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Tag "- Zoroastrianism"

tag name: - Zoroastrianism type: Religions, Middle Eastern
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referring tags: Lawh-i-Dustan-i-Yazdani (Tablet to the Zoroastrians); Mahabad (prophet); Parsis (Parsees); Philosophy, Zoroastrian; Prophecies; Saoshyant (Saosyant); Shah Bahram; Zoroaster (Zarathustra)

"- Zoroastrianism" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (63 results; expand)

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  1. 1844 A.D.: Pinpoint Target of All Faiths, by H. M. Munje (1982/1987). — On the great figures who arose around the world during the Axial Age and founded Christianity, Hindu...
  2. Bahá'í Faith and Its Relationship to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, The: A Brief History, by Adam Berry (2004-09-22). — Baha'i history in Iran and America; relationship with Christian missionaries in Iran and Christian c...
  3. Bahá'í Faith in India, The: A Developmental Stage Approach, by William Garlington (1997-06). — 5 distinct stages of development of Baha'i history in India, each with its own unique personalities ...
  4. Bahá'í Faith in Malwa, The: A Study of a Contemporary Religious Movement, by William Garlington (1975). — A broad overview of Baha'i history in general and in India in particular. Examination of present-day...
  5. Baha'u'llah as Zoroastrian saviour, by Christopher Buck (1998). — Examines the Baha'i view of Zoroastrianism to understand tensions between scholarship and "messiahsh...
  6. Bahá'u'lláh's "Most Sublime Vision", by Wolfgang A. Klebel (2008). — Examines the question: What philosophical viewpoints are necessary to understand what Baha’u’lla...
  7. Baha'u'llah's Prophetology: Archetypal patterns in the lives of the founders of the world religions, by Moojan Momen (1995). — Explores the theory that the lives of the prophet-founders of the world religions have in some ways ...
  8. Baha'u'llah's Tablet to Mánikchí Sáhib: Introduction and provisional translation, by Ramin Neshati Ramin Neshati, trans. (2002).
  9. Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and Related Subjects, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi (1991). — A compilation on the status of Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and other figures.
  10. Celestial Fire: Bahá'u'lláh as the Messianic Theophany of the Divine Fire in Zoroastrianism, by Farshid Kazemi (2013). — Heat is used as a symbol of the dynamic nature of motion and existence, and in a tablet to the Zoroa...
  11. Concept of 'Light' in Iranian Religion, The, by Moojan Momen (2003-03-25).
  12. Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran: Some Preliminary Observations, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles Maneck) (1990). — Conversion patterns of Zoroastrians and Jews in the period 1877-1921.
  13. "Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary, by Foad Katirai (1992).
  14. Daily Lessons Received at Akka: January 1908, by Helen S. Goodall, Ella Goodall Cooper (1979). — Includes translations of three Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha.
  15. Development of the Bahá'í Faith in Malwa, The: 1941-1974, by William Garlington (1999-02). — A socio-cultural examination of Baha'i mass teaching as experienced in Central India.
  16. Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities: A Compilation from Sacred Texts, by WellSpring International Educational Foundation for the Study and Application of the Sacred Texts (2003). — Comprehensive exploration of 77 virtues and qualities drawn from the texts of various religions.
  17. Early Zoroastrian Conversions to the Baha'i Faith in Yazd, Iran, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles) (1984). — A history of the gradual process of conversion among some Zoroastrians to the Baha'i Faith in Iran f...
  18. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  19. Explanation of a Zoroastrian Prophecy: Length of the "Bahá'í Cycle", by Karl Weaver (2017). — Review of certain concepts in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, ancient astrology, and modern astronomic...
  20. Fasting among Zoroastrians, Manicheans, and Bahá'ís, by Jamsheed K. Choksy (1999). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  21. From Adam to Bahá'u'lláh: The Idea of a Chain of Prophecy, by Zaid Lundberg (2002). — Whilst the modern period has seen a series of scientific paradigm shifts which have radically altere...
  22. From Iran East and West, Juan Cole, ed, Moojan Momen, ed. (1984). — Essays on Baha'i history in the Middle East, the United States, and India.
  23. Further Comments on a Passage of the Lawh-i-Hikmat, by Amin E. Egea (2009). — A study of Pre-Islamic sources on the relation of Greek Philosophers and Jewish sages.
  24. Half Million Years, A, by Dana Paxson (2021). — Exploring the 500,000-year Baha’i cycle asserted by Shoghi Effendi, in two versions: academic-styl...
  25. Identity and the Spiritual Journey in the Badi Calendar, by Nader Saiedi (2015-04). — A 99-minute talk on various aspects of the nature and history of the Baha'i calendar.
  26. Letter to Mrs. A. Schwarz, Stuttgart, by Josephina Fallscheer Steven Phelps, ed. (1910-01). — Philosophic conversations of the Master with a French consular official. The nineteenth letter from ...
  27. Life after Death: A Study of the Afterlife in Religions, by Farnaz Ma'sumian: Review, by Jack McLean (1998).
  28. List of Articles on, by Christopher Buck (2014/2020/2024). — List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
  29. List of Bahá'í Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2018). — A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links ...
  30. Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos, The: Personification of the Spirit of God in Scripture and Sacred Literature, by Michael W. Sours (1991). — The Logos in Christianity and the Maiden for Baha'u'llah can be equated as one and the same eternal ...
  31. Mysticism East and West, by Fargang Jahanpour (2007). — The meaning and nature of mysticism and some of the leading ideas in Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christ...
  32. Navjote of a Converted Zoroastrian Bahai, The, by Maneckji Nuserwanji Dhalla Gool Sohrab H. J. Rustomji, trans, Behram Sohrab H. J. Rustomji, trans. (1975). — Overview of the Faith, and the author's interactions with Baha'is in the early 1900s. (Navjote is th...
  33. Obituary: Alessandro Bausani (1921-1988), by Heshmat Moayyad (2001). — The life and work of Bausani (1921–1988), a leading Italian scholar of Islam, Middle Eastern studi...
  34. One Father, Many Children: Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Burl Barer (2010). — Judaic teachings on religious inclusivism and relativism, and the Baha'i acceptance of Judaism.
  35. Permanence of Change, The: Contemporary Sociological and Bahá'í Perspectives, by Hoda Mahmoudi (2008). — Sociohistorical changes of the Axial Age and the Renaissance, sociological views on modernity and it...
  36. Persia, by Richard N. Frye (1968). — Excerpt from a book on the history of Iran. Includes mention of Baha'i schools in the early twentiet...
  37. Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, A, by Mary Boyce (1977). — Brief mention of Baha'i converts to Zoroastrianism in Yazd.
  38. Progressive Revelation: A Brief Circumstantial/Historical Contextualization, by Mehdi Wolf (2022-05-16). — Progressive revelation must be understood in the context of the twin purposes of a divine Manifestat...
  39. Prophets of Mahabad, and Nature of Creation: The Two Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria, by Susan Maneck (2011). — Discussion of Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Hataria as found in the Tabernacle of Unity, co...
  40. Reconciliation of Races and Religions, The, by Thomas Kelly Cheyne (1914). — Early history of the Babi and Baha'i movements, life stories of their participants, and their contem...
  41. Scriptures of Different Faiths, The, by Pritam Singh (1942). — Overview of Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, emphasizing their teach...
  42. Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth: From Mazdean Iran to Shi'ite Iran, by Henry Corbin Nancy Pearson, trans. (1977). — An analysis of interrelated themes in Iranian religion, including the angelology of Mazdaism and Isl...
  43. Spiritual Footprints in the Sands of Time, by Kevin Brogan (2003). — The covenantal relationship between God and humankind; the lives of the founders of Judaism, Christi...
  44. Story of the Prophets, by Farnaz Ma'sumian (2013). — Biographies of nine Manifestations, from Abraham to Baha'u'llah. Designed for junior youth by a reti...
  45. Tabernacle of Unity, The: Bahá'u'lláh's Responses To Mánikchi Sáhib, by Bahá'u'lláh (2006).
  46. Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Concerning the Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria: Baha'u'llah on Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, by Bahá'u'lláh Juan Cole, trans. (1995). — Introduction to, article about, and translation of the Tablet to Maneckji.
  47. Tablet to the Zoroastrians (Lawh-i-Dustan-i-Yazdaní), by Bahá'u'lláh Juan Cole, trans. (1997).
  48. Tablets Revealed by Abdul Baha Abbas to the East and West, by Abdu'l-Bahá Mirza Ahmad Esphahani, trans. (1908). — An early collection of Tablets by 'Abdu'l-Baha.
  49. "The active force and that which is its recipient", by Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow) (1988). — Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender...
  50. Time and the Containment of Evil in Zoroastrianism, by Susan Maneck (1997). — Basic beliefs of Zoroastrianism, the concept of time in Zoroastrianism, and Zoroastrianism in a Baha...
  51. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
  52. Truth Triumphs: A Bahá'í Response to Misrepresentations of the Bahá'í Teachings and Bahá'í History, by Peter Terry (1999-12). — Rebuttal of Francis Beckwith's thesis "Baha'i, A Christian response to Baha'ism, the religion which ...
  53. Unique Eschatological Interface, A: Baha'u'llah and Cross-Cultural Messianism, by Christopher Buck (1986). — Tracing themes of messianism through the Occidental religions.
  54. Use of Trees as Symbols in the World Religions, The, by Sally Liya (2004). — The tree is a universal symbol found in the myths of all peoples. This Jungian archetype figures in ...
  55. Wittgensteinian Language-Games in an Indo-Persian Dialogue on the World Religions, by Juan Cole (2015 Fall). — Reflections on Baha'u'llah's theology of previous religions and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of "...
  56. Women and Wisdom in Scripture, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (2015). — Treatment of women in religion; influence of Baha'i teachings in raising awareness about the plight ...
  57. Word Bahá', The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name of God, by Stephen Lambden (1998). — The Arabic word baha' — meaning beauty, excellence, goodliness, majesty, glory, splendor, brillian...
  58. Word Bahá, The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name, by Stephen Lambden (1993). — History of the concept of the Greatest Name and its place in Baha'i theology.
  59. Zoroaster: The Prophet of Ancient Iran and His Book, the Zend Avesta, by Ali Kuli Khan (1945-08-30).
  60. Zoroaster: Baha'u'llah's Ancestor, by Darius Shahrokh (1992). — Overview of Zoroastrianism, its place in the history of revelation, and its writings.
  61. Zoroaster, Date of, by Universal House of Justice (1979-05-13). — Clarifications re the dates and bio information Baha'i texts give for the prophet Zoroaster.
  62. Zoroastrian Conversions to the Bahá'í Faith in Yazd, Iran, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Judith Stiles) (1983). — The Baha'i Faith appealed to Zoroastrian messianic motifs, Iranian paradigms of legitimacy, and refo...
  63. Zoroastrianism, Reference to, in All Things Made New, by Universal House of Justice (1999-03-27). — A reference to the Zoroastrian text Dinkird, or "Acts of the Religion" (din-kird) in John Ferraby's ...

2.   from the Chronology (5 results; expand)

  1. 1880-00-00 — The first Zoroastrians became Baha'is, in Persia. [SBBH2:67; RoB3p268] For information on these c...
  2. 1890-00-07 — A number of people of the Jewish, Zoroastrian and Buddhist Faiths became Baha'is. [BBR248–9; GPB19...
  3. 1903-06-14 — The Yazd Upheaval and in surrounding villages. [BBRXXX] See
  4. 1936-12-31 — Khusraw Biman (Thabit) passed away in Bombay at the age of 103 or 104. [Imm:56] He is the first Z...
  5. 2006-07-31 — The announcement of the publication of The Tabernacle of Unity. This publication of the Baha'i World
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