1903 Jun-Jul
190- |
The Yazd Upheaval and in surrounding villages. [BBRXXX]
See BW18p385 for a chronicle of events by Moojan Momen:
- 14 June: Yazd: Sayyid Muhammad-Ibrahim, the new Imam-Jum'ih, preached against the Bahá'ís; rabble took to the streets; shop of Aqé Muhammad-Husayni-Attar and several other Bahá'ís looted.
- 15 June: Yazd: Hajl' Mirzay-i-Halabf—Saz attacked with an axe and died later the same day.
- 22 June: Taft: Rabble attacked Bahá'ís' houses killing six Bahá'ís.
- 24 June: Ardikan: Rabble attacked Bahá'í houses killing four Bahá'í's.
- 26 June: Yazd: Nine Bahá'ís killed and many houses pillaged.
- Farashah: Haji' Sayyid Javad-i-Muhammadabédi' beaten to death.
- 27 June; Yazd: Rabble killed six Bahá'ís; Citadel besieged in the belief that Mulla 'Abdu'l-Ghiani was there.
- Manshad: Rabble killed six Bahá'ís.
- Ardikan: Rabble set out for home of Sadru's-Sultan but were turned back.
- 28 June; Yazd: On orders of the Governor, Jalalu'd—Dawlih, two Bahá'ís brought before him; one was blown from a cannon and another had his throat cut.
- Taft: Mulla Muhammad-Husayn killed.
- Manshad: Three Bahá'ís killed.
- Ardikén: Sadru's-Sultan, his brothers, Nizamu'sh-Shiari'ih and Mu'tamadu'sh-Shari'ih, his nephew, Diya'u'sh~Shari'ih, and four others killed.
- Hanza: Fatimih Bigum killed.
- 29 June; Taft: Aqá Muhammad shot to death on decree of Shaykh Husayn-Daréz.gum; Aqa Muhammad-Háshim-Dalall killed as he fled Yazd.
- 'Izzábéd: Hájí Ahmad-i-Muqani-Bashi' killed.
- Hanzá: Mirzá Ahmad-i-Arzim beaten to death.
- 30 June; Taft: Hájí Muhammad-Isma'il killed.
- Manshád: Sayyid Husayn beaten to death.
- 1 July; Manshád: Three Bahá'ís killed.
- 2 July; Manshad: Mirzái Husayn stabbed to death.
- 3 July; Manshad: Aqá 'Ali Muhammad shot to death.
- Banádak: Aqá Mirzá Muhammad-Huda and Aqá Muhammad-Husayn Of Yazd killed.
- 4 July; Manshád: Aqá Muhammad shot to death.
- 'Abbásábád: Háji Muhammad-Husayn killed.
- 5 July; Manshád: Aqá 'Alf-Akbar beaten then shot to death.
- 'Abbásábéd: Hájí Ahmad-i-Kaffash beaten to death.
- 6 July; Manshad: Khadijih Sultzán Khanum thrown from top of a building and killed.
- Abbásábéd: Aqá 'Ali-Akbar-i-Qassab beaten to death.
- 8 July; Manshad: Aqá Muhammad beaten and burned to death.
- 9 July: Manshad: Aqá Muhammad-'Ali strangled to death.
- 10 July; Manshad: Shatir Husayn, Khabbz'i-i-Yazdi and Mirzá Muhammad-Ibráhim, Tabib-i-Khuramshéhi beaten to death.
- 11 July; Manshád Aqa Ghulám-Ridá shot and beaten to death.
- 12 July; Manshad: Three Bahá'ís killed,
- 13 July:Ibrihimabad;: Aqá Asadu'lláih killed and his head taken back 10 Manshad.
- Gavafshad: Ustéd Ridá shot to death.
- Banzadak: Aqa Ghulám-Ridá shot to death.
- Hanzá: Sayyid Muhammad-'Ali and Mirzá Javád-i-Sabbagh shot to death.
- 14 July; Hadafl: AqéTAbdu'r-Rasfil shot and his body burned.
- 15 July: Manshéd: Aqé Mullá Bahá'í' burned alive then shot.
- 19 July; Qavámzábéd: Aqá 'Ali-Ridáy-i-Sha'r-báf killed.
This is said to be one of the bloodiest events to take place during the ministry of `Abdu'l-Bahá.
For Western responses see BBR385–98 and SBBH1:67.
For details of the martyrdom of Hájí Mírzáy-i-Halabí-Sáz during the upheaval see RB2:358–66.
For the effect on Bahá'ís of Zoroastrian background see SBBH2:80. |
* Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; - Upheavals; - Zoroastrianism; Iran; Yazd, Iran; Yazd upheaval |