- Another Song, Another Season: Poems and Portrayals, by Roger White (1979). — A collection of poems and prose: sympathetic and sometimes satirical portraits of martyrs, pioneers,...
- Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate, by Roger White (1986). — Baha'u'llah's response to the martyrdom of seven Baha'is in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship ...
- Can There Be a Bahá'í Poetry?, by Geoffrey Nash (1981). — The poetic vision; poetry in the 1800s; themes of Baha'i poetry; the use of profane imagery.
- Confessions of a Child of the Half-Light, by Jack McLean (2022). — Philosophical essays; recollections of 'Abdu'l-Baha by Laura Dreyfus Barney, Curtis Kelsey, and othe...
- Cup of Tea, A, by Roger White (1979). — Monologue from the point of view of a fictitious character who meets 'Abdu’l-Baha. Upper class and...
- Deft Adjustment, The: English-language poetry in present-day Israel, by Roger White (1988). — Discussion of Israeli and Jewish poems, and reviews of the books Voices within the Ark, Modern Hebre...
- Emergence of a Bahá'í Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White, by Ron Price (2002). — A study of White's verse with a short biography and an analysis of the Baha'i Faith.
- Figures in a Garden, by Roger White (1981). — Fictional monologues of the Persian poet Tahirih (1817/18-1852) and the American poet Emily Dickinso...
- Glimpses of Abdu'l-Baha: Adapted from the Diary of Juliet Thompson, by Roger White (1979). — Portrayals and dramatizations in verse, adapted from recollections by Juliet Thompson.
- Indiscretion of Marie-Thérèse Beauchamps, The, by Roger White (1981). — Fictional dramatization of a recollection of seeing Abdu'l-Baha in Montreal (1912).
- One Bird, One Cage, One Flight: Homage to Emily Dickinson, by Roger White (1983). — In over 100 poems, inspired by themes and images from Dickinson's letters and poetry, White narrates...
- Poetry and Self-Transformation, by Roger White (1989). — Poetry is no longer very accessible to the average reader or widely read; serious poets are often in...
- Reflections on the Art of My Poetry: An Interview of Roger White (1929-1993), John S. Hatcher, ed. (2016). — A glimpse into the mind of a gifted poet and the struggles that he, like many Baha'i artists, encoun...
- Roger White: An Obituary: Writer and editor, "poet laureate" of the Bahá'í community (1929-1993), by Robert Weinberg (1997). — Brief biography, written as an obituary, of a famous Baha'i poet.
- Settling the Score With Mr. Ogden Nash for the Seven Spiritual Ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore and Thereby Achieving if Not a Better Verse at Least a Longer Title, by Roger White (1979). — A dialogue for two readers, adapted from a poem.
- Some Sort of Foreigner, by Roger White (1981). — Fictional dramatization of an encounter with Abdu'l-Baha in 1911, and reflections on "this business ...
- Wisdom and Wit of Roger White, The: Two Reviews, by Marzieh Gail, Hilda Phillips (1987). — Reviews of White's books One Bird One Cage One Flight and A Sudden Music.