- Bahá'í's View of Disability, A, by Paul Booth. (1999)
- Depression, Stigma, and the Soul, by Patricia McIlvride. (2017) New recovery models, like interpersonal neurobiology, are challenging the medical model in the treatment of mental illness. By defining the mind as transcendent and both embodied and relational, new avenues of healing become possible.
- European Strategy for the Elderly, A: The Irreplaceable Role of Community Life, by Bahá'í International Community. (2023-11-29) Statement envisioning the elderly as invaluable contributors to community life, emphasizing their role as active participants in shaping a cohesive and vibrant society.
- Pathways to Equity in Addressing Climate Change: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Margery Dixon, Robert Sarracino (published as Robert Sinclair Sarracino). (2024) The urgency of climate change, advocating for a new relationship between science and religion, justice, equity, and inclusive consultation.
- Three Ages of Man, The: Are They Integrated?, by Viva Rodwell. (1996) Childhood, adulthood, old age, and family integration in contemporary culture.