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Name of Tablet | Add'l info from the Leiden List | Primary Sources | Secondary sources: first key texts, then supplementary texts |
Lawh-i -Malik-i -Rus (Tablet to Czar Alexander II of Russia) | AQA1 57-61; Alw-Braz 121-128. Arabic. | Trans. in Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 27-30, Promised Day is Come 47-48, 52-55; by E.G. Brown in (?), also printed in Kheirella and McNutt 1900. A second Tablet to the Czar, written much later in Baha'u'llah's ministry, is available in provisional translation at /trans/vol2/tsar2.htm. | mention in Basic Baha'i Dictionary
13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; explanation from 'Abdu'l-Baha
of a line in this Tablet in Ali Akbar Furutan Stories of Baha'u'llah 48-49; God
Passes By 106, 207, 226-27; Promised Day is Come 32, 90-91; Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.3 111, 113, 118-123; Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 445-47; 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant
109. discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60, 65, 75, 126; passing mentions in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 129; some comments on Baha'u'llah's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim. |
Lawh-i -Malikih (Tablet to Queen Victoria) | AQA1 61-66; Alw-Braz 131-141 (and reprod. in BSB 7:3-4, 11-21); Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 4; partially in Rosen2 p. 147-8. Arabic. | Trans. in Baha'i Scriptures 111-115; sections transl. Gleanings CXIX-CXX; Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 59-64; Promised Day is Come 42-43, 55-58; Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 33-35; prov. trans. by Shahrokh Monjazeb Baha'i Studies Bulletin 7:3-4; by Browne in (?). Browne's trans. also published in Kheirella and McNutt 1900. | mention in Basic Baha'i Dictionary
13, 131; date in A Basic Baha'i Chronology 88, 148; God Passes
By 206, 207-8, 211; Promised Day is Come 32, 106; brief
comments from the Universal House of Justice on the Queen's response
to this Tablet at uhj/napoleon.victoria.html; discussion in Rev. of
Baha'u'llah vol.3 123-132; mention of subject in vol.4 388, 434;
Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 153, 445, 451; 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of
the Covenant 163, 370. brief discussion in Baharieh Ma'ani "The Effect of Philosophical and Linguistic Gender Biases..." in Journal of Baha'i Studies 8:1 60; mentions of subject in Hatcher/Martin Baha'i Faith...Global Religion 43, 45; Gouvion/Jouvion Gardeners of God 58-59; discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 41, 60, 63, 65, 93, 98, 100, 129, 152; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 47-48; some comments on Baha'u'llah's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim; an article originally written for an encyclopedia by Juan Cole on "Baha'u'llah's Tablets to the Rulers" is available online at encyclopedia/kings.html. |
Lawh-i-Napulyun I (First Tablet to Napoleon III) | Not to be confused with the much more well-known Second tablet to Napoleon III, from 1869. Edirne, after separation. | Unpublished. | mentioned
Baha'u'llah ESW 51, other (?) tablet to Napoleon also quoted in
ESW passim; mention of recipient Baha'u'llah Tablets 210;
Aqdas 15, K86, 164, notes 117-8; discussion of recipient Abdu'l-Baha
SAQ 32-3; discussion of France in the 1870s Secret Divine
Civilization 62-3, PUP 27-8, 203, 211, 223, 398, 432; mention of
Napoleon I 67-8; GPB 173, 207-8, 225-6; mentions of tablet and recipient
PDC paragraphs 39, 69-70, 83, 116, 118, 120-6, 140; Balyuzi Eminent
Baha'is 208-9, illustration 208; mentions of recipient and tablets to him
Balyuzi BKoG 245, 320, 352, 392, 426; quoted Taherzadeh Covenant
22-3; discussion of tablet Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 368-9; mention
of tablet Revelation vol.3 109-10, mention of recipient 81, 109-15, 149,
201; mention of recipient Revelation vol.4 95, 249, 388, 434; account of
grandson of Shah converting to the Baha'i Faith in the presence of Abdu'l-Baha
in Honnold Vignettes 51-2 discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-9; mention Stephen Lambden "Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse" in BS3 91 |
Lawh-i- Napulyun II (Second Tablet to Napoleon III) | Dated 1869. AQA1 47-57; Alw-Braz 95-117; KHay; one of the tablets to Napoleon is in Leiden Or Ms 4970 item 5; one tablet to Napoleon in Rosen2 Ms247 item 2. The section trans. in Promised Day is Come 46-49 (page numbers differ in different editions) is extracts from the text trans. in Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 17-23, with minor variations, but Promised Day is Come 48 has one paragraph beginning "Abandon thy palaces" which is is not in Proclamation of Baha'u'llah. A section included in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 49-50 as part of this tablet is separately presented in Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 95-6 with numerous significant trans. differences some affecting content. | Sections trans. Gleanings CLVIII and Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 46-56. French trans. by Dreyfus (published?). The French trans. by Louis Catafago may be in Paris State Archives. Trans. Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 17-23 based on self-citation Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 46ff., omitting two paragraphs Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 52-3 beginning "And if anyone ask them:" and another 2 paragraphs Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 54-55 beginning "Doth it behoove you to relate yourselves..." The first of these may not be from the Tablet to Napoleon, although the form implies it is. The latter has a close parallel in Gleanings CXXVIII (Suriy-i-Bayan). | mention in Basic Baha'i Dictionary
13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; date in A Basic Baha'i
Chronology 88; Some Answered Questions 32-33;
Promulgation of Universal Peace 27-28, 211, 223; God Passes
By 207; Promised Day is Come 32, 77, 79-84, 92; comments
from the Universal House of Justice on Napoleon's response to this
Tablet at uhj/napoleon.victoria.html;
discussion in Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol. 2 369; vol.3 81, 110-115,
149, 201; mention of subject in vol.4 95, 249, 388, 434; Baha'u'llah:
King of Glory 320, 352, 392, 426; Covenant of Baha'u'llah 21-22; 'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant 63. mention of subject in Hatcher/Martin's Baha'i Faith...Global Religion 45-46; discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60, 63-64, 76, 124, 127, 131, 155; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 43-44; some comments on Baha'u'llah's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim. |
Lawh-i -Pap (Tablet to Pope Pius IX) | Dated around 1869. AQA1 38-46; Alw-Braz 73-90; Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 2; Rosen2 Ms 247 item 2. Arabic. | Trans. Proclamation of Baha'u'llah 83-6; Promised Day is Come 49-52, 173-74; by E. G. Browne in (?); also printed in Kheirella and McNutt 1900; summary of impressions of the Tablet by a non-Baha'i reprinted in Moojan Momen, "...Christian Missionaries and the Babi and Baha'i Communities," in Studies in Babi and Baha'i History (SBBR vol.1) 63-64. | mention in Basic Baha'i Dictionary
13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; date in A Basic Baha'i
Chronology88, 94; God Passes By 209, 227; Promised Day
is Come 20, 32, 43-44, 79-80, 85-90, 165-68 (related quotations);
Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.3 116-118, 133. mention in Christopher Buck "Baha'u'llah and Cross-Cultural Messianism" in In Iran (SBBR vol.3) 165-66; mention of subject in Hatcher/Martin's Baha'i Faith...Global Religion 44-45; Gouvion/Jouvion Gardeners of God 60; passing mentions in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 129-30; Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 62. |
Lawh-i -Ra'is II (Tablet to 'Ali Pasha) | MaM 102-116. Persian. (Note: Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.3 34, footnote, writes that "Shoghi Effendi generally referred to [the two Tablets to Ali Pasha] in this order [as "Suriy-i-Ra'is and Lawh-i-Ra'is"], although occasionally he used the designation Surih for Lawh and vice versa"; hence, some of the sources listed here might actually refer to the earlier Tablet.) |
one sentence in World Order of Baha'u'llah 194. Full provisional translation, published in Star of the West Vol.2 No.2, April 9 1911, page 3, available online at /provisionals/lawh.rais.2.html. | definition in Basic Baha'i Dictionary
217, mention in ibid. 13; date in A Basic Baha'i Chronology 86,
88; God Passes By187, 231; Promised Day is Come 73-74,
99, 120; mention of subject Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.1 225, 227,
244; vol.2 55, 57, 312, 398, 401, 411, 413-14; discussion in vol.3 20,
33-34, 36-7, 87, 91, 99n., 100n., 103, 109, 419; vol.4 437; illustration
of subject Baha'u'llah: King of Glory 206; bios of subjects ibid. 469 and 471;
mention of subject ibid. 13, 62, 154, 199, 206-07, 283, 458, 471;
'Abdul-Baha: Centre of the Covenant 20-21; summary of Tablet
and subject in Adib Taherzadeh, "Three Momentous Years of the Heroic
Age--1868-1870," in Baha'i World XV: 1968-73
768. mention of subject Hatcher/Martin's Baha'i Faith...Global Religion 38n.16, 46; discussion and mention of subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 30, 31, 54-59, 61, 68, 72, 75, 90, 157; David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 28-31, 205, 224, 228; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 49-51; some comments on Baha'u'llah's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim. |
Lawh-i-Sultán (Tablet to the King of Persia, [Nasiri'd-Din Shah]) |
after separation. According to a letter from Mirza Sa'id Khan to Mirza Husayn Khan, the original of this tablet was sent to the latter, so it may be in Ottoman archives. Arabic and Persian, long. 'Abdu'l-Baha says the tablet especially recommended justice for the Jews, but this is not borne out by Browne's translation. Begining and ending words see Momen Selections Browne 310. Addressed to Nasiri'd-Din Shah |
Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 7; British Museum Or. 3115 (and another in Browne's
collection, with some variant readings). Published sources: Athar-i Qalam-i A'la Vol.1 66-96; Alvah/Brazil 145-201; Rosen2 195-216 (with numerous glosses); Lawh-i Mubarak-i Sultan-i Iran (with notes by Azizullah Sulaymani), 132 BE, and repr. India, 158 pages; Mubin/Bombay 98-102(c). Another edition not sighted publ. Egypt 1940. Sections trans. PB 57-60; PDC 39-41, 44, 72; self-citations in ESW 11, 39. Full text trans. Browne in Traveller's Narrative (TN) 112ff and in the appendix beginning 390. The appendix translates the portions of the tablet which are not cited by 'Abdu'l-Baha in the version of TN which Browne had. But in the Persian (printed) edition of TN 'Abdu'l-Baha cites the whole tablet (?). Browne indicates variant readings, but the Sulaymani edition has significant phrases missing in TN. Rosen2 192 also gives Baha'u'llah's instructions to Badi', and describes the Mss (part of Ms247) in St Petersburg. These instructions and the excordium not cited in TN are produced in Browne's edition of TN 390f, with the Persian of the instructions. Browne's translation of the tablet is reprinted in Baha'i World Vol.4 p. 102-4, with some sections omitted and changes for clarity or doctrinal purposes. For example, Browne's opening "I [Baha'u'llah] am a man" becomes "I am a servant", Browne's "O King" becomes "O Shah". Browne's translation is also the basis of the translation in Baha'i Scriptures 1923 68-81. Browne's translation of the instructions is reprinted in Balyuzi King of Glory 299 and Taherzadeh Revelation vol.3 176. Part of the Arabic exordium also trans. ESW 11, 39, and PB 57f, with only minor differences in translation. Cited in PDC 42-3, POB 60. A composite of these translations with Browne's notes at A section of Browne's translation (p. 395) is printed in Star of the West 2:6 3, with stylistic amendments only, except that Browne's 'will persecute him' becomes 'will contradict Him'. |
mentioned Baha'u'llah ESW 11, 39, 124-5; PUP 27-8, 203, 211,
223-4, 372, 398-9; discussed 'Abdu'l-Baha Star of the West 3:11 9-10 and
PUP 223-4; brief mentions of tablet or recipient by Abdu'l-Baha in
Mahmud's Diary 182; Memorials 3, 50, 136, 173; SAQ 33, 85
(footnote); Secret Divine Civilization 5-6, 11-2, 105; Shoghi Effendi
GPB 26, 173-4, 186, 143-44, 173-4, 185-6; mentions of recipient
GPB 197-8, 225, 232, 296; mentions of tablet and recipient PDC
paragraphs 97-102, 110, 164, 182, 210, 215 and elsewhere, passim; mention of
death of Shah Aqdas n177; Balyuzi Eminent Baha'is passim; Balyuzi
BKoG 20, 147, 247, 298, 309-10; other mentions and illustrations of
recipient Balyuzi BKoG passim; discussed Taherzadeh Revelation
vol.2 337-40, 346-57, mention of recipient 246, 304, 326; mentioned
Revelation vol.3 21, 38, 109, 133, 182-191, 199-200, 209-10, quoted 232;
many mentions of subject Revelation vol.4 passim discussion in E. G. Browne, A Traveller's Narrative 102-8, 151, with annotated partial translation 390-400 (online at; discussion Browne,The Babis of Persia, their Literature and Doctrines, JRAS XXI 958-60 (online at; mention Stephen Lambden "Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse" in BS3 91; discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-8; discussion of political teachings in tablet Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 32-4, 76; mentioned Denis MacEoin "Babism to Baha'ism" 225-6 discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 260-6 |
Surat al-Muluk (Tablet to the Kings, Surih of the Kings) |
after separation (late 1867). Arabic. Sections are addressed to the Kings collectively PDC 20-24, Gleanings CXVI (same as PDC 23-24), CXVIII (same as PDC 21-22 except that the phrase "that the burden of your expenditures may be lightened" is omitted on PDC 21), and PB 5-14; to Sultan 'Abdu'l-'Aziz Gleanings CXIV (GPB 159; 161; PB 45-54); to his ministers Gleanings LXV (GPB 172); to the people of Istanbul Gleanings LXVI (GPB 173); to the divines and philosophers of Istanbul (PB 102-3; GPB 172-3); to the French ambassador (GPB 172); to the Persian Ambassador Haji Mirza Husayn Khan (surnamed Mushiru'd-Dawlih); Gleanings CXIII (GPB 172-3); to the Kings of Christendom (PDC 26-27); to the people of Persia (GPB 173); to the philosophers of the world (GPB 173). |
3-70; partially in Rosen2 p. 147-8; INBA34 Alvah-i Nazilih (Tehran: MMMA,
1968); Athar-i Qalam-i A'la vol.1; Alvah/Bombay. Sections trans. Gleanings LXV, LXVI, CXIII, CXIV, CXVI (same as PDC 23-24), CXVIII (mostly the same as PDC 21-22), PB 5-14, and PDC 20-24. |
~mentions of Mushiru'd-Dawlih by Baha'u'llah ESW 68-70; definition/bio
notes Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 2, 217; mentions of and addresses
to Kings Aqdas 78-84, 163; brief mention of recipient Mirza Husayn Khan
by Abdu'l-Baha in Mahmud's Diary 167, bio note 443; mention of tablet
and/or recipient(s) GPB 159, 161, 171-5, 179, 190, 207, 225, 227-8, 316;
PDC paragraphs 24-5, 39-50, 86-96, 119, 149-62 passim, 170, 173-7, 195,
224; mention of tablet and Abdu'l-Aziz World Order 173-4, 176; Turkey in
Baha'i history Baha'i Administration 151-2, 167-9; Messages from the
UHJ 1963-86 paras. 14.5, 20.10, 24.15-16, 41, 45.1, 128.8; tablet quoted
Balyuzi BKoG 207-11, discussed 212-3; mentions of recipient Abdu'l-Aziz
BKoG 139, 199, 206-7, 245, 253-4, 261-3, 283-5, 307, 337, 352, 359-61,
379, 412, 425-6; mentions of recipient Mirza Husayn Khan BKoG 137, 154,
191, 199, 203, 212-4 (quotes from ESW and another tablet to Husayn
Khan), 248, 257, 286-7, 300, 441-8, 446, bio note 472-3, and briefly elsewhere
passim; mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan Balyuzi Abdu'l-Baha 18; mentions
of Abdu'l-Aziz 18-22, 34, 319; mentions of recipient Abdu'l-Aziz Balyuzi
Eminent Baha'is 183, 208; mention of Mirza Husayn Khan Eminent
Baha'is 240; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz Taherzadeh The Covenant 86, 94;
discussion of tablet and recipients Taherzadeh Revelation vol.2 301-36
passim, mentioned 1, 55-9, 61-2, 278, 301, 320-1, 325-8, 332, 337, 370-1,
398-401, 418; mentioned Revelation vol.3 109, 147, 238, 242, 251, quoted
156; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz Revelation vol.3 14, 18-9, 37-8, 52, 69,
87, 91, 99-102, 123, 151-4, 191, 252, 410, 413-9, mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan
218-9; mentions of Abdu'l-Aziz Revelation vol.4 27, 95, 104-5, 240-2,
421, mentions of Mirza Husayn Khan 434 political teachings contained in tablet in John Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, 31, 135-6, 235, 246discussion of literary style John Hatcher Ocean of His Words 126-8, 131; social teachings in tablet Juan Cole "Baha'u'llah and Liberation Theology" in SBBR8 88-9; Mosaic symbolism Stephen Lambden "Sinaitic Mysteries" in SBBR5 137; discussion of Baha'u'llah's social and political teachings in tablet Cole Modernity and the Millennium 32, 53-6, 89, 125-9; prophecies contained in tablet Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 58-9, 155; complete discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 260-4 (as Rosen's "tablet to the Shah of Persia"; see note to p.264) |
Súriy-i-Ra'ís I, Surat-ar-Rais I, Lawh-i Ra'is I (Tablet of the Premier, Tablet to Ottoman first minister Mehmet Emin 'Ali Pasha) |
to be confused with either the later Lawh-i-Ra'is (see note below) or the
tablet to Dhabih included in Baha'u'llah Gleanings CXV. Edirne period (Rabi'u'th-Thani 1285/August 1868, at Kashanih en route to Gallipoli). Arabic. The formal addressee is 'Ali Pasha, but it was revealed for Dhabih (full name Haji Muhammad-Isma'il-i Dhabih of Kashan, known as Anis, the Friend). Recipient not to be confused with Siyyid Isma'il of Zavarih, who was also surnamed Dhabih (see Revelation vol.1 101-3). Opening and closing words are given in Momen Selections Browne 311-2. |
Majmu'ih-yi Alvah-i Mubarakih 87-102; Rosen2 224-231. Substantial parts are trans. Momen Selections Browne 266-9, and Browne's translation is used as a basis for a more complete trans. in Baha'i Scriptures 88-94, which however omits the last part of the tablet dealing with the nature and progress of the soul (Revelation vol.2 417). This part of the tablet is apparently untrans. Gleanings LXXXII, might be worth investigating in this regard, but note the reference in that passage to the large number of tablets covering these subjects. Sentences from the first part, covered in Baha'i Scriptures, are also trans. PDC 60, 72-3; GPB 172, 177-8 (twice); WOB 94-5; 164. The passages in GPB 172 indicate familiarity with both previous translations but sometimes differ from both. Part of this tablet is trans. PUP 398-399, where it is called the "Epistle to the Sultan of Turkey." In a number of instances the passages trans. Shoghi Effendi (above) agree with PUP where it differs from the Baha'i Scriptures version. A passage concerning the officer 'Umar cited in GPB 171 and said to be from this tablet is in fact from the Lawh-i Ra'is III. | definition/bio
notes Momen Basic Baha'i Dictionary 15; mention of recipient Baha'u'llah
Tablets 210; mention of tablet Baha'u'llah Gleanings 39 (same
tablet?); mentions of tablet to Sultan of Turkey (same tablet?) PUP
27-8, 203, 224, 372, 398-9, 432; described GPB 174, 180-1, 187; mention
of Ali Pasha PDC paragraphs 158, 163; mentions of Ali Pasha Balyuzi
BKoG 13, 154, 206-7, 262, 458, 471, bio note 469; mentions of Dhabih
Balyuzi BKoG 132, 157, 253, 260-1, 264; mention of Ali Pasha Taherzadeh
Revelation vol.1 225, 227, 244; discussed Revelation vol.2 411-7,
mention of Ali Pasha 55, 57, 312, 398, 401; mention of Ali Pasha
Revelation vol.3 34, 36, 91, 99 footnote, 100 footnote, 109, 419, quoted
151; mentioned Revelation vol.4 34 and footnote, 87 E. G. Browne, Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion 29-31 (online at; discussion Moojan Momen, ed., Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne 266-9; Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 57-75; prophecies contained in tablet Gary Matthews Challenge of Baha'u'llah 58-9 (Note: Rev. of Baha'u'llah vol.3 34 footnote, writes that "Shoghi Effendi generally referred to [the two tablets to Ali Pasha] in this order [as "Suriy-i-Ra'is and Lawh-i-Ra'is"], although occasionally he used the designation Surih for Lawh and vice versa"; hence, some of the sources listed here might actually refer to the later tablet.) Taherzadeh, in Revelation vol.3 99n, adds: "The[re] were the Lawh-i-Ra'is and the Lawh-i-Fu'ad addressed to 'Ali Pasha and Fu'ad Pasha respectively and not to the Sultan, although references are made to the Sultan in these tablets" |
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