- Bahá'u'lláh et le Carmel, by Chowghi Rouhani. Ulfet Bouchoucha Mustapha, trans. (2017) Bahá’u’lláh honore la terre sainte; la révélation de la Tablette du Carmel; la grande resurrection; la levée des scellés al-rahiq-ul-makhtoom; le mystère des quatre lettres saintes; Shoghi Effendi et le projet du Carmel; le centre administratif mondial.
- End of Days, by Moshe Sharon. (2018) On the word “messiah”, the anointed, which describes the redeemer like a priest, consecrated by being anointed with holy oil; prophecies about the last days and the final coming; predictions about the time of the "end," which Bahá'ís interpret as 1863.
- He Whom God Shall Make Manifest: Notes on Gematria, Tetractys, The Báb's identification of Him, and Opposition to Bahá'u'lláh, by Grover Gonzales. (2020) On the Bab's use of numerology and cabalistic interpretation of scripture, and his use of amulets and talismans, as tools to help his disciples find and recognize the coming Manifestation, the "Qa'im," Man Yuzhiruhu'lláh.
- Word Bahá', The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name of God, by Stephen Lambden. (1998) The Arabic word bahá' — meaning beauty, excellence, goodliness, majesty, glory, splendor, brilliancy, and many others — was a term of considerable import in Islamic and Bábi literature, and was occasionally seen in prophetic or messianic contexts.
- Word Bahá, The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name, by Stephen Lambden. (1993) History of the concept of the Greatest Name and its place in Bahá'í theology.