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Annotated list of historical references to Bahá'u'lláh's "Akka period".

Bibliography for the Tablets of Baha'u'llah:

List of citations and resources for Tablets revealed 1868-1877

Jonah Winters, compiler



This bibliography gives all of the relevant primary and secondary citations I could find for each of the Tablets discussed by Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh vols. 3-4 1868-1892. I went through every potentially relevant book, journal, and website I could find that's been written in English—about 400—to find all mentions of each Tablet. About 1/3 of these mentions contained no significant information and weren't included in this list. The other 2/3 have been included. Most citations that contained extensive information have been annotated, i.e. I've included a short sentence describing the topic of the treatment in question. Citations without annotation just feature brief but useful information.


  1. There is no need to use the Leiden List to the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh for these Tablets for this course, because all information it contains has been provided below. I am indebted to Sen McGlinn and its other contributors for the information they have provided.
  2. I arranged the Secondary Sources first by key texts, then supplementary ones. The key texts are in the order of (1) definitions, (2) authoritative writings, (3) authoritative histories. The specific order is as follows: Basic Bahá'í Dictionary and Chronology; writings of Shoghi Effendi; letters from the Universal House of Justice; descriptive books by Taherzadeh; and official histories by Balyuzi. The supplementary ones following are first journal articles and then other secondary books, in no particular order.
  3. The only notable items which have not been consulted for citations are Moojan Momen's The Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts and all Bahá'í Worlds prior to 1979. As well, the Internet has not been searched, nor even this site, so there are doubtless numerous other materials online only that have not been included.
For a fairly detailed description of the cities of and the history of the Bahá'í Faith in Akka and Haifa written by a retired member of the Universal House of Justice, see David S. Ruhe, Door of Hope: A Century of the Bahá'í Faith in the Holy Land, 17-86. Moojan Momen provides another summary of the history of Akka, complete with numerous documents from Western sources regarding the Bahá'í history there, in The Babi and Bahá'í Religions: Some Western Accounts 201-40.
Name of Tablet Add'l info from the Leiden List Primary Sources Secondary sources: first key
texts, then supplementary texts
Kitab-i -Aqdas (The Most Holy Book) Arabic edition with Persian notes, 1995 Haifa. For a summary of earlier published editions see 'Rituals' 81-2 n2. English trans. Bahá'í World Centre 1992. Two earlier official sources are (1) Bahá'í World volume XV: 1968-73, which has brief letters from the Universal House of Justice regarding the publication of the Synopsis and Codification..., the Synopsis itself, and other related official statements, and (2) the separate book publication of the Synopsis and Codification... (1973) which also adds a lengthy letter from the House introducing and summarizing the Aqdas.
Other English translations done by Anton Haddad, Earl Elder, and Marzieh Gail. Two of these can be found online in parallel with the official translation at provisionals. French Ms trans. by Dreyfus 190?, 62pp, and separate Ms trans. of Questions and Answers, n.d.; for the former see Paris Archives Boite 11107, Grand cahier noir:122 (according to Laura Dreyfus-Barney, "Hippolyte Dreyfus. Article for Bahá'í World": "He [Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney] trans....the Aqdas which he annotated during a sojourn in 'Akka with the aid of 'Abdu'l-Bahá".); brief comments by Ruhiyyih (Rabbani) Khanum about the Guardian's translation in The Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith 237-38.
definition in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 132-33; date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology 99; 120, 138; 145; 166; 476; Some Answered Questions 64; explanation of verse 1 in ibid 238; explanation of verse 47 in ibid. 171-74; brief mention in Promulgation of Universal Peace 454 and elsewhere, passim; biography of Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin in Memorials of the Faithful 150-153; God Passes By 14, 139, 177, 206-09, 213-16, 219, 254-55, 326, 328, 411; Promised Day is Come 39-42, 58-60, 64-65, 92, 94-95, 100, 118-21, 133-37 (page numbers differ in different editions); World Order of Bahá'u'lláh passim; 3 sentences about translation and punishments in Unfolding Destiny 455; discussion of the relationship between the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice as elucidated in the Aqdas in Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973 37-44, reprinted in Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 438-40; coverage in Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.1 26, 60, 153, 160, 212, 301; vol.2 120, 122, 130, 240, 354-55, 389; vol.3 147, 164, 240, 275-399; vol.4 114, 116, 123, 138-39, 160, 212, 248-56, 299-300, 321, 399, 400, 417, 421, 423, 433; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 245, 319, 351-53, 382, 422, 425; Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 24, 68, 99, 141, 143, 155-56, 175-76, 212, 218-19, 240, 264, 266-67, 310-13, 378, 382, 386, 390, 396, 401-02; Eminent Bahá'ís 189, 259; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 49, 51, 163, 492

full discussion of the Kitab-i-Aqdas in John Walbridge "The Kitab-i-Aqdas" available online at encyclopedia/aqdas.html; discussion of the Aqdas' gendered language in Bahárieh Ma'ani "The Effect of Philosophical and Linguistic Gender Biases..." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:1 59-61; examination of some of the significances of the Aqdas and the possible impact of its publication upon its Western audience in Udo Schaefer "'The Balance hath been Appointed': Some Thoughts on the Publication of the Kitab-i-Aqdas" Bahá'í Studies Review 3:1 (1993), also available online at articles/balance.aqdas.html; discussion of the "twin duties," social action, and other topics in John S. Hatcher "Unsealing the Choice Wine..." in Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:3 27-36; examination of the legal aspects and social principles of the Aqdas in Martha Schweitz "The Kitab-i-Aqdas: Bahá'í Law, Legitimacy, and World Order" in Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:1 35-59; Robert Stockman discusses the translation of the Aqdas in "Revelation, Interpretation, and Elucidation in the Bahá'í Writings" in Scripture and Revelation (Bahá'í Studies vol.3) 63-66; John Walbridge offers an extended discussion of the Aqdas in Sacred Acts... (Bahá'í Studies vol.1) xiii, 3-4, 16-22, 248-252, and numerous other pages, passim; brief comments on an early translation in Robert Stockman, Bahá'í Faith in America vol.1 160; vol.2 11, 27, 363, 438n.38; see also other minor citations, esp. concerning the establishment of local "Houses of Justice," in ibid. passim; history in Hatcher/Martin's Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 46-47, 153-56; full introduction in Anonymous "The Kitab-i-Aqdas: Its Place in Bahá'í Literature" in The Bahá'í World 1992-93 103-18; discussion of "socio-cultural constructs" given in the Aqdas in R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram "The Provisions for Sexuality in the Kitab-i-Aqdas in the Context of Late Nineteenth Century Eastern and Western Sexual Ideologies" available online at conferences/sex.aqdas.html; analysis of the treatment of homosexuality in the Kitab-i Aqdas and its background in Kamran Hakim "Commentary on Kitab-i Aqdas verse 107" available online at; exploration of philosophical framework by William Hatcher in "The Kitab-i-Aqdas: The Causality Principle in the World of Being" in The Bahá'í World 1993-94 189-236; random observations in Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 38, 64-66, 68, 73, 76, 91, 95, 149, 158, 171-73, 186; David S. Ruhe Door of Hope... 46-48, 51, 56; discussion of the style of Writings on the Covenant, including the Aqdas, in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 153-64; passing mentions in ibid. 11, 16, 71, 79, 99, 122, and other places, passim; a few studies examining the inheritance laws in the Aqdas include Bahiyyih Nakhjavani "Exemption" in Bahá'í Studies Review 3.1 (1993) 75-78, available online at articles/exemption.html, Seena Fazel "Inheritance" in ibid. 4.1 (1994) 71-75, Sen McGlinn "Some considerations relating to the inheritance laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas" in ibid 5.1 (1995) 37-50, available online at and articles/inheritance.arjmand.html, Linda and John Walbridge "Bahá'í Laws on the Status of Men" in World Order 19:1-2 (1984) 25-36, John and Linda Walbridge "A Question of Gender" in Dialogue 1987 32-34, and Martha Leach Schweitz "Of Webs and Ladders: Gender Equality in Bahá'í Law" in World Order 27:1 (1995) 22; Suheil Bushrui's The Style of the Kitab-i-Aqdas is a lengthy meditation with occasional literary analysis; more analysis is provided in Sen McGlinn's review of this book in Bahá'í Studies Review 6 (1996) 93-96, also available online at; some opinions on Bahá'u'lláh's teachings on politics in the Aqdas in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992) 1-26 passim; 1/2 page on the meaning of "irfan" in verse 1 in Jalil Mahmoudi "`Irfan, Gnosis, or Mystical Knowledge" in World Order 7:4 (1973) 14; discussion of Bahá'í law in the Aqdas in Afshin Khavari "Parallels Between Islamic and Bahá'í laws and Constitutional Principles" at articles/parallels.html; some philosophical meditations on the introductory verse of the Aqdas by Sen McGlinn in "Commentary on Kitab-i Aqdas verse one" at; more information can be found in an online translation project of the Aqdas at
Lawh-i -Ahbab (Tablet of the Friends) AQA1 96-113. (no primary source) Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 258-59.
Lawh-i -Fu'ad (Tablet on death of Fu'ad Pasha) Dated 1869. Rosen2 231-3; Mubin. Sentence trans. Promised Day is Come 106; prov. trans. available on request; WebCole. Trans. with commentary by J Cole posted H-Bahá'í May 97; idem at WebCole; Addressee Shaykh Kazim-i-Samandar of Qazvin. mention of subject in God Passes By 28, 231; Promised Day is Come 100-01, 106; Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.1 225; discussion in vol.2 375; vol.3 87-107, 151, 419; vol.4 437; illustration of subject Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 254; bio of subject ibid. 471; mention of subject ibid. 154, 199, 254, 458, 469, 476, 484; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 20-21; summary of Tablet in Adib Taherzadeh "Three Momentous Years of the Heroic Age--1868-1870" in Bahá'í World XV: 1968-73 768.

mention of subject Hatcher/Martin's Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 38n.16, 46; discussion and mention of subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 31, 56, 58-60, 61, 72, 89-90, 148, 157; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 49-50; some comments on Bahá'u'lláh's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim.
Lawh-i -Haft Pursish (Tablet of Seven Questions) MaM 240-248 and reprod. in BSB 7:3-4 53-59; incomplete text (without introduction) in Zapiski Imperatorskoy Academii nauk S. Petersburg 8th series, Vol. 3, No. 6 (1899) 100-108, with Russian trans., and minor variant readings from MaM. Persian, trans. with notes Shahriar Razavi Bahá'í Studies Bulletin 7:3-4, 48-68. Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3, 272; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 9.

mention in Christopher Buck "Bahá'u'lláh and Cross-Cultural Messianism" in In Iran (SBBR vol.3) 168.
Lawh-i -Malik-i -Rus (Tablet to Czar Alexander II of Russia) AQA1 57-61; Alw-Braz 121-128. Arabic. Trans. in Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 27-30, Promised Day is Come 47-48, 52-55; by E.G. Brown in (?), also printed in Kheirella and McNutt 1900. A second Tablet to the Czar, written much later in Bahá'u'lláh's ministry, is available in provisional translation at /trans/vol2/tsar2.htm. mention in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; explanation from 'Abdu'l-Bahá of a line in this Tablet in Ali Akbar Furutan Stories of Bahá'u'lláh 48-49; God Passes By 106, 207, 226-27; Promised Day is Come 32, 90-91; Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 111, 113, 118-123; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 445-47; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 109.

discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60, 65, 75, 126; passing mentions in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 129; some comments on Bahá'u'lláh's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim.
Lawh-i -Malikih (Tablet to Queen Victoria) AQA1 61-66; Alw-Braz 131-141 (and reprod. in BSB 7:3-4, 11-21); Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 4; partially in Rosen2 p. 147-8. Arabic. Trans. in Bahá'í Scriptures 111-115; sections transl. Gleanings CXIX-CXX; Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 59-64; Promised Day is Come 42-43, 55-58; Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 33-35; prov. trans. by Shahrokh Monjazeb Bahá'í Studies Bulletin 7:3-4; by Browne in (?). Browne's trans. also published in Kheirella and McNutt 1900. mention in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 13, 131; date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology 88, 148; God Passes By 206, 207-8, 211; Promised Day is Come 32, 106; brief comments from the Universal House of Justice on the Queen's response to this Tablet at uhj/napoleon.victoria.html; discussion in Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 123-132; mention of subject in vol.4 388, 434; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 153, 445, 451; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 163, 370.

brief discussion in Bahárieh Ma'ani "The Effect of Philosophical and Linguistic Gender Biases..." in Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:1 60; mentions of subject in Hatcher/Martin Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 43, 45; Gouvion/Jouvion Gardeners of God 58-59; discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 41, 60, 63, 65, 93, 98, 100, 129, 152; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 47-48; some comments on Bahá'u'lláh's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim; an article originally written for an encyclopedia by Juan Cole on "Bahá'u'lláh's Tablets to the Rulers" is available online at encyclopedia/kings.html.
Lawh-i -Manikchi Sahib (Tablet to Manikchi) MaM 259-267. Gleanings CVI; prov. trans. available on private request Cole, for Abha. Partial translation by E.G. Browne, "Three Epistles to the Zorastrians," in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 24 (1892). Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 269-71.

relatively detailed biography of subject in Gol Aidun "Manekji Limji Hataria and the Bahá'í Faith" in Bahá'í Studies Notebook 1:1 (1980), 47-62; paragraph about Manekji in context of larger discussion on Zoroastrianism and the Bahá'í Faith in Michael Fischer "Social Change and the Mirrors of Tradition: Bahá'ís of Yazd" in Debating Muslims... 233-34, also found in The Bahá'í Faith and Islam 36; mention in Christopher Buck "Bahá'u'lláh and Cross-Cultural Messianism" in In Iran (SBBR vol.3) 167-68, 174-75; mention of subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 147, 150.
Lawh-i- Napulyun II (2d Tab. Napoleon III) Dated 1869. AQA1 47-57; Alw-Braz 95-117; KHay; one of the tablets to Napoleon is in Leiden Or Ms 4970 item 5; one tablet to Napoleon in Rosen2 Ms247 item 2. The section trans. in Promised Day is Come 46-49 (page numbers differ in different editions) is extracts from the text trans. in Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 17-23, with minor variations, but Promised Day is Come 48 has one paragraph beginning "Abandon thy palaces" which is is not in Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh. A section included in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 49-50 as part of this tablet is separately presented in Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 95-6 with numerous significant trans. differences some affecting content. Sections trans. Gleanings CLVIII and Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 46-56. French trans. by Dreyfus (published?). The French trans. by Louis Catafago may be in Paris State Archives. Trans. Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 17-23 based on self-citation Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 46ff., omitting two paragraphs Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 52-3 beginning "And if anyone ask them:" and another 2 paragraphs Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 54-55 beginning "Doth it behoove you to relate yourselves..." The first of these may not be from the Tablet to Napoleon, although the form implies it is. The latter has a close parallel in Gleanings CXXVIII (Suriy-i-Bayan). mention in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology 88; Some Answered Questions 32-33; Promulgation of Universal Peace 27-28, 211, 223; God Passes By 207; Promised Day is Come 32, 77, 79-84, 92; comments from the Universal House of Justice on Napoleon's response to this Tablet at uhj/napoleon.victoria.html; discussion in Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol. 2 369; vol.3 81, 110-115, 149, 201; mention of subject in vol.4 95, 249, 388, 434; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 320, 352, 392, 426; Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 21-22; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 63.

mention of subject in Hatcher/Martin's Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 45-46; discussion of Tablet and subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60, 63-64, 76, 124, 127, 131, 155; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 43-44; some comments on Bahá'u'lláh's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim.
Lawh-i -Pap (Tablet to Pope Pius IX) Dated around 1869. AQA1 38-46; Alw-Braz 73-90; Leiden Ms Or 4970 item 2; Rosen2 Ms 247 item 2. Arabic. Trans. Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh 83-6; Promised Day is Come 49-52, 173-74; by E. G. Browne in (?); also printed in Kheirella and McNutt 1900; summary of impressions of the Tablet by a non-Bahá'í reprinted in Moojan Momen, "...Christian Missionaries and the Babi and Bahá'í Communities," in Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History (SBBR vol.1) 63-64. mention in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 13 and photograph of subject in ibid. 131; date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology88, 94; God Passes By 209, 227; Promised Day is Come 20, 32, 43-44, 79-80, 85-90, 165-68 (related quotations); Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 116-118, 133.

mention in Christopher Buck "Bahá'u'lláh and Cross-Cultural Messianism" in In Iran (SBBR vol.3) 165-66; mention of subject in Hatcher/Martin's Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 44-45; Gouvion/Jouvion Gardeners of God 60; passing mentions in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 129-30; Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 62.
Lawh-i -Pisar -`Amm (Tablet to the Cousin) IQT 174-182. (no primary source) Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 216-18.
Lawh-i -Qad Ihtaraqa'l- Mukhlisun (The Fire Tablet) T&T 219-224; AHM 169-79; INBA30; published separately as Qad-Ihtaraqa'l -Mukhlisun, London, 1980. Addressee is Haji Siyyid 'Ali-Akbar-i -Dahaji. Trans. Bahá'í Prayers, 1982 and 1991 USA editions, pages 214-20; alternate prov. trans. also exists MacEoin, in Rituals in Babism and Bahá'ísm 134-7 date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology 95; Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 226-31; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 321-22.

mention of subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 94.
Lawh-i -Ra'is II (Tablet to 'Ali Pasha) MaM 102-116. Persian.

(Note: Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 34, footnote, writes that "Shoghi Effendi generally referred to [the two Tablets to Ali Pasha] in this order [as "Suriy-i-Ra'is and Lawh-i-Ra'is"], although occasionally he used the designation Surih for Lawh and vice versa"; hence, some of the sources listed here might actually refer to the earlier Tablet.)
one sentence in World Order of Bahá'u'lláh 194. Full provisional translation, published in Star of the West Vol.2 No.2, April 9 1911, page 3, available online at /provisionals/lawh.rais.2.html. definition in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 217, mention in ibid. 13; date in A Basic Bahá'í Chronology 86, 88; God Passes By187, 231; Promised Day is Come 73-74, 99, 120; mention of subject Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.1 225, 227, 244; vol.2 55, 57, 312, 398, 401, 411, 413-14; discussion in vol.3 20, 33-34, 36-7, 87, 91, 99n., 100n., 103, 109, 419; vol.4 437; illustration of subject Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 206; bios of subjects ibid. 469 and 471; mention of subject ibid. 13, 62, 154, 199, 206-07, 283, 458, 471; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 20-21; summary of Tablet and subject in Adib Taherzadeh, "Three Momentous Years of the Heroic Age--1868-1870," in Bahá'í World XV: 1968-73 768.

mention of subject Hatcher/Martin's Bahá'í Faith...Global Religion 38n.16, 46; discussion and mention of subject Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 30, 31, 54-59, 61, 68, 72, 75, 90, 157; David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 28-31, 205, 224, 228; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 49-51; some comments on Bahá'u'lláh's address of subject in this Tablet in Juan Cole "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century" in International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992), 1-26 passim.
Lawh-i -Ridvan (Leiden List gives as Lawh-i -Ridvan III) Dated prob. 9th day Ridvan 1869. AyT 313.   Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 53-57.

Walbridge describes at length the meaning of Ridvan in Sacred Acts... (Bahá'í Studies vol.1) 233-41.
Lawh-i -Ru'ya (Tablet of Vision) Dated 1 Muharram 1290 / 1 March 1873. AyT 16-20. Prov. trans. available on private request posted Juan Cole Talisman 8/96, for the anniversary of the birth of the Bab; summary of the Tablet's contents in John Walbridge, Sacred Acts... (Bahá'í Studies vol.1) 161 God Passes By 221; Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 223-24; Bahá'u'lláh: King of Glory 246.

brief mention in David S. Ruhe Door of Hope 111.
Lawh-i -Salman (Tablet of Salman II) Akka, early in imprisonment. MaM 124-128. paragraph in Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60; prov. trans. available on private request.posted Juan Cole, Irfan 9/96 biography of subject in Memorials of the Faithful 13-16; discussion Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 25-28; 174-75; mention of subject vol.1 109-13, 255-56; vol.2 67, 168, 208, 263, 283, 384, 400; vol.4 172; Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 63-64, 87; 'Abdul-Bahá: Centre of the Covenant 96.

discussion Juan Cole Modernity and the Millennium 60, 73; mention of subject in Stories from the Delight of Hearts 133.
Lawh-i -Siyyid-i -Mihdiy-i -Dahaji I (Tablet to Siyyid-i- Mihdiy-i -Dahaji I) AlA-Be 163-8. Translation in Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh 193-202. Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.4 236-37; mention of subject Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 166, 216-17, 252.
Lawh-i -Tibb (Tablet to the Physician or Tablet of Medicine). MaM 222-226 (reproduced Bahá'í Studies Bulletin 6:4-7:2 25-29). Arabic-Persian, early 1870s. Prov. trans. by Khazeh Fananapazir and Stephen Lambden Bahá'í Studies Bulletin 6:4-7:2 (1992) 17-65. Paragraphs translated in Esslement, Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era 106, 108, 112. Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.3 358-360; on health and healing see Some Answered Questions 158-59, 254-59, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Bahá 150-56, Promulgation of Universal Peace 204-05, and Lights of Guidance (3rd ed.) 276-99.

lengthy commentary on this Tablet by Khazeh Fananapazir and Stephen Lambden in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin 6:4-7:2 (1992) 17-65; very brief mention in Stephen Lambden, "The Word Bahá..." in Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:2 39-40; mention in Bahárieh Ma'ani "The Effect of Philosophical and Linguistic Gender Biases..." in Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:1 63; many other secondary sources discuss health and healing without mentioning this Tablet--write to Jonah Winters for research assistance.
Suriy-i -Haykal, Suratu'l -Haykal (Surah of the Temple, Surah of the Body) First written in Edirne but revised in 'Akka, probably in 1869 (UHJ memo). AQA1 2-38; AQA4(i) 268-300; Mubin 2-38, with numerous variations; Rosen2 Ms 247, reproduced in full pp. 149-192; revised AQA1. Bahá'u'lláh had this tablet and those to Pius IX, Napoleon III, Alexander II and Nasiri'd-Din Shah written in the form of a pentacle (see God Passes By 212-3)--see also Bahá'í World Center, "Questions about the Suratu'l-Haykal," unpublished memo, 5 September 1993. Arabic. Paragraphs trans. by Shoghi Effendi in Promised Day is Come 76; World Order of Bahá'u'lláh (1955) 109-10, 117, 138-39, 169 and God Passes By 101-2 (maiden passage). Early trans. by Anton Haddad circulated widely in mimeo--this trans. available online at provisionals; summary of the Tablet's contents in John Walbridge, Sacred Acts... (Bahá'í Studies vol.1) 166-68; Paragraphs trans. in Style of the Kitab-i-Aqdas 40, 62. definition in Basic Bahá'í Dictionary 216; one paragraph history of Tablet in Some Answered Questions 32-33; brief mention in Promulgation of Universal Peace 433; Promised Day is Come 75-76, 79 (page numbers differ in different editions); God Passes By 212-13 (very brief mention); Rev. of Bahá'u'lláh vol.1 42, 121-22; vol.3 132-147; vol.4 133; Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh 38-39, 130.

John Walbridge provides a full description of this Tablet in Sacred Acts... (Bahá'í Studies vol.1) 165-69 and an article "Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal)" available online at encyclopedia/haykal.html; brief summary and description in Robert Stockman Bahá'í Faith in America vol.2 27, 438n.37; delineation of the nine-fold categorization of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in Suheil Bushrui The Style of the Kitab-i-Aqdas 40-41; lengthier coverage of same in John S. Hatcher The Ocean of His Words 97-100; discussion of allegory in Tablet in ibid. 138-39; passing mentions in ibid. 50-51; discussion of Tablet's prophecy in Gary Matthews Challenge of Bahá'u'lláh 42-44, 83.
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