- 1962-10-00 — A property was acquired outside of Gwalior, India, for a teaching institute. [DM192]
The institut...
- 1964-04-00 — The Universal House of Justice, in its message of 24 April, 1964 called f
- 1975-05-02 — The first teaching institute of the Bahamas took place in Nassau. [BW16:207]
- 1981-11-27 — The inauguration of Radio Baha'i Peru at Chucuito near Puno on the shore of Del Lago Titicaca (Lake ...
- 1984-03-21 — The inauguration of Radio Baha'i of Bolivia on the medium-wave band at Caracollo, Bolivia. Construct...
- 1986-01-31 — The announcement of the inaugural broadcast of Radio Baha'i Panama. [Mess63-86p710]
It was situat...
- 1988-10-02 — One hundred and twenty people in Hong Kong and 280 in Macau become Baha'is as a result of teaching i...