Wherever a Bahá'í community exists, whether large or small, let it be
distinguished for its abiding sense of security and faith, its high
standard of rectitude, its complete freedom from all forms of prejudice,
the spirit of love among its members, and for the close knit fabric of
its social life.
On April 21, 1963, the momentous first International Bahá'í Convention
yielded the long-awaited crown of the Bahá'í Administrative Order: the
Universal House of Justice. This institution came into being at an
unprecedented landmark in Bahá'í history known as the Most Great
Jubilee, which, all at once, displayed the rich harvest of the Ten Year
World Crusade inaugurated by the beloved Guardian of the Cause of God,
Shoghi Effendi, in 1953; brought to an auspicious conclusion at the
Bahá'í World Congress in London the dynamic ninth part of the spiritual
evolution of man that began with the Adamic Cycle; and ushered mankind
to the threshold of the tenth part of that divine process destined to
culminate in the Christ-promised Kingdom of God on earth.
Although the Guardian had passed away at the midway point of the Ten
Year Crusade, the Bahá'ís executed with unflagging determination the
goals of the Crusade in keeping with his explicit instructions. The
Hands of the Cause of God, the "Chief Stewards of Bahá'u'lláh's
embryonic World Commonwealth," impelled by the impending necessity to
restore unerring guidance to the day-to-day affairs of the swelling
Bahá'í community, called for the election of the supreme legislative
institution of the Faith as set forth in the Will and Testament of
Ever since its first reassuring message to the believers from the
platform of the Jubilee celebration in London, the Universal House of
Justice has been communicating its guidance to the Bahá'í world through
letters and
page vi
cablegrams. This volume contains major messages from April 1963 through
October 1968, six months following the second election of the Universal
House of Justice. Except for eight, these messages are addressed to all
national spiritual assemblies or to the Bahá'ís of the world, in such
terms as "Bahá'ís of the East and West," "Followers of Bahá'u'lláh
throughout the world," etc. Those addressed to the national spiritual
assemblies are marked by an asterisk (*) beside each date.
Three messages are addressed to conferences; two to the Bahá'í youth in
every land; one to a specific national spiritual assembly; and two to an
individual believer. The latter three have been made available to the
Bahá'ís throughout the world by special permission of the Universal
House of Justice.
These messages enunciate the Nine Year Plan, analyze its progress, and
reflect the attention the Universal House of Justice has given to the
development of the institutions of the Faith and individual believers to
better equip them for the worldwide tasks of the Nine Year Plan.
page 1
First Statement from the Universal House of Justice
Presented April 30, 1963, at the World Congress
"All praise, O my God, be to Thee Who art the Source of all glory and
majesty, of greatness and honor, of sovereignty and dominion, of
loftiness and grace, of awe and power. Whomsoever Thou willest Thou
causest to draw nigh unto the Most Great Ocean, and on whomsoever Thou
desirest Thou conferrest the honor of recognizing Thy Most Ancient Name.
Of all who are in heaven and on earth, none can withstand the operation
of Thy sovereign Will. From all eternity Thou didst rule the entire
creation, and Thou wilt continue for evermore to exercise Thy dominion
over all created things. There is none other God but Thee, the Almighty,
the Most Exalted, the All-Powerful, the All-Wise."
Beloved friends:
On this glorious occasion, the celebration of the Most Great Jubilee, we
raise our grateful thanks to Bahá'u'lláh for all His bounties showered
upon the friends throughout the world. This historic moment marks at one
and the same time the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, the hundredth
anniversary of the Declaration of the Promised One of all ages, the
termination of the first epoch of the Divine Plan of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
designed to establish the Faith of God in all the world, and the
successful conclusion of our beloved Guardian's world-encircling
Crusade, enabling his lovers and loved ones everywhere to lay this
glorious harvest of victory in his name at the feet of the Blessed
Beauty. This Most Great Jubilee is the crowning victory of the life work
page 2
of Shoghi Effendi, Guardian of the Cause of God. He it was, and he
alone, who unfolded the potentialities of the widely scattered,
numerically small, and largely unorganized Bahá'í community which had
been called into being during the Heroic Age of the Faith. He it was who
unfolded the grand design of God's Holy Cause; set in motion the great
plans of teaching already outlined by 'Abdu'l-Bahá; established the
institutions and greatly extended the endowments at the World Center,
and raised the Temples of America, Africa, Australasia, and Europe;
developed the Administrative Order of the Cause throughout the world;
and set the ark of the Cause true on its course. He appointed the Hands
of the Cause of God.
The paeans of joy and gratitude, of love and adoration which we now
raise to the throne of Bahá'u'lláh would be inadequate, and the
celebrations of this Most Great Jubilee in which, as promised by our
beloved Guardian, we are now engaged would be marred, were no tribute
paid at this time to the Hands of the Cause of God. For they share the
victory with their beloved commander, he who raised them up and appointed
them. They kept the ship on its course and brought it safe to port. The
Universal House of Justice, with pride and love, recalls on this supreme
occasion its profound admiration for the heroic work which they have
accomplished. We do not wish to dwell on the appalling dangers which
faced the infant Cause when it was suddenly deprived of our beloved
Shoghi Effendi, but rather to acknowledge with all the love and
gratitude of our hearts the reality of the sacrifice, the labor, the
self-discipline, the superb stewardship of the Hands of the Cause of
God. We can think of no more fitting words to express our tribute to
these dearly loved and valiant souls than to recall the words of
Bahá'u'lláh Himself: "Light and glory, greeting and praise be upon the
Hands of His Cause, through whom the
page 3
light of long-suffering hath shone forth, and the declaration of
authority is proven of God, the powerful, the mighty, the independent;
and through whom the sea of bestowal hath moved, and the breeze of the
favor of God, the Lord of mankind, hath wafted."
The members of the Universal House of Justice, all being in Haifa at the
time of the election, were able to visit the Holy Shrines of
Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb, and of 'Abdu'l-Bahá,
where they prostrated
themselves at the Sacred Thresholds and humbly sought strength and
assistance in the mighty task before them. Later, in London, they have
paid homage at the resting-place of Shoghi Effendi, the blessed and
sacred bough of the Tree of Holiness.
As soon as the House of Justice is able to organize its work and deploy
its forces, it will examine carefully all the conditions of the Cause of
God, and communications will be made to the friends. At this time we
call upon the believers everywhere to follow up vigorously the
opportunities opened up by the World Crusade. Consolidation and
deepening must go hand in hand with an eager extension of the teaching
work so that the onward march of the Cause may continue unabated in
preparation for future plans. Now that the attention of the public is
becoming more and more drawn to the Cause of God, the friends must brace
themselves and prepare their institutions to sustain the gaze of the
world, whether it be friendly or hostile, eager or idle.
The Universal House of Justice greets you all lovingly and joyfully at
this time, and asks you to pray fervently for its speedy development and
the spiritual strengthening of its members.
page 4
Message to National Conventions — 1963
The marvelous happenings which have transpired during and immediately
after the twelve days of Ridván attest the greatness of the Cause of
God, and fill every Bahá'í heart to overflowing with joy and gratitude.
It was in obedience to the summons of the Lord of Hosts Himself that the
elected representatives of the fifty-six national and regional
communities of the Bahá'í world were called to elect, in the shadow of
God's Holy Mountain and in the house of the Center of His Covenant, the
members of the Universal House of Justice. It was the Sign of God on
earth, the Dayspring of Divine Guidance, the Guardian of the Cause of
God, who gathered more than six thousand Bahá'ís from all parts of the
earth to the celebration of the Most Great Jubilee in London.
The first of these historic occasions was marked by events of extreme
spiritual and administrative significance at the World Center of the
Faith. The daily visits of large groups of believers, of many varying
backgrounds, to the sacred shrines in the twin holy cities; the holding
of the first International Bahá'í Convention and the successful
accomplishment of its main task; the celebration of the Ridván Feast by
some three hundred believers in the company of the Hands of the Cause of
God in the precincts of the Haram-i-Aqdas, are events of unique
character and untold significance in the history of our beloved Faith.
The celebration of the Most Great Jubilee in London must be described
elsewhere. Suffice it to say now that this greatest gathering of Bahá'ís
ever held in one place was
page 5
permeated by a spirit of such bliss as could only have come from the
outpourings of the Abhá Kingdom. The review of the progress of the
Cause; the presentation of believers from the new races and countries of
the world brought within the pale of the Faith during the beloved
Guardian's Ten Year Crusade, of the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, those
valiant souls who carried the banner of Bahá'u'lláh to the unopened and
often inhospitable regions of the earth; the spontaneous outbursts of
singing of "Alláh-u-Abhá," the informal gatherings, the constant
greetings of Bahá'u'lláh's warriors known to each other only by name and
service; the youth gatherings; the unprecedented publicity in the press,
on radio and television; the daily stream of visitors to the beloved
Guardian's resting-place; the radiant faces and heightened awareness of
the true and real brotherhood of the human race within the Kingdom of
the Everlasting Father, are among the outstanding events of this supreme
occasion, the crowning victory of the life work of Shoghi Effendi.
The Universal House of Justice wishes to reaffirm at this time the
tribute which it felt moved to pay to the Hands of the Cause of God at
the World Congress, those precious souls who have brought the Cause
safely to victory in the name of Shoghi Effendi. We wish also to
remember the devoted work of their Auxiliary Board members, as well as
the services of the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, of the army of pioneers, the
members of the national and regional spiritual assemblies, the services
and prayers and sacrifices of the believers everywhere, all of which in
the sum total have attracted such bounties and favors from Bahá'u'lláh.
The Universal House of Justice, in several sessions held in the Holy
Land and in London, has been able to initiate
page 6
its work and to make arrangements for the establishment of the
institution in Haifa. It has no officers and henceforth its
communications to the Bahá'í world will be signed UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF
JUSTICE over an embossed seal.
The Cause of God, launched on the sea of the Divine Plan of
'Abdu'l-Bahá, has achieved, under the superb leadership of its beloved
Guardian, a spread throughout the world and a momentum which must now
carry it forward on the next stage of its world-redeeming mission, the
second epoch of the Divine Plan. The Universal House of Justice, in
close consultation with the Hands of the Cause, is examining the vast
range of Bahá'í activity and growth in order to prepare a detailed plan
of expansion for the whole Bahá'í community, to be launched at Ridván
1964. But there are some objectives to be achieved at once.
The consolidation of the goals and new communities of the Bahá'í world
is an urgent and immediate task facing the fifty-six national spiritual
assemblies, and an essential preparation for the launching of the new
plans. Pioneers must be maintained at their posts and all the local
spiritual assemblies strengthened through a firm establishment of Bahá'í
community life and an active teaching program. Those national spiritual
assemblies which rest on the basis of a small number of local spiritual
assemblies must make great efforts to insure that this number will be
increased at Ridván 1964. Pioneers ready to go to consolidation areas,
as well as those eager to open new territories, should make their offers
through their national spiritual assembly.
The great work of teaching must be extended, not only in those areas
where mass conversion is beginning, but everywhere. The high intensity
of teaching activity reached at the end of the World Crusade, far from
slackening, must
page 7
now be increased as the friends everywhere draw on the vast spiritual
powers released as a result of the celebration of the Most Great Jubilee
and the emergence of the Universal House of Justice.
The Ten Year Crusade witnessed the completion of the structure of the
Mother Temple of Europe. It is now imperative to complete, without
delay, the interior decoration, to install utilities and lay access
roads, to landscape grounds, and to construct the caretaker's house.
This work will cost not less than $210,000, but if delayed it will cost
considerably more. The House of Justice calls upon the national
spiritual assemblies to allocate substantial budgets for the immediate
completion of this work.
The plan to be embarked upon next Ridván, the details of which will be
announced during the coming year, will include such projects as the
extension and embellishment of the endowments at the World Center;
collation of the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi
Effendi; continual reinforcement of the ties binding the Bahá'í world to
the United Nations; formation of many more national spiritual
assemblies, both by division of existing regional spiritual assemblies
and the development of new Bahá'í communities, together with the
purchase of national Hazíratu'l-Quds, Temple sites, and national
endowments; the opening of new territories to the Faith; detailed plans
for national spiritual assemblies involving, in some areas,
consolidation goals, in others the multiplication of Bahá'í institutes
and schools, in others a great enrichment of Bahá'í literature, and in
all a vast increase in the number of Bahá'ís, and the holding of oceanic
and intercontinental conferences.
All such expansion and development of the Faith will
page 8
be dependent upon the Bahá'í Fund. The Universal House of Justice calls
the attention of every believer to this vital and pressing matter, and
asks the national spiritual assemblies to pay special attention to the
principle of universal participation, so that every single follower of
Bahá'u'lláh may make his offering, however small or great, and thereby
identify himself with the work of the Cause everywhere. It is our hope
that a constant flow of contributions to the International Fund will
make it possible to build up sufficient reserves for the launching of
the new plan in 1964.
Beloved friends, we enter the second epoch of the Divine Plan blessed
beyond compare, riding the crest of a great wave of victory produced
for us by our beloved Guardian. The Cause of God is now firmly rooted in
the world. Forward then, confident in the power and protection of the
Lord of Hosts, Who will, through storm and trial, toil and jubilee, use
His devoted followers to bring to a despairing humanity the life-giving
waters of His supreme Revelation.
May 7, 1963 — (London)
page 9
Seat of the Universal House of Justice;
New Arrangements for Pilgrims
The Universal House of Justice has been deeply moved and its hopes have
been raised high by the many messages of love, devotion, and eager
anticipation which have been received from national conventions and
national spiritual assemblies.
Two decisions have been taken by the Universal House of Justice
involving a further development of the institutions at the World Center.
The former offices of the International Bahá'í Council at 10 Haparsim
Street being inadequate for the far greater volume of work facing the
Universal House of Justice, it has been decided to take over the whole
of this building (until now called the Western Pilgrim House) as the
seat, for the present time, of the Universal House of Justice.
This decision made it necessary to find other accommodation for the
western pilgrims and led directly to the second decision. After careful
consideration of the alternatives, the House of Justice has decided that
the time has come to take the significant step, anticipated by our
beloved Guardian, of housing all pilgrims in one place. It was found
possible, by slight alterations, to accommodate all pilgrims, without
lessening the number, in the former Eastern Pilgrim House and its
adjacent buildings. We have therefore established one Pilgrim House, at
the Bahá'í gardens on Mount Carmel. The friends should note that this is
where they should go on arrival.
All friends whose pilgrimages have been confirmed for
page 10
1963-64 are therefore expected. There are still vacancies after December
1963, but only a very few before that date.
We have asked the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land to
continue to be responsible for the program of the pilgrims while they
are here, but letters requesting permission to come should be addressed
to the Universal House of Justice.
June 16, 1963*
In April 1969 a new action was taken by the Universal House of Justice
to open the door of pilgrimage to a greater number of believers, and
instructions were given the national spiritual assemblies concerning
procedures to be followed.
page 11
The Guardianship
We wish to share with you the text of the following resolution:
"After prayerful and careful study of the Holy Texts bearing upon the
question of the appointment of the successor to Shoghi Effendi as
Guardian of the Cause of God, and after prolonged consultation which
included consideration of the views of the Hands of the Cause of God
residing in the Holy Land, the Universal House of Justice finds that
there is no way to appoint or to legislate to make it possible to
appoint a second Guardian to succeed Shoghi Effendi."
Please share this message with the friends in your jurisdiction.
October 6, 1963*
page 12
Second World-Encircling Enterprise
Six years ago when nearing the midway point of the Ten Year Crusade, the
Bahá'í world found itself abruptly deprived of the guiding hand of its
beloved Guardian. The anguish which then seized our hearts, far from
paralyzing the progress of the Cause, stiffened our resolve and fired
our zeal to complete the tasks which God, through His Chosen Branch, had
laid upon us. The august institution of the Hands of the Cause of God,
which he had, but recently, in compliance with the instruction of the
Master's Will, raised up, kept the people of this Cause faithfully to
the path which had been shown to us by the pen of Divine guidance, and
brought us not only to the triumphal conclusion of that Crusade but to
the culminating point of the construction of the framework of
Bahá'u'lláh's World Order.
In March 1930 Shoghi Effendi wrote that Bahá'u'lláh and
'Abdu'l-Bahá had
"in unequivocal and emphatic language, appointed those twin institutions
of the House of Justice and of the Guardianship as Their chosen
successors, destined to apply the principles, promulgate the laws,
protect the institutions, adapt loyally and intelligently the Faith to
the requirements of progressive society, and consummate the
incorruptible inheritance which the Founders of the Faith have
bequeathed to the world." After long and prayerful consultation, the
House of Justice, as the friends have already been informed, found that
there is no way in which it can legislate for a second Guardian to
succeed Shoghi Effendi. The Universal House of Justice has therefore
begun, in humble obedience to the will of God,
page 13
and strengthened by daily prayer in the holy shrines, to undertake the
heavy tasks laid upon it. In the words of our beloved Guardian it "will
guide, organize, and unify the affairs of the Movement throughout the
world" and "will have to consider afresh the whole situation, and lay
down the principle which shall direct, so long as it deems advisable,
the affairs of the Cause."
The Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh is unbroken, its all-encompassing power
inviolate. The two unique features which distinguish it from all
religious covenants of the past are unchanged and operative. The
revealed Word, in its original purity, amplified by the divinely guided
interpretations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, remains immutable,
unadulterated by any man-made creeds or dogmas, unwarrantable
inferences, or unauthorized interpretations. The channel of Divine
guidance, providing flexibility in all the affairs of mankind, remains
open through that institution which was founded by Bahá'u'lláh and
endowed by Him with supreme authority and unfailing guidance, and of
which the Master wrote: "Unto this body all things must be referred."
How clearly we can see the truth of Bahá'u'lláh's assertion: "The Hand
of Omnipotence hath established His Revelation upon an enduring
foundation. Storms of human strife are powerless to undermine its basis,
nor will men's fanciful theories succeed in damaging its structure."
As the significance of the Cause of God continues in the years ahead to
become more clearly apparent to the eyes of men, a great responsibility
to watch over its security rests upon all of its institutions. The
institution of the Hands of
page 14
the Cause of God, charged in the Sacred Texts with the specific duties
of protecting and propagating the Faith, has a particularly vital
responsibility to discharge. In their capacity as protectors of the
Faith, the Hands will continue to take action to expel Covenant-breakers
and to reinstate those who sincerely repent, subject in each instance to
the approval of the Universal House of Justice. Exercising their
function of propagating the Faith, the Hands of the Cause will inspire,
advise, and assist the national spiritual assemblies in the work as they
did in the time of our beloved Shoghi Effendi, assisted by the members
of their Auxiliary Boards, who will continue to fulfill those functions
outlined for them by him.
We stand now upon the threshold of the second epoch of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's
Divine Plan, with the outposts of the Cause established in the remotest
corners of the earth, and having already witnessed the beginnings of
that entry into the Faith by troops promised by the Master Himself. The
foundation of the Kingdom has been securely laid, the framework has been
raised. The friends must now consolidate these achievements, safeguard
their institutions, and gather the peoples and kindreds of the world
into the ark which the Hand of God has built.
Next Ridván will be launched the second of those world-encircling
enterprises destined in the course of time to carry the Word of God to
every human soul. The standard bearers of this Nine Year Plan are the
Hands of the Cause of God. The responsibility for directing the work
will rest upon the shoulders of the national spiritual assemblies, the
generals of the army of Light, under the guidance of the Universal House
of Justice.
As the first step inaugurating this great undertaking we
page 15
rejoice to announce the formation next Ridván of nineteen national
spiritual assemblies, resulting in the dissolution of six of the
existing regional national spiritual assemblies, and bringing the total
number of these pillars of the Universal House of Justice to sixty-nine.
The national and regional national assemblies now to be formed are:
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of North West Africa,
with its seat in Tunis, comprising Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spanish
Sahara, Rio de Oro, Mauritania, the Canary Is., and Madeira.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of West Africa, with
its seat in Monrovia, comprising Liberia, Senegal, Gambia, Portuguese
Guinea, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, and Cape
Verde Is.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of West Central
Africa, with its seat in Victoria, comprising Cameroon, Spanish Guinea,
St. Thomas I., Fernando Po I., Corisco I., Nigeria, Niger, Dahomey,
Togo, and Ghana.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Uganda and Central
Africa, with its seat in Kampala, comprising Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi,
the Republic of the Congo (Ex-Belgian), the Congo Republic (Ex-French),
Central African Republic, Gabon, and Chad.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Kenya, with its
seat in Nairobi.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Tanganyika and
Zanzibar, with its seat in Dars-es-Salaam, comprising Tanganyika,
Zanzibar, Mafia I., and Pemba I.
page 16
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Central
Africa, with its seat in Salisbury, comprising Nyasaland, Northern
Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Bechuanaland.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South and West
Africa, with its seat in Johannesburg, comprising Angola, South West
Africa, South Africa, Zululand, Swaziland, Basutoland, Mozambique, and
St. Helena.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Indian Ocean,
with its seat in Port Louis, comprising Mauritius, the Malagasy
Republic, Reunion I., Seychelles Is., Comoro Is., and the Chagos
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian
Islands, with its seat in Honolulu.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the South Pacific
Ocean, with its seat in Suva, comprising the Gilbert and Ellice Is.,
Nauru I., Fiji, Samoa Is., Tonga Is., and Cook Is.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the South West
Pacific Ocean, with its seat in Honiara, comprising the Solomon Is., New
Hebrides Is., New Caledonia, and Loyalty Is.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of North East Asia,
with its seat in Tokyo, comprising Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong, and Macau.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Korea, with its
seat in Seoul.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Malaysia, with its
seat in Kuala Lumpur, comprising Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah, and
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of
page 17
Indonesia, with its seat in Djakarta, comprising Indonesia, the Mentawai
Is., Portuguese Timor, and West Irian.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Viet Nam, with its
seat in Saigon, and having jurisdiction over the Bahá'ís of Cambodia.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Thailand, with its
seat in Bangkok, and having jurisdiction over the Bahá'ís of Laos.
- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Philippines,
with its seat in Manila.
The detailed goals of the Plan, which will include sixty-nine national
plans, have yet to be announced, but they must be such as to develop
still further the World Center of the Faith and the work of its
institutions; to consolidate those territories which have already been
opened to the Faith; to bring God's healing Message to many more of the
peoples and territories of the world including all the unopened
territories of the Ten Year Crusade and all the remaining independent
states of the planet; and to achieve worldwide proclamation of the Faith
to mark the Centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's Proclamation to the kings and
rulers in 1867-1868.
In the spring of 1968 the next election for the Universal House of
Justice will take place.
Beloved friends, the Cause of God, guarded and nurtured since its
inception by God's Messengers, by the Center of His Covenant, and by His
Sign on earth, now enters a new epoch, the third of the Formative Age.
It must now grow rapidly in size, increase its spiritual cohesion and
executive ability, develop its institutions, and extend its influence
page 18
all strata of society. We, its members, must, by constant study of the
life-giving Word, and by dedicated service, deepen in spiritual
understanding and show to the world a mature, responsible, fundamentally
assured, and happy way of life, far removed from the passions,
prejudices, and distractions of present-day society. Relying upon God
alone, we can promote His Cause and establish His Kingdom on earth. Only
thus can we prove our love for Those Who brought this new Day into
being. Only thus can we prove the truth of Their Divine Mission and
demonstrate how valid was Their sacrifice.
October 1963
page 19
A Service Every Believer Can Render
With the rapid approach of the launching of the Nine Year Plan, the
Universal House of Justice feels that it is timely to lay clearly before
the Bahá'ís of all countries the needs of the Fund at all its levels:
local, national, continental, and international.
The continual expansion of the Faith and the diversification of the
activities of Bahá'í communities make it more and more necessary for
every believer to ponder carefully his responsibilities and contribute
as much and as regularly as he or she can. Contributing to the Fund is a
service that every believer can render, be he poor or wealthy; for this
is a spiritual responsibility in which the amount given is not
important. It is the degree of the sacrifice of the giver, the love with
which he makes his gift, and the unity of all the friends in this
service which bring spiritual confirmations. As the beloved Guardian
wrote in August 1957: "All, no matter how modest their resources, must
participate. Upon the degree of self-sacrifice involved in these
individual contributions will directly depend the efficacy and the
spiritual influence which these nascent administrative institutions,
called into being through the power of Bahá'u'lláh, and by virtue of the
design conceived by the Center of His Covenant, will exert."
Not only the individual's responsibility to contribute is important at
this time, but also the uses to which the fund is put and the areas in
which it is expended.
Much of the present rapid expansion of the Faith is taking place in
areas of great poverty where the believers,
page 20
however much they sacrifice, cannot produce sufficient funds to sustain
the work. It is these very areas which are the most fruitful in
teaching, and a sum of money spent here will produce ten times — even a
hundred times — the results obtainable in other parts of the world. Yet
in the past months the Universal House of Justice has had to refuse a
number of appeals for assistance from such areas because there just was
not enough money in the International Fund.
It should therefore be the aim of every local and national community to
become not only self-supporting, but to expend its funds with such
wisdom and economy as to be able to contribute substantially to the
Bahá'í International Fund, thus enabling the House of Justice to aid the
work in fruitful but impoverished areas, to assist new national
assemblies to start their work, to contribute to major international
undertakings of the Nine Year Plan such as oceanic conferences, and to
carry forward the work of beautifying the land surrounding the holy
shrines at the World Center of the Faith.
Nor should the believers, individually or in their assemblies, forget
the vitally important continental funds which provide for the work of
the Hands of the Cause of God and their Auxiliary Boards. This divine
institution, so assiduously fostered by the Guardian, and which has
already played a unique role in the history of the Faith, is destined to
render increasingly important services in the years to come.
In the midst of a civilization torn by strifes and enfeebled by
materialism, the people of Bahá are building a new world. We face at
this time opportunities and responsibilities of vast magnitude and great
urgency. Let each believer in his inmost heart resolve not to be seduced
by the ephemeral allurements of the society around him, nor to
page 21
be drawn into its feuds and shortlived enthusiasms, but instead to
transfer all he can from the old world to that new one which is the
vision of his longing and will be the fruit of his labors.
December 18, 1963
page 22
Call to Action — Nine Year Plan
The divinely propelled process, described in such awe-inspiring words by
our beloved Guardian, which began six thousand years ago at the dawn of
the Adamic Cycle and which is destined to culminate in "the stage at
which the light of God's triumphant Faith shining in all its power and
glory will have suffused and enveloped the entire planet," is now
entering its tenth and last part.
The Ten Year Crusade, so recently consummated in a blaze of victory and
rejoicing, constituted the entire ninth part of this process. It saw the
Cause of God leap forward in one mighty decade-long effort to the point
at which the foundations of its Administrative Order were laid
throughout the world, thus preparing the way for that awakening of the
masses which must characterize the future progress of the Faith.
From the beginning of this Dispensation the most urgent summons of the
Word of God, voiced successively by the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh,
has been to
teach the Cause. 'Abdu'l-Bahá, in His own words, "spent His days and
nights in promoting the Cause and urging the peoples to service." Shoghi
Effendi, discharging the sacred mission laid upon him, raised the
Administrative Order of the Faith, already enshrined within the Sacred
Writings, and forged it into a teaching instrument to accomplish through
a succession of plans, national, international, and global, the entire
Divine Plan of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and he clearly foresaw in the "tremendously
long" tenth part of the process already referred to a series of plans to
be launched by the Universal
page 23
House of Justice, extending over "successive epochs of both the
Formative and Golden Ages of the Faith."
The first of these plans is now before us. Opening at Ridván 1964, while
the memories of the glorious Jubilee of 1963 still surge within our
hearts, it must, during its nine-year course, witness a huge expansion
of the Cause of God and universal participation by all believers in the
life of that Cause.
At the World Center of the Faith the tasks of the Plan include:
Publication of a synopsis and codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the
Most Holy Book;
Formulation of the constitution of the Universal House of Justice;
Development of the institution of the Hands of the Cause of God, in
consultation with the body of the Hands of the Cause, with a view to the
extension into the future of its appointed functions of protection and
Continued collation and classification of the Bahá'í Sacred Scriptures
as well as of the writings of Shoghi Effendi;
Continued efforts directed towards the emancipation of the Faith from
the fetters of religious orthodoxy and its recognition as an independent
The preparation of a plan for the befitting development and
beautification of the entire area of Bahá'í property surrounding the
holy shrines;
page 24
Extension of the existing gardens on Mount Carmel;
Development of the relationship between the Bahá'í Community and the
United Nations;
The holding of oceanic and intercontinental conferences;
The coordination of worldwide plans to commemorate, in 1967/68, the
centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's Proclamation to the kings and rulers which
centered round His revelation of the Súriy-i-Mulúk in Adrianople.
In the world community the Plan involves:
The opening of seventy virgin territories and the resettlement of
The raising of the number of national spiritual assemblies, the pillars
sustaining the Universal House of Justice, to one hundred and eight,
nine times the number which embarked on the first historic World Crusade
in 1953;
Increasing the number of local spiritual assemblies to over thirteen
thousand seven hundred, scattered throughout the territories and islands
of the world, at least one thousand seven hundred of them to be
The raising of the number of localities where Bahá'ís reside to over
fifty-four thousand;
The building of two more Mashriqu'l-Adhkárs, one in Asia and one in
Latin America;
The acquisition of:
Thirty-two teaching institutes,
page 25
Fifty-two national Hazíratu'l-Quds,
Fifty-four national endowments, and
Sites for sixty-two future Temples;
Wide extension of recognition by civil authorities of the Bahá'í holy
days and Bahá'í marriage certificates;
The translation of literature into one hundred and thirty-three more
languages, and its enrichment in major languages into which translations
have already been made;
The establishment of four new Bahá'í publishing trusts, and
A vast increase in the financial resources of the Faith.
The healthy development of the Cause requires that this great expansion
be accompanied by the dedicated effort of every believer in teaching, in
living the Bahá'í life, in contributing to the Fund, and particularly in
the persistent effort to understand more and more the significance of
Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation. In the words of our beloved Guardian, "One
thing and only one thing will unfailingly and alone secure the undoubted
triumph of this sacred Cause, namely, the extent to which our own inner
life and private character mirror forth in their manifold aspects the
splendor of those eternal principles proclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh."
Expansion and universal participation are the twin objectives of this
initial phase of the second epoch of the Divine Plan, and all the goals
assigned to the sixty-nine national communities are contributory to
them. The process
page 26
of cooperation between national spiritual assemblies, already initiated
by the beloved Guardian, will, during the course of this Plan, apply to
over two hundred specific projects and will further strengthen this
process which may well assume great importance in future stages of the
Formative Age.
Once more, dear friends, we enter the battle, but with an incomparably
greater array than that which embarked upon the World Crusade in 1953.
To that small force of twelve national communities, now veteran
campaigners, have been added fifty-seven new legions, each under the
generalship of a national spiritual assembly, each destined to become a
veteran of this and future campaigns. That Crusade began with slightly
more than six hundred local spiritual assemblies, the greater part of
which were situated in Persia, North America, and Europe; the home
fronts now comprise nearly four thousand six hundred local spiritual
assemblies scattered throughout the continents and islands of the world.
We begin this Plan with a tremendous momentum, exemplified by the
addition, since last Ridván, of over four thousand new centers and
thirteen national spiritual assemblies, and by the beginning, in several
countries, of that entry by troops into the Cause of God prophesied by
'Abdu'l-Bahá and so eagerly anticipated by Him.
The standard bearers of this Nine Year Plan are those same divinely
appointed, tried, and victorious souls who bore the standard of the
World Crusade, the Hands of the Cause of God, whose advice and
consultation have been invaluable in the working out of this Nine Year
Plan. Supported by their "deputies, assistants, and advisers," the
members of the Auxiliary Boards, they will inspire and protect the army
of God, lead through every breach to the limit of available resources,
and sustain those communities struggling over intractable or stony
ground, so that by 1973
page 27
the celebrations befitting the centenary of the revelation of the Most
Holy Book may be undertaken by a victorious, firmly established,
organically united world community, dedicated to the service of God and
the final triumph of His Cause.
Therefore let each of the sixty-nine communities seize its tasks, at
once consider how best to accomplish them within the allotted span,
raise its band of pioneers, consecrate itself to unremitting labor, and
set out on its mission. Now is the golden opportunity. For whatever
convulsions the waywardness of a godless and materialistic age may yet
precipitate in the world, however grievous may be the effects of the
rolling up of the present order on the plans and efforts of the
community of the Most Great Name, we must seize the opportunities of the
hour and go forward confident that all things are within His mighty
grasp and that, if we but play our part, total and unconditional victory
will inevitably be ours.
Ridván 1964
page 28
Dedication of the Mother Temple of Europe
We have just witnessed the dedication of the Mother Temple of Europe — a
project of untold significance and tremendous potential for the spread
of the light of God's Faith in that continent. One of the major
achievements called for by our beloved Guardian at the outset of the Ten
Year Crusade, this Mashriqu'l-Adhkár was triumphantly raised during its
closing years as the fruit of long and arduous labors in the face of
determined opposition and upon the sacrificial gifts of believers from
all parts of the world. Now dedicated in the opening months of the Nine
Yea Plan, it forms a striking link between these two great crusades,
demonstrating afresh the organic progress of the Cause whereby the
efforts exerted in one period bear fruit in the next, which in turn
endow the Bahá'í community with new and greater capacities for the
winning of still greater victories.
You are now gathered in this conference to deliberate on ways and means
of accomplishing the goals which are set before you. Let every believer,
as he considers in detail these various goals, bear in mind four supreme
objectives: to carry the Message of Bahá'u'lláh to every stratum of
society, not only in the towns and cities but also in the villages and
country districts where the virus of materialism has had much less
effect on the lives of men; to take urgent, wise, and well-considered
steps to spread the Faith to those countries of Eastern Europe in which
it has not yet become established; to reinforce strongly the heroic band
of pioneers
page 29
in the islands of the Mediterranean and the North Sea — islands which are
to play such an important role in the awakening of the entire
continent — as well as to prosecute energetically the goals you are
called upon to achieve in other continents and oceans; and to foster the
cooperation between national communities and between national spiritual
assemblies and the Hands of the Cause of God which has contributed, so
markedly to the work of the Faith on that continent and is so essential
for its future development.
Above all, let every European Bahá'í have ever-present in his mind that
these are the five years during which Bahá'u'lláh sojourned on the soil
of that continent a century ago. Let him resolve so to deepen his
knowledge of the Faith and so to increase his standards of
self-sacrifice and dedication to the Cause as to play his part in
building a community which will be worthy of this supreme bounty and
which will be a beacon light to the peoples of this fear-wracked world.
In 1953 Shoghi Effendi wrote that the continent of Europe had "at last
at this critical hour — this great turning point in its fortunes entered
upon what may well be regarded as the opening phase of a great spiritual
revival that bids fair to eclipse any period in its spiritual history."
Those who have been privileged to witness the extraordinary
strengthening and consolidation of the Cause in Europe during the course
of the last eleven years are well aware of the reservoir of spiritual
potential that has been building up and the transformation of the life
of the European Bahá'í community that has ensued. May the completion and
dedication of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár be the signal for the unleashing of
this potential, bringing about on the European mainland and in the
islands around its shores a quickening of the process of individual
conversion comparable to those
page 30
events which have transpired with such astonishing suddenness in other
continents of the globe.
July 1964
The above message was addressed to those gathered in the European
Teaching Conference called on the occasion of the dedication of the
Mother Temple of Europe.
page 31
Teaching the Masses
When the masses of mankind are awakened and enter the Faith of God, a
new process is set in motion and the growth of a new civilization
begins. Witness the emergence of Christianity and of Islám. These masses
are the rank and file, steeped in traditions of their own, but receptive
to the new Word of God, by which, when they truly respond to it, they
become so influenced as to transform those who come in contact with
God's standards are different from those of men. According to men's
standards, the acceptance of any cause by people of distinction, of
recognized fame and status, determines the value and greatness of that
cause. But, in the words of Bahá'u'lláh: "The summons and Message which
We gave were never intended to reach or to benefit one land or one
people only. Mankind in its entirety must firmly adhere to whatsoever
has been revealed and vouchsafed unto it." Or again, "He has endowed
every soul with the capacity to recognize the signs of God. How could
He, otherwise, have fulfilled His testimony unto men, if ye be of them
that ponder His Cause in their hearts." In countries where teaching the
masses has succeeded, the Bahá'ís have poured out their time and effort
in village areas to the same extent as they had formerly done in cities
and towns. The results indicate how unwise it is to solely concentrate
on one section of the population. Each national assembly therefore
should so balance its resources and harmonize its efforts that the Faith
of God is taught not only to those who are
page 32
readily accessible but to all sections of society, however remote they
may be.
The unsophisticated people of the world — and they form the large
majority of its population — have the same right to know of the Cause of
God as others. When the friends are teaching the Word of God they should
be careful to give the Message in the same simplicity as it is
enunciated in our teachings. In their contacts they must show genuine
and divine love. The heart of an unlettered soul is extremely sensitive;
any trace of prejudice on the part of the pioneer or teacher is
immediately sensed.
When teaching among the masses, the friends should be careful not to
emphasize the charitable and humanitarian aspects of the Faith as a
means to win recruits. Experience has shown that when facilities such as
schools, dispensaries, hospitals, or even clothes and food are offered
to the people being taught, many complications arise. The prime motive
should always be the response of man to God's Message, and the
recognition of His Messenger. Those who declare themselves as Bahá'ís
should become enchanted with the beauty of the teachings, and touched by
the love of Bahá'u'lláh. The declarants need not know all the proofs,
history, laws, and principles of the Faith, but in the process of
declaring themselves they must, in addition to catching the spark of
faith, become basically informed about the Central Figures of the Faith,
as well as the existence of laws they must follow and an administration
they must obey.
After declaration, the new believers must not be left to their own
devices. Through correspondence and dispatch of visitors, through
conferences and training courses, these friends must be patiently
strengthened and lovingly helped to develop into full Bahá'í maturity.
The beloved Guardian, referring to the duties of Bahá'í assemblies in
assisting the
page 33
newly declared believer, has written: ". . . the members of each and every
assembly should endeavor, by their patience, their love, their tact and
wisdom, to nurse, subsequent to his admission, the newcomer into Bahá'í
maturity, and win him over gradually to the unreserved acceptance of
whatever has been ordained in the teachings."
Expansion and consolidation are twin processes that must go hand in
hand. The friends must not stop expansion in the name of consolidation.
Deepening the newly enrolled believers generates tremendous stimulus
which results in further expansion. The enrollment of new believers, on
the other hand, creates a new spirit in the community and provides
additional potential manpower that will reinforce the consolidation
We would like to share with you some of the methods by national
assemblies in various continents that have proved useful in teaching the
masses, and attach a list. Certain of these may be valuable in your
area, in addition to any methods you may yourself devise.
We are fervently praying that all national and local spiritual
assemblies, supported by the individual believers, will achieve
outstanding success in the fulfillment of this glorious objective.
July 13, 1964*
Teaching the Masses — Annex
1. Materials are sent at once to the new believers. In some places this
material is in the form of printed cards, mainly in color, portraying a
Bahá'í theme or principle. This helps the new believer to know that his
page 34
has been accepted and to feel that he now belongs to the new Faith.
2. Training courses of about two weeks duration are held. To facilitate
attendance and reduce cost, a number of villages are grouped together as
one zone in which the course is held. The students to the courses are
usually selected, so that the more capable participate and teaching is
facilitated. Transportation expenses, feeding, and accommodation are
provided if it is found that the participants are unable to cover such
expenses themselves. The material to be taught is prepared ahead of
time, presented in simple language, and translated into the vernacular.
After the course, the more promising students are picked out and with
their consent, are requested to undertake teaching projects for a
limited period. It is sometimes found that long-term projects are also
useful. These projects generally are carefully planned as to their
duration, places to be visited, and material to be taught. If the
traveling teachers are not able to cover their expenses, traveling and
living expenses are provided by the Fund for the execution of a given
and temporary teaching project.
3. Shorter training courses in the form of conferences over a long
weekend are held.
4. These activities — training courses and conferences — are repeated as
frequently as possible and are not dependent upon the acquisition of
teaching institutes. In the absence of such institutes, these courses
and conferences are normally held in Bahá'í homes or hired quarters,
such as schools, etc. In order to facilitate the physical catering and
accommodation of the participants, they are sometimes asked to come to
the course with their eating utensils and bedding.
5. In the visits made to the villages, the visiting teacher meets with
the local communities to give them basic Bahá'í
page 35
knowledge, such as living the Bahá'í life, the importance of teaching,
prayer, fasting, Nineteen Day Feasts, Bahá'í elections, and
contributions to the Fund. The question of contributions to the Fund is
of utmost importance, so that the new believers may quickly feel
themselves to be responsible members of the community. Each national
assembly must find ways and means to stimulate the offering of
contributions, in cash or kind, to make it easy for the friends to
contribute and to give proper receipts to the donors.
These are but suggestions based on experience which may help you in your
efforts to teach and deepen the spiritually starved multitudes in your
In the course of carrying out such a tremendous spiritual campaign among
the masses, disappointments may well be encountered. We tabulate a few
instances that have been brought to our notice:
a) Visiting pioneers or teachers may find, in some places, newly
enrolled believers not so enthusiastic about their religion as expected,
or not adjusting to standards of Bahá'í life, or they may find them
thinking of material benefits they may hope to derive from their new
membership. We should always remember that the process of nursing the
believer into full spiritual maturity is slow, and needs loving
education and patience.
b) Some teaching committees, in their eagerness to obtain results, place
undue emphasis on obtaining a great number of declarations to the
detriment of the quality of teaching.
c) Some teaching teachers, in their desire to show the result of their
services, may not scrupulously teach their contacts, and in some rare
cases, if, God forbid, they are insincere, may even give false reports.
Such irregularities have happened and can be repeated, but must not be a
source of discouragement. By sending a
page 36
team of teachers to an area, or by sending at intervals other teachers
to those areas, and through correspondence and reports, such situations
can be detected and immediately adjusted. The administration of the
Faith must at all times keep in close touch with the teaching work.
To sum up:
1. Teaching the waiting masses is a reality facing each national
2. The friends must teach with conviction, determination, genuine love,
lack of prejudice, and a simple language addressed to the heart.
3. Teaching must be followed up by training courses, conferences, and
regular visits to deepen the believers in their knowledge of the
4. The close touch of the national office or teaching committees with
the work is most essential, so that through reports and correspondence
not only is information obtained and verified, but stimulation and
encouragement is given.
5. Expansion and consolidation go hand in hand.
page 37
Universal Participation
In our message to you of April 1964, announcing the Nine Year Plan, we
called attention to two major themes of that Plan, namely ". . . a huge
expansion of the Cause of God and universal participation by all
believers in the life of that Cause."
The enthusiastic vigor with which the believers throughout the world,
under the devoted guidance of their national spiritual assemblies, have
arisen to meet the challenge of the Plan, augurs well for the huge
expansion called for. We now ask you to bend your efforts and thoughts,
with equal enthusiasm, to the requirements of universal participation.
In that same message we indicated the meaning of universal
participation: ". . . the dedicated effort of every believer in teaching,
in living the Bahá'í life, in contributing to the Fund, and particularly
in the persistent effort to understand more and more the significance of
Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation. In the words of our beloved Guardian, 'One
thing and only one thing will unfailingly and alone secure the undoubted
triumph of this sacred Cause, namely, the extent to which our own inner
life and private character mirror forth in their manifold aspects the
splendor of those eternal principles proclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh.' "
"Regard the world as the human body," wrote Bahá'u'lláh to Queen
Victoria. We can surely regard the Bahá'í world, the army of God, in the
same way. In the human body, every cell, every organ, every nerve has
its part to play. When all do so the body is healthy, vigorous, radiant,
ready for every call made upon it. No cell, however humble,
page 38
lives apart from the body, whether in serving it or receiving from it.
This is true of the body of mankind in which God "has endowed each
humble being with ability and talent," and is supremely true of the body
of the Bahá'í world community, for this body is already an organism,
united in its aspirations, unified in its methods, seeking assistance
and confirmation from the same Source, and illumined with the conscious
knowledge of its unity. Therefore, in this organic, divinely guided,
blessed, and illumined body the participation of every believer is of
the utmost importance, and is a source of power and vitality as yet
unknown to us. For extensive and deep as has been the sharing in the
glorious work of the Cause, who would claim that every single believer
has succeeded in finding his or her fullest satisfaction in the life of
the Cause? The Bahá'í world community, growing like a healthy new body,
develops new cells, new organs, new functions and powers as it presses
on to its maturity, when every soul, living for the Cause of God, will
receive from that Cause, health, assurance, and the overflowing bounties
of Bahá'u'lláh which are diffused through His divinely ordained Order.
In addition to teaching, every believer can pray. Every believer can
strive to make his "own inner life and private character mirror forth in
their manifold aspects the splendor of those eternal principles
proclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh." Every believer can contribute to the Fund.
Not all believers can give public talks, not all are called upon to
serve on administrative institutions. But all can pray, fight their own
spiritual battles, and contribute to the Fund. If every believer will
carry out these sacred duties, we shall be astonished at the accession
of power which will result to the whole body, and which in its turn will
give rise to further growth and the showering of greater blessings on
all of us.
The real secret of universal participation lies in the
page 39
Master's oft-expressed wish that the friends should love each other,
constantly encourage each other, work together, be as one soul in one
body, and in so doing become a true, organic, healthy body animated and
illumined by the spirit. In such a body all will receive spiritual
health and vitality from the organism itself, and the most perfect
flowers and fruits will be brought forth.
Our prayers for the happiness and success of the friends everywhere are
constantly offered at the holy shrines.
September 1964
page 40
Development of the Institution of the Hands of the Cause of God
Once again the World Center of our Faith has been the scene of historic
events, affecting profoundly the immediate prosecution of the Nine Year
Plan and the future development of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. The
occasion was the gathering in the Holy Land, for a period of fourteen
days, of the Hands of the Cause of God to discuss their vital
responsibilities, and particularly as standard bearers of the Nine Year
The Universal House of Justice took advantage of this opportunity not
only to receive the advice, opinions, and views of the Hands on the
progress of the Nine Year Plan, but to consult them on the highly
important goal announced by Ridván 1964 under World Center goals as
"Development of the institution of the Hands of the Cause of God, in
consultation with the body of the Hands of the Cause, with a view to the
extension into the future of its appointed functions of protection and
It was apparent that the elucidation of this vital goal, affecting as it
does the relationship of the Hands of the Cause of God to all other
institutions of the Cause, was imperative to the prosecution of the
all-important teaching work and the development of the Bahá'í World
Accordingly, the Universal House of Justice gave its full attention to
this matter and, after study of the Sacred Texts and hearing the views
of the Hands of the Cause themselves, has arrived at the following
page 41
There is no way to appoint, or to legislate to make it possible to
appoint, Hands of the Cause of God.
Responsibility for decisions of matters of general policy affecting the
institution of the Hands of the Cause, which was formerly exercised by
the beloved Guardian, now devolves upon the Universal House of Justice
as the supreme and central institution of the Faith to which all must
It is with great joy that we are able to share with you the initial
steps now taken to attain the goal.
The assignment of the Hands to various continents remains unchanged,
but, in order to expedite the work, the continents of Asia and the
Western Hemisphere will each be divided into zones for the day-to-day
work of the Hands, one or more Hands being responsible for each zone.
Asia will consist of two zones: the Middle East, comprising the
countries from and including Pakistan westwards and also Asiatic
U.S.S.R.; and South and East Asia, comprising the remainder of the
continent. The Western Hemisphere will consist of three zones: North
America, Central America (including Mexico) and the Antilles, and South
America. The Hawaiian friends will be included in the Australasian
continental area, as listed in the recently issued statistical summary.
The number of members of the Auxiliary Boards for the propagation of the
Faith will be increased in every continent, raising the total number of
Auxiliary Board members in Africa from eighteen to twenty-seven; in Asia
from fourteen to thirty-six; in Australasia from four to nine; in Europe
from eighteen to twenty-seven; and in the Western Hemisphere from
eighteen to thirty-six.
page 42
The Hands of the Cause in each continent are called upon to appoint one
or more members of their Auxiliary Boards to act in an executive
capacity on behalf of and in the name of each Hand, thereby assisting
him in carrying out his work.
The exalted rank and specific functions of the Hands of the Cause of God
make it inappropriate for them to be elected or appointed to
administrative institutions, or to be elected as delegates to national
conventions. Furthermore, it is their desire and the desire of the House
of Justice that they be free to devote their entire energies to the
vitally important duties conferred upon them in the Holy Writings. The
importance of close collaboration between the Hands of the Cause and
national spiritual assemblies cannot be overstressed, and a separate
communication is being addressed to national assemblies on this subject,
supplementing guidance given in earlier letters.
We anticipate announcing at Ridván 1965 plans for oceanic and
intercontinental conferences, an overall plan for worldwide proclamation
of the Faith during 1967-68, the centenary year of the revelation of the
Súriy-i-Mulúk, involving cooperation of national and local assemblies
throughout the world, and conditions of entry for a competition for the
design of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of Panama.
Teaching the masses is the greatest challenge now facing the followers
of Bahá'u'lláh. No work is more important than that of carrying His
Message with utmost speed to the bewildered and thirsting peoples of a
spiritually parched world. Now, as the Hands return to their various
continents, reinforced by a wider and more efficient organization of
their work, we are confident that the whole Bahá'í world will, with
rising enthusiasm and ever-increasing success, press forward with the
teaching work, greatly increase
page 43
the flow of pioneers, more widely participate in the financial support
of the work of the Cause, and add rapidly to the list of goals already
November 1964
page 44
Unassailable Foundation of the Cause of God
The following letter concerning questions about the Universal House of
Justice was addressed to a National Spiritual Assembly and made
available for the edification of the Bahá'ís throughout the world.
We are glad that you have brought to our attention the questions
perplexing some of the believers. It is much better for these questions
to be put freely and openly than to have them, unexpressed, burdening
the hearts of devoted believers. Once one grasps certain basic
principles of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh such uncertainties are
easily dispelled. This is not to say that the Cause of God contains no
mysteries. Mysteries there are indeed, but they are not of a kind to
shake one's faith once the essential tenets of the Cause and the
indisputable facts of any situation are clearly understood.
The questions put by the various believers fall into three groups. The
first group centers upon the following queries: Why were steps taken to
elect a Universal House of Justice with the foreknowledge that there
would be no Guardian? Was the time ripe for such an action? Could not
the International Bahá'í Council have carried on the work?
At the time of our beloved Shoghi Effendi's death it was evident, from
the circumstances and from the explicit requirements of the Holy Texts,
that it had been impossible for him to appoint a successor in accordance
with the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. This
page 45
situation, in which the Guardian died without being able to appoint a
successor, presented an obscure question not covered by the explicit
Holy Text, and had to be referred to the Universal House of Justice. The
friends should clearly understand that before the election of the
Universal House of Justice there was no knowledge that there would be no
Guardian. There could not have been any such foreknowledge, whatever
opinions individual believers may have held. Neither the Hands of the
Cause of God, nor the International Bahá'í Council, nor any other
existing body could make a decision upon this all-important matter. Only
the House of Justice had authority to pronounce upon it. This was one
urgent reason for calling the election of the Universal House of Justice
as soon as possible.
Following the passing of Shoghi Effendi the international administration
of the Faith was carried on by the Hands of the Cause of God with the
complete agreement and loyalty of the national spiritual assemblies and
the body of the believers. This was in accordance with the Guardian's
designation of the Hands as the "Chief Stewards of Bahá'u'lláh's
embryonic World Commonwealth."
From the very outset of their custodianship of the Cause of God the
Hands realized that since they had no certainty of Divine guidance such
as is incontrovertibly assured to the Guardian and to the Universal
House of Justice, their one safe course was to follow with undeviating
firmness the instructions and policies of Shoghi Effendi. The entire
history of religion shows no comparable record of such strict
self-discipline, such absolute loyalty, and such complete
self-abnegation by the leaders of a religion finding themselves suddenly
deprived of their divinely inspired guide. The debt of gratitude which
mankind for generations, nay, ages to come, owes to this handful of
grief-stricken, steadfast, heroic souls is beyond estimation.
page 46
The Guardian had given the Bahá'í world explicit and detailed plans
covering the period until Ridván 1963, the end of the Ten Year Crusade.
From that point onward, unless the Faith were to be endangered, further
Divine guidance was essential. This was the second pressing reason for
the calling of the election of the Universal House of Justice. The
rightness of the time was further confirmed by references in Shoghi
Effendi's letters to the Ten Year Crusade's being followed by other
plans under the direction of the Universal House of Justice. One such
reference is the following passage from a letter addressed to the
National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles on February 25, 1951,
concerning its Two Year Plan which immediately preceded the Ten Year
"On the success of this enterprise, unprecedented in its scope, unique
in its character, and immense in its spiritual potentialities, must
depend the initiation, at a later period in the Formative Age of the
Faith, of undertakings embracing within their range all national
assemblies functioning throughout the Bahá'í world, undertakings
constituting in themselves a prelude to the launching of worldwide
enterprises destined to be embarked upon, in future epochs of that same
age, by the Universal House of Justice, that will symbolize the unity
and coordinate and unify the activities of these national assemblies."
Having been in charge of the Cause of God for six years, the Hands, with
absolute faith in the Holy Writings, called upon the believers to elect
the Universal House of Justice, and even went so far as to ask that they
themselves be not voted for. The sole, sad instance of anyone succumbing
to the allurements of power was the pitiful attempt of Charles Mason
Remey to usurp the Guardianship.
The following excerpts from a Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
page 47
state clearly and emphatically the principles with which the friends are
already familiar from the Will and Testament of the Master and the
various letters of Shoghi Effendi, and explain the basis for the
election of the Universal House of Justice. This Tablet was sent to
Persia by the beloved Guardian himself, in the early years of his
ministry, for circulation among the believers.
". . . for 'Abdu'l-Bahá is in a tempest of dangers and infinitely abhors
differences of opinion . . . Praise be to God, there are no grounds for
"The Báb, the Exalted One, is the Morn of Truth, the splendor of Whose
light shineth through all regions. He is also the Harbinger of the Most
Great Light, the Abhá Luminary. The Blessed Beauty is the One promised
by the sacred books of the past, the revelation of the Source of light
that shone upon Mount Sinai, Whose fire glowed in the midst of the
Burning Bush. We are, one and all, servants of Their threshold, and
stand each as a lowly keeper at Their door.
"My purpose is this, that ere the expiration of a thousand years, no one
has the right to utter a single word, even to claim the station of
Guardianship. The Most Holy Book is the Book to which all peoples shall
refer, and in it the Laws of God have been revealed. Laws not mentioned
in the Book should be referred to the decision of the Universal House of
Justice. There will be no grounds for difference . . . Beware, beware lest
anyone create a rift or stir up sedition. Should there be differences of
opinion, the Supreme House of Justice would immediately resolve the
problems. Whatever will be its decision, by majority vote, shall be the
real truth, inasmuch as that House is under the protection, unerring
guidance, and care of the one true Lord. He shall guard it from error
and will protect it
page 48
under the wing of His sanctity and infallibility. He who opposes it is
cast out and will eventually be of the defeated.
"The Supreme House of Justice should be elected according to the system
followed in the election of the parliaments of Europe. And when the
countries would be guided the Houses of Justice of the various countries
would elect the Supreme House of Justice.
"At whatever time all the beloved of God in each country appoint their
delegates, and these in turn elect their representatives, and these
representatives elect a body, that body shall be regarded as the Supreme
House of Justice.
"The establishment of that House is not dependent upon the conversion of
all the nations of the world. For example, if conditions were favorable
and no disturbances would be caused, the friends in Persia would elect
their representatives, and likewise the friends in America, in India,
and other areas would also elect their representatives, and these would
elect a House of Justice. That House of Justice would be the Supreme
House of Justice. That is all."
(Persian and Arabic Tablets of
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Vol. III, pp. 499-501)
The friends should realize that there is nothing in the Texts to
indicate that the election of the Universal House of Justice could be
called only by the Guardian. On the contrary, 'Abdu'l-Bahá envisaged the
calling of its election in His own lifetime. At a time described by the
Guardian as "the darkest moments of His (the Master's) life, under
'Abdu'l-Hamíd's regime, when He stood to be deported to the most
inhospitable regions of Northern Africa," and when even His life was
threatened, 'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote to Hájí Mírzá
Taqí Afnán, the cousin of
the Báb and chief builder of the 'Ishqábád Temple, commanding him to
arrange for the election of the Universal House of Justice
page 49
should the threats against the Master materialize. The second part of
the Master's Will is also relevant to such a situation and should be
studied by the friends.
The second series of problems vexing some of the friends centers on the
question of the infallibility of the Universal House of Justice and its
ability to function without the presence of the Guardian. Particular
difficulty has been experienced in understanding the implications of the
following statement by the beloved Guardian:
"Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of
Bahá'u'lláh would be mutilated and permanently deprived of that
hereditary principle which, as 'Abdu'l-Bahá has written, has been
invariably upheld by the Law of God. 'In all the Divine Dispensations,'
He states, in a Tablet addressed to a follower of the Faith in Persia,
'the eldest son hath been given extraordinary distinctions. Even the
station of prophethood hath been his birthright.' Without such an
institution the integrity of the Faith would be imperiled, and the
stability of the entire fabric would be gravely endangered. Its prestige
would suffer, the means required to enable it to take a long, an
uninterrupted view over a series of generations would be completely
lacking, and the necessary guidance to define the sphere of the
legislative action of its elected representatives would be totally
("The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh,"
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 148)
Let the friends who wish for a clearer understanding of this passage at
the present time consider it in the light of the many other texts which
deal with the same subject, for example the following passages gleaned
from the letters of Shoghi Effendi:
page 50
"They have also, in unequivocal and emphatic language, appointed those
twin institutions of the House of Justice and of the Guardianship as
their chosen successors, destined to apply the principles, promulgate
the laws, protect the institutions, adapt loyally and intelligently the
Faith to the requirements of progressive society, and consummate the
incorruptible inheritance which the Founders of the Faith have
bequeathed to the world."
(Letter dated 21st March 1930,
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 20)
"It must be also clearly understood by every believer that the
institution of Guardianship does not under any circumstances abrogate,
or even in the slightest degree detract from, the powers granted to the
Universal House of Justice by Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, and
repeatedly and solemnly confirmed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in His Will. It does
not constitute in any manner a contradiction to the Will and Writings of
Bahá'u'lláh, nor does it nullify any of His revealed instructions. It
enhances the prestige of that exalted assembly, stabilizes its supreme
position, safeguards its unity, assures the continuity of its labors,
without presuming in the slightest to infringe upon the inviolability of
its clearly defined sphere of jurisdiction. We stand indeed too close to
so monumental a document to claim for ourselves a complete understanding
of all its implications, or to presume to have grasped the manifold
mysteries it undoubtedly contains."
(Letter dated 27th February 1929,
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 8)
"From these statements it is made indubitably clear and evident that the
Guardian of the Faith has been made the Interpreter of the Word and that
the Universal
page 51
House of Justice has been invested with the function of legislating on
matters not expressly revealed in the teachings. The interpretation of
the Guardian, functioning within his own sphere, is as authoritative and
binding as the enactments of the International House of Justice, whose
exclusive right and prerogative is to pronounce upon and deliver the
final judgment on such laws and ordinances as Bahá'u'lláh has not
expressly revealed. Neither can, nor will ever, infringe upon the sacred
and prescribed domain of the other. Neither will seek to curtail the
specific and undoubted authority with which both have been divinely
("The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh,"
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 150)
"Each exercises, within the limitations imposed upon it, its powers, its
authority, its rights and prerogatives. These are neither contradictory,
nor detract in the slightest degree from the position which each of
these institutions occupies."
("The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh,"
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 148)
"Though the Guardian of the Faith has been made the permanent head of so
august a body he can never, even temporarily, assume the right of
exclusive legislation. He cannot override the decision of the majority
of his fellow members. . . ."
("The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh,"
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 150)
Above all, let the hearts of the friends be assured by these words of
"The Hand of Omnipotence hath established His Revelation upon an
unassailable, an enduring foundation. Storms of human strife are
powerless to undermine
page 52
its basis, nor will men's fanciful theories succeed in damaging its
(Quoted on p. 109 of
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh)
and these of 'Abdu'l-Bahá:
"Verily, God effecteth that which He pleaseth; naught can annul His
Covenant; naught can obstruct His favor nor oppose His Cause! He doeth
with His will that which pleaseth Him and He is powerful over all
(Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Vol. III p. 598)
It should be understood by the friends that before legislating upon any
matter the Universal House of Justice studies carefully and exhaustively
both the Sacred Texts and the writings of Shoghi Effendi on the subject.
The interpretations written by the beloved Guardian cover a vast range
of subjects and are equally as binding as the Text itself.
There is a profound difference between the interpretations of the
Guardian and the elucidations of the House of Justice in exercise of its
function to "deliberate upon all problems which have caused difference,
questions that are obscure, and matters that are not expressly recorded
in the Book." The Guardian reveals what the Scripture means; his
interpretation is a statement of truth which cannot be varied. Upon the
Universal House of Justice, in the words of the Guardian, "has been
conferred the exclusive right of legislating on matters not expressly
revealed in the Bahá'í Writings." Its pronouncements, which are
susceptible of amendment or abrogation by the House of Justice itself,
serve to supplement and apply the Law of God. Although not invested with
the function of interpretation, the House
page 53
of Justice is in a position to do everything necessary to establish the
World Order of Bahá'u'lláh on this earth. Unity of doctrine is
maintained by the existence of the authentic texts of Scripture and the
voluminous interpretations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, together
with the absolute prohibition against anyone propounding "authoritative"
or "inspired" interpretations or usurping the function of Guardian.
Unity of administration is assured by the authority of the Universal
House of Justice.
"Such," in the words of Shoghi Effendi, "is the immutability of His
revealed Word. Such is the elasticity which characterizes the functions
of His appointed ministers. The first preserves the identity of His
Faith, and guards the integrity of His law. The second enables it, even
as a living organism, to expand and adapt itself to the needs and
requirements of an ever-changing society."
(Letter dated 21st March 1930,
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 23)
Every true believer, if he is to deepen in his understanding of the
Cause of Bahá'u'lláh, must needs combine profound faith in the unfailing
efficacy of His Message and His Covenant with the humility of
recognizing that no one of this generation can claim to have embraced
the vastness of His Cause nor to have comprehended the manifold
mysteries and potentialities it contains. The words of Shoghi Effendi
bear ample testimony to this fact:
"How vast is the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh! How great the magnitude of
His blessings showered upon humanity in this day! And yet, how poor, how
inadequate our conception of their significance and glory! This
generation stands too close to so colossal a Revelation to appreciate,
in their full measure, the infinite
page 54
possibilities of His Faith, the unprecedented character of His Cause,
and the mysterious dispensations of His Providence."
(Letter dated 21st March 1930,
The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 24)
"We are called upon by our beloved Master in His Will and Testament not
only to adopt it (Bahá'u'lláh's new World Order) unreservedly, but to
unveil its merit to all the world. To attempt to estimate its full value
and grasp its exact significance after so short a time since its
inception would be premature and presumptuous on our part. We must trust
to time, and the guidance of God's Universal House of Justice, to obtain
a clearer and fuller understanding of its provisions and implications."
(Letter dated 23rd February 1924,
Bahá'í Administration, p. 62)
"As to the order and the management of the spiritual affairs of the
friends, that which is very important now is the consolidation of the
spiritual assemblies in every center, because, on these fortified and
unshakable foundations, God's Supreme House of Justice shall be erected
and firmly established in the days to come. When this most great Edifice
shall be reared on such an immovable foundation, God's purpose, wisdom,
universal truths, mysteries, and realities of the Kingdom, which the
mystic Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh has deposited within the Will and
Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, shall gradually be revealed and made
(Letter in Persian, dated 19th December 1922)
Statements such as these indicate that the full meaning of the Will and
Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, as well as an understanding of the
implications of the World Order
page 55
ushered in by that remarkable Document, can be revealed only gradually
to men's eyes, and after the Universal House of Justice has come into
being. The friends are called upon to trust to time and to await the
guidance of the Universal House of Justice, which, as circumstances
require, will make pronouncements that will resolve and clarify obscure
The third group of queries raised by the friends concerns details of
functioning of the Universal House of Justice in the absence of the
Guardian, particularly the matter of expulsion of members of the House
of Justice. Such questions will be clarified in the constitution of the
House of Justice, the formulation of which is a goal of the Nine Year
Plan. Meanwhile the friends are informed that any member committing a
"sin injurious to the common weal" may be expelled from membership of
the House of Justice by a majority vote of the House itself. Should any
member, God forbid, be guilty of breaking the Covenant, the matter would
be investigated by the Hands of the Cause of God, and the
Covenant-breaker would be expelled by decision of the Hands of the Cause
of God residing in the Holy Land, subject to the approval of the House
of Justice, as in the case of any other believer. The decision of the
Hands in such a case would be announced to the Bahá'í world by the
Universal House of Justice.
We are certain that when you share this letter with the friends and they
have these quotations from the Scriptures and the writings of the
Guardian drawn to their attention, their doubts and misgivings will be
dispelled and they will be able to devote their every effort to
spreading the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, serenely confident in the power of
His Covenant
page 56
to overcome whatever tests an inscrutable Providence may shower upon it,
thus demonstrating its ability to redeem a travailing world and to
upraise the Standard of the Kingdom of God on earth.
March 9, 1965
page 57
Majestic Process Gathering Momentum
The tide of victory which carried the Bahá'í world community to the
celebrations of the Most Great Jubilee is still rising.
A ceaseless shower of divine confirmation rains upon our efforts, its
evidences apparent in the many noteworthy achievements of the few brief
months since the launching of the Nine Year Plan. The most spectacular
of these is the increase in the number of centers where Bahá'ís reside
from fifteen thousand one hundred and sixty-eight at Ridván 1964 to
twenty-one thousand and six at the present time, an increase of nearly
six thousand in one year. No less remarkable is the progress of the
teaching work in India where the number of believers now exceeds a
hundred and forty thousand, an increase of more than thirty thousand
since Ridván 1964. Pioneers are moving to those few remaining
territories of the earth as yet unillumined by the light of God's new
Revelation; "the vast increase" in the size of the Cause, called for at
the launching of the Plan, appears to be developing, while in country
after country the institutions and endowments of the Faith are being
steadily and firmly established.
During the past twelve months the goals assigned to the World Center
have been actively pursued. Basic decisions and actions to implement the
goal of "Development of the institution of the Hands of the Cause of
God, with a view to extension into the future of its appointed functions
page 58
protection and propagation," have already been conveyed to the friends.
Following their meeting in the Holy Land last October, the members of
this august body, the standard bearers of this Nine Year Plan as well as
of the beloved Guardian's Ten Year Crusade, already laden with honors
and services, have arisen with renewed and matchless vigor to rouse the
spirits of the friends to meet the supreme teaching challenge, to lend
their counsel and assistance to the administrative bodies, and to
diffuse the divine fragrances and love of God through all the world. The
increase in the numbers of Board members and the new executive
arrangements will, it is confidently anticipated, enable the beloved
Hands to discharge their important duties with even greater
effectiveness and give them more time to travel and teach.
A preliminary survey of the conditions affecting the construction of the
first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of Latin America, one of the two edifices to be
erected during the Plan, has already been undertaken, and we now invite
Bahá'í and non-Bahá'í architects to submit designs for the Panama
Temple. The terms and conditions of the submission, and the
specifications of the structure, may be obtained from the National
Spiritual Assembly of Panama, whose choice of design will be subject to
the ultimate approval of the Universal House of Justice. It is our hope
that the construction of this sacred House of Worship, in a location
accorded such special significance by both the Master and the Guardian,
will be speedily accomplished, so that its beacon of spiritual light may
radiate to all the Americas.
During the past twelve months the following new territories have been
opened to the Faith: in the continent of Africa, Gabon, Ifni, Mali,
Mauritania, Rodrigues Island, and Upper Volta; in the continent of
America, Aruba Island, Cozumel Island, Guadeloupe, Las Mujeres Island,
Prince of Wales Island, and St. Vincent; in the continent
page 59
of Asia, the Ryukyu Islands; in the continent of Australasia, the Line
Islands; in the continent of Europe, the Isle of Wight, the East and
West Frisian Islands. The following territories have been reopened: in
the continent of Africa, Mafia Island; in the continent of America,
Antigua, French Guiana, and Martinique; West Irian in the continent of
Asia; and Admiralty Islands in Australasia. National Hazíratu'l-Quds
have been acquired in nine places, the seats of national spiritual
assemblies, and land has been acquired in two others on which to build
this institution. Six national spiritual assemblies have become
incorporated and the Faith has been recognized in Cambodia, a country
destined to have its own national spiritual assembly during the Nine
Year Plan. National endowments have been acquired in eight countries;
six teaching institutes have been established, and land has been
acquired for six others; a Bahá'í Publishing Trust for the provision of
literature in the French language has been established in Brussels;
Bahá'í holy days have been recognized in three territories;
literature has been published in the following eleven new languages:
Ibibio-Efik in the continent of Africa, Aguacateca, Athebascan, Carina,
and Motilon-Yukpa in the continent of America, Kenyah, Melanau, and
Temiar in the continent of Asia, and Ghari, Marshallese, and Motua in
Australasia. The progress of the Cause in Borneo makes possible the
achievement of a goal supplementary to the Plan, namely the
establishment at Ridván 1966 of the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá'ís of Brunei.
The passage of the first year of the Plan discloses two conditions in
the Bahá'í world community. The first, within the Faith itself, is its
capacity to accomplish all and any definitive goals assigned to it,
goals such as the purchasing
page 60
of Hazíratu'l-Quds, Temple sites, endowments, or the incorporation of
spiritual assemblies; such objective and highly important goals as
these, by which the Cause is established physically, legally, and
socially in the world, are now taken in its stride by the Administrative
Order. It should be noted, moreover, that the accomplishment of many
goals of this type involves interassembly cooperation, an international
activity vital to the development of world order.
The second condition apparent after the passage of the first year of the
Plan involves the relationship of the Cause to humanity. Almost
universally there is a sense of an impending breakthrough in large-scale
conversion. Reports of the Hands of the Cause and of Board members
constantly mention it; many national spiritual assemblies believe that
they have reached the shores of this ocean. And, indeed, entry into the
Cause by troops has been a fact in some areas for a number of years. But
greater things are ahead. The teaching of the Faith must enkindle a
world-encircling fire in whose light the Cause and the
world — protagonists of the greatest drama in human history — are clearly
illumined. Destiny is carrying us to this climax; we must gird ourselves
for heroism.
Four challenging and immediate tasks present themselves. The first is to
raise and dispatch, during the coming year, no less than four hundred
and sixty pioneers who will open the fifty-four remaining virgin
territories of the Plan, resettle the eighteen unoccupied ones,
reinforce areas where the numbers and cohesion of the Bahá'í communities
are at present inadequate to launch effective teaching plans, and
support and extend the work in the areas of mass teaching. Let every
believer consider this challenge, be he, in the words of the beloved
Guardian, "in active service or not,
page 61
of either sex, young as well as old, rich or poor, whether veteran or
newly enrolled . . ."
To assist the pioneer efforts of the friends and their transfer to their
posts during the next twelve months we announce the formation of five
continental pioneer committees, namely: Pioneer Committee for Africa
appointed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the
British Isles; Pioneer Committee for the Americas appointed by the
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States; Pioneer
Committee for Asia appointed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá'ís of Persia; Pioneer Committee for Australasia appointed by the
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia; Pioneer
Committee for Europe appointed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá'ís of Germany.
These committees will in no way infringe upon the responsibilities of
other pioneer committees, or of national spiritual assemblies, who are
in charge of the teaching work, and under whose jurisdiction they will
function. They are established to facilitate and assist the work of
these national bodies by providing effective exchange of vital
information, both continentally and intercontinentally, by assisting in
the routing of pioneer offers, and in the transfer of pioneers to their
A careful estimate has been made of the pioneer needs of every area
during the next twelve months and the result, including those for the
seventy-two areas mentioned above, is a call for four hundred and
sixty-one pioneers; eighty-six for Africa, ninety-six for the Americas,
one hundred and ninety-one for Asia, twenty-nine for Australasia, and
fifty- nine for Europe. Each national spiritual assembly has been
consulted as to its pioneer needs and these have been made known to all
national spiritual assemblies as well as to the five continental pioneer
committees, who will be kept currently
page 62
informed of progress by the national spiritual assemblies. The friends,
therefore, are urged to consult their national spiritual assemblies for
information about pioneer needs and responsibilities both of their own
communities and in general.
For the first time in Bahá'í history, an International Deputization Fund
has been established at the World Center under the administration of the
Universal House of Justice. From it supplementary support will be given
to specific pioneering projects when other funds are not available. All
friends, and particularly those who are unable to respond to the pioneer
call, are invited to support this Fund, mindful of the injunction of
Bahá'u'lláh, "Center your energies in the propagation of the Faith of
God. Whoso is worthy of so high a calling, let him arise and promote it.
Whoso is unable, it is his duty to appoint him who will, in his stead,
proclaim this Revelation, Whose power hath caused the foundation of the
mightiest structures to quake, every mountain to be crushed into dust,
and every soul to be dumbfounded."
The second challenge facing us is to raise the intensity of teaching to
a pitch never before attained, in order to realize that "vast increase"
called for in the Plan. Universal participation and constant action will
win this goal. Every believer has a part to play, and is capable of
playing it, for every soul meets others, and, as promised by
Bahá'u'lláh, "Whosoever arises to aid Our Cause, God will render him
victorious. . . ." The confusion of the world is not diminishing, rather
does it increase with each passing day, and men and women are losing
faith in human remedies. Realization is at last dawning that "there is
no place to flee to"
page 63
save God. Now is the golden opportunity; people are willing, in many
places eager, to listen to the divine remedy.
The third challenge is to acquire as rapidly as possible all the
remaining national Hazíratu'l-Quds, Temple sites, national endowments,
and teaching institutes called for in the Plan. The speedy conclusion of
these projects will save tremendous expense later and endow the Faith
with increasingly valuable properties. These basic possessions are the
embryos of mighty institutions of the future, but it is this generation,
which, for its own protection and as its gift to posterity, must acquire
them. We call upon the national spiritual assemblies charged with
responsibility in this field to accord it high priority. A further, but
equally important, consideration is that the achievement of this goal in
the early years of the Plan will liberate the energies and resources of
the growing world community for a concentrated, resolute, and relentless
pursuit in its later stages of great victories whose foundations are now
being laid.
The fourth challenge is to prepare national and local plans for the
befitting celebration of the centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's Proclamation of
His Message in September/October, 1867, to the kings and rulers of the
world, celebrations to be followed during the remainder of the Nine Year
Plan by a sustained and well-planned program of proclamation of that
same Message to the generality of mankind.
A review of the historic Proclamation by Bahá'u'lláh, as described by
Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By, reveals that its "opening notes" were
"sounded during the latter part of Bahá'u'lláh's banishment to
Adrianople," and that, six years later, it "closed during the early
years of His
page 64
incarceration in the prison-fortress of 'Akka." These "opening notes"
were the mighty and awe-inspiring words addressed by Him to the kings
and rulers collectively in the Súriy-i-Mulúk, "the most momentous Tablet
revealed by Bahá'u'lláh." It was penned sometime during the months of
September and October 1867, and was followed by "Tablets unnumbered . . .
in which the implications of His newly asserted claims were fully
expounded." "Kings and emperors, severally and collectively; the chief
magistrates of the Republics of the American continent; ministers and
ambassadors; the Sovereign Pontiff himself; the Vicar of the Prophet of
Islám; the royal Trustee of the Kingdom of the Hidden Imám; the monarchs
of Christendom, its patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, priests, and
monks; the recognized leaders of both the Sunní and Shí'ih sacerdotal
orders; the high priests of the Zoroastrian religion; the philosophers,
the ecclesiastical leaders, the wise men, and the inhabitants of
Constantinople — that proud seat of both the Sultanate and the Caliphate;
the entire company of the professed adherents of the Zoroastrian, the
Jewish, the Christian, and Muslim Faiths; the people of the Bayán; the
wise men of the world, its men of letters, its poets, its mystics, its
tradesmen, the elected representatives of its peoples; His own
countrymen;" all were "brought directly within the purview of the
exhortations, the warnings, the appeals, the declarations, and the
prophecies which constitute the theme of His momentous summons to the
leaders of mankind . . ." "Unique and stupendous as was this proclamation,
it proved to be but a prelude to a still mightier revelation of the
creative power of its Author, and to what may well rank as the most
signal act of His ministry — the promulgation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas." In
this, the Most Holy Book, revealed in 1873, Bahá'u'lláh not only once
page 65
announces to the kings of the earth collectively that "He Who is the
King of Kings hath appeared" but addresses reigning sovereigns
distinctively by name and proclaims to the "rulers of America and the
Presidents of the Republics therein" that "the Promised One hath
appeared." Such was the Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh to mankind. As He
Himself testified, "Never since the beginning of the world hath the
Message been so openly proclaimed."
The celebration of this fate-laden centenary period will open with a
visit, in September 1967, on the Feast of Mashíyyat, by a few appointed
representatives of the Bahá'í world to the site of the house in
Adrianople, where the historic Súriy-i-Mulúk was revealed.
Immediately following this joyful and pious act, six intercontinental
conferences will be simultaneously held during the month of October in
Panama City, Wilmette, Sydney, Kampala, Frankfurt, and New Delhi. The
host and convenor of each conference will be the national spiritual
assembly in whose area it takes place. The following Hands of the Cause
of God will represent the Universal House of Justice at these
conferences: Panama City — Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum,
who will, on
that occasion, lay the foundation stone of the Temple; Wilmette — Leroy
Ioas; Sydney — Ugo Giachery; Kampala — 'Alí-Akbar Furútan;
Frankfurt — Paul
Haney; New Delhi — 'Abu'l-Qásim Faizí.
All national spiritual assemblies are called upon to arrange befitting
observances, on a national and local scale, of the opening of the
centenary period during September/October, 1967, and between the above
conferences and Ridván 1968, at which time the second International
Convention for the election of the Universal House of Justice will be
held at the World Center.
The successful carrying out of all these plans will
page 66
constitute a befitting commemoration, commensurate with the resources of
the Bahá'í world community, of the sacred event they recall.
These six conferences, like the epoch-making event whose centenary they
commemorate, will sound the "opening notes" of a period of proclamation
of the Cause of God extending through the remaining years of the Nine
Year Plan to the centenary, in 1973, of the revelation of the
Kitáb-i-Aqdas, an activity which calls for the ardent and imaginative
study of all national and local spiritual assemblies throughout the
The international scene will witness the holding of oceanic conferences
forecast by Shoghi Effendi. The first one will be held during August
1968 on an island in the Mediterranean Sea to commemorate Bahá'u'lláh's
voyage upon that sea, a hundred years before, from Gallipoli in Turkey
to the Most Great Prison in 'Akká. In the subsequent years of the Nine
Year Plan, others will be held in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Caribbean
Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.
In calling upon all national spiritual assemblies to consider now the
appointment of national proclamation committees charged with laying
feasible and effective plans for the proclamation of the Faith
throughout the entire centenary period, we can do no better than call
attention to the following passage from a letter written by our beloved
Guardian in connection with the celebrations of the centenary of the
birth of the Bahá'í Era:
"An unprecedented, a carefully conceived, efficiently coordinated
nationwide campaign, aiming at the proclamation of the Message of
Bahá'u'lláh, through speeches, articles in the press, and radio
page 67
should be promptly initiated and vigorously prosecuted. The universality
of the Faith, its aims and purposes, episodes in its dramatic history,
testimonials to its transforming power, and the character and
distinguishing features of its World Order should be emphasized and
explained to the general public, and particularly to eminent friends and
leaders sympathetic to its cause, who should be approached and invited
to participate in the celebrations. Lectures, conferences, banquets,
special publications should, to whatever extent is practicable and
according to the resources at the disposal of the believers, proclaim
the character of this joyous festival."
The majestic process launched by our beloved Guardian in 1953, when he
called the widely scattered, obscure Bahá'í world community to embark
upon that first, glorious, world-encompassing crusade, is gathering
momentum, and posterity may well gaze with awe upon the development, by
so small a fraction of the human race and in a world entangled in
opposition, enmity, and disruption, of the very pattern and sinews of
world order. This divinely propelled and long-promised development must
continue its historic course until its final consummation in the glories
and splendors of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, the Kingdom of God on
Ridván 1965
page 68
Call for Pioneers
Announce all believers rejoice response Bahá'í world pioneer call raised
Ridván message requiring four hundred sixty pioneers course current
year. Thus far ninety-three settled posts including fifteen virgin
territories: St. Andres Island, Providencia Island, Marmara Island,
Chad, Niger Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Ischia, Gotland, Alaska
Peninsula, Barbuda, St. Kitts-Nevis, Inner Hebrides, Bornholm, Capri.
Thirty-five additional settled same goals. One hundred sixty-seven more
arisen and in process settling. Total two hundred ninety-five souls
responded call. Further two hundred believers needed next four swiftly
passing months fill remaining goals. Fate pioneer plan hanging balance,
praying fervently holy shrines required number heroic souls arise meet
challenge critical hour. Urge promptly assemblies needing funds execute
assignments apply immediately International Deputization Fund.
Imperative settle all territories announced Ridván except those
dependent favorable circumstances. Virgin and resettlement territories
priority. Confident spirit devotion friends glorious Faith ensure
brilliant victory this primary objective so vital Nine Year Plan.
Cablegram, December 11, 1965
page 69
Observance of Bahá'í Holy Days
From time to time questions have arisen about the application of the law
of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas on the observance of Bahá'í holy days. As you know,
the recognition of Bahá'í holy days in at least ninety-five countries of
the world is an important and highly significant objective of the Nine
Year Plan, and is directly linked with the recognition of the Faith of
Bahá'u'lláh by the civil authorities as an independent religion enjoying
its own rights and privileges.
The attainment of this objective will be facilitated and enhanced if the
friends, motivated by their own realization of the importance of the
laws of Bahá'u'lláh, are obedient to them. For the guidance of believers
we repeat the instructions of the beloved Guardian:
"He wishes also to stress the fact that, according to our Bahá'í laws,
work is forbidden on our nine holy days. Believers who have independent
businesses or shops should refrain from working on these days. Those who
are in government employ should, on religious grounds, make an effort to
be excused from work; all believers, whoever their employers, should do
likewise. If the government, or other employers, refuse to grant them
these days off, they are not required to forfeit their employment, but
they should make every effort to have the independent status of their
Faith recognized and their right to hold their own religious holy days
acknowledged." (From letter written on behalf of the Guardian to the
American National Spiritual Assembly, dated July 7, 1947 —
Bahá'í News No. 198, page 3)
"This distinction between institutions that are under full
page 70
or partial Bahá'í control is of a fundamental importance. Institutions
that are entirely managed by Bahá'ís are, for reasons that are only too
obvious, under the obligation of enforcing all the laws and ordinances
of the Faith, especially those whose observance constitutes a matter of
conscience. There is no reason, no justification whatever, that they
should act otherwise . . . The point which should be always remembered is
that the issue in question is essentially a matter of conscience, and as
such is of a binding effect upon all believers." (From letter written on
behalf of the Guardian to the American National Spiritual Assembly,
dated October 2, 1935 — Bahá'í News No. 97, page 9)
In addition, steps should be taken to have Bahá'í children excused, on
religious grounds, from attending school on Bahá'í holy days wherever
possible. The Guardian has said:
"Regarding children: at fifteen a Bahá'í is of age as far as keeping the
laws of the Aqdas is concerned — prayer, fasting, etc. But children under
fifteen should certainly observe the Bahá'í holy days, and not go to
school, if this can be arranged on these nine days." (From letter
written on behalf of the Guardian, dated October 25, 1947, to the
American National Spiritual Assembly)
National assemblies should give this subject their careful
consideration, and should provide ways and means for bringing this
matter to the attention of the believers under their jurisdiction so
that, as a matter of conscience, the mass of believers will uphold these
laws and observe them.
28 January, 1966*
page 71
Arming for Third Phase of the Nine Year Plan
The fiftieth anniversary of the revelation by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, in March and
April 1916, of the first Tablets of the Divine Plan, has witnessed the
conclusion of a feat of pioneering unparalleled in the annals of the
Cause. A year ago the call was raised for four hundred and sixty-one
pioneers to leave their homes within twelve months and scatter
throughout the planet to broaden and strengthen the foundations of the
world community of Bahá'u'lláh. There is every hope that, with the
exception of thirty-four posts whose settlement is dependent upon
favorable circumstances, all the pioneer goals will be filled by Ridván
or their settlement will be assured by firm commitments. The gratitude
and admiration of the entire Bahá'í world go out to this noble band of
dedicated believers who have so gloriously responded to the call. These
pioneers, who have arisen for the specified goals, have been reinforced
by a further forty-five believers who have settled in the goal
territories, while sixty-nine more have left their homes to reside in
twenty-six other countries already opened to the Faith. All told, in the
course of the year, five hundred and five Bahá'ís have arisen to pioneer
beyond their homelands, the largest number ever to do so in any one year
in the entire history of the Cause.
This is a resounding victory, and in the light of the Master's statement
in the first of the Tablets of the Divine Plan, "It has often happened
that one blessed soul has become
page 72
the source of the guidance of a nation," of wonderful portent for the
future. Its immediate results are the opening of twenty-four new
territories to the Faith, the resettlement of four others, and the
consolidation of ninety-three more. The newly opened territories are:
Chad and Niger in Africa; Alaskan Peninsula, Barbuda, Cayman Islands,
Chiloe Island, Providencia Island, Quintana Roo Territory, Saba, St.
Andres Island, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lawrence Island,
Tierra del Fuego, and Turks and Caicos Islands in the Americas;
Laccadive Islands and Marmara Island in Asia; Niue Island in
Australasia; and Bornholm, Capri, Elba, Gotland, Inner Hebrides, and
Ischia in Europe.
The resettled territories are: Corisco Island and Spanish Guinea in
Africa, and Maldive Islands and Nicobar Islands in Asia.
As announced last Ridván, the first Convention of the Bahá'ís of Brunei
will be held this year, during the second weekend of the Ridván period,
when the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Brunei will
be elected. Hand of the Cause Collis Featherstone will represent the
World Center of the Faith on this historic occasion.
A further result of the confirmations which have rewarded the tremendous
teaching effort of the past two years is the call now made by the House
of Justice for the formation at Ridván 1967 of the following nine
national spiritual assemblies: In Africa — the National Spiritual
Assembly of Algeria and Tunisia with its seat in Algiers; the National
Spiritual Assembly of Cameroon Republic with its seat in Victoria and
with Spanish Guinea, Fernando Po, Corisco, and Sao Tome and Principe
Islands assigned to it; the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland,
Mozambique, and Basutoland with its seat in Mbabane the National
page 73
Assembly of Zambia with its seat in Lusaka. In the Americas — the
National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward, Windward, and Virgin Islands
with its seat in Charlotte Amalie. In Asia — the National Spiritual
Assembly of Cambodia with its seat in Phnom Penh; the National Spiritual
Assembly of Eastern and Southern Arabia with its seat in Bahrayn; the
National Spiritual Assembly of Taiwan with its seat in Taipei. In
Australasia — the National Spiritual Assembly of the Gilbert and Ellice
Islands with its seat in Tarawa. These nine new national spiritual
assemblies constituting, together with the new National Spiritual
Assembly of Brunei, ten additional pillars of the Universal House of
Justice, will bring to seventy-nine the number which will take part
during Ridván 1968 in the second International Convention for the
election of that institution.
This momentous year cannot be allowed to pass without mention of the
tireless and dedicated services of the beloved Hands of the Cause, the
standard bearers of the Nine Year Plan, and the able support rendered
them by their Auxiliary Boards. The special missions which they have
discharged on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, the teaching
tours they have undertaken, the conferences they have organized, their
constant work at the World Center, and above all their never-ending
encouragement of the friends and watchfulness over the welfare of the
Cause of God, have given distinction and effective leadership to the
work of the entire community. The grievous loss which they sustained in
the passing of Hand of the Cause Leroy Ioas is shared by the whole
Bahá'í world.
The splendid achievements in the pioneering and teaching fields,
together with the enthusiastic attention given to the preparation of
plans for the befitting celebration of the
page 74
centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's Proclamation of His Message to the kings and
rulers of the world, have sealed with success the first, and opened the
way for the second phase of the Nine Year Plan, a phase in which the
Bahá'í world must prepare and arm itself for the third phase, beginning
in October 1967 when the six intercontinental conferences will sound the
"opening notes" of a period of proclamation of the Cause of God
extending through the remaining years of the Nine Year Plan to the
centenary, in 1973, of the revelation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. The
three-fold purpose of these conferences is to commemorate the centenary
of the opening of Bahá'u'lláh's own Proclamation of His Mission, to
proclaim the Divine Message, and to deliberate upon the tasks of the
remaining years of the Nine Year Plan.
Five specific tasks face the Bahá'í world as it enters this second phase
of the Plan:
The first is to complete the settlement of the pioneers, and the
dispatch of others wherever needed.
The second is intensive preparation for the third phase of the Plan
through development of new teaching measures and expansion of the
various Bahá'í funds at international, national, and local levels.
The third is acceleration of the provision of Bahá'í literature,
particularly its translation and publication in those languages in
which, as yet, none has been published or the supply is inadequate.
The fourth is the acquisition of the remaining national Hazíratu'l-Quds,
Temple sites, national endowments, and teaching institutes called for in
the Plan, before the developing inflation now affecting nearly the whole
world adds too greatly to the financial burden of acquiring these
page 75
The fifth is development of the Panama Temple Fund. The Universal House
of Justice is initiating this Fund with a contribution of $25,000, and
now calls upon the believers and Bahá'í communities to contribute
liberally and continuously until the funds for the completion of this
historic structure are assured. Such contributions should be sent
directly to the National Spiritual Assembly of Panama. More than fifty
designs have been received, and the House of Justice is now considering
the recommendations of the National Assembly. The choice will be
announced and the friends will be kept fully informed of the progress of
this highly significant and inspiring project.
Every individual follower of Bahá'u'lláh, as well as the institutions of
the Faith, at local, national, continental, and world levels, must now
meet the challenge to raise the intensity of teaching to a pitch never
before attained, in order to realize that vast increase called for in
the Plan. For those believers living in countries where they have
freedom to teach their Faith, this challenge is the more sharply pointed
by the oppressive measures imposed on the Faith elsewhere. In Persia the
believers are denied their elementary rights and the Faith is still
largely proscribed. In 'Iráq the national and one local Hazíratu'l-Quds
have been seized and the activities of the friends severely restricted.
In Egypt Bahá'í properties are still confiscated and recently several
believers were imprisoned for a period, and are now awaiting trial. New
oppression has broken out in Indonesia where the national Hazíratu'l-Quds
has been seized and organized activities of the believers have been
forbidden. In yet other countries the believers are subject to
restrictions and surveillance. The friends in all cases are steadfast
and confident, looking
page 76
forward to their emancipation and the eventual triumph of the Cause.
The challenge to the local and national administrative institutions of
the Faith is to organize and promote the teaching work through
systematic plans, involving not only the regular fireside meetings in
the homes of the believers, the public meetings, receptions, and
conferences, the weekend, summer, and winter schools, the youth
conferences and activities, all of which are so vigorously upheld at
present, but in addition through a constant stream of visiting teachers
to every locality. The forces released by this latter process have been
extolled by Bahá'u'lláh in these words:
"The movement itself from place to place when undertaken for the sake of
God hath always exerted, and can now exert, its influence in the world.
In the Books of old the station of them that have voyaged far and near
in order to guide the servants of God hath been set forth and written
while 'Abdu'l-Bahá, in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, says:
"Teachers must continually travel to all parts of the continent, nay,
rather, to all parts of the world . . ."
Such plans must be initiated and developed now, during this period of
preparation, so that they may be fully operative by the beginning of the
proclamation period from which time they must be relentlessly pursued
until the end of the Plan.
The Universal House of Justice attaches such importance to this
principle of traveling teaching that it has decided to develop it
internationally, and now calls for volunteers to offer their services in
this field. By their visits to lands other than their own, these friends
will lend a tremendous stimulus
page 77
to the proclamation and teaching of the Cause in all continents. It is
hoped that such projects will be self-supporting, since the
International Deputization Fund will still be needed for pioneering.
However, when a proposal which is considered to be of special benefit to
the Faith cannot be financed by the individual or the receiving national
assemblies, the House of Justice will consider a request for assistance
from the Deputization Fund. Offers, which may be for any period, should
be made to one's own national spiritual assembly or to the continental
pioneer committees, which have been given the additional task of
assisting national assemblies to implement and coordinate this new
enterprise. Let those who arise recall the Master's injunction to
"travel like 'Abdu'l-Bahá . . . sanctified and free from every attachment
and in the utmost severance."
Simultaneous and coequal with this vast, ordered, and ever-growing
teaching effort, the work of consolidation must go hand in hand. In fact
these two processes must be regarded as inseparable parts of the
expansion of the Faith. While the work of teaching inevitably goes
first, to pursue it alone without consolidation would leave the
community unprepared to receive the masses who must sooner or later
respond to the life-giving message of the Cause. The guidance of our
beloved Guardian in this vital matter is, as ever, clear and
unambiguous: "Every outward thrust into new fields, every multiplication
of Bahá'í institutions, must be paralleled by a deeper thrust of the
roots which sustain the spiritual life of the community and ensure its
sound development. From this vital, this ever-present need attention
must, at no time, be diverted, nor must it be, under any circumstances,
neglected, or subordinated to the no less vital and urgent task of
ensuring the outer expansion of
page 78
Bahá'í administrative institutions." A proper balance between these two
essential aspects of its development must, from now on, as we enter the
era of large-scale conversion, be maintained by the Bahá'í community.
Consolidation must comprise not only the establishment of Bahá'í
administrative institutions, but a true deepening in the fundamental
verities of the Cause and in its spiritual principles, understanding of
its prime purpose in the establishment of the unity of mankind,
instruction in its standards of behavior in all aspects of private and
public life, in the particular practice of Bahá'í life in such things as
daily prayer, education of children, observance of the laws of Bahá'í
marriage, abstention from politics, the obligation to contribute to the
Fund, the importance of the Nineteen Day Feast, and opportunity to
acquire a sound knowledge of the present-day practice of Bahá'í
The onward march of the Faith requires, and is indeed dependent upon, a
very great increase in contributions to the various funds. All the goals
assigned to the World Center of the Faith, and particularly those
dealing with the development and beautification of the properties
surrounding the holy shrines and the extension of the gardens on Mount
Carmel, entail heavy expenditures. The building of the two Temples
called for in the Plan will require further large sums, and the
worldwide process of teaching and consolidation now to be intensified
must be sustained by a greatly increased and uninterrupted flow of
funds. The International Deputization Fund must be maintained and
expanded, not only for further pioneering needs, but in order to assist
and develop the traveling teacher program now called for. Since only
those who have openly proclaimed their recognition
page 79
of Bahá'u'lláh are permitted to contribute financially to the
establishment of His World Order, it is apparent that more, much more,
is required from the few now so privileged. Our responsibilities in this
field are very great, commensurate indeed with the bounty of being the
bearers of the Name of God in this Day.
The challenge to the individual Bahá'í in every field of service, but
above all in teaching the Cause of God, is never-ending. With every
fresh affliction visited upon mankind our inescapable duty becomes more
apparent, nor should we ever forget that if we neglect this duty,
"others," in the words of Shoghi Effendi, "will be called upon to take
up our task as ministers to the crying needs of this afflicted world."
Now, it seems, we may well be entering an era of the longed-for
expansion of our beloved Faith. Mankind's growing hunger for spiritual
truth is our opportunity. While reaching forth to grasp it, we would do
well to ponder the following words of Bahá'u'lláh:
"Your behavior towards your neighbor should be such as to manifest
clearly the signs of the one true God, for ye are the first among men to
be recreated by His Spirit, the first to adore and bow the knee before
Him, the first to circle round His throne of Glory."
As humanity plunges deeper into that condition of which Bahá'u'lláh
wrote, "to disclose it now would not be meet and seemly," so must the
believers increasingly stand out as assured, orientated, and
fundamentally happy beings, conforming to a standard which, in direct
contrast to the ignoble and amoral attitudes of modern society, is the
source of their honor, strength, and maturity. It is this marked
contrast between the vigor, unity, and discipline of the Bahá'í
community on the one hand, and the increasing confusion, despair, and
feverish tempo of a doomed society on
page 80
the other, which, during the turbulent years ahead, will draw the eyes
of humanity to the sanctuary of Bahá'u'lláh's world-redeeming Faith.
The constant progress of the Cause of God is a source of joy to us all
and a stimulus to further action. But not ordinary action. Heroic deeds
are now called for such as are performed only by divinely sustained and
detached souls. 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the Commander of the hosts of the Lord, in
one of the Tablets of the Divine Plan, uttered this cry: "Oh! that I
could travel, even though on foot and in the utmost poverty, to these
regions and, raising the call of Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá
in cities, villages,
mountains, deserts, and oceans, promote the Divine Teachings. This,
alas, I cannot do. How intensely I deplore it." And He concluded with
this heart-shaking appeal, "Please God, ye may achieve it."
Ridván 1966
page 81
The Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice
Passages from a letter written in response to questions asked by an
individual believer on the relationship between the Guardianship and the
Universal House of Justice.
. . . You query the timing of the election of the Universal House of
Justice in view of the Guardian's statement: ". . . given favorable
circumstances under which the Bahá'ís of Persia and the adjoining
countries under Soviet rule may be enabled to elect their national
representatives . . . the only remaining obstacle in the way of the
definite formation of the International House of Justice will have been
removed." On April 19, 1947 the Guardian, in a letter written on his
behalf by his secretary, replied to the inquiry of an individual
believer about this passage: "At the time he referred to Russia there
were Bahá'ís there. Now the community has practically ceased to exist;
therefore the formation of the International House of Justice cannot
depend on a Russian national spiritual assembly, but other strong
national spiritual assemblies will have to be built up before it can be
You suggest the possibility that, for the good of the Cause, certain
information concerning the succession to Shoghi Effendi is being
withheld from the believers. We assure you that nothing whatsoever is
being withheld from the friends for whatever reason. There is no doubt
at all that in the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi
was the authority designated to appoint his successor; but he had no
children and all the surviving Aghsán
page 82
had broken the Covenant. Thus, as the Hands of the Cause stated in 1957,
it is clear that there was no one he could have appointed in accordance
with the provisions of the Will. To have made an appointment outside the
clear and specific provisions of the Master's Will and Testament would
obviously have been an impossible and unthinkable course of action for
the Guardian, the divinely appointed upholder and defender of the
Covenant. Moreover, that same Will had provided a clear means for the
confirmation of the Guardian's appointment of his successor, as you are
aware. The nine Hands to be elected by the body of the Hands were to
give their assent by secret ballot to the Guardian's choice. In 1957 the
entire body of the Hands, after fully investigating the matter,
announced that Shoghi Effendi had appointed no successor and left no
will. This is documented and established.
The fact that Shoghi Effendi did not leave a will cannot be adduced as
evidence of his failure to obey Bahá'u'lláh — rather should we
acknowledge that in his very silence there is a wisdom and a sign of his
infallible guidance. We should ponder deeply the writings that we have,
and seek to understand the multitudinous significances that they
contain. Do not forget that Shoghi Effendi said two things were
necessary for a growing understanding of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh:
the passage of time and the guidance of the Universal House of Justice.
The infallibility of the Universal House of Justice, operating within
its ordained sphere, has not been made dependent upon the presence in
its membership of the Guardian of the Cause. Although in the realm of
interpretation the Guardian's pronouncements are always binding, in the
page 83
area of the Guardian's participation in legislation it is always the
decision of the House itself which must prevail. This is supported by
the words of the Guardian: "The interpretation of the Guardian,
functioning within his own sphere, is as authoritative and binding as
the enactments of the International House of Justice, whose exclusive
right and prerogative is to pronounce upon and deliver the final
judgment on such laws and ordinances as Bahá'u'lláh has not expressly
revealed. Neither can, nor will ever, infringe upon the sacred and
prescribed domain of the other. Neither will seek to curtail the
specific and undoubted authority with which both have been divinely
"Though the Guardian of the Faith has been made the permanent head of so
august a body he can never, even temporarily, assume the right of
exclusive legislation. He cannot override the decision of the majority
of his fellow members, but is bound to insist upon a reconsideration by
them of any enactment he conscientiously believes to conflict with the
meaning and to depart from the spirit of Bahá'u'lláh's revealed
However, quite apart from his function as a member and sacred head for
life of the Universal House of Justice, the Guardian, functioning within
his own sphere, had the right and duty "to define the sphere of the
legislative action" of the Universal House of Justice. In other words,
he had the authority to state whether a matter was or was not already
covered by the Sacred Texts and therefore whether it was within the
authority of the Universal House of Justice to legislate upon it. No
other person, apart from the Guardian, has the right or authority to
make such definitions. The question therefore arises: In the absence of
the Guardian, is the Universal House of Justice in danger of straying
outside its proper sphere and thus falling into error? Here we must
remember three things: First, Shoghi Effendi, during
page 84
the thirty-six years of his Guardianship, has already made innumerable
such definitions, supplementing those made by 'Abdu'l-Bahá and by
Bahá'u'lláh Himself. As already announced to the friends, a careful
study of the Writings and interpretations on any subject on which the
House of Justice proposes to legislate always precedes its act of
legislation. Second, the Universal House of Justice, itself assured of
Divine guidance, is well aware of the absence of the Guardian and will
approach all matters of legislation only when certain of its sphere of
jurisdiction, a sphere which the Guardian has confidently described as
"clearly defined." Third, we must not forget the Guardian's written
statement about these two institutions: "Neither can, nor will ever,
infringe upon the sacred and prescribed domain of the other."
As regards the need to have deductions made from the Writings to help in
the formulation of the enactments of the House of Justice, there is the
following text from the pen of 'Abdu'l-Bahá:
"Those matters of major importance which constitute the foundation of
the Law of God are explicitly recorded in the Text, but subsidiary laws
are left to the House of Justice. The wisdom of this is that the times
never remain the same, for change is a necessary quality and an
essential attribute of this world, and of time and place. Therefore the
House of Justice will take action accordingly.
"Let it not be imagined that the House of Justice will take any decision
according to its own concepts and opinions. God forbid! The Supreme
House of Justice will take decisions and establish laws through the
page 85
inspiration and confirmation of the Holy Spirit, because it is in the
safekeeping and under the shelter and protection of the Ancient Beauty,
and obedience to its decisions is a bounden and essential duty and an
absolute obligation, and there is no escape for anyone.
"Say, O People: Verily the Supreme House of Justice is under the wings
of your Lord, the Compassionate, the All-Merciful, that is under His
protection, His care, and His shelter; for He has commanded the firm
believers to obey that blessed, sanctified, and all-subduing body, whose
sovereignty is divinely ordained and of the Kingdom of Heaven and whose
laws are inspired and spiritual.
"Briefly, this is the wisdom of referring the laws of society to the
House of Justice. In the religion of Islám, similarly, not every
ordinance was explicitly revealed; nay not a tenth part of a tenth part
was included in the Text; although all matters of major importance were
specifically referred to, there were undoubtedly thousands of laws which
were unspecified. These were devised by the divines of a later age
according to the laws of Islámic jurisprudence, and individual divines
made conflicting deductions from the original revealed ordinances. All
these were enforced. Today this process of deduction is the right of the
body of the House of Justice, and the deductions and conclusions of
individual learned men have no authority, unless they are endorsed by
the House of Justice. The difference is precisely this, that from the
conclusions and endorsements of the body of the House of Justice whose
members are elected by and known to the worldwide Bahá'í community, no
differences will arise; whereas the conclusions of individual divines
and scholars would definitely lead to differences, and result in schism,
page 86
and dispersion. The oneness of the Word would be destroyed, the unity of
the Faith would disappear, and the edifice of the Faith of God would be
In the Order of Bahá'u'lláh there are certain functions which are
reserved to certain institutions, and others which are shared in common,
even though they may be more in the special province of one or the
other. For example, although the Hands of the Cause of God have the
specific functions of protection and propagation, and are specialized
for these functions, it is also the duty of the Universal House of
Justice and the spiritual assemblies to protect and teach the
Cause — indeed teaching is a sacred obligation placed upon every believer
by Bahá'u'lláh. Similarly, although after the Master authoritative
interpretation was exclusively vested in the Guardian, and although
legislation is exclusively the function of the Universal House of
Justice, these two institutions are, in Shoghi Effendi's words,
"complementary in their aim and purpose." "Their common, their
fundamental object is to ensure the continuity of that divinely
appointed authority which flows from the Source of our Faith, to
safeguard the unity of its followers, and to maintain the integrity and
flexibility of its teachings." Whereas the Universal House of Justice
cannot undertake any function which exclusively appertained to the
Guardian, it must continue to pursue the object which it shares in
common with the Guardianship.
As you point out with many quotations, Shoghi Effendi repeatedly
stressed the inseparability of these two institutions. Whereas he
obviously envisaged their functioning together, it cannot logically be
deduced from this that one is unable to function in the absence of the
other. During the
page 87
whole thirty-six years of his Guardianship Shoghi Effendi functioned
without the Universal House of Justice. Now the Universal House of
Justice must function without the Guardian, but the principle of
inseparability remains. The Guardianship does not lose its significance
nor position in the Order of Bahá'u'lláh merely because there is no
living Guardian. We must guard against two extremes: one is to argue
that because there is no Guardian all that was written about the
Guardianship and its position in the Bahá'í World Order is a dead letter
and was unimportant; the other is to be so overwhelmed by the
significance of the Guardianship as to underestimate the strength of the
Covenant, or to be tempted to compromise with the clear Texts in order
to find somehow, in some way, a "Guardian."
Service to the Cause of God requires absolute fidelity and integrity and
unwavering faith in Him. No good but only evil can come from taking the
responsibility for the future of God's Cause into our own hands and
trying to force it into ways that we wish it to go regardless of the
clear texts and our own limitations. It is His Cause. He has promised
that its light will not fail. Our part is to cling tenaciously to the
revealed Word and to the institutions that He has created to preserve
His Covenant.
It is precisely in this connection that the believers must recognize the
importance of intellectual honesty and humility. In past dispensations
many errors arose because the believers in God's Revelation were
overanxious to encompass the Divine Message within the framework of
their limited understanding, to define doctrines where definition was
beyond their power, to explain mysteries which only the wisdom and
experience of a later age would make comprehensible, to argue that
something was true because it appeared
page 88
desirable and necessary. Such compromises with essential truth, such
intellectual pride, we must scrupulously avoid.
If some of the statements of the Universal House of Justice are not
detailed the friends should realize that the cause of this is not
secretiveness, but rather the determination of this body to refrain from
interpreting the teachings and to preserve the truth of the Guardian's
statement that "Leaders of religion, exponents of political theories,
governors of human institutions . . . need have no doubt or anxiety
regarding the nature, the origin, or validity of the institutions which
the adherents of the Faith are building up throughout the world. For
these lie embedded in the Teachings themselves, unadulterated and
unobscured by unwarranted inferences or unauthorized interpretations of
His Word."
A clear distinction is made in our Faith between authoritative
interpretation and the interpretation or understanding that each
individual arrives at for himself from his study of its teachings. While
the former is confined to the Guardian, the latter, according to the
guidance given to us by the Guardian himself, should by no means be
suppressed. In fact such individual interpretation is considered the
fruit of man's rational power and conducive to a better understanding of
the teachings, provided that no disputes or arguments arise among the
friends and the individual himself understands and makes it clear that
his views are merely his own. Individual interpretations continually
change as one grows in comprehension of the teachings. As Shoghi Effendi
wrote: "To deepen in the Cause means to read the writings of Bahá'u'lláh
and the Master so thoroughly as to
page 89
be able to give it to others in its pure form. There are many who have
some superficial idea of what the Cause stands for. They, therefore,
present it together with all sorts of ideas that are their own. As the
Cause is still in its early days we must be most careful lest we fall
into this error and injure the Movement we so much adore. There is no
limit to the study of the Cause. The more we read the Writings, the more
truths we can find in them, the more we will see that our previous
notions were erroneous." So, although individual insights can be
enlightening and helpful, they can also be misleading. The friends must
therefore learn to listen to the views of others without being overawed
or allowing their faith to be shaken, and to express their own views
without pressing them on their fellow Bahá'ís.
The Cause of God is organic, growing and developing like a living being.
Time and again it has faced crises which have perplexed the believers,
but each time the Cause, impelled by the immutable purpose of God,
overcame the crisis and went on to greater heights.
However great may be our inability to understand the mystery and the
implications of the passing of Shoghi Effendi, the strong cord to which
all must cling with assurance is the Covenant. The emphatic and vigorous
language of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Will and Testament is at this time, as at the
time of His own passing, the safeguard of the Cause:
"Unto the Most Holy Book every one must turn and all that is not
expressly recorded therein must be referred to the Universal House of
Justice. That which this body, whether unanimously or by a majority doth
carry, that is verily the truth and the purpose of God Himself. Whoso
doth deviate therefrom is verily of
page 90
them that love discord, hath shown forth malice, and turned away from
the Lord of the Covenant." And again: "All must seek guidance and turn
unto the Center of the Cause and the House of Justice. And he that
turneth unto whatsoever else is indeed in grievous error."
The Universal House of Justice, which the Guardian said would be
regarded by posterity as "the last refuge of a tottering civilization,"
is now, in the absence of the Guardian, the sole infallibly guided
institution in the world to which all must turn, and on it rests the
responsibility for ensuring the unity and progress of the Cause of God
in accordance with the revealed Word. There are statements from the
Master and the Guardian indicating that the Universal House of Justice,
in addition to being the highest legislative body of the Faith, is also
the body to which all must turn, and is the "apex" of the Bahá'í
Administrative Order, as well as the "supreme organ of the Bahá'í
Commonwealth." The Guardian has in his writings specified for the House
of Justice such fundamental functions as the formulation of future
worldwide teaching plans, the conduct of the administrative affairs of
the Faith, and the guidance, organization, and unification of the
affairs of the Cause throughout the world. Furthermore in God Passes By
the Guardian makes the following statement: "The Kitáb-i-Aqdas . . . not
only preserves for posterity the basic laws and ordinances on which the
fabric of His future World Order must rest, but ordains, in addition to
the function of interpretation which it confers upon His successor, the
necessary institutions through which the integrity and unity of His
Faith can alone be safeguarded." He has also, in "The Dispensation of
Bahá'u'lláh," written that the members of the Universal House of Justice
"and not the body of those who either directly or indirectly elect
page 91
them, have thus been made the recipients of the Divine guidance which is
at once the lifeblood and ultimate safeguard of this Revelation."
As the Universal House of Justice has already announced, it cannot
legislate to make possible the appointment of a successor to Shoghi
Effendi, nor can it legislate to make possible the appointment of any
more Hands of the Cause, but it must do everything within its power to
ensure the performance of all those functions which it shares with these
two mighty institutions. It must make provision for the proper discharge
in future of the functions of protection and propagation, which the
administrative bodies share with the Guardianship and the Hands of the
Cause; it must, in the absence of the Guardian, receive and disburse the
Huqúqu'lláh, in accordance with the following statement of
"Disposition of the Huqúq, wholly or partly, is permissible, but this
should be done by permission of the authority in the Cause to whom all
must turn." It must make provision in its constitution for the removal
of any of its members who commits a sin "injurious to the common weal."
Above all, it must, with perfect faith in Bahá'u'lláh, proclaim His
Cause and enforce His law that the Most Great Peace shall be firmly
established in this world and the foundation of the Kingdom of God on
earth shall be accomplished.
May 27, 1966
page 92
Unique Opportunity in Human History
Letter to Bahá'í Youth in Every Land
In country after country the achievements of Bahá'í youth are
increasingly advancing the work of the Nine Year Plan and arousing the
admiration of their fellow believers. From the very beginning of the
Bahá'í Era, youth have played a vital part in the promulgation of God's
Revelation. The Báb Himself was but twenty-five years old when He
declared His Mission, while many of the Letters of the Living were even
younger. The Master, as a very young man, was called upon to shoulder
heavy responsibilities in the service of His Father in 'Iráq and Turkey;
and His brother, the Purest Branch, yielded up his life to God in the
Most Great Prison at the age of twenty-two that the servants of God
might "be quickened, and all that dwell on earth be united." Shoghi
Effendi was a student at Oxford when called to the throne of his
Guardianship, and many of the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, who won
imperishable fame during the Ten Year Crusade, were young people. Let
it, therefore, never be imagined that youth must await their years of
maturity before they can render invaluable services to the Cause of God.
For any person, whether Bahá'í or not, his youthful years are those in
which he will make many decisions which will set the course of his life.
In these years he is most likely to choose his life's work, complete his
education, begin to
page 93
earn his own living, marry, and start to raise his own family. Most
important of all, it is during this period that the mind is most
questing and that the spiritual values that will guide the person's
future behavior are adopted. These factors present Bahá'í youth with
their greatest opportunities, their greatest challenges, and their
greatest tests — opportunities to truly apprehend the teachings of their
Faith and to give them to their contemporaries, challenges to overcome
the pressures of the world and to provide leadership for their and
succeeding generations, and tests enabling them to exemplify in their
lives the high moral standards set forth in the Bahá'í writings. Indeed,
the Guardian wrote of the Bahá'í youth that it is they "who can
contribute so decisively to the virility, the purity, and the driving
force of the life of the Bahá'í community, and upon whom must depend the
future orientation of its destiny, and the complete unfoldment of the
potentialities with which God has endowed it."
Those who now are in their teens and twenties are faced with a special
challenge and can seize an opportunity that is unique in human history.
During the Ten Year Crusade — the ninth part of that majestic process
described so vividly by our beloved Guardian — the community of the Most
Great Name spread with the speed of lightning over the major territories
and islands of the globe, increased manifoldly its manpower and
resources, saw the beginning of the entry of the peoples by troops into
the Cause of God, and completed the structure of the Administrative
Order of Bahá'u'lláh. Now, firmly established in the world, the Cause,
in the opening years of the tenth part of that same process, is
perceptibly emerging from the obscurity that has, for the most part,
shrouded it since its inception and is
page 94
arising to challenge the outworn concepts of a corrupt society and
proclaim the solution for the agonizing problems of a disordered
humanity. During the lifetime of those who are now young the condition
of the world, and the place of the Bahá'í Cause in it, will change
immeasurably, for we are entering a highly critical phase in this era of
Three great fields of service lie open before young Bahá'ís, in which
they will simultaneously be remaking the character of human society and
preparing themselves for the work they can undertake later in their
First, the foundation of all their other accomplishments, is their study
of the teachings, the spiritualization of their lives, and the forming
of their characters in accordance with the standards of Bahá'u'lláh. As
the moral standards of the people around us collapse and decay, whether
of the centuries-old civilizations of the East, the more recent cultures of
Christendom and Islám, or of the rapidly changing tribal societies of
the world, the Bahá'ís must increasingly stand out as pillars of
righteousness and forbearance. The life of a Bahá'í will be
characterized by truthfulness and decency; he will walk uprightly among
his fellowmen, dependent upon none save God, yet linked by bonds of love
and brotherhood with all mankind; he will be entirely detached from the
loose standards, the decadent theories, the frenetic experimentation,
the desperation of present-day society, will look upon his neighbors
with a bright and friendly face, and be a beacon light and a haven for
all those who would emulate his strength of character and assurance of
The second field of service, which is linked intimately with the first,
is teaching the Faith, particularly to their
page 95
fellow youth, among whom are some of the most open and seeking minds in
the world. Not yet having acquired all the responsibilities of a family
or a long-established home and job, youth can the more easily choose
where they will live and study or work. In the world at large young
people travel hither and thither seeking amusement, education, and
experiences. Bahá'í youth, bearing the incomparable treasure of the Word
of God for this Day, can harness this mobility into service for mankind
and can choose their places of residence, their areas of travel, and
their types of work with the goal in mind of how they can best serve the
The third field of service is the preparation by youth for their later
years. It is the obligation of a Bahá'í to educate his children;
likewise it is the duty of the children to acquire knowledge of the arts
and sciences and to learn a trade or a profession whereby they, in turn,
can earn their living and support their families. This, for a Bahá'í
youth, is in itself a service to God, a service, moreover, which can be
combined with teaching the Faith and often with pioneering. The Bahá'í
community will need men and women of many skills and qualifications;
for, as it grows in size the sphere of its activities in the life of
society will increase and diversify. Let Bahá'í youth, therefore,
consider the best ways in which they can use and develop their native
abilities for the service of mankind and the Cause of God, whether this
be as farmers, teachers, doctors, artisans, musicians, or any one of the
multitude of livelihoods that are open to them.
When studying at school or university Bahá'í youth will often find
themselves in the unusual and slightly embarrassing position of having a
more profound insight into a
page 96
subject than their instructors. The Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh throw light
on so many aspects of human life and knowledge that a Bahá'í must learn,
earlier than most, to weigh the information that is given to him rather
than to accept it blindly. A Bahá'í has the advantage of the Divine
Revelation for this age, which shines like a searchlight on so many
problems that baffle modern thinkers; he must therefore develop the
ability to learn everything from those around him, showing proper
humility before his teachers, but always relating what he hears to the
Bahá'í teachings, for they will enable him to sort out the gold from the
dross of human error.
Paralleling the growth of his inner life through prayer, meditation,
service, and study of the teachings, Bahá'í youth have the opportunity
to learn in practice the very functioning of the Order of Bahá'u'lláh.
Through taking part in conferences and summer schools as well as
Nineteen Day Feasts, and in service on committees, they can develop the
wonderful skill of Bahá'í consultation, thus tracing new paths of human
corporate action. Consultation is no easy skill to learn, requiring as
it does the subjugation of all egotism and unruly passions, the
cultivation of frankness and freedom of thought as well as courtesy,
openness of mind, and wholehearted acquiescence in a majority decision.
In this field Bahá'í youth may demonstrate the efficiency, the vigor,
the access of unity which arise from true consultation and, by contrast,
demonstrate the futility of partisanship, lobbying, debate, secret
diplomacy, and unilateral action which characterize modern affairs.
Youth also take part in the life of the Bahá'í community as a whole and
promote a society in which all generations — elderly, middle-aged, youth,
children — are fully integrated and make up an organic
page 97
whole. By refusing to carry over the antagonisms and mistrust between
the generations which perplex and bedevil modern society, they will
again demonstrate the healing and life-giving nature of their religion.
The Nine Year Plan has just entered its third year. The youth have
already played a vital part in winning its goals. We now call upon them,
with great love and highest hopes and the assurance of our fervent
prayers, to consider, individually and in consultation, wherever they
live and whatever their circumstances, those steps which they should
take now to deepen themselves in their knowledge of the Divine Message,
to develop their characters after the pattern of the Master, to acquire
those skills, trades, and professions in which they can best serve God
and man, to intensify their service to the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh, and to
radiate its Message to the seekers among their contemporaries.
June 10, 1966
page 98
Three More National Assemblies To Be Formed Ridván 1967
Joyfully announce formation at Ridván 1967 additional new National
Assemblies Belize seat Belize, Laos seat Vientiane, Sikkim seat Gangtok,
calling upon National Assemblies Guatemala, Thailand, India respectively
call first conventions election national assemblies. Sikkim Assembly
supplementary achievement Nine Year Plan. Changed situation Cambodia
requires postponement formation national assembly that country. Addition
above national assemblies raises total throughout the world to
eighty-one whose members will participate second International
Convention. Offering prayers of gratitude Bahá'u'lláh supplicating
Divine confirmations expansion consolidation these territories assuring
solid foundation future pillars Universal House of Justice.
Cablegram, September 1, 1966*
page 99
Vital Needs of the Bahá'í World Center
The time has now come in the progress of the Nine Year Plan when the
Bahá'í world must devote a greater effort towards the development of the
Faith at its World Center.
Nearly all the accessible unsettled territories of the Plan have now
been settled; bases have been established throughout the world for the
future expansion of the Faith; a program of progressive consolidation is
being pursued hand-in-hand with continued expansion; plans for the
construction of the Panama Temple are well advanced; the
Hazíratu'l-Quds, Temple sites, and endowments called for in the Plan are
being steadily acquired; by the end of the next Ridván period eighty-one
out of the 108 national spiritual assemblies called for by 1973 will
have been established; and the opening of the period of the proclamation
of the Faith is fast approaching.
Since the Universal House of Justice came into being in 1963, its
primary concern at the World Center of the Faith has been with the
basic, minimum essentials of undertaking repairs to the holy places;
establishing its administrative offices; reorganizing the accommodation
of pilgrims; gathering its staff; developing a suitable housing program
for the Hands of the Cause and their families, the members of the House
of Justice and their families, and all other believers serving at the
World Center; formulating plans for the expansion of the gardens and
taking the first steps in their initiation; collating the Sacred Texts
and the letters of Shoghi Effendi and indexing them; and fostering
relations with
page 100
the government of the State of Israel and with the United Nations.
The increased burden which these essential steps have imposed upon the
International Fund we have endeavored to keep at a minimum so that, in
the early stages of the Plan, the maximum resources could be utilized in
the teaching work throughout the world.
However, we must now embark upon certain major undertakings vital to the
future progress of the Cause. Extensive beautification of the sacred
endowments surrounding the holy shrines in Bahjí and Haifa, as well as
the site of the future Mashriqu'l-Adhkár on Mount Carmel, must be
undertaken, both for its own sake and for the protection of these lands
which are situated within the boundaries of rapidly expanding cities;
the work of classifying and codifying the Holy Texts must be urgently
prosecuted; the arrangements for pilgrimage may have to be greatly
expanded to provide for the ever-increasing number of applications from
East and West; the intercontinental conferences and the International
Convention must be held and paid for; and the auxiliary institutions of
the Universal House of Justice must begin to unfold so that the
ever-growing and increasingly complex work of the World Center of the
Faith may continue to be efficiently discharged. Moreover, the vital
assistance given by the International Fund to the work of the Hands of
the Cause and national spiritual assemblies must be maintained.
The minimum budget requirements of the International Fund have nearly
doubled since 1963, and if in addition we are to be enabled to undertake
these developments, a much greater flow of funds will be needed than is
now available.
We call upon every national spiritual assembly to consider now the
amount that it can allocate as a contribution
page 101
to the International Fund in its budget for the coming year. In some
cases this may mean that contributions made hitherto will be doubled,
trebled, or even more greatly increased. Please write as soon as your
decision has been made, and not later than April 21, telling us the
estimated amount of your allocation.
This is a vitally important matter, and we shall pray in the holy
shrines that the friends throughout the world will respond
wholeheartedly to this call.
March 7, 1967*
page 102
Worldwide Proclamation — A New Dimension
At the conclusion of the third year of the Nine Year Plan we acknowledge
with thankful hearts the evidences of Divine favor with which
Bahá'u'lláh unfailingly sustains and confirms the dedicated efforts of
His servants everywhere, and we unhesitatingly affirm our confidence
that the community of the Most Great Name can and will, by its
determination and sacrificial efforts, achieve complete victory.
Last year the call was raised for the formation, in 1967, of eleven new
national spiritual assemblies. All will be elected during the Ridván
period. We welcome with great joy the National Spiritual Assemblies of
the Bahá'ís of Algeria and Tunisia with its seat in Algiers; Cameroon
Republic with its seat in Victoria; Swaziland, Lesotho, and Mozambique
with its seat in Mbabane Zambia with its seat in Lusaka; Belize with
its seat in Belize; the Leeward, Windward, and Virgin Islands with its
seat in Charlotte Amalie; Eastern and Southern Arabia with its seat in
Bahrayn; Laos with its seat in Vientiane; Sikkim with its seat in
Gangtok; Taiwan with its seat in Taipei; the Gilbert and Ellice Islands
with its seat in Tarawa. The World Center of the Faith will be
represented at each national convention by a Hand of the Cause of God,
who will present a message from the Universal House of Justice welcoming
the new national community and assigning it its share of the goals of
the Nine Year Plan.
At this Ridván eighty-one of the 108 national spiritual assemblies, and
more than six thousand of the 13,737 local
page 103
spiritual assemblies called for by 1973, will have been established; of
a required 54,102 localities where Bahá'ís reside, 28,217 are reported;
fifteen of the sixty-five national incorporations called for have been
achieved; seventeen of fifty-two national Hazíratu'l-Quds, seven of
sixty-two Temple sites, thirteen of fifty-four national endowments,
fourteen of thirty-two teaching institutes, have been acquired; of the
973 local incorporations called for in the Plan, 123 have been
completed; local Hazíratu'l-Quds acquired are, twenty-four in India,
seventeen in Kenya, nine in Uganda, two in South Africa, two in Turkey,
and a number in Congo (Kinshasa), while land for eight others has been
acquired in Kenya, for four in Cameroon, for two in Pakistan, and for
one in Mauritius; in eight countries local endowments supplementary to
those called for in the Plan have been acquired.
Iceland, Korea, Liberia, Luxembourg, and Rhodesia now recognize the
Bahá'í marriage certificate; the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Hawaii,
Iceland, Italy, Kenya, and Luxembourg recognize Bahá'í holy days. A
summer school has been established in Liberia, and one, beyond the
requirements of the Plan, in Canada, while land for others has been
acquired in Argentina, Ethiopia, and Samoa. Twenty-five new languages
have been added to the list of those in which Bahá'í literature is
available, bringing the total number to 397. The number of territories
now opened to the Faith has reached 311, including the recently settled
virgin areas of Chiloe Archipelago, Bonaire, Phoenix Islands, and St.
Martin, and two territories in addition to those called for in the Plan,
namely Melville Island in Australasia and Montserrat in the Windward
After protracted frustration the National Spiritual Assembly of Persia
has finally gained possession of the historic fortress of Chihríq, that
bleak and lonely citadel which was the last earthly residence of the
blessed Báb, and from
page 104
which He was led forth to His martyrdom in Tabríz. Realization of the
long-sought recognition of the Faith in Italy is a wonderful victory,
resulting not only in the incorporation of the National Spiritual
Assembly, but also of all local spiritual assemblies in Italy and the
ability to establish that National Spiritual Assembly's Publishing
Trust. In Iceland the Faith has been recognized as one of the island's
religions. This provides not only for incorporation of the Local
Spiritual Assembly of Reykjavik, but authorizes the chairman of that
Assembly to perform Bahá'í marriages and Bahá'í
burials, exempts the
Faith from certain taxes, permits the observance of Bahá'í holy days,
and paves the way for incorporation of the National Spiritual Assembly
of that country when it will be formed. The full number of local
spiritual assemblies, groups, and localities called for in the Plan has
been established in fifty-three territories and islands under the
direction of twenty-six national spiritual assemblies; five territories
have formed the required number of local spiritual assemblies and seven
have reached the specified number of localities.
Since the call was raised a year ago, international traveling teaching,
ranging over the five continents and affecting nearly all national
communities, has been undertaken. Seventy-eight projects have been
completed in Europe, forty-three in America, twenty-seven in Asia,
twenty-five in Australasia, which with those in Africa brings the total
number to about two hundred. It is greatly hoped that this stimulating
activity, so dear to the beloved Master's heart, will be constantly
Sustaining all these visible achievements is a constant activity
throughout the world of teaching and administration — a perpetual
movement, like the ceaseless surge of the
page 105
sea, within the Bahá'í community, which is the real cause of its growth.
National and local spiritual assemblies facing difficult problems,
devising new plans, shouldering responsibility for a community growing
in numbers and consciousness, committees striving to accomplish
objectives, Bahá'í youth in eager and dedicated activity, individual
Bahá'ís and families making efforts for the Cause, to give the Message,
or hold a fireside, these constant services attract the confirmation of
Bahá'u'lláh, and the more they are supported by prayers and intense
dedication and the more extensive they become, the more they release
into the world a spiritual charge which no force on earth can resist,
and which must eventually bring about the complete triumph of the Cause.
It is this organic vitality of the Faith, so readily felt at the World
Center, whose exhilaration we wish every believer to share.
At the World Center of the Faith codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and
collation of other important Texts has continued. Work on the highly
important task of formulating the constitution of the Universal House of
Justice is well advanced. Development and extension of the gardens
surrounding the sacred shrines in both Haifa and Bahjí is continuing.
Publication of The Bahá'í World Volume XIII has been undertaken. This
book covers nine years, from 1954 to 1963, almost the entire period of
the Ten Year Crusade, and includes a comprehensive article on the
beloved Guardian by Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum. A planned development
of relationships with the United Nations is being actively pursued. An
important supplementary achievement is the establishment of an
international Bahá'í audio-visual center whose function is to provide
page 106
teaching and deepening aids to all national spiritual assemblies, as
well as to store and index audio-visual records.
Throughout the year the services of the beloved Hands of the Cause have
shone with an unfailing light. Their constant encouragement of national
spiritual assemblies and of believers everywhere to pursue the goals of
the Plan and to obtain a deeper understanding of the true meaning of
Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation is contributing in no small measure to the
progress of that Plan and must exercise a lasting effect on the
development of the Bahá'í community. These few gallant and dedicated
believers, whose place in history is forever assured by virtue of their
appointment to their high office, are indeed a precious legacy left to
us by our beloved Guardian, and as the years go by there is increasingly
added to the honor and respect which is their due by reason of their
exalted rank, the love and admiration of the friends evoked by their
constant services.
In response to special needs two changes have been made in the
disposition of the Hands during the year, Hand of the Cause John Robarts
returning to the Western Hemisphere with a special assignment to his
native Canada, and Hand of the Cause Williams Sears returning to Africa.
In addition we are delighted to announce that Hand of the Cause
Tarázu'lláh Samandarí, whose eyes were blessed by beholding
will represent the Universal House of Justice at the Intercontinental
Conference in Chicago, replacing the late Hand of the Cause Leroy Ioas.
In the international sphere the great project of raising the Panama
Temple has begun with a choice of a design submitted by Mr. Peter
Tillotson, an English architect. Mr.
page 107
Robert McLaughlin, sometime member of the National Spiritual Assembly of
the United States and Dean Emeritus of the School of Architecture of
Princeton University, who served as a member of the technical advisory
board for the construction of the interior of the Mother Temple of the
West in Wilmette, has been appointed architectural consultant to the
Universal House of Justice for the building of the Temple. He and Mr.
Tillotson have visited the site together, and are working in close
cooperation. Pictures and drawings of the new Temple will be published
shortly, and the friends will be kept informed of the progress of
construction of this House of Worship "situated between the two great
oceans," a location which 'Abdu'l-Bahá indicated would become very
important in the future and whence the Teachings, once established,
"will unite the East and the West, the North and the South."
The brilliant pioneering feat of the second year of the Plan is
beginning to reveal its beneficent effects, but pioneers are still
urgently needed and will continue to be needed in all parts of the world
for consolidation and development of the Faith in the newly won
territories as well as for those resettled during the opening years of
the Plan. The immediate requirement is for 209 pioneers to settle in
eighty-seven territories named on the attached list, and the call is now
raised for the speedy achievement of this task. Service in this highly
meritorious field is open to every believer and all those who are moved
to respond to this particular call are asked to consult the list of
territories and to make their offers to their own National Spiritual
Assembly. Full details of the requirements in each territory have been
sent to the national spiritual assemblies concerned and to the pioneer
page 108
The constant need for pioneers no less than the approaching worldwide
proclamation render it imperative to pay special attention, in every
continent, to the home fronts, for they are the sources of manpower and
of administrative experience, the solid bases from which all expansion
begins, both at home and abroad. The largest increases in numbers of
local spiritual assemblies, of groups, and of believers, are called for
on the home fronts, and these tasks must be vigorously pursued. Some
national spiritual assemblies have phased these important goals,
assigning a specified number for achievement each year, thus insuring a
planned and flexible approach to the total requirements. Such a
systematic and determined prosecution of the home front goals is highly
The pressing and ever-growing needs of the Bahá'í Fund are called to the
attention of all believers. There are great projects already under way
or lying ahead which requires very large amounts of money for their
realization. The Panama Temple — the first only of the two called for in
the Nine Year Plan — the beautification and development of the World
Center itself, involving a necessary and inevitable increase in
facilities to serve the growing needs of the Faith; support of the vital
teaching program in many parts of the world; establishment and
development of new national spiritual assemblies — all these urgently
require the support of the friends everywhere through sustained and
sacrificial contributions. As inflation spreads around the world, the
consequent increase in the cost of living is balanced, at least in the
more affluent countries, by a corresponding increase in personal
incomes. The expenses of the
page 109
Bahá'í Fund are inevitably and seriously affected by this inflationary
condition which can only be relieved by contributions, both of larger
amounts and from a larger number of contributors. The House of Justice
believes that the financial needs of the Cause should be met by
universal participation in giving and urges national and local spiritual
assemblies to pursue this goal with vigor and imagination, recalling to
the friends the plea of the beloved Guardian to every believer
"unhesitatingly to place, each according to his circumstances, his share
on the altar of Bahá'í sacrifice." The fact that only we,
the Bahá'ís,
can contribute financially to the Cause is both our honor and our
As we approach the third phase of the Nine Year Plan there opens before
us a prospect of enthralling opportunities such as to thrill the heart
of every ardent follower of Bahá'u'lláh. For more than a century we have
toiled to teach the Cause; heroic sacrifices, dedicated services,
prodigious efforts have been made in order to establish the outposts of
the Faith in the chief countries, territories, and islands of the earth
and to raise the framework of the Administrative Order around the
planet. But the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh remains, as yet, unknown to the
generality of men. Now at last, at long last, the worldwide community of
the Most Great Name is called upon to launch, on a global scale and to
every stratum of human society, an enduring and intensive proclamation
of the healing message that the Promised One has come and that the unity
and well-being of the human race is the purpose of His Revelation. This
long-to-be-sustained campaign, commencing next October in commemoration
of the centenary of the sounding of the "opening notes" of Bahá'u'lláh's
own Proclamation, and gathering momentum throughout the remainder
page 110
of the Nine Year Plan, may well become the spearhead of other plans to
be launched continually until humanity has recognized and gratefully
acclaimed its Redeemer and its Lord.
A hundred years ago Bahá'u'lláh Himself addressed the kings, rulers,
religious leaders, and peoples of the world. The Universal House of
Justice feels it its bounden duty to bring that Message to the attention
of the world's leaders today. It is therefore presenting to them, in the
form of a book, the essence of Bahá'u'lláh's announcement. Entitled The
Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh, a special edition will be presented to
heads of state during the opening of the proclamation period and a
general edition will be available to the friends in English, French,
German, Italian, and Spansh.
The Hands of the Cause of God, Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, Ugo
Giachery, Tarázu'lláh Samandarí, 'Alí-Akbar Furútan,
Paul Haney,
'Abú'l-Qásim Faizí, who will represent the Universal House of Justice
at_the Intercontinental Conferences in October to be held in Panama,
Sydney, Chicago, Kampala, Frankfurt, and New Delhi respectively, will
gather at the World Center in September, a few days before the Feast of
Mashíyyat. The members of the House of Justice will join these Hands in
supplication at the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh in Bahjí and will meet with
them for consultation in the Mansion. From that Holy Spot these Hands of
the Cause will make a special pilgrimage on behalf of the entire Bahá'í
world to Adrianople where the Súriy-i-Mulúk was revealed. One hundred
years after the historic event which it is their purpose to commemorate,
they will, on September 27, gather in the House of Bahá'u'lláh for
prayer and meditation, while the members of the Universal House of
Justice will, in the Most Holy Shrine at Bahjí, share in the same
page 111
and pray for the success of the conferences and of the proclamation
program. The entire Bahá'í world will, between the conferences and
Ridván 1968, commemorate the centenary of the opening of that wonderful
period in human history when the clouds of Divine bounty showered in
lavish profusion their treasures upon men and the portals of the Kingdom
were thrown open, disclosing, to all who had eyes to see, a new heaven
and a new earth, and the new Jerusalem coming down from God.
Immediately after the Feast of Mashíyyat the Hands of the Cause will
travel from Adrianople to their conferences, each bearing the precious
trust of a photograph of the Blessed Beauty, which it will be the
privilege of those attending the conferences to view. These
distinguished Hands will, on their own behalf, each address the
conference which they attend, and will bear a message to each conference
from the Universal House of Justice whom they represent.
These six conferences, convened to commemorate the opening of
Bahá'u'lláh's own Proclamation and to inaugurate a period of
proclamation of His Message by the entire company of His followers, will
doubtless demonstrate yet again the spirit of joy which pervades such
gatherings of the friends and will reinforce them in their determination
to seize whatever means and opportunities they may find to raise the
Divine call. Honored by the presence of Hands of the Cause, these
conferences, focal points of the love and prayers of the friends
everywhere, magnets to attract the spiritual powers which alone can
confirm their work, will, it is confidently hoped, be potent sources of
unity, spiritual enthusiasm, and realistic planning. National spiritual
assemblies are called upon to insure that they are represented
page 112
at the conference held in their continent so that they may share their
plans for proclamation with other national spiritual assemblies as well
as discuss with them the remaining goals of the Nine Year Plan.
To all those friends in so many countries, suffering in varying degrees
from restrictions and oppression which will either prevent altogether,
or greatly inhibit, their public commemorations and subsequent
proclamation programs, we send a special message of love and assurance.
To them we convey the love and admiration of their fellow believers,
who, in gratitude for their greater freedom, are determined to blaze
abroad such a proclamation of the Divine Message as may well pave the
way for the eventual emancipation of the entire body of the Faith.
Worldwide proclamation, the unknown sea on which we must soon sail, will
add another dimension to our work, a dimension which will, as it
develops, complement and reinforce the twin processes of expansion and
consolidation. This pattern of teaching, emerging so soon after the
completion of the framework of the Administrative Order, may well be the
means of advancing the vital work of consolidation and of rendering more
effective the teaching wisdom which has been gained in a hundred years,
and more particularly since the beloved Guardian called us to systematic
and planned activity. Therefore, in those countries where we are free to
publicize our religion, this activity must become part of our regular
work, included in budgets, assigned to national and local committees for
study and implementation and above all for coordination with the
programs operating to achieve the goals of the Nine Year Plan. Every
effort of proclamation must be sustained by teaching, particularly
locally, where public announcements should be related to such efforts.
This coordination is
page 113
essential, for nothing will be more disheartening than for thousands to
hear of the Faith and have nowhere to turn for further information.
The beloved Guardian wrote, "To strive to obtain a more adequate
understanding of the significance of Bahá'u'lláh's stupendous Revelation
must, it is my unalterable conviction, remain the first obligation and
the object of the constant endeavor of each one of its loyal adherents,"
a statement which places the obligation of deepening in the Cause firmly
on every believer. It is therefore upon the nature of deepening, rather
than upon the desirability of pursuing it, that we wish to comment.
A detailed and exact knowledge of the present structure of Bahá'í
administration, or of the bylaws of national and local spiritual
assemblies, or of the many and varied applications of Bahá'í law under
the diverse conditions prevailing around the world, while valuable in
itself, cannot be regarded as the sort of knowledge primarily intended
by deepening. Rather is suggested a clearer apprehension of the purpose
of God for man, and particularly of His immediate purpose as revealed
and directed by Bahá'u'lláh, a purpose as far removed from current
concepts of human well-being and happiness as is possible. We should
constantly be on our guard lest the glitter and tinsel of an affluent
society should lead us to think that such superficial adjustments to the
modern world as are envisioned by humanitarian movements or are publicly
proclaimed as the policy of enlightened statesmanship — such as an
extension to all members of the human race of the benefits of a high
standard of living, of education, medical care, technical
knowledge — will of themselves fulfill the glorious mission of
Bahá'u'lláh. Far otherwise. These are the things which shall be added
unto us once we seek the Kingdom of God,
page 114
and are not themselves the objectives for which the Báb gave His life,
Bahá'u'lláh endured such sufferings as none before Him had ever endured,
the Master and after Him the Guardian bore their trials and afflictions
with such superhuman fortitude. Far deeper and more fundamental was
their vision, penetrating to the very purpose of human life. We cannot
do better, in this respect, than call to the attention of the friends
certain themes pursued by Shoghi Effendi in his trenchant statement "The
Goal of a New World Order." "The principle of the oneness of mankind,"
he writes, "implies an organic change in the structure of present-day
society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced." Referring
to the ". . . epoch-making changes that constitute the greatest landmarks
in the history of human civilization," he states that ". . . they cannot
appear, when viewed in their proper perspective, except as subsidiary
adjustments preluding that transformation of unparalleled majesty and
scope which humanity is in this age bound to undergo." In a later
document he refers to the civilization to be established by Bahá'u'lláh
as one ". . . with a fullness of life such as the world has never seen nor
can as yet conceive."
Dearly-loved friends, this is the theme we must pursue in our efforts to
deepen in the Cause. What is Bahá'u'lláh's purpose for the human race?
For what ends did He submit to the appalling cruelties and indignities
heaped upon Him? What does He mean by "a new race of men"? What are the
profound changes which He will bring about? The answers are to be found
in the Sacred Writings of our Faith and in their interpretation by
'Abdu'l-Bahá and our beloved Guardian. Let the friends immerse
themselves in this ocean, let them organize regular study classes for
its constant consideration, and, as reinforcement to their effort, let
them remember conscientiously the requirements of daily prayer
page 115
and reading of the Word of God enjoined upon all Bahá'ís by
Such dedicated striving on the part of all the friends to deepen in the
Cause becomes imperative with the approach of the proclamation program.
As this becomes effective more and more attention will be directed to
the claims of Bahá'u'lláh and opposition must be expected. "How great,
how very great is the Cause!" wrote the Master. "How very fierce the
onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Ere long shall
the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa, throughout America, the
cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China, be
heard from far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their
power to resist His Cause. Then shall the knights of the Lord, assisted
by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of
understanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and
make manifest the truth of the verse: 'Behold the confusion that hath
befallen the tribes of the defeated!'"
Mindful of the countless expressions of divine love found in our
Scriptures and aware of the extraordinary nature of the crisis facing
humanity, we call the friends to a new realization of the very great
things which are expected from us in this Day. We recall that the
Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh, as well as His "Best-Beloved" before Him
and 'Abdu'l-Bahá after Him bore Their sufferings in this world in order
that mankind might be freed from material fetters and "attain unto true
liberty," "might prosper and flourish," "attain unto abiding joy, and be
filled with gladness," and we pray that the endeavors of the friends may
be the means by which this glory and felicity will speedily come to
Ridván 1967
page 116
One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of Birth of Bahá'u'lláh
November 12, 1967, will mark the 150th anniversary of Bahá'u'lláh's
birth. We call the entire Bahá'í world to joyful celebration, befitting
an event so momentous to the fortunes of humanity.
The Universal House of Justice feels that the coincidence of this great
occasion with the opening of the proclamation period provides a splendid
opportunity for bringing to public attention both the spiritual and
social import of the Cause. Not only its message, but the historical
fact of a new Revelation, with all its implications of a new and
worldwide civilization, should be made clear.
Let the friends not hesitate to welcome to their observances, even to
those of a devotional character, the non-Bahá'í public, many of whom may
well be attracted by the prayers and expressions of gratitude of the
believers, no less than by the exalted tone of passages from Bahá'í
June 25, 1967*
page 117
Nature and Purpose of Proclamation
In just over three months the period of the worldwide proclamation of
the Faith will be opened at the six intercontinental conferences called
to celebrate the centenary of the revelation of the Súriy-i-Mulúk. Those
conferences will provide an opportunity for representatives of the
national spiritual assemblies to exchange ideas and coordinate plans for
the proclamation, which will continue throughout the remaining five and
a half years of the Plan.
The stimulating effect of this interchange of ideas will produce greatly
increased momentum throughout the world, but inasmuch as many projects
must be worked out before that date, we feel a few additional comments
on the nature and purpose of proclamation will be helpful now.
Proclamation comprises a number of activities, of which publicity is
only one. The Universal House of Justice itself will be conveying the
Message of Bahá'u'lláh to the heads of all states, but, in addition to
this, one of the most important duties of each national spiritual
assembly is to acquaint leaders of thought and prominent men and women
in its country with the fundamental aims, the history, and the present
status and achievements of the Cause. Such an activity must be carried
out with the utmost wisdom, discretion, and dignity. Publicity connected
with such approaches must be weighed very carefully, as it may be unwise
or discourteous. This is, of course, a long-range program, for such
things cannot be rushed, but it must be given constant attention.
Another aspect of proclamation is a series of teaching programs designed
to reach every stratum of human society
page 118
— programs that should be pursued diligently and wisely, using every
available resource.
Publicity itself should be well conceived, dignified, and reverent. A
flamboyant approach which may succeed in drawing much initial attention
to the Cause may ultimately prove to have produced a revulsion which
would require great effort to overcome. The standard of dignity and
reverence set by the beloved Guardian should always be upheld,
particularly in musical and dramatic items; and photographs of the
Master should not be used indiscriminately. This does not mean that
activities of the youth, for example, should be stultified; one can be
exuberant without being irreverent or undermining the dignity of the
Every land has its own conditions, thus the kind of proclamation
activity to be followed in each country should be decided by its
national spiritual assembly. National spiritual assemblies need not
follow or copy programs initiated in other countries.
In all proclamation activities, follow-up is of supreme importance.
Proclamation, expansion, and consolidation are mutually helpful
activities which must be carefully interrelated. In some places it is
desirable to open a teaching campaign with publicity — in others it is
wiser to establish first a solid local community before publicizing the
Faith or encouraging contacts with prominent people. Here, again, wisdom
is needed.
We have been elated by the enthusiasm with which the Bahá'í community is
preparing for the challenging months and years ahead, and we eagerly
await those days but a few short months away which will open a period of
such promise for the diffusion of God's Word.
July 2, 1967*
page 119
The Time Is Ripe
Message to the Six Intercontinental Conferences
On this, the hundredth anniversary of the sounding in Adrianople of the
opening notes of Bahá'u'lláh's Proclamation to the rulers, leaders, and
peoples of the world, we recall with profound emotion the circumstances
surrounding the Faith of God at that time. In a land, termed by Him the
"Land of Mystery," the Bearer of God's Revelation had arisen to carry
that Faith a stage further in its divinely ordained destiny.
Internally, the infant Cause of God was convulsed by a crisis from whose
shadows emerged the majestic figure of Bahá'u'lláh, the visible Center
and Head of a newly established Faith. The first pilgrimages were made
to His Residence, a further stage in the transfer of the remains of the
Báb was achieved, and above all the first intimations were given of the
future station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá as the Center of the Covenant and of the
revelation of the new laws for the new Day. Externally, the full
significance of the new Revelation was proclaimed by no one less than
its Divine Bearer, His followers began openly to identify themselves
with the Most Great Name, the independent character of the Faith became
established, and its fearless exponents took up their pens in defense of
its fair name.
Now, a hundred years later, the friends, gathered in the six
intercontinental conferences to commemorate the events of the past,
privileged to gaze upon the portrait of their Beloved, must consider the
urgent needs of the Cause today.
page 120
As the Bahá'í world enters the third phase of the Nine Year Plan we are
called upon to proclaim once again that Divine Message to the leaders
and masses of the world, to aid the Faith of God to emerge from
obscurity into the arena of public attention, to demonstrate through
steadfast adherence to its laws the independent character of its
mission, and to brace ourselves in preparation for the attacks that are
bound to be directed against its victorious onward march. Upon our
efforts depends in very large measure the fate of humanity. The hundred
years' respite having ended, the struggle between the forces of
darkness — man's lower nature — and the rising sun of the Divine Teachings
which draw him on to his true station, intensifies day by day.
The centenary campaign has been opened by the Universal House of Justice
presenting to 140 heads of state a compilation of Bahá'u'lláh's own
Proclamation. The friends must now take the Message to the rest of
humanity. The time is ripe and the opportunities illimitable. We are not
alone nor helpless. Sustained by our love for each other and given power
through the Administrative Order — so laboriously erected by our beloved
Guardian — the army of Light can achieve such victories as will astonish
We pray at the holy shrines that these intercontinental conferences will
be centers of spiritual illumination inspiring the friends to redouble
their efforts in further expanding and consolidating the Faith of God,
to arise to fill the remaining pioneer goals, to undertake traveling
teaching projects, and to offer generously of their substance to the
various funds, particularly to the vital project of erecting the Panama
Temple, the foundation stone of which is being laid by Amatu'l-Bahá
Rúhíyyih Khánum during the course of these conferences.
As humanity enters the dark heart of this age of transition our course
is clear — the achievement of the assigned
page 121
goals and the proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh's healing Message. It is our
ardent hope that from these conferences valiant souls may arise with
noble resolve and in loving service to ensure the successful and early
accomplishment of the sacred tasks that lie ahead.
October 1967
page 122
Third Phase of Nine Year Plan Begins
Hearts filled profound gratitude rejoice announce inauguration third
phase Nine Year Plan through successful consummation six
intercontinental conferences attended by 9,200 believers including
nearly all Hands Cause large number Board members representatives almost
all national assemblies Bahá'í world over 140 territories and host Asian
African American Indian tribes. Inestimable privilege conferred
participants through viewing portrait Abhá Beauty. Spirit Holy Land and
Adrianople conveyed six distinguished representatives House Justice.
First presentations behalf House Justice proclamation book heads of
state made before and during conference. Fruitful deliberations held
proclamation execution remaining goals Plan. Solidarity Bahá'í world
further evinced through ingenious scheme telephonic exchange greetings
all six conferences. Spiritual potencies this new phase reinforced
through formal laying by Amatu'l-Bahá of cornerstone Mother Temple Latin
America. Over 230 offers made at conferences join ranks valiant pioneers
Cause. Raise suppliant hands Bahá'u'lláh endow friends every land fresh
measure celestial strength enable them pursue with increased vision
unabated resolve glorious goals ahead until this new period proclamation
yields its share in divinely propelled process establishment Kingdom God
hearts men.
Cablegram, October 15,1967
page 123
Significant Step at United Nations
Morrow six intercontinental conferences inaugurating proclamation period
announce Bahá'í world significant step development relations United
Nations through assumption by Universal House of Justice function
representation Bahá'í International Community capacity nongovernmental
organization at United Nations. Take this occasion express National
Assembly United States and Mildred Mottahedeh grateful loving
appreciation many years devoted tireless successful services as
representative and observer respectively.
Cablegram, October 17, 1967
page 124
The Paramount Goal of Teaching
We have recently sent to those national spiritual assemblies which are
engaged in mass teaching the enclosed extracts from the writings of
Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá and from the letters of Shoghi Effendi. We
feel that they will also be of great assistance to all other national
spiritual assemblies.
The paramount goal of the teaching work at the present time is to carry
the Message of Bahá'u'lláh to every stratum of human society and every
walk of life. An eager response to the teachings will often be found in
the most unexpected quarters, and any such response should be quickly
followed up, for success in a fertile area awakens a response in those
who were at first uninterested.
The same presentation of the teachings will not appeal to everybody; the
method of expression and the approach must be varied in accordance with
the outlook and interest of the hearer. An approach which is designed to
appeal to everybody will usually result in attracting the middle
section, leaving both extremes untouched. No effort must be spared to
ensure that the healing Word of God reaches the rich and the poor, the
learned and the illiterate, the old and the young, the devout and the
atheist, the dweller in the remote hills and islands, the inhabitant of
the teeming cities, the suburban businessman, the laborer in the slums,
the nomadic tribesman, the farmer, the university student; all must be
brought consciously within the teaching plans of the Bahá'í community.
Whereas plans must be carefully made, and every useful
page 125
means adopted in the furtherance of this work, your assemblies must
never let such plans eclipse the shining truth expounded in the enclosed
quotations: that it is the purity of heart, detachment, uprightness,
devotion, and love of the teacher that attracts the Divine confirmations
and enables him, however ignorant he be in this world's learning, to win
the hearts of his fellowmen to the Cause of God.
October 31, 1967*
Extracts enclosed with above letter
"Whoso ariseth, in this Day, to aid Our Cause, and summoneth to his
assistance the hosts of a praiseworthy character and upright conduct,
the influence flowing from such an action will, most certainly, be
diffused throughout the whole world."
(Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 287)
"Whoso ariseth to teach Our Cause must needs detach himself from all
earthly things, and regard, at all times, the triumph of Our Faith as
his supreme objective. . . . And when he determineth to leave his home, for
the sake of the Cause of his Lord, let him put his whole trust in God,
as the best provision for his journey, and array himself with the robe
of virtue. . . . If he be kindled with the fire of His love, if he forgoeth
all created things, the words he uttereth shall set on fire them that
hear him."
(Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, pp. 334-335)
"I swear by Him Who is the Most Great Ocean! Within the very breath of
such souls as are pure and sanctified far-reaching potentialities are
hidden. So great are these
page 126
potentialities that they exercise their influence upon all created
(Bahá'u'lláh — Quoted in
The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 19)
"He is the true servant of God, who, in this day, were he to pass
through cities of silver and gold, would not deign to look upon them,
and whose heart would remain pure and undefiled from whatever things can
be seen in this world, be they its goods or its treasures. I swear by
the Sun of Truth! The breath of such a man is endowed with potency, and
his words with attraction."
(Bahá'u'lláh — Quoted in
The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 19)
"The most vital duty, in this day, is to purify your characters, to
correct your manners, and improve your conduct. The beloved of the
Merciful must show forth such character and conduct among His creatures
that the fragrance of their holiness may be shed upon the whole world,
and may quicken the dead, inasmuch as the purpose of the Manifestation
of God and the dawning of the limitless lights of the Invisible is to
educate the souls of men, and refine the character of every living man."
('Abdu'l-Bahá — Quoted in
The Advent of Divine Justice, pp. 21-22)
"If you observe that a soul has turned his face completely toward the
Cause of God, his intention is centralized upon the penetration of the
Word of God, he is serving the Cause day and night with the utmost
fidelity, no scent of selfishness is inhaled from his manners and deeds,
and no trace of egotism or prejudice is seen in his personality — nay
rather is he a wanderer in the wilderness of the love of God, and one
intoxicated with the wine of the knowledge
page 127
of God, occupied wholly with the diffusion of the fragrances of God, and
attracted to the signs of the Kingdom of God; know ye of a certainty
that he is confirmed with the powers of the Kingdom, assisted by the
heaven of might; and he will shine, gleam, and sparkle like unto the
morning star with the utmost brilliancy and splendor from the horizon of
the everlasting gift. If he is alloyed with the slightest trace of
passion, desire, ostentation, or self-interest, it is certain that the
results of all efforts will prove fruitless, and he will become deprived
and hopeless.
(Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá — Volume I, p. 42)
"The aim is this: the intention of the teacher must be pure, his heart
independent, his spirit attracted, his thought at peace, his resolution
firm, his magnanimity exalted, and in the love of God a shining torch.
Should he become as such, his sanctified breath will even affect the
rock; otherwise there will be no result whatsoever. As long as a soul is
not perfected, how can he efface the defects of others! Unless he is
detached from aught else save God, how can he teach the severance to
('Abdu'l-Bahá — Quoted in Bahá'í
World Faith, p. 427)
"One thing and only one thing will unfailingly and alone secure the
undoubted triumph of this sacred Cause, namely, the extent to which our
own inner life and private character mirror forth in their manifold
aspects the splendor of those eternal principles proclaimed by
(From a letter written by the Guardian to the American believers,
dated September 24, 1924, quoted in Bahá'í Administration, p. 66)
". . . .having attained sufficiently the individual regeneration — the
essential requisite of teaching — let us arise to teach His Cause with
righteousness, conviction, understanding,
page 128
and vigor. Let this be the paramount and most urgent duty of every
(From a letter written by the Guardian to the American believers,
dated November 24, 1924, quoted in Bahá'í Administration, p. 69)
"The first and most important qualification of a Bahá'í teacher is,
indeed, unqualified loyalty and attachment to the Cause. Knowledge is,
of course, essential; but compared to devotion it is secondary in
"What the Cause now requires is not so much a group of highly cultured
and intellectual people who can adequately present its teachings, but a
number of devoted, sincere, and loyal supporters who, in utter disregard
of their own weaknesses and limitations, and with hearts afire with the
love of God, forsake their all for the sake of spreading and
establishing His Faith."
(From a letter written on the Guardian's behalf to an individual believer,
published in Bahá'í News No. 102, August 1936, p. 2)
"They must remember the glorious history of the Cause, which . . . . was
established by dedicated souls who, for the most part, were neither
rich, famous, nor well educated, but whose devotion, zeal, and
self-sacrifice overcame every obstacle and won miraculous victories for
the Faith of God."
(From a letter written on the Guardian's behalf to the National
Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma dated June 29, 1941)
". . . .what raised aloft the banner of Bahá'u'lláh was the love,
sacrifice, and devotion of His humble followers and the change that His
Teachings wrought in their hearts and lives."
(From a letter written on the Guardian's behalf to the British
page 129
National Spiritual Assembly, dated June 20, 1942)
"It is the quality of devotion and self-sacrifice that brings rewards in
the service of this Faith, rather than means, ability, or financial
(From a letter written on the Guardian's behalf to the National
Spiritual Assembly of Australia and New Zealand, dated May 11, 1948)
"One wise and dedicated soul can so often give life to an inactive
community, bring in new people, and inspire them to greater sacrifice.
He hopes that whatever else you are able to do during the coming months,
you will be able to keep in circulation a few really good Bahá'í
(From a letter written on the Guardian's behalf to the National
Spiritual Assembly of Central America, dated June 30, 1952)
page 130
Convocation of First Oceanic Conference
Occasion hundred fiftieth anniversary Birth Blessed Beauty we
contemplate with hearts over-flowing gratitude inestimable bounties
conferred by God through His Supreme Manifestation ensuring fulfillment
glorious long promised Kingdom now evolving womb travailing age destined
confer peace undreamt felicity mankind. Announce convocation
twenty-third to twenty-fifth August 1968 first Oceanic Conference Bahá'í
world Palermo Sicily heart sea traversed God's Manifestation century ago
proceeding incarceration Most Great Prison. Twofold purpose conference
consider momentous fulfillment age-old prophecies triumph God's
Messenger over every grievous calamity and consult plans propagation
Cause islands lands bordering Mediterranean Sea. Participants invited
Holy Land immediately following conference attend commemoration arrival
Lord Hosts these sacred shores reconsecrate themselves Threshold His
Shrine prosecution glorious tasks ahead.
Cablegram, November 12, 1967
page 131
Relationship of Bahá'ís to Politics
Portions of a letter written to an individual believer who asked
questions about the relationship of Bahá'ís to the social and political
forces presently operating in the world.
. . . we will gladly attempt to clarify some of the points which bewilder
you in the relationship of Bahá'ís to politics. This is a matter of very
great importance, particularly in these days when the world situation is
so confused; an unwise act or statement by a Bahá'í in one country could
result in a grave setback for the Faith there or elsewhere — and even
loss of the lives of fellow believers.
The whole conduct of a Bahá'í in relation to the problems, sufferings,
and bewilderment of his fellowmen should be viewed in the light of God's
purpose for mankind in this age and the processes He has set in motion
for its achievement.
When Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed His Message to the world in the nineteenth
century He made it abundantly clear that the first step essential for
the peace and progress of mankind was its unification. As He says, "The
well-being of mankind, its peace and security are unattainable unless
and until its unity is firmly established." (The World Order of
Bahá'u'lláh, p. 203) To this day, however, you will find most people take
the opposite point of view: they look upon unity as an ultimate, almost
unattainable goal and concentrate first on remedying all the other ills
of mankind. If they did but know it, these other ills are but various
symptoms and side effects of the basic disease — disunity.
page 132
Bahá'u'lláh has, furthermore, stated that the revivification of mankind
and the curing of all its ills can be achieved only through the
instrumentality of His Faith. "The vitality of men's belief in God is
dying out in every land; nothing short of His wholesome medicine can
ever restore it. The corrosion of ungodliness is eating into the vitals
of human society; what else but the Elixir of His potent Revelation can
cleanse and revive it?" (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh,
XCIX) "That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy and
mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of
all its peoples in one universal Cause, one common Faith. This can in no
wise be achieved except through the power of a skilled, an all-powerful
and inspired Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught
but error." (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, CXX)
In similar vein the beloved Guardian wrote "Humanity, whether viewed in
the light of man's individual conduct or in the existing relationships
between organized communities and nations, has, alas, strayed too far
and suffered too great a decline to be redeemed through the unaided
efforts of the best among its recognized rulers and statesmen — however
disinterested their motives, however concerted their action, however
unsparing in their zeal and devotion to its cause. No scheme which the
calculations of the highest statesmanship may yet devise; no doctrine
which the most distinguished exponents of economic theory may hope to
advance; no principle which the most ardent of moralists may strive to
inculcate, can provide, in the last resort, adequate foundations upon
which the future of a distracted world can be built.
"No appeal for mutual tolerance which the worldly-wise
page 133
might raise, however compelling and insistent, can calm its passions or
help restore its vigor. Nor would any general scheme of mere organized
international cooperation, in whatever sphere of human activity, however
ingenious in conception, or extensive in scope, succeed in removing the
root cause of the evil that has so rudely upset the equilibrium of
present-day society. Not even, I venture to assert, would the very act
of devising the machinery required for the political and economic
unification of the world — a principle that has been increasingly
advocated in recent times — provide in itself the antidote against the
poison that is steadily undermining the vigor of organized peoples and
"What else, might we not confidently affirm, but the unreserved
acceptance of the Divine program enunciated, with such simplicity and
force as far back as sixty years ago, by Bahá'u'lláh, embodying in its
essentials God's divinely appointed scheme for the unification of
mankind in this age, coupled with an indomitable conviction in the
unfailing efficacy of each and all of its provisions, is eventually
capable of withstanding the forces of internal disintegration which, if
unchecked, must needs continue to eat into the vitals of a despairing
society." (The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, pp. 33, 34)
We are told by Shoghi Effendi that two great processes are at work in
the world: the great Plan of God, tumultuous in its progress, working
through mankind as a whole, tearing down barriers to world unity and
forging humankind into a unified body in the fires of suffering and
experience. This process will produce, in God's due time, the Lesser
Peace, the political unification of the world. Mankind at that time can
be likened to a body that is unified but without
page 134
life. The second process, the task of breathing life into this unified
body — of creating true unity and spirituality culminating in the Most
Great Peace — is that of the Bahá'ís, who are laboring consciously, with
detailed instructions and continuing Divine guidance, to erect the
fabric of the Kingdom of God on earth, into which they call their
fellowmen, thus conferring upon them eternal life.
The working out of God's Major Plan proceeds mysteriously in ways
directed by Him alone, but the Minor Plan that He has given us to
execute, as our part in His grand design for the redemption of mankind,
is clearly delineated. It is to this work that we must devote all our
energies, for there is no one else to do it. So vital is this function
of the Bahá'ís that Bahá'u'lláh has written:
"O friends! Be not careless
of the virtues with which ye have been endowed, neither be neglectful of
your high destiny. Suffer not your labors to be wasted through the vain
imaginations which certain hearts have devised. Ye are the stars of the
heaven of understanding, the breeze that stirreth at the break of day,
the soft-flowing waters upon which must depend the very life of all men,
the letters inscribed upon His sacred scroll. With the utmost unity, and
in a spirit of perfect fellowship, exert yourselves, that ye may be
enabled to achieve that which beseemeth this Day of God." (Gleanings
from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, XCVI)
Because love for our fellowmen and anguish at their plight are essential
parts of a true Bahá'í's life, we are continually drawn to do what we
can to help them. It is vitally important that we do so whenever the
occasion presents itself, for our actions must say the same thing as our
words — but this compassion for our fellows must not be allowed to divert
our energies into channels which are ultimately
page 135
doomed to failure, causing us to neglect the most important and
fundamental work of all. There are hundreds of thousands of well-wishers
of mankind who devote their lives to works of relief and charity, but a
pitiful few to do the work which God Himself most wants done: the
spiritual awakening and regeneration of mankind.
It is often through our misguided feeling that we can somehow aid our
fellows better by some activity outside the Faith, that Bahá'ís are led
to indulge in politics. This is a dangerous delusion. As Shoghi
Effendi's secretary wrote on his behalf: "What we Bahá'ís must face is
the fact that society is disintegrating so rapidly that moral issues
which were clear a half century ago are now hopelessly confused and,
what is more, thoroughly mixed up with battling political interests.
That is why the Bahá'ís must turn all their forces into the channel of
building up the Bahá'í Cause and its administration. They can neither
change nor help the world in any other way at present. If they become
involved in the issues the governments of the world are struggling over,
they will be lost. But if they build up the Bahá'í pattern they can
offer it as a remedy when all else has failed." (Bahá'í News No. 241,
March 1951, p. 14) ". . . We must build up our Bahá'í system, and leave
the faulty systems of the world to go their way. We cannot change them
through becoming involved in them; on the contrary, they will destroy
us." (Bahá'í News No. 215, January 1949, p. 1)
Other instructions from the Guardian, covering the same theme in more
detail, can be found on pages 24 and 29 to 32 of Principles of Bahá'í
Administration (1963 edition); you are no doubt already familiar with
The key to a true understanding of these principles seems to be in these
words of Bahá'u'lláh: "O people of God! Do not busy yourselves in your
own concerns; let your thoughts
page 136
be fixed upon that which will rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind and
sanctify the hearts and souls of men. This can best be achieved through
pure and holy deeds, through a virtuous life and a goodly behavior.
Valiant acts will ensure the triumph of this Cause, and a saintly
character will reinforce its power. Cleave unto righteousness, O people
of Bahá! This, verily, is the commandment which this wronged One hath
given unto you, and the first choice of His unrestrained will for every
one of you." (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, XLIII)
December 8, 1967
page 137
Newly Elected Universal House of Justice
Announce Bahá'í world newly elected members Universal House of Justice
Amoz Gibson 'Alí Nakhjavání Hushmand Fatheázam Ian Semple
Charles Wolcott David Hofman H. Borrah Kavelin Hugh Chance David Ruhe.
Cablegram, April 22, 1968
page 138
Message to National Conventions — 1968
With joyful memory of dedicated spirit mature deliberations second
International Convention hail golden opportunity national conventions as
crucial midway point Nine Year Plan approaches galvanize believers
direct all efforts achievement every remaining goal and simultaneously
extend accelerate universal proclamation Divine Message. With utmost
love call upon all Bahá'ís for sacrificial outpouring energies resources
advancement redeeming Order Bahá'u'lláh sole refuge misdirected heedless
millions. World Center Faith scene prolonged prayerful consultation with
assembled Hands Cause goals Plan including fundamental objective
development institution Hands view extension future God-given duties
protection propagation. Supplicating continually Holy Shrines Lord Hosts
bountifully reward dedicated ardent lovers complete glorious victory.
Cablegram, May 9, 1968
page 139
Continental Boards of Counselors Established
Rejoice announce momentous decision establish eleven Continental Boards
Counselors protection propagation Faith three each for Africa Americas
Asia one each for Australasia Europe. Adoption this significant step
following consultation with Hands Cause God ensures extension future
appointed functions their institution. Continental Boards entrusted in
close collaboration Hands Cause with responsibility direction Auxiliary
Boards and consultation national spiritual assemblies. Hands Cause God
will henceforth increase intercontinental services assuming worldwide
role protection propagation Faith. Members Auxiliary Boards will report
be responsible to Continental Boards Counselors. Hands Cause residing
Holy Land in addition serving liaison between Universal House Justice
and Continental Boards Counselors will assist future establishment
international teaching center Holy Land foreshadowed writings beloved
Guardian. Details new developments being conveyed by letter. Fervently
supplicating Holy Threshold Divine confirmations further step
irresistible unfoldment mighty Administrative Order Bahá'u'lláh.
Cablegram, June 21, 1968*
page 140
Appointment of Continental Boards of Counselors
The majestic unfoldment of Bahá'u'lláh's world-redeeming administrative
system has been marked by the successive establishment of the various
institutions and agencies which constitute the framework of that
divinely created Order. Thus, more than a quarter of a century after the
emergence of the first national spiritual assemblies of the Bahá'í world
the institution of the Hands of the Cause of God was formally
established, with the appointment by the beloved Guardian, in conformity
with the provisions of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Will and Testament, of the first
contingent of these high-ranking officers of the Faith. Following the
passing of the Guardian of the Cause of God, it fell to the House of
Justice to devise a way, within the Administrative Order, of developing
"the institution of the Hands of the Cause with a view to extension into
the future of its appointed functions of protection and propagation,"
and this was made a goal of the Nine Year Plan. Much thought and study
has been given to the question over the past four years, and the texts
have been collected and reviewed. During the last two months, this goal,
as announced in our cable to the national conventions, has been the
object of prolonged and prayerful consultation between the Universal
House of Justice and the Hands of the Cause of God. All this made
evident the framework within which this goal was to be achieved, namely:
The Universal House of Justice sees no way in which additional Hands of
the Cause of God can be appointed.
page 141
The absence of the Guardian of the Faith brought about an entirely new
relationship between the Universal House of Justice and the Hands of the
Cause and called for the progressive unfoldment by the Universal House
of Justice of the manner in which the Hands of the Cause would carry out
their divinely conferred functions of protection and propagation.
Whatever new development or institution is initiated should come into
operation as soon as possible in order to reinforce and supplement the
work of the Hands of the Cause while at the same time taking full
advantage of the opportunity of having the Hands themselves assist in
launching and guiding the new procedures.
Any such institution must grow and operate in harmony with the
principles governing the functioning of the institution of the Hands of
the Cause of God.
In the light of these considerations the Universal House of Justice
decided, as announced in its recent cable, to establish Continental
Boards of Counselors for the protection and propagation of the Faith.
Their duties will include directing the Auxiliary Boards in their
respective areas, consulting and collaborating with national spiritual
assemblies, and keeping the Hands of the Cause and the Universal House
of Justice informed concerning the conditions of the Cause in their
Initially eleven Boards of Counselors have been appointed, one for each
of the following areas: Northwestern Africa, Central and East Africa,
Southern Africa, North America, Central America, South America, Western
Asia, Southeastern Asia, Northeastern Asia, Australasia, and Europe.
The members of these Boards of Counselors will serve for a term, or
terms, the length of which will be determined
page 142
and announced at a later date, and while serving in this capacity will
not be eligible for membership on national or local administrative
bodies. One member of each Continental Board of Counselors has been
designated as trustee of the Continental Fund for its area.
The Auxiliary Boards for Protection and Propagation will henceforth
report to the Continental Boards of Counselors, who will appoint or
replace members of the Auxiliary Boards as circumstances may require.
Such appointments and replacements as may be necessary in the initial
stages will take place after consultation with the Hand or Hands
previously assigned to the continent or zone.
The Hands of the Cause of God have the prerogative and obligation to
consult with the Continental Boards of Counselors and national spiritual
assemblies on any subject which, in their view, affects the interests of
the Cause. The Hands residing in the Holy Land will act as liaison
between the Universal House of Justice and the Continental Boards of
Counselors, and will also assist the Universal House of Justice in
setting up, at a propitious time, an international teaching center in
the Holy Land, as anticipated in the Guardian's writings.
The Hands of the Cause of God are one of the most precious assets the
Bahá'í world possesses. Released from administration of the Auxiliary
Boards, they will be able to concentrate their energies on the more
primary responsibilities of general protection and propagation,
"preservation of the spiritual health of the Bahá'í communities" and
"the vitality of the faith" of the Bahá'ís throughout the world. The
House of Justice will call upon them to undertake special missions on
its behalf, to represent it on both Bahá'í and other occasions, and to
keep it informed of the welfare of the Cause. While the Hands of the
Cause will, naturally, have special concern for the affairs of the Cause
page 143
in the areas in which they reside, they will operate increasingly on an
intercontinental level, a factor which will lend tremendous impetus to
the diffusion throughout the Bahá'í world of the spiritual inspiration
channeled through them — the Chief Stewards of Bahá'u'lláh's embryonic
World Commonwealth.
With joyful hearts we proclaim this further unfoldment of the
Administrative Order of Bahá'u'lláh and join our prayers to those of the
friends throughout the East and the West that Bahá'u'lláh may continue
to shower His confirmations upon the efforts of His servants in the
safeguarding and promotion of His Faith.
June 24, 1968
Membership of First Continental Boards of Counselors
The Universal House of Justice has announced the names of those who have
been appointed to the first Continental Boards of Counselors for the
Protection and Propagation of the Faith as follows:
Husayn Ardikání (Trustee, Continental Fund),
Muhammad Kebdani, William Maxwell.
Oloro Epyeru, Kolonario Oule, Isobel Sabri, Mihdí
Samandarí, 'Azíz Yazdí (Trustee, Continental Fund).
Seewoosumbur-Jeehoba Appa, Shidan Fath-i-A'zam
(Trustee, Continental Fund), Bahíyyih Ford.
Lloyd Gardiner, Florence Mayberry, Edna True (Trustee, Continental
page 144
Carmen de Burafato, Artemus Lamb, Alfred Osborne (Trustee, Continental
Athos Costas, Hooper Dunbar (Trustee, Continental Fund), Donald Witzel.
Masíh Farhangí, Mas'úd Khamsí, Hádí
Rahmání (Trustee, Continental Fund), Manúchihr
Salmánpúr, Sankaran Nair Vasudevan.
Yan Kee Leong, Khudarahm Paymán (Trustee, Continental Fund), Chellie
Rúhu'lláh Mumtází (Trustee, Continental Fund), Vicente
Suhayl 'Alá'í, Howard Harwood, Thelma Perks
(Trustee, Continental Fund).
Erik Blumenthal, Dorothy Ferraby (Trustee, Continental Fund), Louis
page 145
From Gallipoli to the Most Great Prison
Message to First Oceanic Conference
The event which we commemorate at this first Bahá'í Oceanic Conference
is unique. Neither the migration of Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to
the region of Aleppo, nor the journey of Moses towards the Promised
Land, nor the flight into Egypt of Mary and Joseph with the infant
Jesus, nor yet the Hegira of Muhammad can compare with the voyage made
by God's Supreme Manifestation one hundred years ago from Gallipoli to
the Most Great-Prison. Bahá'u'lláh's voyage was forced upon Him by the
two despots who were His chief adversaries in a determined attempt to
extirpate once and for all His Cause, and the decree of His fourth
banishment came when the tide of His prophetic utterance was in full
flood. The Proclamation of His Message to mankind had begun; the sun of
His majesty had reached its zenith and, as attested by the devotion of
His followers, the respect of the population, and the esteem of
officials and the representatives of foreign powers, His ascendancy had
become manifest. At such a time He was confronted with the decree of
final exile to a remote, obscure, and pestilential outpost of the
decrepit Turkish empire.
Bahá'u'lláh knew, better than His royal persecutors, the magnitude of
the crisis, with all its potentiality for disaster, which confronted
Him. Consigned to a prison cell, debarred from access to those to whom
His Message must be addressed, cut off from His followers save for the
page 146
who were to accompany Him, and deprived even of association with them,
it was apparent that by all earthly standards the ship of His Cause must
founder, His mission wither and die.
But it was the Lord of Hosts with Whom they were dealing. Knowing the
sufferings which faced Him, His one thought was to instill confidence
and fortitude into His followers, to whom He immediately despatched
sublime Tablets asserting the power of His Cause to overcome all
opposition. "Should they attempt to conceal its light on the continent,"
is one of His powerful utterances on this theme, "it will assuredly rear
its head in the midmost heart of the ocean, and raising its voice,
proclaim: 'I am the lifegiver of the world!'" All the afflictions which
men could heap upon Him were thrown back from the rock of His adamantine
will like spray from the ocean. His patient submission to the affronts
of men, His fortitude, His divine genius transformed the somber notes of
disaster into the diapason of triumph. At the nadir of His worldly
fortunes He raised His standard of victory above the Prison City and
poured forth upon mankind the healing balm of His laws and ordinances
revealed in His Most Holy Book. "Until our time," comments 'Abdu'l-Bahá,
"no such thing has ever occurred."
Contemplating this awe-inspiring, supernal episode, we may obtain a
clearer understanding of our own times, a more confident view of their
outcome, and a deeper apprehension of the part we are called upon to
play. That the violent disruption which has seized the entire planet is
beyond the ability of men to assuage, unaided by God's Revelation, is a
truth repeatedly and forcibly set forth in our Writings. The old order
cannot be repaired; it is being rolled up before our eyes. The moral
decay and disorder
page 147
convulsing human society must run their course; we can neither arrest
nor divert them.
Our task is to build the Order of Bahá'u'lláh. Undeflected by the
desperate expedients of those who seek to subdue the storm convulsing
human life by political, economic, social, or educational programs, let
us, with singleminded devotion and concentrating all our efforts on our
objective, raise His Divine system and, sheltered within its impregnable
stronghold, safe from the darts of doubtfulness, demonstrate the Bahá'í
way of life. Wherever a Bahá'í community exists, whether large or small,
let it be distinguished for its abiding sense of security and faith, its
high standard of rectitude, its complete freedom from all forms of
prejudice, the spirit of love among its members, and for the closely
knit fabric of its social life. The acute distinction between this and
present-day society will inevitably arouse the interest of the more
enlightened, and as the world's gloom deepens the light of Bahá'í life
will shine brighter and brighter until its brilliance must eventually
attract the disillusioned masses and cause them to enter the haven of
the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, Who alone can bring them peace and justice
and an ordered life.
The great sea, on one of whose chief islands you are now gathered,
within whose hinterland and islands have flourished the Jewish; the
Christian, and Islámic civilizations, is a befitting scene for the first
Oceanic Bahá'í Conference. Two milleniums ago, in this arena, the
disciples of Christ performed such deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice
as are remembered to this day and are forever enshrined in the annals of
His Cause. A thousand years later the lands bordering the southern and
western shores of this sea witnessed the glory of Islám's Golden Age.
page 148
In the day of the Promised One this same sea achieved eternal fame
through its association with the Heroic and Formative Ages of His Cause.
It bore upon its bosom the King of Kings Himself; the Center of His
Covenant crossed and recrossed it in the course of His epoch-making
journeys to the West, during which He left the indelible imprint of His
presence upon European and African lands; the Sign of God on earth
frequently journeyed upon it. It enshrines within its depths the mortal
remains of the Hand of the Cause of God Dorothy Baker, and around its
shores lies the dust of apostles, martyrs, and pioneers. Forty-six
Knights of Bahá'u'lláh are identified with seven of its islands and five
of its territories. Through such and many other episodes, Mediterranean
lands — ancient home of civilizations — have been endowed with spiritual
potentiality to dissolve the encrustations of those once glorious but
now moribund social orders and to radiate once again the light of Divine
Through dedicated, heroic, and sacrificial deeds during the course of
the beloved Guardian's ministry, the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh was
established in this area. Eight pillars of the Universal House of
Justice were raised, the first of an even larger number to be
established now and during the course of future plans, to include, as
envisioned by Shoghi Effendi, national spiritual assemblies in major
islands of that historic sea.
The timing of such exciting developments is dependent upon the outcome
of the Nine Year Plan. At this midway point of that Plan, although great
strides have been made, more than half the goals are still to be won.
The greatest deficiencies are in the opening of new centers where
Bahá'ís reside and the formation of local spiritual assemblies,
page 149
which inevitably affects the ability to establish national spiritual
assemblies. A dramatic upsurge of teaching — effective teaching — is
necessary to make up the leeway; pioneers are needed, teachers must
travel, funds must be provided. It is our hope that there will be
engendered at this conference, through your enthusiasm, prayers, and
spirit of devotion, a great spiritual dynamic to reinforce that grand
momentum which, mounting steadily during the next four years, must carry
the community of the Most Great Name to overwhelming victory in 1973.
Dear friends; within a few short days the observance of the Centenary of
Bahá'u'lláh's arrival in the Holy Land will take place. The hearts and
minds of the entire Bahá'í world will be focused on the Most Holy
Shrine, where those privileged to attend this commemoration will
circumambulate that Holy Spot and raise their prayers to the Lord of the
Age. Let them remember their fellow believers at home and supplicate
from the depths of their souls for such bounties and favors to descend
upon the friends of God everywhere as to cause them to rise as one man
to demonstrate their love for Him Who suffered for them, by such deeds
of sacrifice and devotion as shall outshine the deeds of the past and
sweep away every obstacle from the onward march of the Cause of God.
August 1968
page 150
All May Share Laurels of Accomplishment
The glorious conference in Palermo concluded with a burst of eager
enthusiasm of determined and dedicated believers who have pledged to do
their part in winning the remaining goals of the Nine Year Plan. More
than 125 offered to pioneer and more than 100 volunteered to do travel
teaching. In addition, there was a generous outpouring of material
resources to finance teaching projects. Had the entire Bahá'í world been
able to participate in the Mediterranean conference, we have no doubt
that all the goals would be quickly won.
With this in mind, we wish to impress upon the friends who could not
attend the conference, and who will surely — through reports and personal
contact with those who did — sense the enthusiasm generated there, that
all believers have the privilege to share in the pioneering work, in the
travel teaching program, and in contributing to the Fund.
We announced at the conference that the International Deputization Fund,
so far used to aid pioneering and travel teaching on an international
level, will henceforth be available to assist such projects on the
national level in those areas where support is vitally important to the
winning of the goals of the Nine Year Plan. We are concerned that,
although we are now approaching the midway point of the Plan, we must
yet form an additional 6,997 local spiritual assemblies (76% of the
goal), and take the Faith to over 22,800 new localities (59% of the
goal). Obviously, hundreds of pioneers and traveling teachers will be
required, many of whom will serve in their own countries.
page 151
Those who cannot pioneer or do travel teaching will want to participate
by contributing to the International Deputization Fund. Let them
remember Bahá'u'lláh's injunction: "Center your energies in the
propagation of the Faith of God. Whoso is worthy of so high a calling,
let him arise and promote it. Whoso is unable, it is his duty to appoint
him who will, in his stead, proclaim this Revelation . . ." Let the
Bahá'ís of the world join in the true spirit of universal participation
and win all the victories while there is yet time. Let each assume his
full measure of responsibility that all may share the laurels of
accomplishment at the end of the Plan.
Our fervent prayer is that this one hundredth anniversary of the final
banishment of Bahá'u'lláh will mark a significant turning point in the
fortunes of the Nine Year Plan.
September 8, 1968
page 152
Pathway of Service for Bahá'í Youth in Every Land
In the two years since we last addressed the youth of the, Bahá'í world
many remarkable advances have been made in the fortunes of the Faith.
Not the least of these is the enrollment under the banner of Bahá'u'lláh
of a growing army of young men and women eager to serve His Cause. The
zeal, the enthusiasm, the steadfastness, and the devotion of the youth
in every land have brought great joy and assurance to our hearts.
During the last days of August and the first days of; September, when
nearly two thousand believers from all over the world gathered in the
Holy Land to commemorate the Centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's arrival on these
sacred shores, we had an opportunity to observe at first hand those
qualities of good character, selfless service, and determined effort
exemplified in the youth who served as volunteer helpers, and we wish to
express our gratitude for their loving assistance and for their example.
Many of them offered to pioneer, but one perplexing question recurred:
Shall I continue my education, or should I pioneer now? Undoubtedly this
same question is in the mind of every young Bahá'í wishing to dedicate
his life to the advancement of the Faith. There is no stock answer which
applies to all situations; the beloved Guardian gave different answers
to different individuals on this question. Obviously circumstances vary
with each individual case. Each individual must decide how he can best
serve the Cause. In making this decision, it will be helpful to weigh
the following factors:
page 153
Upon becoming a Bahá'í one's whole life is, or should become, devoted to
the progress of the Cause of God, and every talent or faculty he
possesses is ultimately committed to this overriding life objective.
Within this framework he must consider, among other things, whether by
continuing his education now he can be a more effective pioneer later,
or alternatively whether the urgent need for pioneers, while
possibilities for teaching are still open, outweighs an anticipated
increase in effectiveness. This is not an easy decision, since
oftentimes the spirit which prompts the pioneering offer is more
important than one's academic attainments.
One's liability for military service may be a factor in timing the offer
of pioneer service.
One may have outstanding obligations to others, including those who may
be dependent on one for support.
It may be possible to combine a pioneer project with a continuing
educational program. Consideration may also be given to the possibility
that a pioneering experience, even though it interrupts the formal
educational program, may prove beneficial in the long run in that
studies would later be resumed with a more mature outlook.
The urgency of a particular goal which one is especially qualified to
fill and for which there are no other offers.
The fact that the need for pioneers will undoubtedly be with us for many
generations to come, and that therefore there will be many calls in
future for pioneering service.
page 154
The principle of consultation also applies. One may have the obligation
to consult others, such as one's parents, one's local and national
assemblies, and the pioneering committees.
Finally, bearing in mind the principle of sacrificial service and the
unfailing promises Bahá'u'lláh ordained for those who arise to serve His
Cause, one should pray and meditate on what one's course of action will
be. Indeed, it often happens that the answer will be found in no other
We assure the youth that we are mindful of the many important decisions
they must make as they tread the path of service to Bahá'u'lláh. We will
offer our ardent supplications at the Holy Threshold that all will be
divinely guided and that they will attract the blessings of the
October 9, 1968
page 155
In Memoriam
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Hand of the Cause of God Leroy Ioas
Grieve announce passing outstanding Hand Cause Leroy Ioas. His long
service Bahá'í Community United States crowned elevation rank Hand Faith
paving way historic distinguished services Holy Land. Appointment first
Secretary General International Bahá'í Council personal representative
Guardian Faith two intercontinental conferences association his name by
beloved Guardian octagon door Báb's Shrine tribute supervisory work drum
dome that Holy Sepulcher notable part erection International Archives
building all ensure his name immortal annals Faith. Laid to rest Bahá'í
cemetery close fellow Hands advise hold befitting memorial services.
Cablegram, July 22, 1965
Hand of the Cause of God Hermann Grossmann
Deeply regret announce passing Hand Cause Hermann Grossmann. Greatly
admired beloved Guardian his grievous loss deprives company Hands Cause
outstanding collaborator and Bahá'í world community staunch defender
promoter Faith. His courageous loyalty during challenging years tests
persecutions Germany outstanding services South America immortalized
annals Faith. Invite all national
page 158
spiritual assemblies hold memorial gatherings befitting his exalted rank
exemplary services. Request those responsible Mother Temples arrange
services auditorium.
Cablegram, July 9, 1968
Lutfu'lláh Hakím
Following cable sent National Spiritual Assembly Persia "Grieve announce
passing Lutfu'lláh Hakím dedicated servant Cause God. Special missions
entrusted him full confidence reposed in him by Master and Guardian his
close association with early distinguished believers East West including
his collaboration Esslemont his services Persia British Isles Holy Land
his membership appointed and elected International Bahá'í Council his
election Universal House Justice will always be remembered immortal
annals Faith Bahá'u'lláh. Inform believers hold befitting memorial
meetings all centers. Convey all members his family expressions loving
sympathy assurance prayers progress his radiant soul Abhá Kingdom."
Request hold memorial gathering Mother Temple West.
Cablegram, August 12, 1968
Hand of the Cause of God Tarázu'lláh Samandarí
Have cabled NSA Persia "With sorrowful hearts announce passing Hand
Cause God shield His Faith dearly loved Tarázu'lláh Samandarí
ninety-third year his life
page 159
on morrow commemoration Centenary Bahá'u'lláh's arrival Holy Land.
Faithful to last breath instructions his Lord his Master his Guardian he
continued selfless devoted service unabated until falling ill during
recent teaching mission. Unmindful illness he proceeded Holy Land
participate centenary. Ever remembered hearts believers East West to
whose lands he traveled bearing message his Lord whose communities he
faithfully served this precious remnant Heroic Age who attained presence
Blessed Beauty year His ascension now laid rest foot Mountain God amidst
throng believers assembled vicinity very spot Bahá'u'lláh first trod
these sacred shores. Request all national assemblies hold memorial
services including four Mother Temples Bahá'í world befitting long life
dedicated exemplary service Lord Hosts by one assured Center Covenant
loving welcome presence Bahá'u'lláh Abhá Kingdom. Extend loving sympathy
assurance prayers members distinguished family." Please hold memorial
services as requested.
Cablegram, September 3, 1968