- 1954-06-00 — Ted and Joanie Anderson wrote the Guardian and asked him who they should teach. They received this reply:
The Guardian...urges you to concentrate on the native populations it is for that reason that we have opened new countries to the Faith. After all, Europeans, Americans, etc., can become Bahá'ís in their homeland. We have entered new fields all over the world to bring the light of divine guidance to the native population, who have thus far been deprived of the spiritual teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. May you be confirmed with this teaching effort among the natives. The great foal would be an assembly in Whitehorse, made up of native Bahá's or at least the majority natives.
[Native Conversion, Native Identity: An Oral History of the Bahá'í Faith among First Nations People in the Southern Central Yukon Territory, Canada by Carolyn Patterson Sawin p91-92]
It was through the participation of the Bahá'í in the Yukon Indian Advancement Association that many of the early Native people became Bahá'ís. [ibid p92] - 1956-00-00 —
Arthur Bonshaw Irwin (born 6 June 1915 – died 1994) and Lily-Ann Irwin of Calgary, Alberta were the first to take the Bahá'í teachings to the Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve).
- Note: Canadian Bahá'í News August 1961 p10 reported that this took place in 1960.
- "Arthur Irwin became a Bahá'í in 1947 and was a very active Bahá'í teacher to the native peoples of Canada, Alaska, and the Caribbean. He and his wife, Lily Ann, established the first Native Indian Friendship Centre in Calgary, Alberta… He was honoured by the Blackfoot, Peigan, Blood, and Morely tribes in Alberta for his honesty and integrity. A geologist with a doctorate in the field, Irwin worked on Indian reserves in Canada ensuring that fair market value was paid for leases on natural resources (Bahá'í World. 1994. "Arthur Bonshaw Irwin." Bahá'í World. 1994. Volume XXIII)."
- 1961-00-01 — Chief Samson Knowlton, then-chairman of the first Peigan Reserve Bahá'í Assembly, and an elected member of the Band Council for the Peigan Band of the Blackfoot Confederacy along with John Hellson, originally from Cornwall, England were part of a teaching team that visited many Reserves. Over sixty First Nations people became Bahá'ís in 1960-1962. The team carried letters of introduction to the chiefs of all the Six Nations Reserves in Ontario and Quebec and were welcomed with a special ceremony on some of the Reserves. Their itinerary included the following reserves: the Nanaimo Reserve in Nanaimo, B.C., the Squamish Reserve in Capilano, BC, the Mohawk Reserve in Ohsweken in Ontario, the Chippewa Reserve in Kettle Point, Ontario, the Mississauga Reserve in Curve Lake, the Mohawk Reserve in Caughnawaga, Quebec." The teaching team gave copies of the small prayer book, Communion with God, which has "meant much to the new Indian Bahá'ís on the Reserves in Saskatchewan and Alberta (Canadian Bahá'í News July 1961; BN No 365 August 1961 p10)." iiiii
- 1961-05-00 —
Hand of the Cause Hasan M. Balyuzi (1908-1980) visited Canada where, in "addition to meeting the friends, he visited a number of Reserves, including First Nations of Ontario, the Poorman Reserve in Saskatchewan where he was honoured by a pow-wow, the Muscowpetung Reserve, the Peigan Reserve in Alberta, and First Nations people of British Columbia. His talks were 'simple and direct', appealing 'to the hearts of the many who came to hear him'. Later he described these meetings as 'very wonderful', commending to British Bahá'ís the initiative of individuals upon whom 'so much depends', and expressing his confidence in the rapid acceptance of the Faith by the Native peoples."[In Memoriam: Hasan M. Balyuzi" BW18p647; BN No 366 September 1961 118BE p9]
- During May, in the course of a trip through Canada, Hand of the Cause Hasan Balyuzi visited a number of Indian Reserves. Accompanied by two members of the National Eskimo and Indian Teaching Committee of Canada, he stopped at the Poorman Reserve in Saskatchewan where a pow-wow was held in his honour and also at the Muscowpetung Reserve. Earlier he had visited Ontario Indians, and later he went on to the Peigan Reserve in Alberta, and to British Columbia.
Mr. Balyuzi's talks were simple and direct, and appealed to the hearts of the many who came to hear him. At the Poorman Reserve, the chief and his wife walked three miles to meet him. There the Hand of the Cause, a relative of the Báb Himself, and thus a relative of beloved Shoghi Effendi, expressed gratitude to the Guardian for making the meeting possible.
[Bahá'í News No 366 September 1961 118 BE p9]