- Approach of Abdu'l-Baha to the Problem of Tolerance, The, by Erfan Sabeti (2003-07). — Exploring the differences between forbearance, indifference, acceptance, turning away, freedom, and ...
- Becoming Your True Self, by Daniel C. Jordan (1968). — The nature of human potential, and how the Baha'i Faith can guide the process of spiritual transform...
- Crucial Heart, The, by Barbara Jarvik (1988). — Short story about religious tolerance in Israel.
- De la Córdoba Mora a los Bahá'ís de Irán, by Boris Handal (2010). — Contrast between the contemporary Iranian Baha'i community and the treatment of religious minorities...
- Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities: A Compilation from Sacred Texts, by WellSpring International Educational Foundation for the Study and Application of the Sacred Texts (2003). — Comprehensive exploration of 77 virtues and qualities drawn from the texts of various religions.
- From Moorish Cordova to the Bahá'ís of Iran: Islamic Tolerance and Intolerance, by Boris Handal (2007-09-08). — Though Baha'is are persecuted in Iran, Muhammad taught understanding and respect towards religious m...
- Ireland's Multi-Ethnic Immigration Challenge: An Irish Bahá'í View, by Eamonn Moane (2002). — After centuries of population loss, Ireland’s economic success in the 1990s led to a surge of imm...
- Jainism and the Bahá'í Faith: Non-Violence and Plurality Across Time and Space, by Yifan Zhang (2022 April-June). — Comparison of similarities in Baha'i and Jain teachings, especially in non-violence and plurality ac...
- Millennium Forum, by Universal House of Justice (2000-09-24).
- Oath of the Prophet Mohammed to the Followers of the Nazarene, The, by Muhammad Anton Haddad, trans. (1902). — Promise of fair-treatment from Muhammad to the Christians, with commentary by Imam Ali, given in the...
- Religious Intolerance as a Source of Violence, by Udo Schaefer Geraldine Schuckelt, trans. (1994). — A Baha'i-inspired examination of how religious fanaticism and prejudice promotes violence.