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TAGS: - Bahá'í World volumes
Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
PDFs and OCR-ed (uncorrected) text from and

The Bahá'í World:

Volume 20 (1986-1992)

published in Bahá'í World

Haifa: Bahá'í World Centre, 1998

1. PDF #1, images + OCRed text from

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Download: bahai_world_volume_20.pdf [PDF, 508 MB].

2. Text extracted from the PDF #1, not proofread or formatted

Download: bahai_world_volume_20.txt [3 MB]

3. PDF #2, images + OCRed text from

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Download: bahai_world_volume_20.pdf [PDF, 907 MB].

4. Text extracted from the PDF #2, not proofread or formatted

Download: bahai_world_volume_20_bwc.txt [3 MB]
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