- Tips:
- Try searching with and without apostophes: Bahai and Baha'i return different results.
- Diacritics are ignored: Babi and Bábí return the same results.
- Searches are matched to any part of a word: searching for test will also return testament.
- Unless you've checked "exact phrase," 1- and 2-letter words will not be searched.
- Unless you've checked "exact phrase," the following 3- 5-letter words are also not searched: about, also, and, any, are, but, for, from, has, have, how, its, some, that, the, these, their, this, was, what, when, where, who, with.
- For "exact" searching, please know that our database has separate fields for Title and Subtitle. E.g., the title High Endeavors: Letters to Alaska will only show up in "exact phrase" if you query High Endeavors or Letters to Alaska.
- Type your searches directly into your browser's address bar, with _ instead of spaces, like this: bahai-library.org/title/bibliography_tablets
(entering two or more terms using this address-bar shortcut defaults to "match all keywords")