- 1845-07-01 — In Kirman, Karim Khan, the self-appointed leading Shaykhi cleric, had a number of Babis expelled fro...
- 1845-07-02 — Karim Khan wrote a number of refutations of the Bab. The first, Ishaqu'l-Batil (The Crushing of Fals...
- 1845-08-00 — The Bab was released to the custody of His uncle, Haji Mirza Siyyid 'Ali. [DB151, LTDT13]
Bab was...
- 1908-00-00 — `Ali Ádhari was martyred in Kirman. [BW18:386]...
- 1927-06-19 — Karbala'i Asadu'llah-i-Saqat-furúsh was martyred in Kirman, Iran. [BW18:388]...