- Horace Holley. Angel in the Garrison, The (1924-02). — An essay critiquing modern psychology's materialistic approach, advocating a shift in consciousness ...
- Moojan Momen. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith (1990). — An attempt to explore the relationship between Hinduism and the Baha'i Faith and to explain the Baha...
- Fleur Fallon. Liberation Theology and its Potential for Guidance Towards Peace on Earth: A Bahá'í Perspective (1996). — Baha'u'llah prescribed both a moral code for individuals based on knowing God and a design for a sys...
- M. V. Gandhimohan. Mahatma Gandhi and the Bahá'ís: Striving towards a Nonviolent Civilization (2000). — Review of Ghandi's comments about the Faith as well as relationships between his ideas and those of ...
- Various. Mention of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in the New York Times 1852 - 1922 (1852-1922). — 45 articles and brief mentions, spanning 70 years.
- Anil Sarwal. Miracles in Religion: A Study of the miraculous in religion in context of the Baha'i Faith (1996-11). — Guide to spirituality, offers insights on the purpose of religion, experiences of Himalayan masters,...
- Michael Karlberg. Pursuit of Social Justice, The (2022-08-03). — An interdisciplinary examination of prevailing conceptions of human nature, power, social organizati...
- Udo Schaefer. Geraldine Schuckelt, trans. Religious Intolerance as a Source of Violence (1994). — A Baha'i-inspired examination of how religious fanaticism and prejudice promotes violence.
- Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Concerning the Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria: Baha'u'llah on Hinduism and Zoroastrianism (1995). — Introduction to, article about, and translation of the Tablet to Maneckji.