“In reality thou art spiritually hungry and athirst for the Water of Life. Therefore I send thee spiritual food and bestow upon thee the Water of Life Eternal. That food is the divine advices and exhortations revealed in the Tablets and the spiritual outpourings of the Breath of the Holy Spirit. I hope ere long it will reach thee and thou wilt behold what an exhilaration and beatitude it produceth and what cheerfulness and serenity and what heavenly emotions it createth!”
Abdul-Baha Abbas.
Tablets of
Abdul-Baha Abbas
Volume I
Published by
P. O. Box 283
CONTENTS Introduction................. i Volume I..................... 1 Volume II.................. 239 Volume III................. 485
This book is a reproduction of the Tablets of Abdul-Baha as contained in the archives of the House of Spirituality1 of Bahais of Chicago from the recipients for the purpose of safe preservation in accordance with the purpose mentioned in the following letter sent out by that Body:
March 21, 1908.
To the Friends of God in the Light of El-Abha, throughout America.
For a number of years the House of Spirituality has been gathering copies of Tablets, received by the Friends in America from Abdul-Baha Abbas, for sacred preservation in its archives, in accord with permission from him to do so in a Tablet addressed to it dated April 21, 1903, as follows: “As to the compiling of the Tablets in a Book for the House of Spirituality, this depends upon the consent of the receivers of the Tablets; if the owners of the Tablets consent, copies should be kept and collected in the House of Spirituality and it will be acceptable.”
Although many Tablets, both published and unpublished,
were known to be in circulation among the believers, and
the restriction to collect only copies sent in with
the consent of the recipients, yet, in the spring of 1907, through
the hearty response and co-operation in this endeavor about 500
copies of different Tablets had been received, acknowledge and filed
with data concerning each in a safety deposit vault equipped with all
modern appliances for protection.
We believe the Friends everywhere will be further interested in knowing that at that time a draft of the Tablets was made by the Librarian of the House of Spirituality for the Bahai Publishing Society (who contemplated issuing same in book form), with all references to personalities eliminated, and said compilation was taken by Mr. Agnew to the presence of Abdul-Baha, who inquired especially as to elimination of all names of persons and everything of a clearly personal nature, and as to whether the recipients of the Tablets had consented to publication of them, etc.—to all of which he gave approval and instructed the Publishing Society to proceed with the work.
The purpose of this communication is therefore twofold: First, that the endeavor be continued to preserve a copy of every Tablet obtainable; and second, that it be accomplished at the earliest possible moment in order to make the forthcoming Volumes of Tablets (now being prepared by the Publishing Society) as complete as possible, for only the Tablets in the archives of the House will be used, as therein is recorded the desire of the recipients.
In sending copies of Tablets, kindly see in so far as possible that together with each is given: (1) Full name of recipient (2) present address, mentioning street number, city or town, and state, (3) on or about date translation, (4) name of translator, (5) clearly state whether or not permission to publish all or only a portion of same is granted. Should there be any doubt as to whether or not a copy of any certain Tablet is already in the archives, you may be assured in knowing that every Tablet received has been acknowledged on a special printed form, signed by the Librarian.
Concerning this important matter the following words of
Abdul-Baha will be of interest to all: “Verily know, that the
Tablets (Book) of Abdul-Baha and his address is a hidden mystery and
concealed fact; no one is informed of its greatness and importance at
these times. But in the course of times and future centuries, the
signs thereof will be manifested, the lights thereof will dawn, the
fragrance thereof will be diffused, and the greatness, the
thereof will be known. The truth I say unto thee, that each leaflet
from Abdul-Baha will be a wide-spread Book; nay, rather, a glistening
Gem on the Glorious Crown. Know thou Its value and hold great Its
Thanking you in advance, we are your fellow servants in the Vineyard of El-Abha,
The House of Spirituality
A sufficient number of Tablets having been gathered together, they have been entrusted to the Baha’i Publishing Society for publication in this concrete form for the enlightenment of the English-speaking world.
The Tablets appear in the book in the order received and filed in the archives, i.e. the first to respond to the above letter sent out by the House of Spirituality appear first in the book, and, so far as possible, all the Tablets to any one person or to a family or to an assembly have been placed together.
Regarding publications, the following Tablet from Abdul-Baha was received by this Society in October, 1906:
He is God! O ye heavenly Assemblage!
Your letter was received and its contents became known. Ye have written concerning the printing and publication of the Tablets.
The translation of the Surat-ul-Hykl1
is of the utmost difficulty. It must be translated by a committee who
are exceedingly efficient both in Persian and English, exercising the
closest and most minute attention.
Otherwise the text would not
become intelligible. The same rule applieth to other Writings and
Tablets. For the present the organization of such a committee of
translators is not possible and there is no other means than the
translations made by individuals. In the future, God willing, means
will be brought about. Translations will be made by a committee
composed of two most erudite Persians and two learned Americans, all
of them having the utmost proficiency in both languages and
possessing a certain knowledge of sciences and arts. Then others from
among the scholars and thinkers must assist. At that time Tablets
will be translated correctly and published. What ye have in your
hands and what is already printed will impart a certain degree of
information. Whatever matter the spiritual Boards of Council in New
York, Chicago, Washington and Kenosha unanimously deem advisable to
print and publish, ye may print and publish; and have the utmost
union and oneness with each other.
Regarding the Tablets of Abdul-Baha: Each of them is important. Print ye those which are in detail.
As to the question of annihilation and destruction of
the Spirits2
: Mr. Phelps hath not not fully understood the matter or else the
translator hath made some mistake. It was not intended to convey the
idea that the unbelieving souls are absolutely annihilated. Nay,
rather, it was meant that the existence of the evil spirits in
comparison to the existence of the sanctified souls was like unto
annihilation. As you clearly behold, the existence
of mineral in
comparison with the existence of man is like unto non-being. When the
body of man is destroyed and disintegrated, it returneth to the
Concerning the income of the printing and publishing society, as ye write, it must be expended for charitable purposes.
O ye believers of God! I am pleased with you and seek for your assistance and confirmation. I hope that ye may, day by day, add to your love, steadfastness, purity of intention and service to the Cause of God.
Upon ye be greeting and praise!
Abdul-Baha Abbas.
These Tablets were originally written in Persian and all bear the caption, “He is God!”3 and close with expressions of good will, such as, “Upon ye be greetings and praise!” These expressions have been omitted from this compilation; also such portions as are clearly of a personal nature, as well as names of persons, as instructed by Abdul-Baha.
Omission of names of persons has been designated by the sign, thus ….….; omission of purely personal portions of the text have been designated by the sign, thus ***. The translator’s interpolations are enclosed in parentheses, thus ( ); editor’s interpolations are enclosed in brackets, thus [ ]. For messages within Tablets a special sign has been found necessary and these messages are enclosed within this special sign, thus ~ ~. Quotations are shown by the usual sign, thus “ ”.
The great labor of translating these Tablets from the
original language has been entrusted to the following translators,
whose inestimable service is hereby gratefully acknowledged: Anton
Haddad, Mirza S. M. Raffie, Mirza Housein Rouhy, Ali Kuli Khan, Dr.
Ameen U. Fareed, H. S. M. Taki Manshadi, Mirza Ahmad Esphahani, Mrs.
Getsinger, Miss Barney and Mirza Moneer Zane.
The House of Spirituality desires to thank all who have assisted in this matter of gathering in copies of Tablets for preservation in its archives, and requests the Bahais everywhere to continue the endeavor as outlined in the circular letter sent out by that Body, as herein quoted. Address such communications to the Librarian of the House of Spirituality, P. O. Box 283, Chicago, Ill.
Only a portion of the Tablets now on file with the House of Spirituality are contained in this volume. Other volumes will be issued as soon as possible. Tablets coming in will take their place in order according to the date received and appear in forth-coming volumes.
The Bahai Publishing Society.
Feast of Naurooz, March 21, 1909.
For the information of those who know little or nothing of the Bahai Revelation, we quote the following account translated from the (French) Encyclopaedia of Larousse:—
Bahaism the religion of the disciples of Baha’o’llah,
an outcome of Babism.—Mirza Husain Ali Nuri Baha’o’llah
was born at Teheran in 1817 A. D. From 1844 he was one of the first
adherents of the Bab, and devoted himself to the pacific propagation
of his doctrine in Persia. After the death of the Bab he was, with
the principal Babis, exiled to Baghdad, and later to Constantinople
and Adrianople, under the surveillance of the Ottoman Government. It
in the latter city that he openly declared his mission. He was
“He whom God would make manifest,” whom the Bab had
announced in his writings, the great Manifestation of God, promised
for the last days; and in his letters to the principal Rulers of the
States of Europe he invited them to join him in establishing religion
and universal peace. From this time, the Babis who acknowledged him
became Bahais. The sultan then exiled him (1868 A. D.) to Acca in
Palestine, where he composed the greater part of his doctrinal works,
and where he died in 1892 A. D. (May 29). He had confided to his son,
Abbas Effendi Abdul-Baha, the work of spreading the religion and
continuing the connection between the Bahais of all parts of the
world. In point of fact, there are Bahais everywhere, not only in
Mohammedan countries, but also in all the countries of Europe, as
well as in the United States, Canada, Japan, India, etc. This is
because Baha’o’llah has known how to transform Babism
into a universal religion, which is presented as the fulfillment and
completion of all the ancient faiths. The Jews await the Messiah, the
Christians the return of Christ, the Moslem the Mahdi, the Buddhists
the fifth Buddha, the Zoroastrians Shah Bahran, the Hindoos the
reincarnation of Krishna, and the Atheists—a better social
organization! Baha’o’llah represents all these, and thus
destroys the rivalries and the enmities of the different religions;
reconciles them in their primitive purity, and frees them from the
corruption of dogmas and rites. For Bahaism has no clergy, no
religious ceremonial, no public prayers; its only dogma is belief in
God and in his Manifestations (Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, et al.,
Baha’o’llah). The principal works of Baha’o’llah
are the Kitab-ul-Ighan, the Kitab-ul-Akdas, the Kitab-ul-Ayd, and
numerous letters or tablets addressed to sovereigns or to private
individuals. Ritual holds no place in the religion, which must be
expressed in all the actions of life, and accomplished in neighborly
love. Every one must
have an occupation. The education of children is
enjoined and regulated. No one has the power to receive confession of
sins, or to give absolution. The priests of the existing religions
should renounce celibacy, and should preach by their example,
mingling in the life of the people. Monogamy is universally
recommended, etc. Questions not treated of are left to the civil law
of each country, and to the decisions of the Bait-ul-Adl, or House of
Justice, instituted by Baha’o’llah. Respect toward the
Head of the State is a part of respect toward God. A universal
language, and the creation of tribunals of arbitration between
nations, are to suppress wars. “You are all leaves of the same
tree, and drops of the same sea,” Baha’o’llah has
said. Briefly, it is not so much a new religion as Religion renewed
and unified, which is directed today by Abdul-Baha.—(Nouveau
Larousse Illustre, supplement, p. 66.)
Just as this book was going to press the introduction to it appearing on the following page was received from Abdul-Baha.
He is God!
O Thou Almighty Lord!
Strengthen all mankind that they may do according to the instructions and teachings recorded in these writings, so that wars and strifes may be eliminated from the world of man; that the roots of enmity may be destroyed and the foundations of love and affection be established; that the hearts may be filled with love and the souls be attracted; that wisdom may advance and the faces become brightened and illumined; that there be no more wars and strifes and that reconciliation and peace appear; that the Unity of the world of man may pitch its tent on the “apex of the horizons,” so that peoples and parties become as one nation, that different continents become as one continent and the whole earth as one land; that the sects of antagonizing and dogmatic religions be unified; that the world of creation be adorned and all the people of the earth abide in unity and peace.
Verily, Thou art the Giver, the Bestower, the Beholder!
(signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas.
1See pages 1 and 6 of Tablets.
1Surat-ul-Hykl, by Baha’o’llah, a portion of which was translated by Anton Haddad, published in 1900. The retranslation of this book has not yet been undertaken.
2Referring to passage in “The Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi” (Abdul-Baha) by Myron T. Phelps, published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York.
3This is a usage of the people of the East. The purpose is that in every matter the commencement should be in the Name of God.