- Course on Bahá'í Symbolism, by Ernesto Fernandez. (2013-07) Symbolic forms in the Writings and Bahá'í architectural systems, and their analogues in universal religious symbolism. Includes Spanish translation, "Curso de simbología bahá ́í."
- Disconnected Letters of the Qur'an and the Significance of the Number 19, by Robert T. Cameron. (1982) Critique of Rashad Khalifa's (disputed) study purporting to find a "deep structure" of 19 in the Qur'an.
- Farrakhan, Cabala, Bahá'í, and 19, by Martin Gardner: Response, by William P. Collins. (1997) Context of Bahá'í numerology.
- Number 19 in the Qur'an, The, by Abdulrahman Lomax. (1995-06) Discussion of a study by a Muslim which purports to demonstrate that the Qur'an is comprised of mystical units of 19. No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
- Number of the Letters of the Living, by Muhammad Afnan. (2004)
- Prayer for Shaykh Kázim Samandar: Authorised Translation of Bahá'u'lláh's Prayers for Jináb-i-Samandarí, by Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2007) Authorised translation of a prayer for decision making.
- Prayer for Shaykh Kázim Samandar (Múnáját-i-Jináb-i-Samandarí), by Bahá'u'lláh, Universal House of Justice. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2001-08-29) Brief prayer revealed by Bahá'u'lláh to aid in making decisions. Translation and accompanying letter by the Bahá'í World Centre.
- When Saddam Hussein's Number Comes Up, by Said Zafar. (1991-02-05) Brief article on the history and symbolism of the number 19, with mention of the Bahá'ís and Saddam Hussein's tolerance of religious minorities.