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Chapter 41973-1974 A Year of Preparation +244 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK +245 130 Announcement of the Acceptance of the Faith by His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa 7 MAY 1973 To the Bahá'ís of the World Dear Bahá'í Friends, 130.1 It is now possible to share with you all the news of an event which crowns the victories with which Bahá'u'lláh has blessed His followers during the Nine Year Plan, an event of which the true significance will be fully understood only in the course of centuries to come: a reigning monarch has accepted the Message of Bahá'u'lláh. 130.2 Among those to whom The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh was presented in 1967 was His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II, the Head of State of the independent nation of Western Samoa in the heart of the Pacific Ocean., His Highness, who had already heard of the Faith, showed immediately that the sacred Words had touched his heart, and the Universal House of Justice thereupon asked the Hand of the Cause Dr. Ugo Giachery, who had presented the book to him, to return to Western Samoa for further audiences with His Highness. Following this visit the Malietoa conveyed his acceptance of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh to the Universal House of Justice and became the first reigning sovereign to enter beneath the shade of this Cause. 130.3 His Highness decided, with the full agreement of the Universal House of Justice, that it was not propitious to make his declaration public at that time. He has been visited from time to time by Hands of the Cause and other believers, and continual touch with His Highness has been maintained by the House of Justice through Mr. Suhayl 'Ali'i, a member of the Continental Board of Counselors for Australasia. Gradually the Malietoa has let it be known to those around him that he has accepted Bahá'u'lláh. Now he has judged the time ripe to share this wondrous news with his fellow-believers in all parts of the world, by addressing to the International Bahá'í Convention the gracious and inspiring message of which a copy is enclosed with this letter . . . . 2 With loving Bahá'í greetings, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE ___ 130-1. In its Ridvan 1967 message (no. 42) the Universal House of Justice announced that it would present to Heads of State around the world a collection of Tablets Bahá'u'lláh addressed to the kings and rulers of the world a century before. His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II was one of the recipients. 130-2. See BW 15:183 for a photograph of the Malietoa's letter. +246 131 Establishment of the International Teaching Center 5 JUNE 1973 To all National Spiritual Assemblies 131.1 ANNOUNCE ESTABLISHMENT HOLY LAND LONG ANTICIPATED INTERNATIONAL TEACHING CENTER DESTINED EVOLVE INTO ONE THOSE WORLD-SHAKING WORLDEMBRACING WORLD-DIRECTING ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTIONS ORDAINED BY BAHA'U'LLAH ANTICIPATED BY ABDU'L-BAHA ELUCIDATED BY SHOGHI EFFENDI. MEMBERSHIP THIS NASCENT INSTITUTION COMPRISES ALL HANDS CAUSE GOD AND INITIALLY THREE COUNSELORS WHO WITH HANDS PRESENT HOLY LAND WILL CONSTITUTE NUCLEUS ITS VITAL OPERATIONS. CALLING UPON HOOPER DUNBAR FLORENCE MAYBERRY Aziz Yazdi PROCEED HOLY LAND ASSUME THIS HIGHLY MERITORIOUS SERVICE. OFFERING PRAYERS HEARTFELT GRATITUDE SACRED THRESHOLD THIS FURTHER EVIDENCE ORGANIC EVOLUTION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BAHA'U'LLAH. With loving Bahá'í greetings, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE 132 Elucidation of the Duties of the International Teaching Center and Expansion of the Continental Boards of Counselors 8 JUNE 1973 To the Bahá'ís of the World Dear Bahá'í Friends, 132.1 The centennial year of the revelation of the Kitab-i-Aqdas has already witnessed events of such capital significance in the annals of the Bahá'í Dispensation as to cause us to contemplate with awe the rapidity with which Divine Providence is advancing the Cause of the Most Great Name. The time is indeed propitious for the establishment of the International Teaching Center, a development which, at one and the same time, brings to fruition the work of the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land and provides for its extension into the future, links the institution of the Boards of Counselors even more intimately with that of the Hands of the Cause of God, and powerfully reinforces the discharge of the rapidly growing responsibilities of the Universal House of Justice. 132.2 This International Teaching Center now established will, in due course, operate from that building designated by the Guardian as the Seat for the +247 Hands of the Cause, which must be raised on the Arc on Mount Carmel in close proximity to the Seat of the Universal House of Justice., The duties now assigned to this nascent institution are: 132.3 132.3a - To coordinate, stimulate and direct the activities of the Continental Boards of Counselors and to act as liaison between them and the Universal House of Justice. 132.3b - To be fully informed of the situation of the Cause in all parts of the world and to be able, from the background of this knowledge, to make reports and recommendations to the Universal House of Justice and give advice to the Continental Boards of Counselors. 132.3c -To be alert to possibilities, both within and without the Bahá'í community, for the extension of the teaching work into receptive or needy areas, and to draw the attention of the Universal House of Justice and the Continental Boards of Counselors to such possibilities, making recommendations for action. 132.3d - To determine and anticipate needs for literature, pioneers and traveling teachers and to work out teaching plans, both regional and global, for the approval of the Universal House of Justice. 132.4 All the Hands of the Cause of God will be members of the International Teaching Center. Each Hand will be kept regularly informed of the activities of the Center through reports or copies of its minutes, and will be able, wherever he may be residing or traveling, to convey suggestions, recommendations and information to the Center and, whenever he is in the Holy Land, to take part in the consultations and other activities of the Center. 132.5 In addition, we now appoint Mr. Hooper Dunbar, Mrs. Florence Mayberry and Mr. Aziz Yazdi to membership of the International Teaching Center, with the rank of Counselor. These believers, who have been serving with distinction on the Continental Boards of Counselors in South America, North America and Central and East Africa respectively, will henceforth reside in Haifa and will, together with the Hands present in the Holy Land, constitute the nucleus of the operations of the Center. 132.6 Authority for the expulsion and reinstatement of Covenant-breakers remains with the Hands of the Cause of God. All such matters will be investigated locally by the relative Continental Board of Counselors in consultation with any Hand or Hands who may be in the area. The Continental Board of Counselors and the Hands concerned will then make their reports to the International Teaching Center where they will be considered. The decision ___ 132-1. For a discussion of the Arc, see the glossary. +248 whether or not to expel or reinstate will be made by the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land who will, as at present, submit their decision to the Universal House of Justice for approval. 132.7 The following changes to the zones of the Continental Boards of Counselors are now made: 132.7a - The number of zones has been raised to twelve by the removal of India, Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Laccadive, Maldive, Andaman and Nicobar Islands from Central Asia. 132.7b - The Philippines, Hong Kong and Macau are transferred from Northeastern Asia to Southeastern Asia. 132.7c - The Caroline Islands and all other Pacific islands lying north of the equator and between longitudes 1400 east and 140' west, with the exception of the Gilbert Islands, will be transferred from the zone of Australasia to the zone of Northeastern Asia. Islands under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska remain in the zone of North America. 132.8 The number of Counselors is now raised to fifty-seven by the appointment of Mr. Friday Ekpe and Mr. Zekrullah Kazemi in Northwestern Africa, Mr. Hushang Ahdieh and Mr. Peter Vuyiya in Central and East Africa, Dr. Sarah Pereira and Mrs. Velma Sherrill in North America, Mr. Rowland Estall and Mr. Paul Lucas in Central America, Mrs. Leonora Armstrong, Mr. Peter McLaren and Mr. Raul Pavon in South America, Mr. Dipchand Khlanra and Mrs. Zena Sorabjee in South Central Asia, Mr. Firaydan Mithqiyan in Southeastern Asia, Mr. Richard Benson and Miss Elena Marsella in Northeastern Asia and Miss Violet Hoehnke in Australasia. Dr. William Maxwell who has been rendering distinguished service as a member of the Continental Board of Counselors in Northwestern Africa has been obliged to return to the United States. 132.9 Mrs. Zena Sorabjee is appointed Trustee of the new Continental Fund of South Central Asia, while Mr. Hushang Ahdieh and Mr. Mas'ud Khamsi are appointed the new Trustees of the Continental Funds of Central and East Africa and South America respectively. 132.10 Beyond these significant developments at the World Center of the Faith and on the continental level, it is becoming increasingly necessary in many parts of the world for the Auxiliary Boards to be reinforced. The nature of the work differs from zone to zone and the Universal House of Justice is now consulting the Boards of Counselors on this matter before making an announcement. 132.11 The decisions now announced are the outcome of deliberation extending over a number of years, reinforced by consultations with the Hands of the +249 Cause of God, and especially with the Hands residing in the Holy Land who were requested in 1968 to assist the Universal House of Justice in the establishment of the International Teaching Center, a task that now increases in magnitude as that Center begins its work. 132.12 It is our fervent prayer that the Blessed Beauty will abundantly confirm this latest unfoldment of His divinely-purposed Administrative Order. THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE Zones of the Continental Boards of Counselors As Revised by the Universal House of Justice in May 1973 132.13 1. Northwestern Africa All the continent of Africa west of the eastern frontiers of Tunisia, Algeria, Niger and Nigeria plus the Cape Verde Islands. 132.14 2. Central and East Africa All the continent of Africa east of the western frontiers of Libya, Chad and the United Cameroon Republic and north of the southern frontiers of Zaire and Tanzania plus the islands of Fernando Po, Principe, Sao Tome and Annobon in the Atlantic Ocean and Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia Islands in the Indian Ocean. 132.15 3. Southern Africa All the continent of Africa south of the northern frontiers of Angola, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique plus the Island of Madagascar and all islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans between longitudes 20 [degrees] west and 80 [degrees] east and south of the equator with the exception of the Islands of Annob6n, Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia which are assigned to the zone of Central and East Africa. 132.16 4. North America All the continent of America north of the southern frontier of the United States plus all offshore islands in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans including the Aleutian chain and all islands under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska, also Greenland and all offshore islands politically belonging to Greenland, all islands in the Atlantic Ocean west of longitude 40' west and between latitude 60 [degrees] north and the Tropic of Cancer plus those Bahama Islands lying south of the Tropic of Cancer. 132.17 5. Central America All the continent of America south of the northern frontier of Mexico and north of the southern frontier of Panama plus the offshore islands +250 in the Pacific Ocean belonging politically to countries of this zone plus Clipperton Island, all islands in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea south of the Tropic of Cancer except the Bahama Islands which are allocated to the zone of North America and islands belonging politically to Colombia and Venezuela, the islands of Curaco, Bonaire, Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago which are all allocated to the zone of South America. 132.1a 6. South America All the continent of South America, the Galapagos Islands, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago, all islands in the Caribbean and North Atlantic Oceans belonging politically to countries of this zone plus all islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans south of the equator and between longitude 120 [degrees] west and longitude 20 [degrees] west. 132.19 7. Western Asia All the continent of Asia west of the eastern boundaries of Pakistan, Sinkiang, the Mongolian Republic, the Oblasts of Chita and Irkutsk and the Kray of Krasnoyarsk and east of the western boundaries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, plus those parts of Turkey and Kazakhstan which lie in Europe and including the Transcaucasian S.S.R.s of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as all islands in the Persian Gulf and islands in the Arabian Sea belonging politically to countries of this zone. 132.20 8. South Central Asia India, Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Laccadive, Maldive, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 132.21 9. Southeastern Asia China south of the northern boundaries of Yunnan, Szechwan, Hupeh, Anhwei and Kiangsu, as well as Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Macau. Excluding Portuguese Timor. 132.22 10. Northeastern Asia All the Soviet Union cast of the western boundary of the Yakutsk A.S.S.R. and the Oblast of Amur, China east of Sinkiang and north of the southern boundaries of Tsinghai, Kansu, Shensi, Honan and Shantung; Korea, Japan, Taiwan and all islands belonging politically to those nations plus all islands in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator and between the longitudes Of 140 [degrees] east and 140 [degrees] west with the exception of the Gilbert Islands and those islands under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska, but including those Caroline Islands lying west of longitude 140 [degrees] east. +251 132.23 11. Australasia Australia and New Zealand plus all islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans lying south of the equator and between the longitudes of 80 [degrees] east and 120 [degrees] west including Portuguese Timor and the Gilbert and Ellice Islands but excepting Indonesia. 132.24 12. Europe The entire continent of Europe less those portions of Kazakhstan and Turkey which lie in Europe, plus Iceland and all islands in the Atlantic Ocean north of latitude 60 [degrees] north which belong politically to nations of the European continent plus all islands in the Atlantic Ocean east of longitude 40 [degrees] west and between latitude 60 [degrees] north and the Tropic of Cancer plus all islands of the Mediterranean Sea including Cyprus but excluding islands belonging politically to nations of the African and Asiatic continents. 132.25 Membership of the Continental Boards of Counselors According to the New Boundaries of May 1973 (New appointments are indicated with an asterisk.) Northwestern Africa Husayn Ardikarni (Trustee of Continental Fund) * Friday Ekpe * Zekrullah Kazemi - Muhammad Kebdani Central and East Africa * Hushang Ahdieh (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Oloro Epyeru - Kolonario Oule - Isobel Sabri - Mihdi Samandari * Peter Vuyiya Southern Africa - Seewoosumbur-Jeehoba Appa - Shidan Fat'he-Azam (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Bahiyyih Winckler North America - Lloyd Gardner * Sarah Pereira * Velma Sherrill - Edna True (Trustee of Continental Fund) +252 Central America - Carmen de Burafato * Rowland Estall - Artemus Lamb * Paul Lucas - Alfred Osborne (Trustee of Continental Fund) South America * Leonora Armstrong - Athos Costas - Mas'ud Khamsi (Trustee of Continental Fund) * Peter McLaren * Raul Pavon - Donald Witzel Western Asia - Iraj Ayman - Masih Farhangi - Hidi Rahmani (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Manuchihr Salmanpur South Central Asia - Shirin Boman * Dipchand Khianra * Zena Sorabjee (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Sankaran-Nair Vasudevan Southeastern Asia * Firaydun Mitha'qiyan - Khudarahm Payman (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Vicente Samaniego - Chellie Sundram - Yan Kee Leong Northeastern Asia * Richard Benson - John McHenry III * Elena Marsella - Ruhu'llah Mumtazi (Trustee of Continental Fund) Australasia - Suhayl 'Ali'i * Violet Hoehnke - Howard Harwood - Thelma Perks (Trustee of Continental Fund) +253 Europe - Erik Blumenthal - Anneliese Bopp - Dorothy Ferraby - Louis Henuzet (Trustee of Continental Fund) - Betty Reed 133 Youth and Bahá'í Standards of Behavior 9 JULY 1973 To a Local Spiritual Assembly Dear Bahá'í Friends, 133.1 We have received your letter of 19 June 1973 and can sympathize with the problems that Bahá'í youth face when trying to live up to the Bahá'í standards of behavior. It is, perhaps, natural that in the bewildering amoral environment in which Bahá'í youth are growing up they feel the need for specific instructions on which intimacies are permissible and which are not. However, we feel it would be most unwise for any Bahá'í institution to issue detailed instructions about this. 133.2 The Bahá'í youth should study the teachings on chastity and, with these in mind, should avoid any behavior which would arouse passions which would tempt them to violate them. In deciding what acts are permissible to them in the light of these considerations the youth must use their own judgment, following the guidance of their consciences and the advice of their parents. 133.3 If Bahá'í youth combine such personal purity with an attitude of uncensorious forbearance towards others they will find that those who may have criticized or even mocked them will come, in time, to respect them. They will, moreover, be laying a firm foundation for future married happiness. With loving Bahá'í greetings, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE +254 134 Formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Equatorial Guinea 18 JULY 1973 To all National Spiritual Assemblies 134.1 DELIGHTED ANNOUNCE SUCCESSFUL ELECTION NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY EQUATORIAL GUINEA COUNTRY OPENED FAITH GUARDIAN'S TEN YEAR CRUSADE. NEW ASSEMBLY FORMED NOW RESPONSE REQUIREMENT GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION FAITH. PRAYERS OFFERED HOLY SHRINES THANKSGIVING AND GUIDANCE ASSISTANCE FRIENDS NEWLY INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY. THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE 135 Passing of the Hand of the Cause of God John Ferraby 9 SEPTEMBER 1973 To the Hands of the Cause of God, the Continental Boards of Counselors, the National Spiritual Assemblies Dear Bahá'í Friends, 135.1 The Hand of the Cause John Ferraby passed away suddenly on September 5th. The following cable was sent by the Universal House of Justice: 135.1a REGRET SUDDEN PASSING HAND CAUSE JOHN FERRABY RECALL LONG SERVICES FAITH BRITISH ISLES CROWNED ELEVATION RANK HAND CAUSE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION BAHA'I LITERATURE THROUGH HIS BOOK ALL THINGS MADE NEW. REQUESTING BEFITTING GATHERINGS Mashriqu'l-Adhkar MEMORIAL MEETINGS ALL COMMUNITIES BAHA'I WORLD. With loving Bahá'í greetings, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE ___ 135-1. For an account of the life and services of John Ferraby, see BW 16:511-12. +255 136 Appointment of the Architect of the Seat of the Universal House of Justice 17 SEPTEMBER 1973 To all National Spiritual Assemblies 136.1 DELIGHTED ANNOUNCE APPOINTMENT HUSAYN AMANAT BRILLIANT YOUNG BAHA'I ARCHITECT CRADLE FAITH AS ARCHITECT OF BUILDING FOR UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE. TH E UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE 137 Expansion and Reinforcement of the Auxiliary Boards 7 OCTOBER 1973 To the Bahá'ís of the World Dear Bahá'í Friends, 137.1 In order to meet the growing needs of an ever-expanding Bahá'í World Community we have taken two decisions designed to reinforce and extend the services of the Auxiliary Boards 137.2 First, the number of Auxiliary Board members throughout the world is to be raised to two hundred and seventy, of whom eighty-one will serve on the Auxiliary Boards for the Protection of the Faith and one hundred and eighty-nine will serve on the Auxiliary Boards for the Propagation of the Faith. 137.3 In all there will be fifty-four Auxiliary Board members in Africa, eighty-one in the Western Hemisphere, eighty-one in Asia, eighteen in Australasia and thirty-six in Europe. 137.3 Secondly, we have decided to take a further step in the development of the institution by giving to each Continental Board of Counselors the discretion to authorize individual Auxiliary Board members to appoint assistants. Such authorization does not have to be given to all the Auxiliary Board members in a zone nor does the number assigned have to be the same for all Board members; indeed certain Boards of Counselors may decide that the present circumstances in their zones do not require them to take advantage of this possibility. Such matters are left entirely to the discretion of each Continental Board of Counselors. 137.4 The exact nature of the duties and the duration of the appointment of the assistants is also left to each Continental Board to decide for itself. Their aims should be to activate and encourage Local Spiritual Assemblies, to call the attention of Local Spiritual Assembly members to the importance of holding +256 regular meetings, to encourage local communities to meet for the Nineteen Day Feasts and Holy Days, to help deepen their fellow-believers' understanding of the Teachings, and generally to assist the Auxiliary Board members in the discharge of their duties. Appointments may be made for a limited period, such as a year or two, with the possibility of reappointment. 138.1 Believers can serve at the same time both as assistants to Auxiliary Board members and on administrative institutions. 137.5 It is our prayer at the Sacred Threshold that this new development in the institution of the Auxiliary Boards will lead to an unprecedented strengthening of the Local Spiritual Assemblies throughout the world. TH E UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE Numbers of Auxiliary Board Members by Zones October 1973 ____________________________________________________________ Auxiliary Board Auxiliary Board for Protection for Propagation ___________________________________________________________ Africa Northwestern 3 9 Central and East 13 19 Southern 2 8 ___________________________________________________________ 18 36 ___________________________________________________________ Western Hemisphere North America 9 18 Central America 9 9 South America 9 27 ___________________________________________________________ 27 54 ___________________________________________________________ Asia Western 9 18 South Central 3 15 Southeastern 3 15 Northeastern 3 15 ___________________________________________________________ 18 63 ___________________________________________________________ Australasia 9 9 Europe 9 27 ___________________________________________________________ TOTAL 81 189 ___________________________________________________________ +257 138 Request for Actions in Preparation for Launching Five Year Plan at Ridvan 1974 21 NOVEMBER 1973 To all National Spiritual Assemblies Dear Bahá'í Friends, 138.1 Five months separate us from Ridvan 1974 when the next global plan will be launched. 138.2 For a period of five years the attention, resources and energies of the Bahá'í World Community will be directed to achieving the aims of this plan. by Naw-Ruz 1974 You will have been notified of the overall goals of the plan and the specific tasks assigned to each of your national communities. Each one of you is therefore urged to arrange for a meeting, at Naw-Ruz or soon after, to which you will invite the Board of Counselors in your zone to be represented and at which the plan can be considered and thorough consultation held on the manner in which each one of your communities will launch it. You are asked to give careful consideration as soon as possible to the advisability of holding one or more conferences in conjunction with your Convention or soon after. You may wish to consult the Counselors on this matter. We believe that such conferences would greatly assist in acquainting the friends with the nature and aims of the plan and in enlisting their enthusiasm and resolution to achieve it. All details as to the number of such conferences, their timing, their agendas are left entirely to your discretion, but we recommend that in planning them you attach great importance to the participation of youth so that they may feel wholly identified with the tasks assigned and give their immediate and maximum support to their accomplishment. 138.4 Now is the time to begin directing the thoughts and plans of the friends to the next great demand which will be made upon them, and we assure you of our prayers at the Sacred Threshold that you may be guided and strengthened to take such decisions and make such plans as will enable your communities to anticipate with eagerness and receive with joy the new tasks to be offered them, tasks whose wholehearted and united accomplishment will raise the Community of the Most Great Name to a position where it may have far greater effect upon men's minds and prepare it for further thrilling and awe-inspiring achievements in the pursuit of its ultimate goal of the redemption of mankind. With loving Bahá'í greetings, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE +258 139 Extension of Gardens at Bahji 4 DECEMBER 1973 To all National Spiritual Assemblies 139.1 REJOICE ANNOUNCE FRIENDS BEAUTIFICATION DURING CONFLICT AGITATING MIDDLE EAST FOURTH QUADRANT AREA SURROUNDING MOST HOLY SHRINE EMBRACING OLIVE GROVE SOUTHWEST PILGRIM HOUSE BAHJI BLESSED SHRINE AND MANSION NOW COMPLETELY ENCIRCLED BEAUTIFUL GARDENS INSPIRED BY PATTERN HARAM-I-AQDAS CREATED BY BELOVED GUARDIAN.1 PRAYING SHRINES SUPPORTERS MOST GREAT NAME EVERY LAND MAY REDOUBLE EFFORTS PROMOTE INTERESTS PRECIOUS FAITH IN ANTICIPATION FIVE YEAR GLOBAL PLAN SOON TO BE LAUNCHED. UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE 140 Acceptance of Design for the Seat of the Universal House of Justice 7 FEBRUARY 1974 To all National Spiritual Assemblies 140.1 JOYFULLY ANNOUNCE ACCEPTANCE EXQUISITE DESIGN CONCEIVED BY HUSAYN AMANAT FOR BUILDING TO SERVE AS PERMANENT SEAT UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE MOUNT CARMEL. DECISION MADE TO PROCEED NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS CONSTRUCTION THIS NOBLE EDIFICE SECOND THOSE BUILDINGS DESTINED ARISE AROUND ARC CONSTITUTE ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER BAHA'I WORLD.1 THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE ___ 139-1. Haram-i-Aqdas (the Most Holy Court) is a designation Shoghi Effendi gave to the northwestern quadrant of the garden surrounding the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh. 140-1. For a discussion of the Arc, see the glossary.
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