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"newspaper articles archive"

11 results

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  1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (1970-1995) Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995. Newspapers.
  2. 1996: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (1996) Collection of newspaper articles from 1996. Newspapers.
  3. 1997: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (1997) Collection of newspaper articles from 1997. Newspapers.
  4. 1998: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (1998) Collection of newspaper articles from 1998. Newspapers.
  5. 1999: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (1999) Collection of newspaper articles from 1999. Newspapers.
  6. 2000: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2000) Collection of newspaper articles from 2000. Newspapers.
  7. 2001: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2001) Collection of newspaper articles from 2001. Newspapers.
  8. 2002: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2002) Collection of newspaper articles from 2002. Newspapers.
  9. 2003: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2003) Collection of newspaper articles from 2003. Newspapers.
  10. 2004: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2004) Collection of newspaper articles from 2004. Newspapers.
  11. 2005: Newspaper articles archive. Various. (2005) Collection of newspaper articles from 2005. Newspapers.

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  • Try searching with and without apostophes: Bahai and Baha'i return different results.
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  • Searches are matched to any part of a word: searching for test will also return testament.
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  • For "exact" searching, please know that our database has separate fields for Title and Subtitle. E.g., the title High Endeavors: Letters to Alaska will only show up in "exact phrase" if you query High Endeavors or Letters to Alaska.
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