Greenacre on the Piscataqua, by Anna Josephine Ingersoll. (1900) An early history of Greenacre and some of its notable visitors and presentations.
Introduction to Green Acre Bahá'í School, by Anne Gordon Atkinson. (1990) Brief summary of the history contained in the book-length history "Green Acre on the Piscataqua: A Centennial Celebration".
Rise and Fall of the Parliament of Religions at Greenacre, The, by Robert P. Richardson. (1931-03) Background of the first parliament and Chicago Columbian Exposition and the role of Sarah Farmer and other Bahá'ís in bringing it to fruition, written from an unsympathetic outsider's perspective. Not yet proofread.
Sarah Farmer Monologue, by Anne Gordon Perry. (2005) Created for performance in the New Hampshire Chautauqua Series and at Green Acre, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty.