizations as regards future human development.
  3. Roger Coe. Communication: The Key to Expansion (1986-02). The use of technology by and its impact upon Bahá'í scholarship. Available also as audiobook.
  4. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Environmental Protection from a Baha'i Perspective (1997). The place of the natural world in the Bahá'í teachings.
  5. Robert Stockman. "Race, Immorality and Money in the American Bahá'í Community: Impeaching the Los Angeles Spiritual Assembly," by Juan Cole: Commmentary (2000-04). Response to Cole's article in the same issue, which analyzes the dissolution of the Bahá'í local assembly of Los Angeles in 1986-88 by the US NSA.
  6. John Parris. Scholarship in the Bahá'í Community (1991). intellectual development in the Bahá'í community; scholarship is an avenue open to all believers and not confined to an elitist few.
  7. Shahriar Razavi, Khazeh Fananapazir. Bahá'í Faith, The, by John Boykin: Underlying Principles and Approach for a Bahá'í Response (1992). A case study in opposition literature and anti-Bahá'í polemicism.
  8. Graham Hassall. Modelling Human Rights Education: A View from the Pacific (1997-11). For Bahá'ís to be successfully involved in the promotion of human rights development, they will have to decide what their model of 'human rights' is, and how to deal with the variant conceptions of human rights already held across the Asia-Pacific region.
  9. Paul Kingston Dealy. Dawn of Knowledge and Most Great Peace, The (1903). Early collection of lectures on Bahá'í teachings and history with reference to the Bible, and a "supplement" by Abdu'l-Bahá.
  10. E. G. Browne. E. G. Browne, trans. Two State Papers Bearing on the Removal of the Babis from Baghdad to Turkey (1862-05-10). Iranian State papers requesting that the Ottomans expel Bahá'u'lláh and the Bábís from Baghdad.
  11. Elizabeth Herrick. Unity Triumphant: The Call of the Kingdom (1925). An early introduction to the Bahá'í teachings and a testimony of faith in the revelation of Bahá'u'lláh.
  12. John B. Cornell. Spiritual Assembly as Arbitrator, The (1997). The function of Spiritual Assemblies in arbitrating disputes among Bahá'ís, and some historical insight into the development of Bahá'í practice.
  13. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Canadian Baha'i Community (1991). Statistics and analysis of enrollment and growth patterns.
  14. Will C. van den Hoonaard, William W. Hackborn. Chaos as Metaphor for the Study of Social Processes in the Postmodern World: A Baha'i Illustration (1997-03). How ideas drawn from the study of chaos theory can be used to describe some aspects of a social environment.
  15. Barbara L. McLellan. Chasm of Belief (1996). Post traumatic stress disorder, its challenge to the Bahá'í community, and steps which may assist the community to face this issue.
  16. Holly Hanson. Clay into Crystal: How Thought Shapes Structure in the Pursuit of Justice (2001-09). Explores the concept that social structures emerge out of patterns of thought, illustrated with the history of political transformation in Uganda, of economies in Europe, of the academy.
  17. John W. Suggs, Jr., Lin Deahl-Coy. Common Threads: A Theory and Practice of Community Development (1999-06). Results of a sociological study designed "to teach practical skills of love, support and belonging."
  18. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Ecological Models of Social Organization: A Baha'i Perspective (1994-09). Natural vs. human social ecosystems and the interplay of natural vs. social systems in the 21st century.
  19. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Question of Gender in Canadian Baha'i History, The (1994-06). The position of Bahá'í women in the Canadian community and the extent to which they participated in teaching and administrative activities.
  20. Holly Hanson. Global Dilemmas, Local Responses: Creating Patterns of Action that Make the World Different (2000-12). Globalization through the metaphor of the world as a body: as a diseased body, as a beautiful but dead body, and of political and social institutions as a growing body.
  21. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Social Crises and Their Connections to Global Ecological Problems (1994-05). Global warming and the social roots of environmental problems.
  22. Holly Hanson. World We Want, The: Overcoming Barriers to Systematic Action (2001-12). Explores the process through which humanity can create a peaceful and just world society, as presented in The Secret of Divine Civilization, "The Promise of World Peace," and letters of the Universal House of Justice.
  23. Author unknown. Case on Conscientious Objection, A (1972). In 1972, a Bahá'í — previously convicted of failing to submit to induction (the draft) — was acquitted on appeal.
  24. Ted Slavin. We are overdue to honour our end of our covenant with God (2010). Overview of the meanings of the Covenant, from a personal perspective.
  25. Author unknown. Imbrie Murder Laid to Religious Hate (1924-07-24). Two brief articles describing the 1924 murder of an American diplomat by a Muslim mob who thought he was a Bahá'í.
  26. W. Smith Murray. Report to the U.S. Secretary of State (1924-08-10). A report to the US Secretary of State by W. Smith Murray, who was in charge of the U.S. Consulate in Tihran, on report of the murder of Vice Consel Robert Imbrie in Tihran.
  27. W. Smith Murray. Consideration of the Bahá'í religion, its Tenets, the Character of its Followers, and the Possibility of its Spread, A (1925-01-08). Lengthy report back to the US State Department by Murray, who was then in charge of the U.S. Consulate in Tihran, on the Bahá'ís in the Middle East, the "Imbrie affair," the character of the Bahá'ís, and the possibility of the Faith's spread in Persia.
  28. Author unknown. In re Petition for Naturalization of Parviz Meghnot (1965). In 1965 naturalization was granted to a Bahá'í applicant, overruling a decision by the Immigration and Naturalization Service that belief in world government compromised his loyalty to the United States.
  29. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Community, Baha'i (1993-12).
  30. Seena Fazel. Religious Pluralism (1995).
  31. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Registry of Early Canadian Believers (1987-03). A report on the recent progress in developing the Registry of Early Canadian Believers, 1893-1944, an adjunct project of A Short Encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith.
  32. Marie Gervais, Tim Heins. Understanding and Eliminating Oppression: Baha'i Writings and Social Theory Combined (2010). The theme of oppression is addressed frequently in the Bahá'í Writings. This article examines good/evil and social theory to analyze race, gender, poverty, and ethnicity.
  33. John Taylor. On History's Greatest Breakthrough in Knowledge (2000-06-27). Various musings inspired by the month of "knowledge," and by Bahá'u'lláh's statement that "every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute."
  34. A. W. Samii. Falsafi Kashani and the Bahá'ís (1996-01-15). Essay posted to the Usenet group soc.culture.iranian in January 1996 provides a brief but well-researched history of the treatment of Bahá'ís in Iran in the 1950s. Posted under the name "Abbas 65."
  35. John B. Cornell. Scientific Approach to Moral Conduct (1946-11). Comparison of Bahá'í teachings on sexual behavior with those presented by a then-current textbook, Personality and the Family (1935).
  36. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Inside The Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948: A Personal Narrative (1996-12). A detailed account of the author's experience researching, writing, and publishing this extensive historic study.
  37. Stephen R. Friberg. On Postmodernism (1998-11). Thoughts on the relevance of post-modernism in considering the sometimes extreme claims to the authority of an intellectual 'essentializing' methodology amongst some Bahá'í scholars.
  38. Featured Pieces. The Bahá'í Library Online posts a large amount of material, and interesting items can be overlooked. To highlight noteworthy additions, we select some to "feature."
  39. Abbas Amanat. Resurgence of Apocalyptic in Modern Islam (2000). Shi'i Mahdism, beliefs on the end of time, and overview of the rise of the Bábí Faith.
  40. Peter Avery. Modern Iran (1967). 24 pages from chapters on "Nasiru'd-Din Shah's heritage," "Nasiru'd-Din Shah on his own," and "Prologue to Revolution."
  41. Rahmatu'llah Muhajir. Development of the Faith (n.d.). Process and development of the Faith, "from its birth to its glory and greatness and color in the world."
  42. Robert S. Ellwood. Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America (1973). From chapter eight, "The East in the Golden West: Other Oriental Movements."
  43. James Fieser, ed, John Powers, ed. Bahá'í (1998). Chapter 12, consisting of commentary and a compilation.
  44. Robert Ullian. Frommer's Guide to Israel: The Best of Israel (1998). Summary of the best ancient cities, beaches, dining, hotels, museums, nature, outdoor and travel experiences in Israel, plus the more evocative ancient sites, important Holy Places, and the Messages that can be taken from excavated mosaic floors.
  45. Joseph J. Dewey. Chapter 10, The Three Revelations (1999-04). Discusses the Bab and Bahá'ís in context of the emergence of other teachers/masters around the time of Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism.
  46. John Hick. The Fifth Dimension (1999). Two passing mentions of the Faith; included because of the author's relevance to Bahá'í Studies.
  47. Marshall G. S. Hodgson. Social Protest of the Babis, The (1974). Two pages on the Babis, from a classic textbook on Islamic history.
  48. Lewis M. Hopfe. Chapter 14, "Bahá'í" (1987). Short chapter, covering "Origin and development of Bahá'í," "The teachings of Bahá'í," and "Bahá'í practices."
  49. Caesar E. Farah. Islam: Beliefs and Observances (1970). Overview of the Bábí and Bahá'í faiths, and their relevance to "modernity,"
  50. Gyula Germanus. Modern Movements in Islam (1932). Chapter on the Shaykhis, Babis, and Bahá'ís. Not proofread, has scanning errors.
  51. E. E. Kellett. Short History of Religions A (1933). Overview of Babism, from the chapter "Mohammedism."
  52. Martin Kramer. Shi'ism: Resistance and Revolution (1987). Brief mentions of Khomeini and of Hojjatiyya, the "anti-Bahá'í society."
  53. Ira Lapidus. History of Islamic Societies, A (1988). Two passing references, in the context of the ulama vs. the state.
  54. Sandra Mackey. Iranians, The: Persia, Islam, and the Soul of a Nation (1998). Brief overview of the Bahá'í Faith during the Qajar period, in the context of Iranian politics.
  55. George A. Mather, Larry A. Nichols. Babists, Bahá'í History (1993). Three entries from an outsider dictionary, followed by a response by Robert Stockman.
  56. Ian Richard Netton. Babism, Bahá'ís, Baha'u'llah (1992). A few short dictionary-type entries.
  57. Solomon A. Nigosian. Bahá'í: Chapter 15 (1994). Overview of the Faith from a popular comparative religions textbook.
  58. Geoffrey Parrinder. Bahá'í Ideals (1996). Short chapter on sexual and marriage ethics,
  59. Napier Malcolm. Five Years in a Persian Town (1907). Many passing mentions, plus a detailed overview, in an account by a Christian missionary in Yazd, first published in 1905.
  60. Edward Rice. Chapter 6, "Some 'New' Religions: Cao Dai, The Bahá'í Faith, Theosophy (1978). Historical overview, from Shi'i Islam to the Wilmette Temple.
  61. Ninian Smart. Bahá'ís, The (1969). Short treatment of Bahá'í history and thought, in a commonly-assigned university textbook.
  62. Shoghi Effendi. Letter to Marzieh Gail (1942-10-24). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, stating that not being reappointed to Bahá'í committees gives people more opportunity to engage in the teaching work, and expressing pleasure at the Bahá'ís' lack of prejudice towards minority group members.
  63. Shoghi Effendi. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1946 (1946-03-09). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, noting how many letters he now had to deal with, encouraging Bahá'í youth to play a greater role in the activities of the Faith, and that questions about secondary administrative matters should be put to the NSA.
  64. Shoghi Effendi. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1955 (1955-11-5). A letter stating Bahá'ís should seek guidance with local Bahá'í leadership in matters of divorce.
  65. Ala'u'l-Mulk. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Report to the Shah from Akka, A (2000). Brief report from the Iranian ambassador to Istanbul on the activities of the Bahá'ís in Turkey, 1901.
  66. Shidan Fat'he-Aazam. Letter to the Geyserville (California) Bahá'í Summer School (1953-06-28). Short letter from a famous travel-teacher (and later member of the NSA of South and West Africa, and Counsellor for Africa).
  67. Ibrahim Nayrizi. Ahang Rabbani, trans. If Walls Could Speak: An eyewitness account of the Bábís of Nayriz (1998). An account of the Nayriz uprising in 1853.
  68. Ahang Rabbani, comp. Martyrs of the Second Revolt at Nayriz (1999). A list, compiled from three histories, of those who died in the 1852 revolt at Nayriz.
  69. Haji Muhammad Nayrizi. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Memories of Hájí Muhammad Nayrízi (1999). A short account of events in the 1853 Nayriz uprising.
  70. Isabella Lucy Bird. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan (1891). Three brief mentions, including of a "recent" attack on a group of peaceable Babis in Isfahan, written by "Mrs. Bishop" (Bird), Honorary Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
  71. David Langness. Report from the 1995 National Convention (1995-04). A short series of daily reports from the U.S. National Bahá'í Convention, from a personal perspective.
  72. Daniel Orey, et al.. Open Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly re Gays in the Baha'i Faith (1993-09-20).
  73. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iran. Banning of Bahá'í Religious Institutions in Iran, The: An Open Letter (1983-09-03). An open letter from the NSA of Iran, translated from the Persian and sent to the American Bahá'ís by the US NSA, in response to the 1983 banning of the Bahá'í Faith in the country.
  74. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Constitution of the NSA of the Bahá'ís of the United States and By-Laws of Local Spiritual Assemblies (1927-04-04). Text of the Constitution first adopted in 1927.
  75. Ahmad Sohrab, trans. Letter to the Believers in Portland, Oregon: 1914 June 1 (1914-06-01). One-paragraph letter of greeting and encouragement, sent from Hotel Tiberias, Syria; includes historical picture of the hotel.
  76. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Human Rights are God-Given Rights (1968-04). A short "Bahá'í Statement on Human Rights," written by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States for the International Year for Human Rights, 1968.
  77. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Investing and Finance (1996-05-22). Letter from the US BNC's Finance Coordinator describing some investment principles followed by the NSA, and offering limited guidance for individuals.
  78. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Membership in the National Organization for Women (1998-06-22). A statement on behalf of the NSA about which criteria Bahá'ís should consider when deciding what organizations to participate in, and whether they are politically active.
  79. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Pledge of Allegiance (2002). A short letter from the US Bahá'í National Center's Office of Public Information re a June 2002 ruling that the phrase "under God" violates the separation of church and state.
  80. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Spiritual Institutions: The Foundation for Oneness (2000). Annotated compilation on the structure and functioning of the Bahá'í administrative order.
  81. Dianne Bradford. Personal Page: Dianne Bradford: Deepening and teaching materials (1999). Links to some personal projects.
  82. Thomas Breakwell, Isabella D. Brittingham, Herbert Hopper. Utterances of Abdu'l-Baha to Thomas Breakwell, Herbert Hopper, and Isabella D. Brittingham (1901-09). Message to the believers in America, on the nature of evil, on universal language, on the number 9, and a conversation with Abu'l-Qasim, the gardener of the Ridvan.
  83. Hooper Harris. Pilgrim Letter of Hooper Harris to Mr. Hoar (1907-04). Letter from a pilgrim to a friend back home in America, giving impressions of Akka and of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  84. Bernard Leach, Lucy Marshall. Excerpts from a letter from Bernard Leach after his visit to Haifa (1954-12). Brief impressions of the Bahá'í Shrines and of Shoghi Effendi; the coming of the Lesser Peace.
  85. Ted Slavin. Humankind can't fly until men and women are truly equal (2011). Bahá'ís recognize the importance of International Women's Day. William Hatcher had many observations about the importance of equality and the place of women.
  86. Jessie Revell. Letters from Jessie Revell (1952). Two letters, from Shoghi Effendi's secretary at the time, to believers in the United States.
  87. Mrs. Rollins, Mrs. McCormick. Two Statements from the Guardian (n.d.). Two short comments of Shoghi Effendi, from a personal conversation.
  88. Ethel J. Rosenberg. Notes on St. John as explained by Our Lord (1901). Extracts from Rosenberg's pilgrim notes, taken in Haifa February-March 1901.
  89. Vivian Fellows. Remarks to Pilgrims to Haifa by Shoghi Effendi (n.d.). Six short, undated quotations.
  90. Ted Slavin. Power of Prayer Brings a Higher Force into Play, The (2011). Some ideas about how prayer works.
  91. Ted Slavin. We shouldn't occupy ourselves with the faults of others (2010). Bahá'ís are encouraged to speak well of others, avoid back-biting, and follow the examples of the Manifestations and Abdu'l-Bahá.
  92. Ted Slavin. As sure as spring follows winter, better times are ahead (2011). Seasonal spring can be a metaphor for spiritual spring: the renewal of faith. Bahá'ís celebrate both in the annual festival of Ridvan, and this April they will also be praying for the release of imprisoned Iranian Bahá'ís.
  93. Ted Slavin. Iranian Bahá'ís in captivity are living, and suffering, for all of us (2011). Why did a group of Bahá'ís in Iran in 1983 choose to be executed rather than renounce their faith? A new group of Bahá'ís in Iran is facing the same fate.
  94. Ted Slavin. Recharge your batteries by detaching for a while (2010-07-17).
  95. Robert Stockman. Notes from the National Bahá'í Archives on the Chicago House of Spirituality (1986). Unformatted notes, ordered chronologically, on early American Bahá'í history. Prepared as background research for The Bahá'í Faith in American vol. 1: Origins, 1892-1900.
  96. Ted Slavin. It's not a great weight-loss plan, but fasting is good for the soul (2011). Humorous look at the Fast and questions from non-Bahá'ís, and an overview of the laws of fasting.
  97. L. P. Elwell-Sutton. Báb, The: The Herald of the Day of Days, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review (1975).
  98. Author unknown. Baha'i Faith in America, The: Origins 1892-1900, by Robert Stockman: Review (1985-09-25).
  99. Author unknown. Baha'i Leads out of the Labyrinth, by Ruth White: Review (1944-07-26).
  100. Mansour Farhang. Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran, by Ervand Abrahamian: Review (2000-06-26).
  101. Cyrus Agahi. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review (1999).
  102. Stephen Miller. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review (1997).
  103. William G. Huitt. Dimensions in Spirituality, by Jack McLean: Review (1997).
  104. Richard Hollinger. Ethel Rosenberg: The Life and Times of England's Outstanding Pioneering Worker, by Robert Weinberg: Review (1996).
  105. Brad Pokorny. Lexus and the Olive Tree, The, by Thomas Friedman: Review (1999-04).
  106. Brad Pokorny. One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, by William Greider: Review (1997).
  107. Graham Hassall. Community Histories, by Richard Hollinger: Review (1995).
  108. Brad Pokorny. Love, Power, and Justice: The Dynamics of Authentic Morality, by William Hatcher: Review (1998-07).
  109. Moojan Momen. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review (1998).
  110. Graham Hassall. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review (1997).
  111. Danesh Sarooshi. Search for a Just Society, The, by John Huddleston: Review (1994).
  112. L. P. Elwell-Sutton. Bahá'í Faith: Its History and Teachings, The, by William Miller: Review (1976).
  113. Brad Pokorny. Do They Hear You When You Cry, by Fauziya Kassindja and Layli Miller Bashir: Review (1998-04).
  114. Brad Pokorny. Universe Within, The: An Exploration of the Human Spirit, by Anjam Khursheed: Review (1995).
  115. Nazila Ghanea-Hercock. Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review (1992).
  116. Sen McGlinn. Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review (1993-07-01).
  117. Brad Pokorny. Toward the Most Great Justice: Elements of Justice in the New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review (1996-07).
  118. Susan Maneck. Law of Love Enshrined, The: Selected Essays, by John Hatcher and William Hatcher: Review (1997).
  119. Lauran Walker. Mantle of the Prophet, The: Religion and Politics in Iran, by Roy Mottahedeh: Review (1997).
  120. Juan Cole. Baha'i, The: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review (2001-09).
  121. Michael McMullen. Origins of the Baha'i Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review (1997-12-22).
  122. Brad Pokorny. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review (1995).
  123. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, by John Walbridge: Review (1996).
  124. Burl Barer. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review (1996-04).
  125. Christopher Buck. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review (1996).
  126. Ira Lapidus. Persian Mirrors, by Elaine Sciolino: Review (2000-09-27).
  127. Daniel Grolin. Scripture and Revelation, ed. Moojan Momen: Review (2000 Spring).
  128. Derek Cockshut. Bahá'í Faith in America, The: 1900-1912, by Robert Stockman: Review (1995 Summer).
  129. Lynn Echevarria-Howe. Planning Progress: Lessons from Shoghi Effendi, by June Manning Thomas: Review (2000).
  130. Nassim Berdjis. Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, by Richard Thomas: Review (1996).
  131. Graham Hassall. Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, by Richard Thomas: Review (1997).
  132. Brad Pokorny. Mark Tobey: A retrospective exhibition: Review (1998-01).
  133. Constance M. Chen. Mirror of the Divine: Art in the Bahá'í World Community, by Ludwig Tuman: Review (1997).
  134. Daniela Pinna. Bahá'í, I by Margit Warburg: Review (2001-11).
  135. Brad Pokorny. God, Chance, and Necessity, by Keith Ward: Review (1997-10).
  136. Nayyer Ghadirian. Exploratory Study Examining the Factors Associated with the Survival of Underground Education in an Oppressive Environment (2008-12). History of and challenges faced by the Bahá'í Institute of Higher Education. Link to thesis (offsite).
  137. Haruma Hirabayashi, ed. Group Pilgrimage in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Baha'i Faith in Japan (2015-08). Brief notes by four participants from a contemporary visit by Japanese Bahá'ís to the Holy Land in honor of 100 years of the Faith in Japan.
  138. Cynthia C. Shawamreh. Lessons on Detachment in the Tablet to Pope Pius IX (1998-11).
  139. Donald Plunkett. Does the Valley of Unity negate the distinction between 'Bahá'í' and 'non-Bahá'í'? (1998-01). In the higher reaches of mystical attainment, the distinction between "Bahá'ís" and "non-Bahá'ís" is lessened.
  140. Kathleen Dillon. Women in Martyrdom: Parallels of Passio Perpetuae and Martyrdom in the Baha'i Faith (2000). Accounts of female martyrs in early Christianity and revolutionary Iran.
  141. Luiz Gushikan. Challenges of the Construction of a New Morality (1995). Keynote speech at the Bahá'í Conference on Social and Economic Development in Orlando, Florida, on the topic of Bahá'í contributions to morality and ethics.
  142. Leroy Ioas. B. Buckley, ed. Notes to a talk given by Hand of the Cause Ioas in Pasadena California (1960-06).
  143. Peter J. Khan. World's Equilibrium, The (1998-08-22). Short, partial notes of a talk delivered at Baruch College, New York, August 22, 1998.
  144. Mohammad Khatami. Transcript of interview with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami (1998-01-07). Khatami praises American civilization, defends Iran and Islam, and laments the 'confrontation between religion and liberty which is to the detriment of religion, liberty, and the human beings who deserve to have both'; no mention of Baha'i.
  145. Aodhan Floyd. Web and Weft of Civilisation: Art and Learning in the Bahá'í Community (2002). One of the challenges of the 5 Year Plan (2001-2006) is enhancing the relationship between education and art. Learning through the arts can enrich communities and help integrate societies. Education is the most effective way to shape values.
  146. Mary Day. Notes on Feminist Theory, Some (1997). Implications of feminism for Bahá'í thinking.
  147. Mark A. Foster. New Typology of Religious Organization (1995). Overview of models normativist, arcanist, routinized, and charismatic.
  148. Michael Karlberg. Post-Competitive Human Image, A (2010-12). Science is now challenging old simplistic models of human nature. Attitudes, behaviors, and institutional structures must shift to translate holistic self-understanding into new, interdependent social modes in family, education, and government.
  149. Kark Vick. Little Religion That Persists, The: The Bahá'í in Israel (2011-07-14).
  150. Various. Bulletin Board Archive 1997-2003 (1997-2003). The first Forum on the site.
  151. Stephen A. Fuqua. Great Bridge–Maker, The (2005-04). The papacy and Pope John Paul II.
  152. Elham M.. Unity is the Law and Purpose of Life: The Case of the Baha'is in Iran (2001-12). An account of the persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran and how the Bahá'í communities managed to organize in secret, based in part on the author's own personal experiences.
  153. Anthony Lee. Haji Mubarak (2011).
  154. Robert Stockman. Baha'i Faith, roots of (2011).
  155. Ted Slavin. In tough times, we could all be a little more spiritual (2009-06-20). The importance of praying with and for our friends and neighbors.
  156. Ted Slavin. Nobility is showing kindness and courtesy when times are tough (2009-09-19). Story of Behrouz Tavakkoli, one of the seven "Yaran" (friends) imprisoned in Iran in 2008.
  157. Aldo Marcelo Caceres. La Fe Bahá'í: ética y espiritualidad: Una aproximación desde sus textos (2011-09). Examination of the ethical and spiritual vision of the Bahá'í Faith, based on its sacred writings, contemporary sources, and personal experiences.
  158. Ted Slavin. What is the Iranian government so afraid of? (2011-06-11). The value of education, and the forced closing of the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education in Iran.
  159. Ted Slavin. There are rifts, but we have so much in common (2011-01-22). Unity of religions, and a review of Harold Rosen's book Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers.
  160. Ted Slavin. Celebrating a 'revolutionary' who ushered in a new age (2009-10-17). The heretical and progressive message of The Báb.
  161. Ted Slavin. Little 'aliens' who spontaneously break into song (2009-07-18). On raising our children ("little aliens") and what they're learning from the contemporary world they see.
  162. Ted Slavin. What does a Baha'i look like? Look around you (2011-09-30). What distinguishes Bahá'ís and Bahá'í culture.
  163. Moshe Sharon. Bahá'í Faith, The: The Birth of a New World Religion (2002-11-05).
  164. Hoda Mahmoudi. Constructiveness and Accomplishment in Social Relationships: The Bahá'í Perspective on Altruism (2003-04-08).
  165. Eloy Anello. Moral Leadership (2001-10-27). Nur University's moral leadership training for business; ‘transformational training’ and the development of mental models based on key criteria (detailed).
  166. Robert Rubenstein. Triple Bottom Line Reporting (2001-10-26). Triple bottom line (investing) is looking at a company in a holistic way, including its social impact, social performance, and environmental performance. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
  167. James B. Thomas. Overture to Universal Peace: An exposition based on the talk by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, New York City, December 4, 1912 (2011). Philosophical perspectives on the nature of purpose vs. chance, the fallacy of accidental divinity, inner and outer reality, the nature of ignorance, and the inevitability of universal peace.
  168. Rhea M. Coleman. Mankind is One (1989-06). Three short stories of pioneering
, with references to American Pueblo and Argentinian Mapuche traditional belief, written by a former pioneer to Argentina.
  169. Stephen Lambden, Sholeh A. Quinn, Oliver Scharbrodt, Soli Shahvar. The Bahá'ís of Iran: Socio-historical Studies, by Dominic Brookshaw and Seena Fazel: Reviews (2008). Four reviews from various publications.
  170. Ethel J. Rosenberg. Bahá'ísm: Its Ethical and Social Teachings (1908). Overview of the Faith, presented as an address to the Congress held at Oxford, September 15-18, 1908.
  171. Tom Price. Recreating Ourselves in the Image of the Master (2012). Program discussing how we can become more like 'Abdu'l-Bahá in our daily lives. Each of the six talks meditates on one quality.
  172. Anne Lynch. Thomas Linard, comp. Letters from Lynch to Laura Dreyfus-Barney: Materials for the Geneva Bahá'í Bureau's History (2002). Four letters from the Laura Dreyfus-Barney Collection at the French Baha’i National Archives (Paris), from 1946 and 1962, capturing a small slice of contemporary European history.
  173. Nikki R. Keddie. Iran and the Muslim World: Resistance and Revolution (1995). Numerous passing mentions of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in the context of Iranian political history, including some background of contemporary anti-Bahá'í activity.
  174. Daniel Araya. Integral Religion: Uniting Eros and Logos (2003). Consideration of the potential realization of an integral religion, in light of Bahá'í teachings and the thought of Ken Wilbur.
  175. Gabrielle Desilets. Le cosmopolitisme dans la foi Baha'ie: vers la négociation d'une identité internationale (2009-05). Study of Montreal's Bahá'í community to understand cosmopolitan ideology, and a sense of belonging to a "global village." Link to thesis (offsite).
  176. David Faris. Revolutions without Revolutionaries?: Social Media Networks and Regime Response in Egypt (2010-05). The influence of the Internet on changes to the balance of power. Contains many references to the situation of the Bahá'ís in Egypt. Link to thesis (offsite).
  177. Dwight Bashir. Bahá'í Litmus Test for Egypt, A (2012-08-22). A brief history of Bahá'í persecution in Egypt and three myths propagated by state media, by a director for Policy and Research at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
  178. Jason Illari. Nineteenth Century Islamic Mahdism in Iran and the Sudan: A brief analysis of the teachings and influence of The Bab and Muhammad Ahmad (The Sudanese Mahdi) (2001). A comparitive study of the movements of the Bab and the Sudanese Mahdi.
  179. Susan Stitt. Place Apart, A (1988). A chapter from Mango Joy, a book of poetry and reflections about pioneering in Vanuata and the culture of the South Pacific.
  180. Shiva Tavana. Equal Circles, by Peggy Caton: Review (1987).
  181. Anna C. Vakil. Toward a Development Ethics (1987). Development issues from a North American perspective, informed by time spent pioneering in the Caribbean and the writings of Paulo Freire, and how to bring such issues to the attention of the Bahá'í community.
  182. Various. Circle of Unity: Responses to reviews (1986). Responses to reviews of this book (in dialogue 1:1), by Ron Price, Brent Poirier, Anthony Lee, Lawrence M. Miller, James Tyson, Mark Foster, and Leon Jones.
  183. Steven Scholl, Robert Ballenger. Bahá'ís and the Great Peace March (1986). The Great Peace March was a cross-country event from Los Angeles to Washington DC in 1986 to draw attention to nuclear proliferation. This article interviews three Bahá'ís who participated. Prefaced by essay "The Wilderness Trek of the Great Peace March."
  184. Various. Circle of Unity, ed. Anthony Lee: Reviews (1986). Three short reviews, published in three national Bahá'í journals: New Zealand Bahá'í Newsletter, Bahá'í Canada, and Bahá'í Journal of England.
  185. W. Andy Knight. Iran's Genocidal Mentality (2010-08-19). The systematic, government-sanctioned persecution of the Bahá'í minority in Iran can be considered a crime against humanity.
  186. George N. Curzon. Persia and the Persian Question, endnotes (1892).
  187. Samuel Kasha Nweeya. Babism, Its Relation to Mohammedanism and Christianity (1913-05). Chapter on the history and doctrines of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
  188. Iqbal Latif. Medieval Ignorance: The silence of Iranian polity towards Bahá'í persecution (2002-08-05). An outsider's view of Iran's treatment of its Bahá'í community.
  189. Lynn Echevarria-Howe (published as Lynn Echevarria). Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada: Constructing Religious Identity in the Twentieth Century (2011). Introductory chapter of a study of the essential features of living a Bahá'í life, examining experiences of a diverse group of Canadian Bahá'ís through a sociological framework and a women-centred perspective. Includes newspaper article about Echevarria.
  190. David Cerpa Alba. Proceso de la creación artística, El: Una manifestación espiritual (2001). La dinámica de la creación artística representa en todos los tiempos un vivo retrato de las aspiraciones espirituales que motivan a las personas. Este ensayo explora las fenomenológica de este proceso.
  191. Badi Villar Cardenas. Apuntes sobre los Sabeanos (2001). Este articulo explora las fuentes bahá'ís en la Escritura Sagrada y la literatura bahá'í secundaria sobre el Sabeanismo y sus posibles orígenes.
  192. Pedro Donaires Sanchez. Filosofía del Trabajo (2001). El trabajo como un fin consistente en la realización de valores y no meramente como un medio para alcanzar bienes materiales.
  193. Farshad Esmailian. Documento de reflexión: Alvin Toffler y su visión del futuro (2001). El presente documento de reflexión examina algunas obras del futurista Alvin Toffler como "La tercera ola" y "La creación de una nueva civilización" donde el autor identifica ciertos rasgos de una nueva civilización que está surgiendo en el mundo.
  194. Mirna Leon. Necesidad de la Oracion para Mejorar Nuestras Vidas (2001). Aquí algunas relexiones personales sobre la importancia de la oración en la vida espiritual. Lograr un estado espiritual de oración puede ayudarnos a tener una mejor calidad de vida incluyendo beneficios físicos y sicológicos.
  195. Walter Velasquez. Búsqueda de la Santidad, La (2001). ¿Es fácil ser un santo?, cada uno tiene la respuesta, pero no podemos negar que es un reto emocionante y a la vez necesario si queremos transformar y mejorar el mundo.
  196. Pedro Donaires Sanchez. Necesidad de revisión del concepto de 'Soberanía' del Estado (2002). La relatividad de la Soberanía del Estado y la unidad teórica de todo lo jurídico, darán lugar a una unidad política de los estados, con una organización jurídica centralizada. Esto implica la constitución de un super-Estado mundial.
  197. Nicomedes Merma Aroni. La Ley, fundamento de la sociedad o restricción de la libertad? (2002). La libertad no puede ser absoluta. Vivimos en una sociedad interdependiente. Algunas limitaciones a nuestra libertad son necesarias para evitar otras restricciones todavía peores.
  198. Jorge Vallejo. De las Manifestaciones de Dios en las culturas precolombinas de América (2002). Los antiguos americanos, ¿no eran hijos de Dios?, ¿no conocieron nunca al Dios Único y Verdadero?, ¿Dios, influyó o no en su progreso?. Obviamente han tenido que existir también voceros de Dios en estos lares para que estos pueblos alcancen las alturas de
  199. Carole Allen. Bahá'í Development Projects in Action (n.d.). Development theory, both within and without the Bahá'í Faith.
  200. Victor DeAraujo, Mary Power, Betty DeAraujo. Development and the Bahá'í International Community (n.d.). Talk at Green Acre Bahá'í School.
  201. Various. Contributors and assistants (2000). List of people who have donated significant amounts of time to building the Bahá'í Library (now outdated).
  202. Glen A. Eyford. Perspectives on Development (n.d.). Talk given at Green Acre Bahá'í School.
  203. Jonah Winters. To-Do List and Features Requests (2003-2015). Changes planned, requested, in-progress, or one-day hoped for.
  204. Syed Ameer Ali. Political Divisions and Schisms (1902). Three page excerpt, with two endnotes.
  205. Deborah K. van den Hoonaard. Experience of Iranian Bahá'í Refugees in Atlantic Canada (2008 Spring). Short article exploring what it was like for refuges from Iran in the 1980s.
  206. Henri Lammens. Babism and Behaism (1929). From Chapter 8, "Reformists and Modernists."
  207. Robert A. McDaniel. Shuster Mission and the Persian Constitutional Revolution, The (1974). Passing mention of the 1903 persecutions; some discussion of E. G. Browne's Persian Revolution of 1905-1909; bibliography of resources from the British Parliamentary Papers.
  208. John B. Noss. Man's Religions (1956). Half-page overview of Bahá'í history and thought.
  209. Richard F. Nyrop, ed. Iran: A Country Study (1978). Half-page summary of Bahá'í thought and history.
  210. Raphael Patai. Israel between East and West (1953/1970). Passing mention of Bahá'ís in Palestine in the 1940s, estimating that they numbered around 300.
  211. Albert Ross Vail, Emily McLellan Vail. Shining Light from Persia, A (1917). Overview chapter from a religious-studies textbook, written by a sympathetic outsider. This excerpt, from a "teacher's edition" of the book, contains an additional 7 pages of commentary not included in the regular edition.
  212. W. Warren Wagar, ed. History and the Idea of Mankind (1971). Brief comparison of the Bahá'í Faith, Ramakrishna Vedanta, and Humanism, and their belief that all religions can be reconciled in unity.
  213. Shahrough Akhavi. Anti-Bahá'í Campaign, The (1980). Detailed historical account of the 1955 persecutions in Iran.
  214. Wilhelm Barthold. Historical Geography of Iran, An (1984). Passing mentions of the Bahá'ís in Yazd and E. G. Browne; Zanjan in 1850; and the location of the execution of the Báb.
  215. Ali Farazmand. State, Bureaucracy, and Revolution in Modern Iran, The: Agrarian Reforms and Regime Politics (1989). Brief discussion of Bahá'ís being excluded from the constitutions of 1906 and 1979, (alleged) Jewish support of the Bahá'í Faith, and claims that British imperialism promoted the Faith to undermine the Islamic theocracy.
  216. Michael M. J. Fischer. Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution (1980). Brief discussion of Shaykh Mohammad Taghi (Muhammad Taqi) Falsafi's anti-Bahá'í activities in the 1950s, attacks against Bahá'ís in 1978, and anti-establishment appeal of Bábí and Bahá'í teachings.
  217. William H. Forbis. Fall of the Peacock Throne: The Story of Iran (1980). Passing mention of a traveller meeting an Iranian air force general who was a Bahá'í, followed by a short overview of Bahá'í history.
  218. M. Reza Ghods. Iran in the Twentieth Century: A Political History (1989). Brief overview of Shaykhism and Babi/Bahá'í history, passing mentions of "Babist" as a political slur, and of Bahá'í families achieving commercial prominence under Mohammad Reza Shah.
  219. Dilip Hiro. Iran under the Ayatollahs (1985). Mentions of persecutions of Baha'is in 1903, 1955, and 1978.
  220. T. S. Anderson. My Wanderings in Persia (1880). Lengthy account of 19th-century travels through Iran. Includes one mention of the "Bawbees." Also includes appendix of distances and terrain from Teheran to other cities, important to a traveller on horseback.
  221. Charles H. Stileman. Week with the Babis, A (1893-07). Journal of the Reverend C.H. Stileman, M.A., of the CMS Persia Mission, on his travels to convert Bahá'ís in 1893.
  222. Duncan H. MacDonald. Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory (1903). Two-page excerpt with a one-sentence mention of Babism.
  223. Victor Berard. Revolutions de la Perse: Les Provinces, Les Peuples et le Gouvernement (1910). Short extract on the Bábís.
  224. E. G. Browne. Religious Influence of Persia, The: A Paper Read before the Persia Society (1914-05-20). Passing mentions of the Bahá'í Faith in the context of Persian culture and letters.
  225. E. G. Browne. Persian Press and Persian Journalism, The: A Lecture delivered to the Persia Society (1913-05-23). Short discussion of early Persian-language newspapers, with a passing mention of the writings of Mirza Mahdi Khan, an opponent of the Bahá'ís, and his Arabic-language work Miftahu Babi'l-Abwab.
  226. Ella C. Sykes. Persia and Its People (1910). Brief reference to the Bahá'ís extracted from a popular description of Iran based on extensive travel in the country over a period of three years at the turn of the 19th century by the sister of a British diplomat.
  227. W. M. Thomson. Land and Its Book, The: Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land (1910). Description of the area around Akka in 1857. Does not mention the Faith.
  228. David Hofman. Shoghi Effendi: Expounder of the Bahá'í Faith (1984). Talk written by David Hoffman, but delivered by May Hoffman.
  229. Millicent Fawcett. Easter in Palestine, 1921-1922 (1926). Background of Tiberias, Akka, and Haifa, with passing mentions of The Bab and Abdu'l-Bahá.
  230. Ralph Nevill. Unconventional Memories: Europe — Persia — Japan (1923). Brief discussion of consular relations between the British and Nasiri'd-Din Shah, including his treatment of the Babis, and a mention of E. G. Browne.
  231. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Nineteenth Session, 1930 (1930). Half-page summary of the current status of "The Bahai Case," stating that no action has yet been taken.
  232. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Twentieth Session, 1931 June (1931). Two-page discussion of the status of "The Bahai Case" regarding confiscation of property in Iraq, possible resolutions, and setting up a "special Committee to consider the views expressed by the Bahai community in respect of certain houses in Baghdad."
  233. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Twenty-first Session, 1931 October (1931). Report that the League of Nations commission "not yet succeeded in obtaining redress for the Bahai community in respect of the miscarriage of justice of which it was the victim."
  234. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Twenty-second Session, 1932 (1932). On the confiscation of Bahá'u'lláh's house in Baghdad, "the redress of the miscarriage of justice from which the Bahai Community has been the victim has not been carried into effect" because "no measure had yet been taken by the Iraqi Government."
  235. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Session, 1933 (1933). Report on the "Bahai Case" on the confiscation of houses in Baghdad, stating that "that nothing had as yet been done" though the Iraqi government proposed converting the property into a public space.
  236. Constance M. Alexander. Modern Wayfarer in Persia, A (1931). Two-page overview of Bábí history, and passing mention of the Bahá'ís in Tabriz.
  237. Margaret Barr. Great Unity, The: A New Approach to Religious Education (1937). Introduction, about a Universalist religious-education curriculum experiment in Calcutta in 1933-1936, and a short overview of the Bahá'í Faith.
  238. Norman Bentwich. Wanderer in the Promised Land, A (1932). Four pages on the history of Akka, including two on the Bahá'ís.
  239. Douglas V. Duff. Palestine Unveiled (1938). Passing mentions of the German Colony and descriptions of Akka and Haifa. Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  240. Henry Filmer. Pageant of Persia, The: A Record of Travel by Motor in Persia with an Account of Its Ancient and Modern Ways (1937). Three-page overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, with many more pages of description of Persian culture and history included for context.
  241. John Gibbons. Road to Nazareth, The: Through Palestine Today (1936). Two-page discussion of the Babis and Mount Carmel, from a travel diary.
  242. Herbert H. Gowen. History of Religion, A (1934). Summary of the Bahá'í Faith as an example of a "syncretistic" religion.
  243. Harry Charles Lukach (published as Harry Charles Luke). Eastern Chequerboard, An (1934). One-page mention of the Bahá'ís and Mirza Yahya, Subh-i-Azal.
  244. Francis J. Mott. Christ the Seed (1939). Passing mentions of the Babis in the context of discussing the evolution of scripture; brief overview of early Bábí history from a Christian missionary's perspective and comparison of the Nuqtat al-Kaf vs. the Tarikh-i-Jadid.
  245. J. R. Richards. Religion of the Bahá'ís, The (1932). A book-length overview from an outsider's perspective, written by a missionary in Shiraz for his Christian audience.
  246. Owen Tweedy. Cairo to Persia and Back (1933). Mention of Tabriz, and the execution of the Báb.
  247. D. W. Gundry. Religions: A Preliminary Historical and Theological Study (1958). Brief 1-paragraph overview of the Bahá'í Faith.
  248. Vincent Monteil. Iran (1957). Passing mention of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh.
  249. John B. Noss. Man's Religions: Fifth Edition (1974). Half-page overview of Bahá'í history and thought; this is a re-written version of the section from Noss' 1956 edition.
  250. Charles Francis Potter. Faiths Men Live By, The (1955). One-page overview of the Bahá'í Faith's relationship to gnosticism, and its status in America.
  251. Frederic Spiegelberg. Living Religions of the World (1957). 2-page overview of Bábí history and Bahá'í principles, including brief discussion of Bahá'í mystical literature and an excerpt from a 1911 translation of the Seven Valleys.
  252. Norman Bentwich. Israel Resurgent (1952). Two editions of a book with a one-paragraph overview of Babi-Bahá'í history.
  253. A. C. Bouquet. Sacred Books of the World (1962). Two-page summary of Bahá'í history.
  254. John Cogley. Religion in a Secular Age: The search for final meaning (1968). 1-sentence mention from Part 3, "The Religious Response to Modernity."
  255. Joan Comay. Introducing Israel (1963). Chapters on Haifa, Mt. Carmel, and Akka, with passing mentions of the Faith. Also published under the title Everyone's Guide to Israel.
  256. Joan Comay. Introducing Israel: Second Revised Edition (1969). Chapters on Haifa, Mt. Carmel, and Akka, with passing mentions of the Faith. Also published under the title Everyone's Guide to Israel.
  257. Joan Comay. Israel: An Uncommon Guide (1969). Overviews of Haifa, Mount Carmel, and Akka, with brief mentions of Bahá'í locations.
  258. Glenn E. Curtis, ed. Iran: A Country Study (2008). 1-page overview of Bahá'í history and persecutions, with other passing mentions.
  259. Duncan Forbes. Heart of Iran, The (1963). Travel diary with an account of meeting a Bahá'í in Shiraz, and an overview of Bahá'í history.
  260. Hendrik Kraemer. World Cultures and World Religions: The Coming Dialogue (1960). 1-page discussion of Bahá'í teachings as a universalist example of "esoteric wisdom from ... the Far East."
  261. Trevor Ling. Modern Syncretistic Sects: Babism-Bahá'ísm and the Ahmadiyya (1968). 2-page summary of Bábí history.
  262. Geoffrey Parrinder. Bahá'ís, The (1963). Two-page excerpt from Chapter 12, "Sikhs, Bahais, and Theosophists," and two other passing mentions.
  263. Robert Payne. Splendour of Israel, The (1963). Description of Theodor Herzl's dream in 1902 of Haifa as a city towering up the length of Mount Carmel and spreading all the way to Acre, and discussion of the area of Haifa. Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  264. John Herman Randall. Community of Religions, The (1946/1968). Chapter on religious tolerance, inclusivism, and the need for a World Faith, with a passing discussion of Bahá'í principles, written by a Baptist minister who addressed Bahá'í audiences and received a letter from the Guardian.
  265. Hossein Amirsadeghi, ed. Twentieth-Century Iran (1977). Five passing mentions of the Faith.
  266. Bohdan R. Bociurkiw, ed. Religion and Atheism in the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe (1975). Two passing mentions, in the context of Islamic "spiritual administrations" in the USSR.
  267. Richard W. Cottam. Nationalism in Iran (1964/1979). 3-page discussion of treatment of Bahá'ís as a minority religion in Iran in the 1950s, and passing mention of the late 1970s.
  268. Robert Graham. Iran: The Illusion of Power (1978). 1-paragraph summary of the Faith as a cause of political friction between Mohammad Reza Shah and the clergy in the 1970s, and mention of a Bahá'í, Hozbar Yazdani, owning a controlling interest in Iranians Bank.
  269. Harvey Henry Smith, et al.. Area Handbook for Iran (1971). One-page overview of Bahá'í history.
  270. Nikki R. Keddie. Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution (1981/2003). 5-page overview of the historical and ideological context of the Bábí uprising in Iran; passing discussion of Mohammad Reza Shah allegedly favoring Bahá'ís in the 1970s (extensive excerpts from two different editions of the book).
  271. Michael Ledeen. Debacle: The American Failure in Iran (1981). Passing mentions of Mohammad Reza Shah appointing Bahá'ís to his cabinet, and attacks on Bahá'ís and their businesses in 1977-1978.
  272. Lily Litvak. Viaje al Interior de Persia: El itinerario de Rivadeneyra (1874-75) (1987). 1-page overview of Bábí history and the Bahá'í/Azali split.
  273. Vanessa A. Martin. Islam and Modernism: The Iranian Revolution of 1906 (1989). Overview of Shaykhism, the Bábí movement, and the ulama under the Qajar dynasty.
  274. Afsaneh Najmabadi. Land Reform and Social Change in Iran (1987). Mention of Bahá'ís being elected to provincial councils in Iran in the 1960s, and of Bahá'ís being an alleged front for Zionists in the 1970s.
  275. Misagh Parsa. Social Origins of the Iranian Revolution (1989). Mentions of Falsafi's anti-Bahá'í campaign of 1953, and of Bahá'ís being excluded from the government in 1979.
  276. Parviz C. Radji. In the Service of the Peacock Throne: The Diaries of the Shah's Last Ambassador to London (1983). Passing mentions of the bombing of a restaurant allegedly owned by a Bahá'í (1979?), and the Bahá'í father of Amir Abbas Hoveyda.
  277. Nikki R. Keddie, Mangol Bayat, Farhad Kazemi. Barry M. Rosen, ed. Iran since the Revolution (1985). Passing mentions in three articles: repression of Bahá'ís in 1982, Bábí "heresy" in the early 1900s, persecution of Jews and their conversion to the Bahá'í Faith, and the anti-Bahá'í campaign of 1955.
  278. Albert M. Shulman. Religious Heritage of America, The (1981). 2-page overview of Bahá'í history, administrative structure, and beliefs.
  279. John Simpson. Behind Iranian Lines (1989). 7-page discussion of the history of Bahá'í persecutions in Persia, alleged ties to British imperialism, anti-Bahá'í conspiracy theories, and personal stories of Bahá'ís in Iran in the 1980s.
  280. Ronald Sinclair. Adventures in Persia: To India by the Back Door (1988). Travel diary, including a description of Tabriz and a mention of the martyrdom of the Báb.
  281. Amir Taheri. Spirit of Allah, The: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution (1985). Anti-Bahá'í sentiment in the 1930s; Mahmoud Halabi's and Falsafi's anti-Bahá'í campaigns 1955-1957; Mohammad Reza Shah's ties to Bahá'ís; Khomeini's anti-Bahá'í activities. Includes diagram of social structure of political power in Iran (at end).
  282. Onera Amelia Merritt-Hawkes. Persia: Romance and Reality (1935). Travel diary including lunch with a Bahá'í doctor, a visit to two Bahá'í schools in Yazd, and meeting Bahá'í children in Kirmán.
  283. Jahangir Amuzegar. Dynamics of the Iranian Revolution, The: The Pahlavis' Triumph and Tragedy (1991). Passing mention of a one-time Iranian conspiracy theory that the Bahá'ís and Freemasons were running the country.
  284. Jean Boissel. Gobineau, L'Orient et L'Iran: Tome 1 1816-1860 (1973). One-page excerpt about Gobineau's interactions with the Bábís.
  285. G. Melgunof. Das Südliche Ufer des Kaspischen Meeres oder Die Nordprovinzen Persiens (1868). 3-page overview of the Bábí movement, with discussion of Mulla Husayn and Tahirih.
  286. Walter Schulz. Zustände im Heutigen Persien wie sie das Reisebuch Ibrahim Begs Enthüllt (1903). Passing mentions of the Babis and their persecutions in the context of the travels through Iran of the fictitious character Ibrahím Bayg.
  287. Hermann Norden. Persien wie es ist und war mit Karawane, Auto und Flugzeug durch Risas Königreich (1929). I don't know if this refers to Bahá'ís or not; possibly on page 197? Email me if you can read German, or have access to Hathi Trust.
  288. Rudolf Strothmann. Der Islam (Sekten) (1948). Passing mentions in the context of Islamic modernism, the Qajars in the 1840s, and the Nusayris.
  289. Helmuth von Glasenapp. Die Fünf Grossen Religionen (1952). 1-page overview of Babi/Bahá'í history.
  290. Hans Dieter Betz, ed. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (1957). Two dictionary definitions: "Bahai-Religion" and "Babismus".
  291. Alfred Bertholet. Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte (1925). One-paragraph overview of the Bábí movement.
  292. Ernst Dammann. Grundriss der Religionsgeschichte (1972). 3-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings.
  293. Julius Richter. Allgemeine Evangelische Missionsgeschichte: Mission und Evangelisation im Orient, vol. 2 (1908/1930). Three-page discussion of Bahá'í history and thought.
  294. Gerhard Schweizer. Iran: Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West (1991). Lengthy discussion of Bábí history, Bahá'í literature and teachings, and the persecutions of 1955 and 1979.
  295. Bahman Baktiari. Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran: The Institutionalization of Factional Politics (1996). Brief discussion of anti-Bábí and anti-Bahá'í persecutions in 1896, 1907, and the 1950s.
  296. Cosroe Chaqueri. Soviet Socialist Republic of Iran, 1920-1921, The: Birth of the Trauma (1995). Passing mentions of the Bábí revolt 1848-51, and Ehsan Allah Khan of the Constitutional Revolution.
  297. H. E. Chehabi. Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini (1990). Multiple passing mentions of the Faith in the context of Iranian political developments in the mid-20th century.
  298. Hamid Dabashi. Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundations of the Islamic Republic in Iran (1993). Two passing mentions of the Bahá'í Faith in the context of Iranian nationalism.
  299. Parviz Daneshvar. Religion in Iran (1996). Brief discussion of Amir Abbas Hoveyda, prime minister under Mohammad Reza Shah 1965-1978, whose father was Bahá'í but who denied being one himself.
  300. John Foran, ed. Century of Revolution, A: Social Movements in Iran (1994). Passing mentions of anti-Bahá'í movements in 1924 and the 1960s.
  301. Paul Lample. Community Development (2010). Talk by a member of the House of Justice on improving the plight of humanity in light of the Five-Year Plan.
  302. Molly Izzard. Freya Stark: A Biography (1993). Three passing mentions of the Faith in a book about a British explorer and travel writer. Includes excerpt from Passionate Nomad: The Life of Freya Stark by J. F. Geniesse.
  303. Masoud Kamali. Revolutionary Iran: Civil Society and State in the Modernization Process (1998). Brief discussion of how Amir Kabir, prime minister under Naser al-Din Shah, found favor with the ulama by challenging the Babis.
  304. Mohsen M. Milani. Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution, The: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic (1994). Passing mentions of the destruction of the Bahá'í "temple" (i.e. the dome of the national Bahá'í centre in Tehran) in 1955, anti-Bahá'í paranoia, and a 1963 anti-Bahá'í uprising.
  305. Asghar Schirazi. Constitution of Iran, The: Politics and the State in the Islamic Republic (1997). Passing mention of the Bahá'ís, in the context of persecutions under Khomeini and human rights violations.
  306. Theodor Herzl. Lotta Levensohn, trans. Old New Land (1941/1997). A vision of future Haifa, written in 1902: "all the way from Akka to Mount Carmel stretched what seemed to be one great park. The mountain was crowned with beautiful structures." No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  307. Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet. Frontier Fictions: Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804-1946 (2000). Passing mentions of the Babis in the context of Mirza Askari bin Hidayat Allah al-Husayni, an imam jum`a in the 1850s, and of Bahá'ís not being welcome in Iran.
  308. Abbas Milani. Persian Sphinx, The: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution (2000). Various passing mentions, including anti-Bahá'í paranoia, and the (alleged/disputed) Bahá'í affiliations of Amir Abbas Hoveyda, his father Habibollah Hoveyda (Ayn al-Molk), and Mohammad Reza Shah's physician Abdol Karim Ayadi.
  309. Badi Foster. Corporation and Community (1984). How do we develop human beings in such a way that we produce economic surplus and fair distribution? How do Bahá'í principles apply in the real world in American society?
  310. Nathan Rutstein. Shoghi Effendi: Master Builder of World Civilization (1984).
  311. Author unknown. Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in South Africa since 1911 (2007). Overview of the Bahá'í communities in South Africa, 1911-2007.
  312. Jonah Winters. Personal page: Jonah Winters (1997). My own links, theses, and papers.
  313. Tom Price. Creating a New Mind (2009-09). Examines the science of spirituality, exploring principles of personal transformation and practical ways Bahá'ís can apply the teachings to effect positive change in their own lives.
  314. Tom Price. Transformation of the World (2008-08). Explores the harmony of religion and science, the concept that the physical world is a mirror of the spiritual world, and how spiritual insight can be gained through a scientific study of the analogies presented in the Bahá'í writings.
  315. Michael Karlberg. Press as a Consultative Forum, The: A Contribution to Normative Press Theory (2010-04). A model of the press derived from Bahá'í teachings as a contribution to normative press theory centring on the principles and objectives of consultation.
  316. Moojan Momen. Significance of the New Millennium (1997-09). Facing a new Millennium, Bahá'ís advocate the goal of increasing unity, peace, and the spiritualisation of our society and our world; the Bahá'í teachings contain a practical programme to attain these objectives.
  317. Lawrence McCallough. Spirit of Service: Bahá'ís and Development (n.d.).
  318. Ted Slavin. Lighthouses of kindness are scattered among us (2010-12-11). The beauty of those who care for others and do special things in their communities.
  319. Ted Slavin. Unity of Messengers (2009-11-29). Messengers from all the major religions come from the same source; accepting this unity helps us recognize how much needless conflict in the world is based on religious prejudice and misunderstanding.
  320. Brett Zamir. Personal Page: Brett Zamir (2003/2005). Links to some personal projects.
  321. Ted Slavin. True wealth isn't something you will find in your wallet (2010-11-13). Contrasting consumerism with the needs of others.
  322. Glenford Mitchell. Rectitude of Conduct (2006).
  323. Ted Slavin. Investment in your community reaps priceless profits (2010-90-18). Getting to know people in your community, and being helpful to your neighbors, has unexpected benefits.
  324. Dwight Allen. Doors to Teaching and Deepening (n.d.).
  325. Firuz Kazemzadeh. Islamic Regime in Iran and the Bahá'í Faith, The (2005-01-11).
  326. Shoghi Effendi, John E. Esslemont. Larry Gates, comp. Letters to Grace Holley and Visalia LSA (1925-02-14). Small collection of correspondence between Shoghi Effendi and the LSA of Visalia, California.
  327. Peter J. Khan. Service and Devotion: First talk in the "Serving the Divine Plan" program (2005-10). The first minutes of this lecture at the Bahá'í World Centre introduce the purpose of the upcoming lecture series and explains how they will be organized and who may attend.
  328. Ismael Velasco, comp. Historia de la Fe Bahá'í en Venezuela (2001). History of the Bahá'í Faith in Venezuela.
  329. Ismael Velasco, comp. Literatura Bahá'í en Español (2004). A partial and unformatted list (from 2004) of books in Spanish.
  330. Paul Lample. Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (2007-12).
  331. Abdu'l-Bahá. Supplication To the Believers of God and the Maid-servants of the Merciful, Portland, Oregon: 1914 August 4 (1914-09-27). Text, and photograph of a small poster, of a translation of a one-paragraph Tablet.
  332. Author unknown, comp. Fuego Arrasador: Las Artes Escenicas en los circulos de estudio Para Institutos de Formación (2006). Curso de Extension Sobre las Artes en Circulos de Estudio
  333. Istvan Dely. Artes en la Fe / Fe en Las Artes (2004).
  334. Ismael Velasco. Renacer del Tiempo, El: Los ritmos profundos del calendario y los júbilos misteriosos de Ayyám-i Há (2004). On the Bahá'í (Badi) calendar and the Bahá'í festival Ayyam-i-Ha.
  335. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Elias Zohoori, comp. Trono del Espiritu, El: Enseñanzas Baha'is Sobre el Cuerpo Humano. Selecciones de Escrituras Bahá'ís sobre el cuerpo humano, su salud y nutrición, ciencia y medicina, enfermedad y curación espiritual. Spanish translation of The Throne of the Inner Temple.
  336. Paul Lample. Untitled (in Nashville) (2008-08-24). Talk at the Nashville, Tennessee, Bahá'í Center, August 24, 2008, about "the great spiritual enterprise" the worldwide Bahá'í community has embarked on.
  337. Zenaida Ramirez. Sacrifice (2006-09).
  338. Firaydoun Javaheri. Opposition and Perseverance (2006-10).
  339. Firaydoun Javaheri. Protecting the Cause of God (2007-08).
  340. Rebequa Murphy. Untitled (Talk at NebyFest) (2005). A talk given to the youth at NEBYFest in 2005.
  341. Farzam Arbab. Methodologies and Development Strategies (1985?).
  342. Jalil Mahmoudi. Divine Charisma (1968-07).
  343. Curtis Kelsey. Fruits of Creation (n.d.).
  344. Curtis Kelsey. Stories of 'Abdul-Baha (1957-1963(?)).
  345. W. P. Cresson. Persia: The Awakening East (1908). Brief overview of the early years of the Bábí Faith.
  346. Chuen-Tat Kang. Multifaith Centre Building Design and Demonstration (2011-07-06). One-page description by an outsider of a Bahá'í temple: architecture, aesthetics, and symbolism (see page 51, near the end).
  347. Ali Akbar Mahdi. Reformist Movement in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Past, Present, and Future (2006-01-08).
  348. Michael Karlberg. Governance, Democracy and Social Change: A Bahá'í Perspective (2008-03-13).
  349. Nazila Ghanea-Hercock (published as Nazila Ghanea). Bahá'í Reflections on Defamation of Religion (2008-12-04). Freedom of expression vs. defamation of religion as they relate to international human rights.
  350. Friedrich W. Affolter. Resisting Educational Exclusion: The Bahá'í Institute of Higher Education in Iran (2008-12-23).
  351. Brian D. Lepard. Integrating Ethics and International Law: A Bahá'í Perspective (2005-04-12). The need to integrate ethics and international law, and how they can work together to promote international peace and respect for human rights. If international law is to promote human rights and prosperity, it must be anchored in ethical principles.
  352. Clara C. Rice. Mary Bird in Persia (1916). An impressionistic picture of the Bahá'í Faith published by the Church Missionary Society in 1916; includes a statistical estimate.
  353. Rick Harmsen. Coming Synthesis, The: Bahá'í Scholarship in an Age of Conflict and Controversy (1999). Whilst science and reason have come to dominate Western society, the Bahá'í writings propose that unadulterated divine revelation and authentic scientific enterprise are complementary processes that will eventually be harmonized and integrated.
  354. Peter J. Khan. Education, Scholarship, and Global Civilisation (2006-08-13).
  355. Antonio Marujo. Os Novos Jardins Suspensos do Monte Carmelo: Baha'ís inauguram espaço verde em Haifa (2001-05-23). Newspaper article published in a Portugal, about the gardens in Mt. Carmel.
  356. Rute Moreira. Comunidade Bahá'í em Portugal (2001-01-13). An article published in a Portuguese Newspaper with an introductory text to the Bahai Faith.
  357. Paul Lample. Learning and the Unfoldment of the Bahá'í Community (2008-08-29). Two slightly different versions of the Plenary Address to the ABS conference.
  358. Varqa Jalali. Os 50 Anos da Fé Bahá'í em Cabo Verde (2004-11-28). An article about the 50 years of the Faith in the Islands of Cape Verde.
  359. Mario Robalo. Tribunais egipcios condenam baha'is a pesadas penas (1988-01-09). Clip from a Portuguese newspaper. Egyptian courts rules heavy sentences for Bahá'ís
  360. Farzin Aghdasi. Scholar and the Plan, The (2006-08-12).
  361. Udo Schaefer. Heilsgeschichte und Paradigmenwechsel: Zwei Beiträge zur Bahá'í-Theologie (2002). German original text of Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm.
  362. Farideh Farhi. Religious Minorities in Iran, by Eliz Sanasarian: Review (2001-06-22).
  363. Robert Brenton Betts. Religious Minorities in Iran, by Eliz Sanasarian: Review (2001-12-01).
  364. Lynn Echevarria-Howe (published as Lynn Echevarria). Bahá'í, The: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review (2002-03-22).
  365. John Walbridge. Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History, The: A Survey, by Denis MacEoin: Review (1993-07-01).
  366. Various. Bahá'í Studies in Australasia: Volume 3 (1996). Four papers reflecting a diversity of themes.
  367. Christopher Buck. Bahá'ís (2001). The Bahá'í Faith's continuities and discontinuities with Islam. This is the only Bahá'í-related article in The Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an.
  368. Fazel Naghdy. Yerrinbool Bahá'í School and the Australian Bahá'í Community (1996).
  369. Eustache de Lorey. Babis, The (1907). Translation of an article which appeared in the official gazette of the Persian government, followed by a letter from de Gobineau, on the torture of Babis after the assassination attempt on the Shah, 1852.
  370. Christopher Buck. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review (1999-12).
  371. Stanley W. Johnston. Human Rights and the Bahá'í Faith: The Human Right to Education for Religious Understanding (1996). Human rights should be viewed globally and should include freedom of choice in religion via liberal schooling; development goals; the 1981 UN Declaration to Eliminate Discrimination and Intolerance Based on Religion or Belief.
  372. Afshin A. Khavari. Interrelationship of Bahá'í, Australian Statute and Common Law, The: A Family Law Perspective (1996). Application of Bahá'í Laws in Australia within the context of the existing common and statue laws of the country, and the history, conceptual basis, and developments of Bahá'í laws.
  373. Kian Erfanian, Mehran Derakhshandegan. Importance of Leadership and Participation in Ensuring the Success of a Teaching Plan (1996). The relationship between leadership and participation of institutions and individuals in the organic unfolding of the Cause, and a practical plan of action for a local Bahá'í community.
  374. Graham Nicholson. Guarantees of Religious Freedom in Australia (1996). The development of religious freedom in Australia, and relevant constitutional and legal pronouncements.
  375. M. A. Hannon. Opening Address: National Bahá'í Studies Conference, Hobart, Australia, July 1994 (1995). The negative social forces impacting on the family in Australia; the services provided by the Family Court; and the need for an awareness of gender and cultural issues.
  376. Augustus Henry Mounsey. Journey through the Caucasus and the Interior of Persia (1872). 4-page overview of Bábí history.
  377. Brett Zamir, comp. Random page: Sacred Writings (-). Jump to a random page of the Bahá'í Writings. Useful for exploration of the Bahá'í Writings, learning something new, or refreshing on something old. May be bookmarked for repeated use.
  378. Susan Maneck. Theocratic Assumptions in Bahá'í Literature," by Sen McGlinn: Review (2007-03).
  379. Susan Maneck. Pharisaic Phenomenon and the Dynamics of Denial, The (1999). On the role of intellectual rigidity, control and pride as causes of opposition to religious change, and the relevance of this concept in Bahá'í history.
  380. Brendan Cook. Moral Relativism and the Bahá'í Faith (2006). An outsider's perspective challenging unquestioning obedience to religious commandments. Right and wrong, this author believes, are relative to situations and to the needs of human beings in a given time and place.
  381. Roxanne Lalonde. Unity in Diversity: A Conceptual Framework for a Global Ethic of Environmental Sustainability (1994). This article contributes to environmental ethics by highlighting the common ground among several perspectives and discussing six principles that unite them; "unity in diversity" as a conceptual framework for devising a global ethic of sustainability.
  382. Shamil Jeppie. Identity Politics and Public Disputation: A Baha'i Missionary as a Muslim Modernist in South Africa (2007). On the "Arabic Study Circle" of South Africa (ca. 1950) and the role of its most influential member, Joseph Perdu; the question of public performances of identity and their relations to private pursuits of identity.
  383. Shoghi Effendi. Rules of Parliamentary Discipline (1915-11). Published under the name "Shawki Rabbani" for his school journal. Shoghi Effendi would have been around age 16 at the time.
  384. William S. Hatcher. Powerseeking and Ideology (2008). Good and evil are a potential that lie within the heart of each individual; but a believer in an ideology can feel morally justified in perpetrating cruelty towards others, because he sees himself as defending a higher value against an infidel.
  385. William S. Hatcher. Cycle of Lectures on Universal and Contemporary Themes (2008). On love, power and justice; true religion is not an ideology; the concept of human value; social ethics and individual development; the unity of religion and science; a logical proof of the existence of God; is universal culture possible?
  386. Seena Fazel, ed, John Danesh, ed. Reason and Revelation: New Directions in Bahá'í Thought (2002). Selected articles published earlier in Bahá'í Studies Review.
  387. William S. Hatcher. Love, Power and Justice (2008).
  388. William S. Hatcher. Bahá'í Faith, The: A Non-ideological Approach to Religion (2008).
  389. William S. Hatcher. L'homme n'est pas un animal (2008). Fireside talk.
  390. William S. Hatcher. Le concept de valeur humaine (2003-05-15).
  391. Aaron Vahid Sealy. "In Their Place": Marking and Unmarking Shi'ism in Pahlavi Iran (2011). Dissertation about Shi'ite nationalism in Iran 1925-1979, including extensive discussion of anti-Bahá'í activity and persecutions. (Offsite.)
  392. Sen McGlinn. Common Language for Postmodern Political Theologies, A (2006-04). Delivered to the Society for the Study of Theology 2006 Annual Conference, 3-6 April 2006.
  393. William S. Hatcher. Le pouvoir et les relations humaines (2008). Fireside talk.
  394. William S. Hatcher. Les étapes de l'unité mondiale (2008). Fireside talk.
  395. William S. Hatcher. Prouver l'existence de Dieu 1 (2008). Fireside talk.
  396. William S. Hatcher. Pourquoi s'appeler bahá'í? (2008). Fireside talk.
  397. William S. Hatcher. Le mysticisme (2008). Fireside talk.
  398. William S. Hatcher. Les étapes de la vie (2008). Fireside talk.
  399. Guy Murchie. I am a Bahá'í (1958-07-13). "An Exotic Faith Has Built One of the World's Great Temples Here. A Believer Tells What That Faith Means to Him."
  400. William S. Hatcher. La volonté et la rationalité de Dieu (2008). Fireside talk.
  401. William S. Hatcher. La véracité: le fondement du progrès spiritual (2008). Fireside talk.
  402. William S. Hatcher. La spiritualité et la lutte pour la survie (2008). Fireside talk.
  403. Marco Oliveira. Moisés: Uma breve perspectiva sobre a figura de Moisés nas Escrituras Baha'is (2006-06-23). No âmbito de um estudo mais amplo sobre o Kitab-i-Iqan, foi feita uma breve análise sobre o fundador do Judaismo e a forma como as Escrituras Bahá'ís abordam a Sua Vida e Ensinamentos. Este texto foi inicialmente publicado no blog Povo de Bahá.
  404. William S. Hatcher. La réincarnation (2008). Fireside talk.
  405. William S. Hatcher. La prière (2008). Fireside talk.
  406. William S. Hatcher. La prédestination (2008). Fireside talk.
  407. William S. Hatcher. La contribution des femmes à la science moderne (2008). Fireside talk.
  408. William S. Hatcher. Peut-on réellement pardonner? (2003-06-23). Fireside talk.
  409. William S. Hatcher. L'environnement physique et spirituel (2003-03-26). Fireside talk.
  410. William S. Hatcher. Le clonage: vrai ou faux, bien ou mal? (2003-03-05). Fireside talk.
  411. William S. Hatcher. La violence et la nature humaine (2003-02-26). Fireside talk.
  412. William S. Hatcher. Comment protéger nos jeunes? (2003-01-03). Fireside talk.
  413. William S. Hatcher. La médisance, outil des faibles (2002-11-20). Fireside talk.
  414. William S. Hatcher. Les cinq niveaux de l'esprit (2002-12-04). Fireside talk.
  415. William S. Hatcher. Le rôle politique de la femme est-il méconnu? (2002-07-17). Fireside talk.
  416. William S. Hatcher. Pourquoi l'être humain veut-il la paix mais fait la guerre? (2002-06-12). Fireside talk.
  417. William S. Hatcher. La religion a-t-elle échoué? (2002-06-05). Fireside talk.
  418. William S. Hatcher. Le bien et le mal (2002-05-15). Fireside talk.
  419. William S. Hatcher. Guerre et paix au XXI siècle (2002-05-07). Fireside talk.
  420. William S. Hatcher. Prouver l'existence de Dieu 2 (2002-05-01). Fireside talk.
  421. William S. Hatcher. La spiritualité et la santé mentale et physique (2002-04-10). Fireside talk.
  422. William S. Hatcher. Le pouvoir au sein de la famille (2002). Fireside talk.
  423. William S. Hatcher. Vivre la vie de la perspective de l'éternité (2002-01-16). Fireside talk.
  424. William S. Hatcher. L'égoïsme versus l'estime de soi (2004-01). Fireside talk.
  425. William S. Hatcher. L'amour, le pouvoir et la justice (2002-12). Summer school talk.
  426. William S. Hatcher. La complémentarité entre la science et l'art (2002-02-13). Fireside talk.
  427. William S. Hatcher. L'infaillibilité et nous (2002-08). Fireside talk.
  428. William S. Hatcher. Le sens de la vie (2004). Fireside talk.
  429. William S. Hatcher. L'être humain naït-il tueur? (2004). Fireside talk.
  430. William S. Hatcher. La communion avec Dieu et le processus du détachement (2004). Fireside talk.
  431. William S. Hatcher. La paix intérieure (2004). Fireside talk.
  432. William S. Hatcher. Les perturbations sociales et le vécu individuel (2004).
  433. William S. Hatcher. L'historique de la foi bahá'íe (2004). Fireside talk.
  434. William S. Hatcher. Est-ce que l'au-délà sera ennuyeux? (2003). Fireside talk.
  435. William S. Hatcher. Pourquoi tenons-nous tellement à nos préjugés? (2003). Fireside talk.
  436. Nazila Ghanea-Hercock. Bahá'í Critique of Human Rights, A: State Sovereignty as Smokescreen or Necessary Partner in Securing Human Rights? (2001). The Bahá’í critique of the current international human rights system focuses on the extent and centrality of state sovereignty; the importance of the international protection of human rights by the United Nations; systemic challenges.
  437. Darren Hedley. Right to Development Assistance, and the Duty to Contribute, The: A Case Study from Zambia (2001). On the experiences of a poverty reduction program implemented in Zambia by an international NGO, CARE, and the policy process whereby it sought to enshrine the principle of rights being matched by responsibilities.
  438. Martha L. Schweitz. Rights and Responsibilities in the Bahá'í World Order: From 'Me' to 'Us' — Confronting the Fear (2001). In human rights thinking there is often a presumed conflict between the needs to fully protect human dignity and equality, and to foster the well being of society as a whole; this divide is false and in the Bahá’í teachings both goals can be achieved.
  439. William S. Hatcher. Reconstructing the Academy (2008). Brief response to postmodernism in academia and the "Sokal Hoax." Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  440. August J. Stenstrand. Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America, A (1907). Propaganda materials by an early follower of Ibrahim Kheiralla and self-professed Azali.
  441. Robert Stauffer. Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin: Review (1999).
  442. Paul Dodenhoff. Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin: Review (1998).
  443. Ian C. Semple. Towards a Spiritual Civilization (2001). Three methods to achieve the spiritualization of humankind: perpetual striving to draw closer to God in mind, action and spirit; the fundamental work of teaching the Message and building the Administrative Order; and participation in humanitarian service.
  444. Mark A. Foster. Increasing Complexity as a Process in Social Evolution: A Case Study of the Baha'i Faith (1980-10).
  445. Various. Human Rights, Faith, and Culture (2001). Proceedings of an ABS Australia conference, November 7-8 1998.
  446. Penelope Walker (published as Penny Walker). Learning Process (2002-02-12). Talk on the Five-Year Plan, growth, and training institutes, given by a Counselor of the International Teaching Center in Houston, Texas, on February 12, 2002.
  447. Roger Coe. Responsibility of Men in Achieving Equality Between the Sexes, The (1989). Inequality in the relationship between women and men is manifested in the denial of opportunity - or even domination. Both sexes have been conditioned to accept these roles. Men must transform themselves to end this oppression. Audio version included.
  448. Juan Cole. Marking Boundaries, Marking Time: The Iranian Past and the Construction of the Self by Qajar Thinkers (1996 Winter/Spring). Persian-speaking intellectuals in the 19th century (Akhundzadah, Majd al-Mulk, 'Abd al-Baha, I'timad al-Saltanah) experienced a triple confluence of alterity, primitivism, and mimesis in their conceptualization of Iranian selfhood in their time.
  449. Juan Cole. Ayatollahs and Democracy in Iraq, The (2006). Clerical participation within Iraq's emerging democracy. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
  450. Juan Cole. Religious Dissidence and Urban Leadership: Bahá'ís in Qajar Shiraz and Tehran (1999). On understanding the role of dissident faith groups in Qajar urban life by contrasting merchant and artisan Bahá'ís in a small provincial capital, vs. a larger city with more government officials and elite women among the believers.
  451. Anthony Lee. Bahá'í Church of Calabar, West Africa, The: The Problem of Levels in Religious History (1997-11). The growth of a 'Bahá'í Church' in Calabar indicates the enormous role played by the initiative of the African converts themselves, and that the points of attraction to the Bahá'í message were different from those expected by the pioneers.
  452. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. Crimes Against Humanity: The Islamic Republic's Attacks on the Bahá'ís (2008-11).
  453. Muhammad Sahimi. Hojjatiyeh, Mesbahiyeh, and Ahmadinejad (2010-09-29). History of anti-Bahá'í activities in Iran.
  454. Moshe Sharon. Searching for the Scientific in the Spiritual (2011). The metaphor of eating from the tree of knowledge; Martin Buber on how individuals relate to the external world and the divine; the intellectual capabilities of humans; religion vs. science.
  455. Brian Aull. Faith of Science and the Method of Religion, The (1988). A fundamental teaching of the Bahá’í Faith is that science and religion are harmonious and complementary: religious faith should be shaped by a process of critical inquiry and the limitations of science acknowledged.
  456. Hoda Mahmoudi. From Oppression to Equality: The Emergence of the Feminist Perspective (1989). The Bahá’í principle of the equality between women and men; history of the obstructions and prejudices toward women as promoted by religious institutions; what it means to be a liberated woman in the eye of the Bahá'í writings.
  457. Hossain Danesh. Une societe sans violence, un don a faire a nos enfants (1981).
  458. Janet Huggins. Exploring Male Oppression from a Family Systems Perspective (1990). On sexual inequality; parallels between adolescent sex role development and the evolutionary stage of our society; examples of how both men and women are oppressed; implications of achieving equality for both world peace and individual intrapsychic unity.
  459. Edward Stack. Six Months in Persia (1882). Passing mentions of the Babis.
  460. Absalom D. Shabaz. Land of the Lion and the Sun: Personal Experiences, the Nations of Persia — Their Manners, Customs, and Their Belief (1901). 1-paragraph overview of the "new sect" of "the Baáb."
  461. Author unknown. Teaching regions of the United States and Canada (1940) (1945).
  462. Author unknown. Bahá'í community of the United States (1950) (1952).
  463. Author unknown. Bahá'í community of the United States (1954) (1956).
  464. Hossain Danesh. Creating New World Order (n.d.).
  465. Zikrullah Khadem. Remembrances of Shoghi Effendi: An address from the Hand of the Cause (1984).
  466. Peter J. Khan. Women: Equality and Peace (n.d.).
  467. Ervin Laszlo. Transformation of Global Society (1983).
  468. Sam Augustine. Bahá'í Talks from the Heart (n.d.).
  469. Rouhi Jahanpur. Stories of the Martyrdom (n.d.).
  470. A. Link. World Peace and International Health (n.d.).
  471. Dwight M. Donaldson. Shi'ite Religion, The: A History of Islam in Persia and Irak (1933). An early history of Shí'ís, including a section on Shaykhism and the Bábís.
  472. Dwight M. Donaldson. Shi'ite Religion, chapter 33: Rise of Related Sects in Modern Times [Shayhki, Babi, Bahá'í] (1933).
  473. R. Mehrabkhani. New Development in the Bahá'í Community, A (2008). On the three stages in the growth of each religion, and the new instruments for the correct implementation of the Bahá'í plans, the Cluster and its Reflection Meetings, and the Ruhi course.
  474. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. Community under Siege: The Ordeal of the Bahá'ís of Shiraz (2007-09). Account of the persecutions of the Bahá'ís in Shiraz by the IHRDC (2007).
  475. Hooper Harris. Lessons on the Beha Revelation (1901). Early overview of Bahá'í theology from a biblical perspective.
  476. Edward Sell. Bahaism (1912). An early book-length overview, by a Christian for a missionary audience.
  477. Tamela Rich. Seeking Refuge (2008-10). Essay introducing a community to recently-arrived Iranian refugees fleeing religious persecution in their homeland, where they are denied jobs, education and sometimes their lives. The article shows how difficult it is to start anew in this Sunbelt city.
  478. Wendi Momen. Fostering Good Working Relations between Bahá'í Institutions and Bahá'í Scholars (2001 Winter/Spring). Lists of things that make Bahá'í scholarship important, some ways institutions can support scholars, ways scholars can support the institutions, and brief comments on Review.
  479. Muhammad Afnan. Role of the Bahá'í Scholar in Defending the Faith, The (2001 Winter/Spring). The role of apologetics in the Bahá'í Faith is not merely to defend or prove, but to demonstrate that the Faith provides the means for obtaining knowledge of the truth, and to present the truths revealed by the Sacred Writings.
  480. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Early Irish Bahá'ís (1998 Spring). Short history of the introduction of the Bahá’í Faith to Ireland, 1900 to 1925.
  481. Stephen Vickers. Bahá'í Perspectives on Spiritual and Moral Education, Some (1995 Summer). The Bahá'í Faith, like any other religion, contains insights which can be valuable for those in the educational world who are striving to make moral and spiritual education a reality; "light is good in whatsoever lamp it shines."
  482. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada. Mackenzie and Franklin Islands in the Tablets of the Divine Plan (2006-02-21). Question to, and response from, the Archives of the NSA of Canada about why 'Abdu'l-Bahá addressed these then-sparsely-populated regions of Canada.
  483. Author unknown. Teaching regions of the United States and Canada (1938) (1942).
  484. Ted Slavin. Celebrating Survival (2011). Hardships lead to spiritual growth. Grief is sent by God to perfect us, and comfort comes from passing through difficult times.
  485. Abbas Amanat. Constitutional Revolution (Iran): Intellectual Background (1993). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  486. Abbas Amanat. Historiography: Qajar Period and Bábí and Bahá'í works (2004). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  487. Moojan Momen. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Akka Traditions (hadith) in (2003).
  488. Various. World Bank's meeting with the world's religions (1998-02). Five articles on the dialogue for broadening "opportunities for common understanding and action in tackling the critical issue of global poverty" include discussion of Bahá'í involvement in the conference.
  489. Gary Fuhrman. Personal Page: Gary Fuhrman (2001).
  490. Ralph D. Wagner. Personal Page: Ralph D. Wagner (1999).
  491. Denis MacEoin. Bahá'í Literature (1989). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  492. Denis MacEoin. Bahá'í Persecutions (1989). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  493. Peter Smith. Bahá'í Communities (1989). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  494. Denis MacEoin. Bahá'í and Bábí Schisms (1989). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  495. Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. Martyrs, Bábí (2005). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  496. Amaris Podger. Reporting on the Spirit: How the Media Covers Spiritual and Religious Issues (2002 Spring). There is no ideological reason to prevent journalists or media outlets from holding religious opinions or giving voice to them.
  497. Robert C. Henderson. Being a Spiritual Revolutionary: A talk given at the 1988 International Youth Conference (1988).
  498. Sholeh A. Quinn. Historical methodology and the development of Bahá'í scholarship: toward dispelling a false dichotomy (1999). 'Bahá'í Studies' is multi-faceted and can include various non-exclusive approaches, including academic history and historical research -- the nature of both of which is outlined here; scholastic methodology; "professional" history and Bahá'í scholarship.
  499. John Hick. Can There Be Only One True Religion?: Invited Commentary (2001).
  500. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Unfreezing the frame: The promise of inductive research in Bahá'í studies (2001). The suitability of inductive analysis as a method in Bahá'í scholarship, and some stumbling blocks that inhibit the development of a Bahá'í methodology.
  501. Robert Weinberg. Early European Bahá'í involvement in Social Activism (2001). Early initiatives taken by Bahá'ís in Britain and France in support of education for underprivileged children, medical service, and women's suffrage.
  502. Brian A. Miller. Scripture and Revelation, ed. Moojan Momen: Review (2001).
  503. Ali Keshtgar. Ahang Rabbani, trans. We Are All Iranian Bahá'ís! (2008-08-15). The Hojjatieh Society, Nobel Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, human rights, and defending Bahá'ís. Includes Persian text.
  504. Sen McGlinn. Personal Page: Sen McGlinn (2010).
  505. Author unknown. Iran Seeks to Suppress Baha'i Faith: Editorial (1955-06-08). One-paragraph editorial from 1955.
  506. Martha L. Root. My Visit to Temple University (1931-09). On Martha Root's visit to Temple University in Philadelphia in 1931 to talk about the Bahá'í peace principles.
  507. Alice Rohe. New John the Baptist Preaching Universal Brotherhood: Abdul Ba-ha Patriarchal Head of Bahá'ísts in Denver With Message of Love and Justice to All and for All (1912-09-25). News article of Abdu'l-Bahá's tour. Includes scanned image of original newspaper and photograph of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  508. Author unknown. Throndhjems borgerlige Realskoles (1852-10-30). 1852 report in Norwegian on assassination attempt of the Sháh.
  509. Hermann Vambery. Resa I Persien [Journey in Persia] (1869). Book excerpt from 1869 of a travel diary in Swedish.
  510. John David Rees. H. Thambs Lyche, trans. Bab og Babismen: en ny religion og dens stifter (1896-07-31). Norwegian translation of Rees' Bab and Babism, 1896.
  511. Nathan Soderblom. Främmande religionsurkunder (1907). Short excerpt in Swedish titled "Foreign religious deeds" which quotes the Bahá'í Writings.
  512. Site Map.
  513. Various. Прежняя версия библиотеки (Previous Version of the Library) (1999). Эта коллекция была составлена ​​12 лет назад, в 1999 году, и с тех пор не обновлялась. Original Russian page at the Bahá'í Library Online, from 1999.
  514. Ahmad Batebi. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Baha'is and Higher Education in Iran, The (2008-09-02). An outsider's overview of the political and religious barriers to Bahá'í schools, the state of human rights, and contemporary arrests of Bahá'í leaders in Iran.
  515. Sonja van Kerkhoff. Personal Page: Sonja van Kerkhoff: arts reviews, essays (2010). Links to some personal projects.
  516. Albert Ross Vail, Emily McLellan Vail. Unity of Nations, The (1970). A meditation on Bahá'í-inspired themes of peace and the betterment of society. Does not mention the Faith.
  517. Christopher Buck. Criminalizing the Bahá'í Religion (2009-03-15). The opposite of freedom of religion is the banning of religion; the Bahá'í community in Iran being a case in point; the pattern of oppression.
  518. Christopher Buck. Trial of the Yaran under Iranian Criminal Procedure: “The Justice of God” or Procedural Injustice?, The: Iranian Islam, not the Yaran, on trial in the court of international opinion (2010-01). Two essays about legal issues associated with the 2009-2010 trial of the Yaran, the former informal group of leaders of the Bahá'í community of Iran.
  519. PDF Support.
  520. Robert Stockman. Cycles of Growth of the American Bahá'í Community (2010). PowerPoint presentation on the history of the American community, 1894-2009.
  521. Deborah Clark Vance. Maintaining Minority Beliefs in an Indifferent Workplace (2003). A study of how Bahá’ís of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, living in the mid-Atlantic region, attempt to integrate the teachings of their minority religion into US American workplace cultures.
  522. Deborah Clark Vance. Naming Names: The Power to Control the Meaning of Media Symbols (2009-08-15).
  523. Contact us, send corrections, or submit a document.
  524. Author unknown. Short Takes (1986-1988). Brief reports on various topics, mostly related to politics or then-current news, published in 5 issues of dialogue magazine.
  525. Hans Kung. Freedom for Truth: Peace among Religions (1986). One-page essay calling for patience and tolerance between religions and their search for truth.
  526. Elizabeth Anderson. Beyond Brotherhood (1986). Thoughts on achieving racial equality, in light of the continuing injustices against African-Americans in the United States.
  527. Various. Letters to and from the editor (1986-1988). All letters to dialogue not posted elsewhere, and responses from its editors.
  528. Carol R. Goodrich, Rob Leavitt, David Langness, Larry Doyle. Various essays (1986-1988). Five unrelated items: "The Philippines: Catholic Priests Detained and Murdered," "Two Halves Are Better Than One," "Vision Quest," "Emerging From...", and a Pogo comic mentioning Bahá'í Naw Ruz.
  529. Christopher Buck. America is a Multifaith Nation (2012). While the United States was once a "Christian" nation, it is now a multi-faith one. Includes short overview of American religious history, and statistics of church membership.
  530. Christopher Buck. Public Schools May "Teach About Religion" — Not "Teach Religion" (2012). History of legislation regarding how and when religious texts might be studied in public schools, and comments on pedagogical approaches.
  531. Jack McLean. The Bábí and Bahá'í Religions: From Messianic Shi'ism to World Religion, by Peter Smith: Review (1988).
  532. Jack McLean. Method in Religious Studies: Theistic and Agnostic (2000). Response to an assertion by Christopher Buck that the term religious studies is misleading, in that, while the object of the study is religious, the method is not; thoughts on how a scientific methodology would work.
  533. Jack McLean. Faith State, The: Vital To Theist, Agnostic and Atheist (1998). Paul Tillich's approach to faith, as adapted to a Bahá'í and/or agnostic context.
  534. Jack McLean. Putative Distinctions Between Apologetics and Scholarship: A Commentary (1993). Response to Christopher Buck's review of Michael Sour's The Prophecies of Jesus, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, on the definitions of apologia and the thought of Paul Tillich.
  535. J. N. Hoare. Something New in Iran (1937). Brief (negative) reference to the Bahá'ís by a Christian missionary in Iran.
  536. Will C. van den Hoonaard. East Africa, Bahá'í Communities in (1996). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  537. Abbas Amanat. Constitutional Revolution: Intellectual Background (1992). Brief excerpts, with link to article offsite.
  538. Stephen G. Bullfinch. Babism (1869). Brief account of the Bábí movement by an American Unitarian clergyman.
  539. Charles Mason Remey. Observations of a Bahá'í Traveller, 1908 (1914). An account of travels among some Bahá'ís in Egypt, Israel, and Persia in 1908, written at the suggestion of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  540. Charles Mason Remey. Bahá'í Revelation and Reconstruction, The (1919). A treatise on the history and the spiritual, social, and economic principles of the Faith, with special regard to the application of these principles to, and their influence on, the coming peace of nations and the tranquillity and welfare of humanity.
  541. Charles Mason Remey. Constructive Principles of the Bahá'í Movement (1917). A summary of the history, object, and institutions of the Bahá'í religious teachings.
  542. Charles Mason Remey. Bahá'í Movement, The: A Series of Nineteen Papers (1912). Essays on Bahá'í history and teachings.
  543. Charles Mason Remey. Peace of the World, The (1919). "A brief treatise upon the spiritual teaching of the Bahai religion with particular regard to its application to the great problem, now before the nations, of the establishment of an enduring world peace."
  544. Kathryn Jewett Hogenson. The Maxwells of Montreal, volumes 1-2, by Violette Nakhjavani: Review (2013).
  545. Charles Mason Remey. New Day, The: The Bahá'í Revelation (1919). "A brief statement of its history and teachings" in summary form. Opens with short "dissertation by Abdu'l-Bahá upon the New Day."
  546. Charles Mason Remey. Bahá'í Movement for Universal Religion, The (1912-03). Dictionary-like summaries of Bahá'í personages and teachings.
  547. Charles Mason Remey. Covenant, The (1919). "A brief statement of the Covenant God made with mankind through the prophets of the past and has fulfilled in these latter days, in the Bahai Movement." Includes excerpts of tablets and talks of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  548. Charles Mason Remey. Power of “The Covenant of God” Alone Regenerates Mankind, The (1913-09-08). Recognition of the centre of the covenant is the important matter before the world today. Includes extracts from a letter to a Bahai assembly in America.
  549. Ibrahim George Kheiralla. Howard MacNutt, ed. Behá 'U'lláh (the glory of God) (1900). A lengthy proclamation of the new Manifestation, written in a theological, comparative, and historical approach.
  550. Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney. Bahá'í Movement for Universal Religion, The: Bahá'ísm (1909). Early scholarly defense of the necessity of religion and the Bahá'í Faith in particular, including discussion of Bahá'í history and principles, written by the first French Bahá'í.
  551. Hossain Danesh. Reflections on the Bahá'í Peace Program (2013-12). Peace-making, conflict resolution, and the importance of negotiation between opposing parties.
  552. Paul Bowers. How a 19th-century Persian faith became the second-most common religion in our state: Why So Many Bahá'í? (2014-06-18).
  553. Thomas Edward Gordon. Persia Revisited: With Remarks on H.I.M. Mozuffer-Ed-Din Shah, and the Present Situation in Persia (1895). Short chapter-length overview of the Bábí Faith.
  554. Various. UK Government debates and publications on the Bahá'í Faith (1993-2013). Collection of documents and links to many more documents published at containing any mention of the Faith in UK government debates, actions, and publications, mostly regarding persecutions in Iran.
  555. Ismael Velasco. Pattern of a New World Order: The Bahá'í Administrative Order and Shoghi Effendi's Contribution to Globalisation Theory (2010-12-30). The concept of the administrative order, and how the Guardian extrapolated its framework from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh.
  556. Harry Charles Lukach (published as Harry Charles Luke). Handbook of Palestine, The (1922). Passing mentions of the Bab, Bahá'ís, and Subh-i-Azal, along with the history and geography of Akka. Includes estimate of number of Bahá'ís in Palestine in 1922.
  557. Harry Charles Lukach. Fringe of the East, The: A journey through past and present provinces of Turkey (1913). Overview of the Bahá'ís and Azalis, and mentions of their history in Akka. Includes two excerpts of interest because they refer to "Báb" which in this context refers to a place, not the Prophet.
  558. William Copeland Dodge. Recollection of Visits with 'Abdul-Baha (1959-02-06). Travels in Akka and meetings with Abdu'l-Bahá November 16 - December 4 1901 at his house in Akka, and in 1912 in New York, recounted by the son of Arthur Pillsbury Dodge.
  559. Peter J. Khan. Declining Processes of the World (n.d.). The condition of the world today, which is in a state of decline from negative forces, requires that both Bahá'ís and others make drastic changes in certain fundamental attitudes.
  560. Glenford Mitchell. Talks at the United States National Bahá'í Convention (2009). Two talks given in Wilmette, on two subsequent days. Topics include meekness, administrative principles, the Covenant with humankind, and how Bahá'í ideals will be realized.
  561. John Thelen Steere. Ecological Stewardship as Applied Spirituality: A Bahá'í Perspective (2005). The significance and dimensions of environmental stewardship — the name given to the emerging practice of habitation restoration, land conservation, resource management, and parks and recreation — and its relationship to the Bahá’í teachings.
  562. Abdu'l-Bahá. Badi Boshrui, trans. Letter to the Portland, Oregon Spiritual Assembly: 1914 October 14 (1914-10-14). Text and photograph of a hand-written letter that offers praise for the Portland assembly; identifies Williams Jennings Bryan, then Secretary of State, as a candle for peace; and warns of some "corrupted souls" coming to America (i.e. covenant breakers).
  563. Geoffrey Benjamin. Temiar religions, 1994–2008 (2011). A study of the rise and decline of the Baha’i Faith amongst the Temiars of Malaysia. Link to paper (offsite).
  564. Uzma Jamil. Minorities and "Islamic" States: Explaining Bahá'í and Ahmadi Marginalization in Iran and Pakistan (2002-03). Analysis of the marginalization of Bahá'ís in Iran and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan. Link to thesis (offsite).
  565. Afshin Robin Rohani. To what extent can the ‘blogs' of sympathisers and representatives of the Bahá'í Faith be seen as interactive channels of communication that report on the persecution of the Bahá'ís in Iran? (2009-04). Examination of how online communications have been used to highlight human rights, including the Muslim Network for Bahá'í Rights blog. Link to thesis (offsite).
  566. Adrian John Davis. Moral Leadership: The Leadership of the Future: An Exploratory Study in a Bahá'í-Inspired Faith School (2008-08). Relationship between theory and practice of moral leadership in a faith-based school, including discussion of institutional dissonance, moral capital, team management, conflict resolution, and the challenges of idealism. Link to thesis (offsite).
  567. Aytek Sever. Pan-Islamist in Istanbul, A: Jamal ad-Din Afghani and Hamidian Islamism, 1892-1897 (2010-09). A study of a Turkish Islamic political theorist in the nineteenth century. Includes numerous passing mentions of the Babis and Bahá'ís. Link to thesis (offsite).
  568. Lil Osborn. Never Be Afraid to Dare: The Story of 'General Jack,' by Jan Jasion: Review (2004).
  569. Saba Mahmood, Peter G. Danchin. Religious Freedom in the Jurisprudence of the Egyptian and European Court of Human Rights (2014). Egyptian jurisprudence produced on the status of the Bahai minority in Egypt, and analysis of cases of the European Court in which the principle of religious liberty and public order is invoked. Link to article (offsite).
  570. Jaime Lenninger McLellan. Theology of Revolution: Messianic Traditions and the Revolutions They Inspired (2012). Includes extensive discussion of Bahá'í history, doctrines, and the ideology behind the Bábí revolts. Link to thesis (offsite).
  571. Abteen Karimi. Iran, Democracy, and International Law (2013-03-08). Passing mentions of Bahá'í persecution in Iran (see pages 318-319).
  572. Jalil Mahmoudi. Institutionalization of Religion, The: A Sociological Analysis of Religion and Conflict (1967 Fall). The life cycle of a religion can be classified into different phases or stages, such as "cult, sect, denomination, church." Does the Bahá'í Faith fit this schema?
  573. Jon Baldvin. Will C. van den Hoonaard, trans. Chapters from the Mature Story of a Politician (2002). Brief extract from a memoir by Iceland's former Minister of Foreign Affairs Jon Baldvin (Hannibalsson) mentioning some of the Bahá'ís he has met: Will van den Hoonaard, Halldor Thorgeirsson, and John Walbridge
  574. Richard Foltz. Religions of Iran: From prehistory to the present (2013). Excerpt from book: contents, preface, and a few pages on the origins of Iranian religion. (Offsite.)
  575. Payam Pakravan. Bahá'í Social and Economic Development: Participating in the Unfoldment of World Civilisation (1999). [needs abstract]
  576. Christopher Buck. Religious Myths and Visions of America: How Minority Faiths Redefined America's World Role (2009). A celebration of America’s religious diversity, showing how this multi-faith nation can and should play a leading role in promoting peace and goodwill among races, religions and nations, both at home and abroad. (2-chapter excerpt)
  577. Ahang Rabbani, comp. and trans. Iranian Intellectuals and the Bahá'ís (2010-04). 59 essays from 2008-2009 in Iranian newspapers or by influential thinkers, about the Bahá'í Faith in contemporary Iran. Most of these were also translated by Ahang Rabbani.
  578. Sen McGlinn. Baha'i Meets Globalisation: A New Synergy? (2005). Following Weber's analysis of the synergy between Protestantism and the rationalisation of social control in modern societies, this paper draws attention to the potential "fit" between the dynamics of globalisation and the Baha’i Faith.
  579. Johnny Mansour. Hijaz-Palestine Railway and the Development of Haifa, The (2006 Autumn). A history of Haifa and Akka during the period of Bahá'í immigration. Contains no mention of the Faith.
  580. Ladan Rahmani. Promoting a Culture of Human Rights: The United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the Bahá'í community in the Islamic Republic of Iran (1999). [needs abstract]
  581. Brian D. Lepard. Bahá'í Perspective on International Human Rights Law, A (2013-02). Overview of the evolution of modern "secular" systems of international human rights law and their limitations, principles in the Bahá’í Writings relevant to such laws, and implications of these principles for reform of the contemporary legal order.
  582. Luc Dion. La realité du monde exterieur et l'existence de Dieu (1976). Student essay on Foi et raison, Les concepts fondamentaux, La loi générale qui gouverne l’univers, et Dieu.
  583. Kenneth Paul Cooper. Faith Community as Extended Family, The: The Influence of Shared Spiritual Values as Experienced by Bahá'í Families in the Cowichan Valley (1997). Nature of the Bahá'í family and standards of behavior, and how they are influenced by the broader Bahá'í community and its value-based social network.
  584. Sophie Tamas. Greater Boldness: Radical Storytelling with Canadian Bahá'í Women (1998-12-03). How the Bahá'í Faith's teachings on gender equality can be promoted through social activism and storytelling-based consciousness-raising workshop.
  585. Hassani Riazi. Die persische Staatszeitung Rúznáme-ye Vaqáye`-e Ettefáqíyye, weit mehr als herrschaftliche Repräsentation (2009). Some history of the Shaykhi and Bábí movements in the context of the Persian state newspaper Rúznámih-yi Vaqáyi`-i Ettefáqíyyih. (Link to thesis, offsite.)
  586. Arthur Pillsbury Dodge. Whence? Why? Whither?: Man, things, other things (1907). Meditations on the purpose of humanity, the reality of religion, signs of the Kingdom, racism, and prophecies fulfilled. Includes response to a speech on politics and history by Cornell University president Andrew D. White. Not yet proofread.
  587. Ali K. Merchant. What is Religious Humanism: A Bahá'í Viewpoint (2000-07). Religious institutions are often viewed as irrelevant to the concerns of the modern world. Apparent differences don't disprove the essential unity of religion, or its teaching that humans are essentially good and have a purpose in life.
  588. Ali K. Merchant. Religious Challenges in the 21st Century and the Bahá'í Faith (2001-04). Why has religion become suspect in present-day society? Do religious traditions help or hinder community? How does the Golden Rule, which exists in all religions, help build global unity?
  589. Ali K. Merchant. Religion and Science in the New Millennium: A Bahá'í Perspective (2001-01). An attempt to understand the essential functions of science and religion in human society, building on the work of Stanwood Cobb, William Hatcher and Anjam Khursheed, who have done pioneering research on the unity of religion and science.
  590. Kurt Hein. Freedom's Age (1990 Spring/Summer). In the 1980s, unprecedented social convulsions shook the world. Two aspects of these events are noteworthy: they occurred simultaneously and worldwide, and they captured the attention of people everywhere. Freedoms must be tempered by responsibilities.
  591. Abbas Amanat. Early Years of the Babi Movement, The: Background and Development (1981). Details of the rise of the Bábí religion, 1844-1847: military and social climate of Iran, millenarianism, the family of The Báb, conflicts within early Shaykhism, and shifts in The Báb's proclamation.
  592. Sina Astani. Bahá'í Question, The: A Case of Religious Discrimination in Post-Revolutionary Iran (2010-05). Overview of the situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran, 1979-2010.
  593. Jan T. Jasion, comp. Bábí and Bahá'í Bibliography from Gallica, A (2013-12). Entries from a downloadable digital library developed by the Bibliothèque nationale de France with any mention of the Faiths or relevant persons. The articles are mostly from France, from 1849 to 1943.
  594. Prem Kumari Srivastava. Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada, by Lynn Echevarria: Review (2014).
  595. Lyon Virostko. Naturalistic Assumptions in School Counseling and the Bahá'í Principle of the Unity of Science and Religion (2013-04-01). Argument for the increased study of a holistic worldview that applies the scientific method to religious and spiritual phenomena using theistic assumptions from religious principles found in the Bahá'í Faith.
  596. Juliet Thompson. Persian Reformer's View of Art, A (1917-03). Personal recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá's words on art and inspiration. Includes the portrait Thompson painted of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  597. Merve Calhan. Children of Iranian Asylum-Seekers in Turkey: Construction of National and Religious Identity (2011). Study of the nationalist and religious character of children of Iranian Bahá'í and Shi'i emigrants in Turkey. The transplanted Bahá'í youth maintained a stronger sense of religious identity. (Offsite.)
  598. Percy Molesworth Sykes. Persia (1922). 3-page overview of early Bábí history. Complete book is included, for historical interest.
  599. Arash Abizadeh. Liberal Democracy and the Bahá'í Administrative Order: An Analysis (1990). Comparison of the Bahá'í political system with two dominant types of liberal democracy, namely Responsible Government and Separation of Powers, as potential models for global government. (Link to PDF, offsite.)
  600. Kathryn Louisa Vernon. Bahá'u'lláh's Garden: Jacksonville, Florida, 1919-1969 (1969?). Unpublished account of the early years of the Bahá'í Faith in Florida.
  601. Mooshie G. Daniel. Bobeism, Bobe [The Bab], His Doctrine, His Personal Appearance (1897). An early sympathetic overview of the Báb and Bahá'ís.
  602. Sarah Oliai. Religious Minorities in Iran: Bahá'ís, Jews, and the Islamic State (2011-09). Overview of Iran's transition after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, leaving connections to its ancient empires and monarchical past while moving toward a national community united under Shi'a Islamic principles.
  603. Jane Dieulafoy. La Perse La Chaldée et La Susiane: Relation de Voyage (1887). Early overview of the Bábí movement in Zanjan, from a travel diary through Iran, Chaldea, and Susa (Shush).
  604. C. M. Buchanan. Bahá'ísm and Its Claims, by S. G. Wilson: Review (1916-01). Short review of an early anti-Bahá'í book by a Christian missionary.
  605. Orvis Fairlee Jordan. Bahá'ísm and Its Claims and Modern Movements among Mohammedans, by S. G. Wilson: Reviews (1915-10). Short reviews of two early anti-Bahá'í books by a Christian missionary.
  606. Orvis Fairlee Jordan. Bahá'ísm and Its Ambitious Claims (1921-10-06). Overview of Bahá'í teachings, the Faith's relationship with Islam, Bahá'ís in Chicago, and the under-construction temple in Wilmette.
  607. Wilson D. Wallis. Mahdi in Persia and Syria, The (1918). Short overview Bahá'í history, with quotes from pilgrims notes, and citations of other scholarly or published sources.
  608. Robert M. Labaree. Bahá'í, The Spirit of the Age, by Horace Holley: Review (1922). Short review of Holley's book by a Christian missionary.
  609. William Loftus Hare. Bahá'í Cause, The (1924-12). An account of the "Parliament of Living Religions," in London, 1924. Includes 2-page summary of presentations by Mountfort Mills and Ruhi Afnan.
  610. G. Stanley Hall, ed. Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi, The by M. H. Phelps: Review (1904-05). Sympathetic review of one of the earliest English-language books on the Faith.
  611. Henry Bentson. Bahá'ísm, by Arthur Vail: Review (1914). One-paragraph summary of Vail's book.
  612. Deborah K. van den Hoonaard. Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada: Constructing Religious Identity in the Twentieth Century by Lynn Echevarria: Review (2014).
  613. Author unknown. Glitter of Bahá'ísm, The (1921-12-24). Half-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings, written shortly after the passing of Abdu'l-Bahá. No author given.
  614. Paula Bidwell. Personal Page: Paula Bidwell (2015). Links for and information about an American Indian artist, author, and speaker from Idaho, who has been assisting with for over a decade.
  615. Graham Hassall. Modes and Intentions of Biography, The (2008). A look at the individual in the context of the community, through the different lenses of documentary, hagiological, and critical modes of biography.
  616. Leon Stevens. For a Trustworthy Government (2015). A short meditation on how to reorganize the executive and legislative branches of the US government to improve its functioning.
  617. Fereydun Vahman. Bushrui, Hasan Foadi (2015). Brief excerpt of a bio of the head of Bahá'í schools in Iran and Turkmenistan, with link to article offsite.
  618. Vladimir Minorsky. Babi (1950). Encyclopedia entry, the draft of which was found in Minorsky's archive, along with three pages of typed "errata" possibly written by H. M. Balyuzi on behalf of a Bahá'í institution.
  619. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Bahá'í Community of Canada, The (1997).
  620. Jean Masson. Bahá'í Revelation, The: Its Western Advance (1909-02). Three-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings.
  621. Denis MacEoin. Problems of Scholarship in a Bahá'í Context (1982). Thoughts on "anti-intellectualism" and faith-based interpretations of history, by a self-described outsider scholar.
  622. Denis MacEoin. Letter on Bahá'í attitudes towards politics and scholarship (1979-01-07). Thoughts on whether the Faith is in danger of becoming irrelevant to the problems faced by people in the world outside, partly due to lack of involvement in politics.
  623. Colin Quin. Purposeful Spiritual Endeavour: A fundamental Connection between Bahá'ís and Christians (1997). There is a need for clearer, warmer, more purposeful connections between individuals of different Faiths; we each have similar concerns with our own human needs, aspirations, and religious devotion, and seek deeper understanding of the ideas we value.
  624. Juan Cole. In Iran: Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 3: Review (1988).
  625. Kim Naqvi. The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment, by Robert Prescott-Allen: Review (2003).
  626. Arthur Lyon Dahl. The Spirit of Agriculture, ed. Paul Hanley: Review (2005).
  627. Rhett Diessner. The Psychology of Spirituality, by Hossein B. Danesh: Review (1995).
  628. Lynn Echevarria-Howe (published as Lynn Echevarria). Equality of Women and Men: The Experience of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, by Deborah and Will van den Hoonaard: Review (2006).
  629. William P. Collins. Bahá'í: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review (2001).
  630. Anne Gordon Perry. Songs for the Phoenix, by Michael Fitzgerald: Review (1997).
  631. Anne Furlong. Shoghi Effendi in Oxford and Earlier, by Riaz Khadem: Review (2000).
  632. Ian Kluge. Legacies of the Heart, by Larry Rowdon: Review (1999).
  633. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Hidden Bounties: Memories of Pioneering on the Magdalene Islands, by Larry Rowdon: Review (1994).
  634. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Environnement: Patrimoine de l'humanité, by ABS Francophone Europe: Review (1993).
  635. Vargha Taefi. Religion in the Modern World (2016). The problem with organised religion is not that it is organised; the problem is that it is not organised enough. The Baha’i Faith has revolutionised the concept of religion. It offers an alternative to organised religion: "organic faith."
  636. Paul Lample. Reflections, at the centenary of the Tablets of the Divine Plan (2016-05-20). Lengthy discussions on who we are and what we're doing, morality in a the contemporary world, processes of integration and disintegration, and the Faith's future growth, helping place the work of the 2016-2021 Five-Year Plan in historical context.
  637. David Starr Jordan. Days of a Man, The (1922). One-paragraph mention of meeting Abdu'l-Bahá in 1912.
  638. Vargha Taefi. Evolution of Epistemology, The: Generation of Knowledge in the Bahá'í Faith (2016). The sun of postmodernism has set. The Baha’i ‘framework for understanding’ shifts the hermeneutic paradigm and marks the dawn of a ‘new era’. It has given birth to the next generation of rationality: a framework for learning in action.
  639. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Man of the World: My Life on Five Continents (1959). An account of Vanderbilt, famed businessman and philanthropist, meeting pioneer Larry Hautz in Rhodesia, circa 1955.
  640. John E. Kolstoe. St. Lucia (1991-03).
  641. Patricia Paccassi. Dominica (1995).
  642. Patricia Paccassi. East Leeward Islands (1995).
  643. Daniel Caillaud. Guadeloupe (1995).
  644. Barbara K. V. Johnson. Valleys, Mountains, and Teacher Preparation (2015). The metaphor of the soul's journey through the Four Valleys illustrates the practical work of building a team of college and school-based practitioners in the Rocky Mountains to design a new program to prepare teachers for service in the public schools.
  645. Paul Mantle. One Life, One Memory, by Rúhá Asdáq: Review (2016).
  646. John Danesh, Seena Fazel. The Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh and The Ministry of the Custodians: Reviews (1993). Review of works by Adib Taherzadeh and the Bahá’í World Centre.
  647. Sina Mossayeb. Educational Strategy Selection of Religious Minorities in Modern Iran: The Case of the Jewish, Christian, and Bahá'í Communities (2010). The impact of government repression on access to and quality of educational opportunities of minority groups, and the strategies used by marginalized and discriminated groups in response to educational inequity under authoritarian regimes.
  648. Moojan Momen. Religion and Relevance: The Baha'is in Britain 1899-1930, by Lil Osborn: Review (2017).
  649. Moojan Momen. The Bahá'ís of America: The Growth of a Religious Movement by Mike McMullen: Review (2016).
  650. Kamran Ekbal. Rejoinder to Ata Arjomand (2014 Spring). [article in Persian]
  651. Sydney Cave. Introduction to the Study of Some Living Religions of the East (1921). One-paragraph overview of the lives of The Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
  652. William S. Hatcher. Cultural Values and Spirituality (2003-10-14). Speech to the Bahá'í community in St. Petersburg.
  653. William S. Hatcher. Few Distinctive Aspects of the Bahá'í Faith, A (2003-11-2). Talk at the Bahá'í Center in St. Petersburg.
  654. William S. Hatcher. Universal Values (2003-10). Two presentations in Russia on the same topic.
  655. William S. Hatcher. Logic and Mysticism (2003-10). Two presentations in Russia on the same topic.
  656. William S. Hatcher. Truth and Happiness (2003-10-09). Fireside with Bahá'ís in St. Petersburg.
  657. William S. Hatcher. Question of Objectivity, The (2003-10-15). Speech at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University.
  658. William S. Hatcher. Philosophy of Minimalism, The (2003-10-19). Talk at the Philosophical Club of St. Petersburg.
  659. William S. Hatcher. Good, The (2003-10-30). Fireside talk in St. Petersburg.
  660. William S. Hatcher. On the Meaning of Being a Bahá'í (2003-09-28). Talk at the Bahá'í Center in St. Petersburg.
  661. William S. Hatcher. God's Will (2003-10-23). Fireside talk in St. Petersburg.
  662. William S. Hatcher. Equality of Men and Women (2003-10-05). Fireside talk at the Bahá'í Centre in St. Petersburg.
  663. William S. Hatcher. Divine Philosophy as Described by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2003-09-30). Fireside talk.
  664. Hasan Elías, trans. Tratado sobre gobernanza (2019). Spanish translation of "Treatise on Politics" / "Treatise on Leadership".
  665. Moojan Momen. Millennialist Narrative and Apocalyptic Violence: The Case of the Babis of Iran (2018). How apocalyptic narratives played out in events of 1848-50, stages in the escalation of the conflict, factors that increased the likelihood of violence, and developments after 1852 that moved the focus of the religion from pre- to post-millennialism.
  666. Gertrude Bell. Gertrude Bell Archive, excerpts (1902-1924). A British writer and archeologist, Bell traveled throughout the Middle East from 1899-1926. During this time she made several trips to Haifa and Akka, meeting Abdu'l-Bahá, and entering the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh. She also took a number of photos of Akka.
  667. Juan Cole. Messianic Concealment and Theophanic Disclosure (2002/2004). Lengthy collection of notes on Baha'u'llah's relationship to Subh-i-Azal, with quotations from Fadil Mazandarani's Zuhur al-Haqq histories, compiled and edited from posts sent to an academic email list.
  668. Redirect to (2008-12-23).
  669. Johanna Pink. Concept of Freedom of Belief and Its Boundaries in Egypt, The: The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Baha'i Faith between Established Religions and an Authoritarian State (2005 March). On how the Egyptian courts have dealt with the two most important non-Islamic faiths in Egypt, both of which have been officially dissolved and face strong opposition.
  670. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 1 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1989).
  671. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 2 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1990).
  672. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 3 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1991).
  673. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 4 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1992).
  674. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 5 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1993).
  675. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 6 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1995).
  676. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 7 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1996).
  677. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 8 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1997).
  678. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 9 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1998).
  679. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 10 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (1999).
  680. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 11 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2000).
  681. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 12 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2001).
  682. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 13 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2002).
  683. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 14 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2003).
  684. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 15 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2005).
  685. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 16 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2008).
  686. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 17 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2013).
  687. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 18 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2014).
  688. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 19 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2016).
  689. Various. خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر vol. 20 (From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature) (2018).
  690. Featured Updates. List of items that have a significant update or new version, but are not new.
  691. Archie C. Fisk. Address of Col. A. C. Fisk: Before the Bahai Assembly, in New York City, Giving His Personal Views of What the Movement Means (1910-11). The Bahá'í teachings are more than idealistic theories; the Faith is a practical instrument made for the present age; on the responsibilities of rulers, universal language, social evolution, unity of religion, and global justice.
  692. Archie C. Fisk. Brief Account of the Bahai Movement, A (1910-10). Short profile of the Faith's history and teachings.
  693. Christopher White. Discovering Imageless Truths: The Bahá'í Pilgrimage of Juliet Thompson, Artist (2012). Draft of an article, later published, prepared for a conference on the history and theory of American Religious Liberalism. Juliet Thompson is used to provide an example of a cosmopolitan Christian American seeker who found the Bahá'í Faith.
  694. Ron House. Unhealthy Science, Religion, and Humanities: The Deep Connection and what Bahá'u'lláh had to say about it (2001). [needs abstract]
  695. Farhad Sabetan. Exploration into the Political Economy of Global Prosperity, An (1997). Concepts of prosperity and well-being from an economic and global perspective; concept of global destitution; current assumptions about human nature and human relationships with the physical world and society are inadequate; ethical first principles.
  696. June Manning Thomas. Shoghi Effendi's Plans for Progress Practical Lessons (1997). The nature of "planning" and the role plans play in the Bahá'í concept of governance and human progress; four broad categories of guidance that Shoghi Effendi used when overseeing global plans; 'functional components' of his planning efforts.
  697. David S. Ruhe. New Evolution, A: Religious Bonding for World Unity (1995). America's spiritual destiny; world forces conducive to the unity of humankind; post-Darwinian evolution; bonding of humankind for a golden age; Bahá’ís as authentic saviors of the world.
  698. Gary K. Waite. Religious State, The: A Comparative Study of Sixteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Opposition: The Case of the Anabaptists and the Bábís (1995). Brief overview of the nature of and opposition to the Dutch and North German Anabaptist movement of the sixteenth century; survey for the nineteenth-century Bábís; conclusions regarding important parallels noted between these movements.
  699. H. Elsie Austin. Faith, Protest, and Progress (1998). Protest is occasionally necessary and justified; it does not have to mean violence, but rather the courage to reject the false and unjust. Protest based on faith can have a transforming effect on both the individual and society and racial unity.
  700. Leila Rassekh Milani, Kavian Sadeghzade Milani. Bahá'í Fundamentals for Bioethics (1998). The science of the soul; Bahá’í scriptural understanding of suffering, theodicy, and the purpose of creation; definitions of life and death, as well as the purpose of human life; formulating a Bahá’í approach to bioethical dilemmas.
  701. Philip Selznick. Civility and Piety as Foundations of Community (2004). Text of a talk by a sociologist on moral commitments we make in life, democratic principles, the nature of "community," and articles of faith.
  702. Suheil Badi Bushrui. Opening of the Academic Mind, The: The Challenges Facing a Culture in Crisis (2004). Perspective on the state of the academy: reforms essential to the progress and development of society: the central place of teaching in the curriculum; humility in place of intellectual arrogance; abrogating the practice of "publish or perish."
  703. Dwight Bashir. Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention: A Fresh Legal Approach Based on Fundamental Ethical Principles in International Law and World Religions, by Brian Lepard: Review (2004).
  704. Pierre-Yves Mocquais. Unité dans la diversité — les religions au service de la verité, by O. P. Ghai: Review (1989).
  705. Dawn K. Smith. Way to Inner Freedom: A Practical Guide to Personal Development, by Erik Blumenthal: Review (1989).
  706. Glen A. Eyford. Social and Economic Development: A Bahá'í Approach, by Holly Hanson Vick: Review (1990).
  707. Michael Fitzgerald. Sense of History, by John S. Hatcher: Review (1990).
  708. Richard G. R. Schickele. Search for a Just Society, by John Huddleston: Review (1990).
  709. John Danesh. Inner Limits of Mankind: Heretical Reflections on Today's Values, Culture and Politics, by Ervin Laszlo: Review (1991).
  710. Iraj Ayman, John S. Hatcher, Craig Loehle. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentaries and Responses (1992).
  711. Mary Fish, M. E. Muttart. Created Rich, by Patrick Barker: Reviews (1995).
  712. Peter Calkins. Eco Principle: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Lyon Dahl: Review (1997).
  713. Rodney H. Clarken. Lectures on Bahá'í Inspired Curricula, by Farzam Arbab: Review (1995).
  714. Gilbert Bartholomew. On the Shoulders of Giants, by Craig Loehle: Review (1994).
  715. William Barnes. "Forging More Perfect Unions," Commentary by John A. Grayzel: Author's Response (1994).
  716. John A. Grayzel. "Forging More Perfect Unions," by William Barnes: Commentary (1994).
  717. William Barnes. Forging More Perfect Unions (1992). Social advances toward inclusive political structures must be accompanied by a moral advance toward universal values; three stages of global political unification as described in the Bahá’í writings are confederation, federation, and commonwealth.
  718. Roger M. Dahl. Great Adventure, by Florence Mayberry: Review (1997).
  719. Sandra S. Fotos, Stephen R. Friberg, Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez. "Conversive Relationality in Bahá'í Scholarship," by Susan B. Brill: Commentaries and Response (1998).
  720. Naysan Sahba. Divisive Barbarity or Global Civilization? ed. M. L. Bradbury and Suheil Bushrui: Review (1998).
  721. Michael McMullen. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, by John Walbridge: Review (1999).
  722. Glen A. Eyford. Lab, the Temple, and the Market, ed. Sharon Harper: Review (2002).
  723. Duane Troxel. Unlocking the Gate of the Heart, by Lasse Thoresen: Review (2000).
  724. Richard Thomas. Last War: Racism, Spirituality, and the Future of Civilization, by Mark L. Perry: Review (2006).
  725. Carol Skrenes Trabing. Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, by Francis Collins: Review (2007).
  726. Amin Banani. Forgotten Schools: The Baha'is and Modern Education in Iran, 1899-1934, by Soli Shahvar: Review (2010).
  727. Soli Shahvar. Bahá'ís of Iran: Socio-Historical Studies, ed. Dominic Brookshaw and Seena Fazel: Review (2011).
  728. Kenneth E. Bowers. Revelation and Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality, by Paul Lample: Review (2009).
  729. Loni Bramson (published as Loni Bramson-Lerche). Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review (1995).
  730. Charles O. Lerche. Statecraft, Globalization, and Ethics (1999). The impact of cosmopolitan morality on international statecraft in an era of globalization; globalization is a process of world economic, political, and social change; globalism is a positive, and potentially corrective, dimension of globalization.
  731. Louise Profeit-LeBlanc. Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá'í Pioneers, by Evelyn Loft Watts and Patricia Verge: Review (2014).
  732. Erik Carlson. Materialism: Moral and Social Consequences, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review (2019).
  733. Warren Waren. Peace for Our Planet — A New Approach, by Roya Akhavan: Review (2018).
  734. Moojan Momen. Story of David and Esther Tanyi, by Enoch Tanyi Nyenti: Review (2018).
  735. Brian Kirsh. Alzheimer's Disease: An Eclipse Before Sunset, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review (2017).
  736. Michael L. Penn. Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era, ed. edited by Elena Mustakova-Possardt et al.: Review (2016).
  737. Sahar D. Sattarzadeh. When We In/visibilize Our Nobility... (2020). On the Violence Against Women Act; domestic violence and resilience; reimagining resistance and visibilizing justice; visualizing nobility as a meditation; our spiritual afterlives.
  738. Holly Hanson. Vision and the Pursuit of Constructive Social Change (2020). Observations about the elements of building new social structures; examples from moments in African American history in the United States to explore how constructive social change involves a systematic cultivation of vision; social transformation.
  739. Necati Alkan. Late Ottoman Sunni Missionary Project, The (2022). Excerpts from the author's book Non-Sunni Muslims in the Late Ottoman Empire: State and Missionary Perceptions of the Alawis. Contains only passing mentions of the Bahá'í Faith.
  740. Anna Grossmann, Elsa Grossmann. In the Presence of Shoghi Effendi in Haifa in April 1937 (1937-04). [needs abstract]
  741. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Letter from Mr. Faizi to Lineberger Family (n.d.). [needs abstract]
  742. Artemus Lamb. Informal Talk before the West Hollywood Bahá'í Community (1953-11-04). [needs abstract]
  743. Winston Evans. Contacts: National Teaching Committee Guidance on Outreach and Teaching (n.d.). Extracts from the "Teaching News Bulletin" of Great Britain.
  744. Lottie Lindfoot. Notes from the 1933 Convention (1933). Summaries of talks by Horace Holley, Allen McDaniel, Paul Haney, Peter Kahn, Mr. Taylor, May Maxwell, Florence Lorol Schopflocher, Curtis Kelsey, Leroy Ioas, Bishop Brown, Philip Sprague, Doris McKay, et al.
  745. Horace Holley. Spiritual Spring (1956-03-20). A talk on divine renewal, given at the temple foundation hall, Wilmette, Naw Ruz 1956.
  746. May Maxwell. Notes on Turning to the Guardian (1949 (?)). One page of notes regarding turning to the Guardian and the guardianship to achieve success in the Faith.
  747. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Public Address of Ruhiyyih Khanum to the 1953 Conference in Wilmette (1953). [needs abstract]
  748. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Message to First Canadian National Convention (1948). Message to the delegates and friends attending the First Canadian National Bahá'í Convention, Montreal, 1948; also published in Baha’i News Sept/Oct 1948. It is not clear if this hand-typed document preceded, or followed, the published version.
  749. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Excerpts from a Letter from Ruhiyyih Khanum (1943-07-31). Passages from a letter distributed by the National Teaching Committee on the topic of steadfastness in light of living a busy life in times of chaos.
  750. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Notes of Address in Ottawa, Ontario (1960-05-27). [needs abstract]
  751. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Personal Remarks to the Friends (1953). [needs abstract]
  752. Shoghi Effendi. Extract of a Letter to Leroy Ioas on the Duration of the Bahá'í Dispensation (1935-11-14). One-paragraph extract of letter from the Guardian to Ioas through H. Rabbini, dated November 14 1935, on the confusion of the terms "cycle" and "dispensation."
  753. Gregory Baum. Solidarity with the Poor (2000). Roman-Catholic ideas of development; the World Bank and religion; social-science research and secularism; papal encyclicals concerning development.
  754. Azizan Baharuddin. Rediscovering the Resources of Religion (2000). Islamic perspectives on science and development; peace; experiential processes in religion; the role of metaphysics; the definition of "development."
  755. Promilla Kapur. Principle of Fundamental Oneness, The (2000). The teachings of Hinduism offer a resource for integrated development; a personal perspective of work with the International Development Research Centre; Vedanta; the Self and development; science and Hinduism; Ramakrishna; Gandhi; Sri Aurobindo.
  756. Farzam Arbab. Promoting a Discourse on Science, Religion, and Development (2000). Personal experiences leading to work in the field of development; rural-urban balance; religion and spirituality; the state and the market; faith and reason; spiritual principles and epistemology; transfer of technology; universities and education.
  757. Geoffrey Nash. Oppression and Universalism in Selected Palestinian and Bahá'í Poetry: A Contrastive Analysis (2022-12). Contrast of literatures informed by dispossession and oppression; the thought and context of Bahá'í poet Robert Hayden (1913-80) and Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008); martyrdom; universal humanism. Link to article (offsite).
  758. Geoffrey Nash. Impact of Fear and Authority on Islamic and Bahá'í Modernisms in the Late Modern Age, The: A Liberal Perspective (2015). Anthony Giddens and Charles Taylor’s conceptualisation of the self in the secular age; rationality, independent inquiry, and theophanic transformation; suggestions for a progressive religious approach in late modernity. Link to article (offsite).
  759. Dietrich Jung. Religion, Orientalism and Modernity: Mahdi Movements of Iran and South Asia, by Geoffrey Nash: Review (2023). Link to review (offsite).
  760. Filip Boicu. Feed-back Mechanisms in the Bahá'í Community and the Need for a Global Knowledge Architecture, The (2023). Checks and balances and information-sharing between the Appointed and the Elected Arms; feedback from Bahá’í scholarship, individuals, and grass-roots; outside expertise and partners; The Knowledge Game.
  761. Frank F. Ellinwood. New Religions of the Nineteeth Century: Babism (1904). Overview of Bábí history, briefer history of the lives of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá, comments of Henry Jessup on Bahá'í pilgrims, introduction to the United States, and brief summary of Bahá'í teachings.
  762. J. M. Kennedy. Religions and Philosophies of the East, The (1911). Overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, and brief summary of Bahá'í teachings.
  763. Harry Charles Lukach. Fringe of the East, The: A Journey through the Past and Present Provinces of Turkey (1913). Passing mentions of the Twelfth Imam and the Mahdi and Bahá'u'lláh, summary of Bábí and Bahá'í history and teachings, and comments on the expansion of the faith.
  764. Edward A. Marshall. Babism, or Bahaism (1910). One-page summary of Bábí history and Bahá'í teachings.
  765. Otto Pfleiderer. Christ of Primitive Christian Faith in the Light of Religio-Historical Criticism, The (1904-04). Section "Babism — A Recent Parallel" finding commonalities in the stories of Jesus and the Báb.
  766. Julius Richter. History of Protestant Missions in the Near East, A (1910). Mention of the Church Missionary Society establishing a station at Akka in 1890 to "reach the leaders of the Babist movement"; lengthy section on Bábí history and background, teachings, and practices; the rise of Mírzá Yahyá.
  767. George W. Gilmore. Babism (1908). Detailed encyclopedia entry on the life and teachings of the Báb.
  768. Margaret B. Peeke. Behaism (1908). Short entry on the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh and Bahá'í practices.
  769. Josia Strong. New World-Religion, The (1915). Mention of Babism in the context of new faiths supplanting individualistic Christianity.
  770. Arthur T. Pierson, ed. Babism in New York (1906). Short summary of Bahá'í history, a quote from Arthur Dodge, and update on activities in New York.
  771. Francis Younghusband. Moslem Mystics (1935). An entire chapter with background on the Imam Mahdi and Shaykhism, and a detailed history of the Bábí faith, actions of the early believers, and the Báb's martyrdom.
  772. Samuel M. Zwemer. Islam, A Challenge to Faith (1907). Overview of the Mahdi and history of the Bábí and Bahá'í faiths in the context of dissidence within Islam; quote from a Christian missionary on his inability to convert Bahá'ís, and his estimate of the Bahá'í population of Persia.
  773. Author unknown, Roy Wilhelm. Bahai Revelation, The (n.d.). An 18-page pamphlet summarizing Baha'i teachings. Date and editor not known, but it is thought to have been compiled and published by Roy Wilhelm. Lacking a title, the pamphlet is referred to by its opening line.
  774. Abdu'l-Bahá. Tablets from 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbás to some American Believers in the Year 1900 (1901-04). Short tablets on the topics of reincarnation, vicarious atonement, the trinity, and real Christianity.
  775. Nathan Ward Fitzgerald (published as Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald). New Revelation, The: Its Marvelous Message (1905). Summary of the proclamation and teachings of the Bahá'í Faith by an early American believer.
  776. Billy D. Todd. Benevolence of Chaos and Uncertainty, The (2002). [needs abstract]
  777. Darryl French. Protocols in Aboriginal Communities (2002). [needs abstract]
  778. Filip Holm (published as Let's Talk Religion). Baha'i Faith (Part One), The: Origins and the Bab (2020-07-23). Part one of an academically-minded yet accessible video essay on the Babi and Baha'i Faiths as a work of public scholarship by a religious studies scholar who is part of the popular 'Religious Studies YouTube' community.
  779. Filip Holm (published as Let's Talk Religion). Baha'i Faith (Part Two), The: Baha'u'llah and His Teachings (2020-07-30). Part two of an academically-minded yet accessible video essay on the Babi and Baha'i Faiths as a work of public scholarship by a religious studies scholar who is part of the popular 'Religious Studies YouTube' community.
  780. Jonah Winters. Download Bahá'í Library Online: Offline Archive of All Files (2024-09). Downloadable version of entire website, designed for use on your computer without need for internet. Download direct from, or by BitTorrent.
  781. Jalal Sunstrum. Le Retour d'un Soleil (2024). L'histoire d'un chercheur qui a trouvé l'Amour grâce à un songe: la rencontre avec la Manifestation de Dieu du futur.
  782. E. G. Browne. Bábíism (1910).
  783. E. G. Browne. Báb, Bábís (1926).
  784. Horace Holley. Religion for Mankind (1956/1966). Twenty-two essays and talks selected from a half-century's work of one of the most distinguished Bahá’í authors, most written during the period 1921-1957.
  785. Horace Holley. Bahá'í Faith, The (1933/1939). Essay published as a pamphlet, on the worldwide spiritual community, renewal of faith, the basis of unity, and a background of heroic sacrifice.
  786. Marzieh Gail. Bahá'í Cause Today, The: Review (1941-05).
  787. William Miller. Bahá'í Cause Today, The (1940-10). A Christian missionary's outsider perspective on the history of the Bábí and Bahá'í faiths, teachings, literature, teachings, and prophecies.
  788. Ehsan Bayat. Little Gems (2024). This is a story for young adults (10+) of a Baha’i family and his family’s impact on a neighborhood through active participation in the Institute process.
  789. Ehsan Bayat. Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of America: Study Guide (2024-10). Study guide to the 2024 September letter from the United States National Spiritual Assembly.
  790. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of America, The (2024-09-30). On this time of great historical consequence and a gathering storm: America to be the standard-bearer; a still more superb mission; advancing within an evolving framework; a profound alteration of thought; the youth must soar; through living sacrifice.
  791. Jalal Sunstrum. Rock-n-Roll God: Poems (2024). Ten short poems, excerpted from a longer work (forthcoming).
  792. Bahá'u'lláh. Shidan Ashraf, trans. آيات الهی جلد دوم گلچينی از آثار حضرت بهاءاللّه ٦ ﻧﻮﺍﻣﺒﺮ (Verses of God vol 2, Selections from Writings of Baha'u'llah for November 6) (2024-11). English translation of passage on recognizing and knowing the Manifestation of God, from Persian Daily Readings for 3/13 BE, or Nov. 6.
  793. Julio Savi. Lontananza: Poesie, saggi e lettere (1955-2025) (Remoteness: Poems, Essays, and Letters) (2024). Collection of poetry; English, Italian and French versions (offsite).

2.   from the Chronology (16 results; less)

  1. 1996-04-20 — The Three Year Plan is successfully completed.
  2. 1991-00-00
      The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States established the Association of Persian Culture and Literature, with the goal of promoting Persian arts and culture. Later, this entity was named "Association of the Friends of Persian Culture."

      The main objectives of the Association were:

      • Assisting individuals of Iranian descent to stay in touch with, and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural, artistic and literary heritage of Iran.
      • Encouraging children, youth and young adults of Iranian descent living abroad to familiarize themselves with, and gain a deeper appreciation of Persian arts, literature and culture.
      • Helping English speaking friends and family members to gain an appreciation of Persian culture.
      • Promoting systematic and comprehensive study of Persian arts, culture and history.
      • Creating dialogue in a loving, respectful and friendly atmosphere amongst Iranians with different religions, ethnicities and ideologies.
      [Association of the Friends of Persian Culture.]
  3. 1917-00-00
      The publication of O Christians! Why do Ye Believe Not on Christ? by Ibrahim George Kheiralla.
    • In the "Forward" of the book the author explains that "The purpose of this is to prove to the whole world the Infallibility of Beha 'U'llah, and that the attacks and accusations of S B Wilson, DD, and those of H H Hessup, DD, and Robert P Richarson, against Him and His teachings are not true."
    • The "Dedicatory" reads: "To His Excellency Mohammed Ali Effendi, Gusn Akbar (the Mightiest Branch), who was chosen after Abbas Effendi as the Chief Head of the Behai movement in the last Will of Beha 'U'llah entitled the "Book of My Covenant," this work is dedicated by the author."
  4. 1989-11-28
      In 1988, when 14 young Soviets youth were hosted by the Bahá'ís at a summer camp in Hawaii, they were introduced to the Universal House of Justice's peace statement, found it to be supportive of their mission, and invited the Bahá'ís to come and share it with Soviet youth.
         In return, under the auspices of Youth Ambassadors International (YAI) and Foundation for Social Innovation (FSI), 62 Bahá'ís from eight Pacific Island nations made a return trip to the Soviet Union. The project was called the "Promise of World Peace Tour". They spent five days in Moscow and four in Kazan, capital of the Tatar ASSR.

      Their activities were:

    • The group was invited to a youth congress held to launch a Moscow branch of the School for Planetary Thought. During that event the peace statement was briefly examined, and Bahá'u'lláh was named as Author of its fundamental principles. The talk received a standing ovation.
    • The young ambassadors visited the Home for Children of Dysfunctional Families near Moscow, and presented a copy of the peace statement to its director.
    • Copies of the statement were also presented during a visit to the Pushkin estate and new Pushkin Museum outside Moscow. In return, the group was invited to develop a summer work-study program whereby western youth could "earn rubles" working side by side with Soviet youth in crafts, archaeological and restoration projects.

      The group was invited to visit Kazan, at that time a "closed city", where they spent four days touring schools and visiting private homes.

    • They were asked to address the problem of youth gangs in Kazan. At a meeting with gang members a documentary on youth gangs was shown, after which copies of the peace statement were given out.
    • At a forum at Kazan University the Student League arranged for the Bahá'ís to speak to 250-300 students. After the talk, the students spontaneously formed 20 small discussion groups, eager to discuss the ideas they had heard. The students accepted hundreds of copies of the peace statement.
    • Media coverage of the nine-day tour included three television interviews with Bahá'ís who introduced the peace statement and spoke freely about the Faith. One newspaper printed an editorial about the peace statement, and another in Moscow printed a brief article about the meeting with the youth congress.
    • Tour T-shirts, which read "Youth Ambassadors Peace Tour" on the front and "World Peace Is Not Only Possible But Inevitable" on the back, in Russian and English, proved quite popular, and 86 were given away along with many Peace Tour and Bahá'í buttons and the contents of nine boxes of Bahá'í literature which included 3,000 copies of the peace statement. [BN Issue 707 March 1990 p12; BW20p200]
  5. 2023-02-12 — The publication of Alma Sedonia Knobloch by Jennifer Redson Wiebers. It was published by George Ronald Publisher.

              This book shines a light on a remarkable heroine of the Bahá'í Faith. Alma Knobloch (1864-1943) one of the three Knobloch sisters, raised up the first African-American community in North America, and was instrumental in the growth of the Bahá'í community in Germany. In His Tablets of the Divine Plan, 'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote: 'Likewise Miss Knobloch travelled alone to Germany. To what a great extent she became confirmed!'
              Alma's 13 years in Germany saw an astonishing growth in the Bahá'í community to become the largest in Europe. Following 'Abdu'l-Bahá's visit in 1913 and the outbreak of the First World War, the emerging community focused its efforts on peace: soldiers who had attended Bahá'í meetings entered the battlefields with Baha'i prayers and quotations against their breasts. Alma continued to open new Bahá'í communities, and at the end of the War she emerged from the bomb shelters of Mannheim to receive confirmations in large halls overflowing with hundreds of people who came to hear the message of Baha'u'llah throughout Germany. She also taught early believers in Switzerland, Austria, and the Czech Republic, as well as future Hand of the Cause Hermann Grossmann, and the first European martyr, Adam Benke. Many of the Tablets from 'Abdu'l-Bahá to Alma and other believers in Germany from 1908 to 1920 are published in English in this book for the first time.
              In 1920, Alma returned to the United States, where she dedicated the rest of her days to race unity, fearlessly crossing the racial and social barriers to build up lasting communities in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. These later years of her life have been little known until now and are recounted here.

  6. 2011-01-01 — The publication of Abraham One God Three Wives Five Religions by Frances Worthington. It was published by the US Bahá'í Publishing Trust.

    A groundbreaking examination of Abraham, one of the most beloved and significant religious figures in history. Author Frances Worthington researches the three wives/concubines (Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah) of Abraham, and traces their lineage to five different religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam, the Bábi Faith, and the Bahá'í Faith. Examining the scripture and traditions of these five "Abrahamic" faiths, this complex story also draws heavily from a rich variety of historical sources that provide a fascinating backdrop.

  7. 2018-01-00 — The publication of
  8. 1999-04-21 — National Spiritual Assembly of Macedonia was formed with its seat in Skopje. [Ridván Message 156]
  9. 2006-09-01 — The publication of Against Incredible Odds Life of a 20th Century Iranian Baha'i­ Family by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani. The book was published by George Ronald Pub Ltd. It is the story of a Bahá'í family who have been a part of the history of the Faith since the days of the the Báb.
  10. 2013-09-26 — The publication of Leaves of Twin Divine Trees - An In-depth Study of the Lives of Women Closely Related to the Bab and Baha'u'llah by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani and published by George Ronald.

    Over two and half decades she worked to gather all the known information about the women whose lives were intertwined with those of the Manifestations of God for this age, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters. Looking beyond published sources, she was given permission by the Universal House of Justice to consult original documents in the Bahá'í International Archives and to make provisional translations of more than 50 Tablets, letters, memoirs and papers not previously published in English, many never before published in any language.

  11. 1993-01-04 — The publication of Asiyih Khanum, The Most Exalted Leaf, entitled Navvab by Baharieh Rouhani Man'ani. It was published by George Ronald.

    it is a biographical essay of the wife of Bahá'u'lláh, the Founder of the Bahá'í Faith, and mother of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the Centre of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant. Her story, little known, is one of strength, patience, long-suffering and devotion to One who was her 'husband, the Lord of Hosts', whom she accompanied through all the vicissitudes of exile and imprisonment.

  12. 1954-09-17
      The first Italo-Swiss Joint Summer School was held September 17-24 in Bex les Bains in Switzerland, and was attended by as many as 75 friends. Dr. Ugo R. Giachery, Hand of the Cause, discussed the Ten-Year Crusade, and Prof. Zeine-Zeine of Beirut lectured on the Kitáb-i-Iqán. For these sessions all the friends were together. Smaller groups, by language, were formed for study of Bahá’í Administration. [Baha'i News Issue 286, December 1954 p4]
    • For a photo see Bahá'í News Issue 291 May 1955 p14.
  13. 1996-09-19 — The second European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order was held at the De Poort Conference Centre in Groesbeek, the Netherlands. The gathering featured Mohsen Enayat’s Dr. Aziz Navidi Memorial Lecture on “The Evolution of the World Order” and focused on the statement "Tuming Point for All Nations" and on the challenge of global governance. [BW25p86]
  14. 1982-02-00 — French Minister of State for the Interior, Gaston Defferre. and Mme. Defferre, were formally welcomed by the Secretary General of the Bahá’í International Community on behalf of the Universal House of Justice on their visit to the Seat of the House of Justice. The visit was the first by a government official of cabinet rank following occupation of the Seat. Those present were: Mr. Mohsen Enayat, World Centre Legal Officer; M. Defferre; Mr. Donald Barrett, Secretary General of the Bahá’í International Community; His Worship Arieh Gurel, Mayor of Haifa; and Mme. Defferre, who is better known as Edmonde Charleroux, one of Europe’s leading authors. [BW18p137]
  15. 1909-00-00 — The publication of A Year With the Bahá'ís of India and Burma by Sydney Sprague. It was published by Priory Press in London. PDF1908 [Collins 7.2467]

    The book was republished in 1986 by Kalimat Press. PDF1986.

      This short memoir is the account of the first visit by a Western Bahá'í to South and Southeast Asia, at the behest of Master himself. Sprague has given us a priceless description of several early Bahá'í communities in the region. From the author's pilgrimage to 'Akka, and the instructions given to him by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, through trips to Bombay, Rangoon, and Mandalay, then to Delhi and Lahore, we see a broad spectrum of Bahá'í community and life at the turn of the twentieth century. Sprague paints a clear picture of the transforming power of the Faith's message of unity in diversity that could bring together Muslims, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and Hindus as a single-family.
  16. 2020-10-22 — The publication of The Reception of Abdul-Bahá in Britain East Comes West by Brendan McNamara. It was published by Brill.

    Exploring Abdul-Bahá's visits to Britain expands the jigsaw of our knowledge of how the east came west. The work posits that the cultic milieu thesis is incomplete and the arrival of eastern forms of religions penetrated more mainstream Christian forms.

    The author received his Ph.D from University College Cork in 2017 and is a lecturer in the study of religions at that university.

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (7 results; less)

  1. 1936-07-01 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada appointed the first Inter-America Committee, beginning an organized and coordinated effort to establish the Faith in the Republics of Central and South America. [BW10:181]
  2. 1956-03-00
      The course "The Covenant and the Institutions" was conducted in BC in March, 1956 and subsequently in every other province.
    • The National Spiritual Assembly, in a directive published in Canadian Bahá'í News in June of 1957 said, "concerning the minimum teachings that should be covered before a new member is accepted into the Faith" should include a knowledge of Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, The Tablet of the Branch, The Book of the Covenant and the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh. Specifically, Tablet of the Branch BWFp204, Kitab-i-Ahd, BWFp207 and pages 134-135 of Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh They also urged the study of Covenant and the Administration [CBN No 89 June, 1957 p1].
  3. 1950-03-30 — At this time there were 13 local spiritual assemblies in Canada. [CBN 13 May 1950 p12]
  4. 1957-10-00 — In a message to the National Spiritual Assembly the Guardian said of the Canadians believers:

      "The fortuitous combination of British solidity and good judgement and American get-up-and-go and enthusiasm, which has characterized Canada, must not be lost in the Canadian Bahá'í Community. Its members must demonstrate their out-standing abilities, and through a greater vision, more consecration and renewed self-sacrifice, arise and attain their goals." [CBN NO 92 Oct 1957 p1-2]
  5. 1957-10-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States advised the friends in Canada, particularly local assemblies, to take no steps towards accepting the credentials of any person from Iran who claims to be a Bahá'í, without first communicating with the National Assembly.
         "Should any individual from Iran, either carring credentials or claiming to be a Bahá'í, appear in your community the matter should be reported immediately to the National Office where the authorizing signature and letter-head from the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran has been registered.
           It is most important that this procedure be followed with exception, with respect to all individuals from Iran making an appearance in any Bahá'í community." [CBN No 93 Oct 1957 p2]
  6. 1979-04-21 — [CBN No 315 June/July 1978 p5]
  7. 2023-01-08 — The publication of the paper Rising to the Challenge of Reconciliation by Roshan Danesh and Douglas White III in the on-line site The Bahá'í World.
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