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Tag "Shoghi Effendi at Oxford"

tag name: Shoghi Effendi at Oxford type: Shoghi Effendi
web link: Shoghi_Effendi_at_Oxford

"Shoghi Effendi at Oxford" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (2 results; expand)

  1. Bahai Movement, The: A paper read by Shoghi Effendi at Oxford, by Shoghi Effendi (1923-1924). — Text of an address given to the Oxford University Asiatic Society, February 1921, before the passing...
  2. Shoghi Effendi in Oxford, by Riaz Khadem, and Her Eternal Crown, Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith, by Della Marcus: Reviews, by Lil Osborn (2001).

2.   from the Chronology (12 results; expand)

  1. 1920-04-20 — Shoghi Effendi left Haifa for France with the intention of taking up his study of English at Oxford ...
  2. 1920-05-15 — Shoghi Effendi arrived in England to take up his studies at Oxford. His stated objective was: "My ...
  3. 1920-06-11 — Shoghi Effendi made application to Balliol College at Oxford University as a non-collegiate student ...
  4. 1920-07-19 — Shoghi Effendi departed from France two weeks after receiving 'Abdu'l-Baha's permission to study at ...
  5. 1920-10-01 — Shoghi Effendi entered Balliol College, Oxford University. [CB284; DH149; GBF11-12] For his pur...
  6. 1920-10-16 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Michaelmas Term 1920 Because there wasn't a vacancy in Balliol C...
  7. 1921-01-15 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Hilary Term 1921 Permission was issued by the Non-Collegiate Deleg...
  8. 1921-03-15 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - Spring Vacation 1921 27 March: He visited his sister Rúhangiz in Scot...
  9. 1921-04-25 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Trinity Term at Balliol College 1921 The Trinity Term — 15 Sundays...
  10. 1921-06-20 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Long Vacation 1921 Those students who wished to continue their stu...
  11. 1921-10-06 — Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Michaelmas Term 1921 Shoghi Effendi continued his translation work...
  12. 1921-11-30 — A cable was sent to London with news of `Abdu'l-Baha's passing. Shoghi Effendi was summonsed to the ...
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