Baha'i Library Online

all tags: Kings, queens, emperors, shahs, viziers, pashas, prime ministers, presidents, governors (65 results)

- Governor-generals
- Governors
- Maharajahs
- Mutasarrifs
- Popes
- Presidents
- Prime Ministers
- Prime Ministers of Iran
- Sháh
- Shahs
- Shahs, Throne changes
- Sultan
- Sultans
- Throne changes
`Abdu'l-Hamid II
`Abdu'lláh Páshá
Ahmad Shah
Ahmad Shah Qajar
`Alí Páshá
Arif Páshá
Ben Gurion
Czar Alexander II
Czar Alexander III
Czar Nicholas II
Fath-`Alí Sháh
Franz Josef
Fuad Páshá
Jamal Pasha
Khurshid Páshá
King Charles III
King Faisal
King Hassan II
King Norodom Sihanouk
King Zog I
Maharajah of Jalowar
Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa
Midhat Páshá
Mohammad-`Alí Sháh Qajár
Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi
Muhammad Sháh
Muhammad-`Alí Sháh
Muhammad-Rishad VI
Muhammad-Yusuf Páshá
Muzaffarid-Dín Sháh
Namiq Pasha
Nasir al-Din Mírzá
Nasirid-Din Sháh
Pahlavi dynasty
Pope John Paul II
Pope Pius IX
President Grant
President Saleh
Prince Alfred von Lichtenstein
Prince Andrew
Prince Philip
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Marie of Romania
Queen of Sheba
Queen Victoria
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Sháh `Abdu'lláh
Sulayman Pasha
Theodore Roosevelt

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