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Tag "Race unity"

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"Race unity" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (42 results; expand)

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  1. Abdu'l-Baha and "The Other", by Jan T. Jasion (2021-02). — On xenophobia; Abdu'l-Baha's response to it; his reactions to certain newspapers; the impact of xeno...
  2. Abdu'l-Bahá in America, by Robert H. Stockman, and Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey West: The Course of Human Solidarity, ed. Negar Mottahedeh: Reviews, by Firuz Kazemzadeh (2013).
  3. Abdu'l-Baha's 1912 Howard University Speech: A Civil War Myth for Interracial Emancipation, by Christopher Buck (2013). — Overview of the event, press coverage, publications of the speech, the Emancipation Proclamation "my...
  4. African American Baha'is, Race Relations and the Development of the Baha'i Community in the United States, by Richard Thomas (2005-03-08). — Robert Turner, Susie Steward, Louis Gregory, and the roles played by blacks in the history of the Ba...
  5. Alain Locke: 'Race Amity' and the Bahá'í Faith, by Christopher Buck (2007-09-24). — Presentation in slide format about the "First Black Rhodes Scholar."
  6. Alain Locke materials: index to some documents online, by Various (2010). — List of the various documents at the Baha'i Library Online by or about Alain Locke, an American writ...
  7. Alain Locke on Race, Religion, and the Bahá'í Faith, by Christopher Buck (2018). — Locke was cynical about the prospect of real progress in race relations within Christianity itself, ...
  8. Alain Locke's "Moral Imperatives for World Order" Revisited, by Christopher Buck (2019). — In public speeches presented in 1944 Locke argues that racism, although an American problem, is not ...
  9. "And universal peace — in what Book is this written?": How and Why 'Abdu'l-Bahá Identified "New" and Distinctive Bahá'í Principles, by Christopher Buck (2022-09). — Reflections on ‘Abdu’l-Baha's answer to the question "What has Baha’u’llah brought that we h...
  10. Bahá'í "Pupil of the Eye" Metaphor, The: Promoting Ideal Race Relations in Jim Crow America, by Christopher Buck (2018). — On the notable contribution to promoting ideal race relations in Jim Crow America by the Baha'i Fait...
  11. Bahá'í 'Race Amity' Movement and the Black Intelligentsia in Jim Crow America, The: Alain Locke and Robert Abbott, by Christopher Buck (2011). — W. E. B. Du Bois, Alain L. Locke and Robert S. Abbott, ranked as the 4th, 36th and 41st most influen...
  12. Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States United States Bahá'í National Center, comp. (2022-10). — Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U...
  13. Baha'i Doctrine Attracts Non-whites, by James S. Tinney (1983-10-20). — On the Baha'i Faith's progress toward racial unity; brief bios of Glenford Mitchell, Amoz Gibson, Wi...
  14. Bahá'í Faith and African American History, The: Introduction, by Loni Bramson (2018). — Contents, Introduction, and Index from this book, with links to two chapters (by Christopher Buck).
  15. Bahá'í Response to Racial Injustice and Pursuit of Racial Unity, The: Part 1 (1912-1996), by Richard Thomas (2021-01). — The American Baha’i community’s historical efforts to address racial injustice which has afflict...
  16. Bahá'ís have outsized MLK presence, by Abe Levy (2013-01-18). — Baha'is play an increasingly-active role in events celebrating the message of Martin Luther King.
  17. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays, by Marzieh Gail (1976). — A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Baha'i studies and history. Most of these we...
  18. Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation, by Jennifer Harvey: Review, by Dianne Coin (2017).
  19. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2022-11-01). — Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis...
  20. Hayden, Robert, by Christopher Buck, Derik Smith (2019). — In his poetics of history and his nuanced representations of black life, Hayden's art showed that th...
  21. Intimate Diversity: The Presentation of Multiculturalism and Multiracialism in a High-Boundary Religious Movement, by Kathleen Jenkins (2003). — On the construction and maintenance of multiracial/ethnic networks in religious movements, through a...
  22. Introduction to a Statement on Race Unity, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1997-12-17). — An informal letter on the "most challenging issue confronting America."
  23. Keys to Harmony, by Daniel C. Jordan (n.d.). — Ways of bringing harmony into the world, using musical analogies.
  24. Letter to the United States and Canada on Racism, 1961, by Rúhíyyih Khánum (1961-03-09).
  25. Locke, Shock, and Abbott: Baha'i Theology and the Acceleration of the African American Civil Rights Movement, by Guy Emerson Mount (2010). — African American responses to Abdu'l-Baha's 1912 visit to America, Abdu'l Baha's teachings among pro...
  26. Monologues on the Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah and Howard University Visit Commemoration, by Vasu Mohan, Donna Denize, Nadim van de Fliert (2017-10/2018-04). — Five biographical monologues delivered in the fictionalized voices of Harriett Gibbs Marshall, Laura...
  27. New Creation, A: The Power of the Covenant in the Life of Louis Gregory, by Gayle Morrison (1999). — Louis Gregory's achievements, focussing on his promotion of the oneness of humankind, teaching the B...
  28. Path to God, The: 1937, by Dorothy Baker (1937). — Essay published as a pamphlet about the goal of life, revelation and access to heaven, self-improvem...
  29. Pupil of the Eye, The: African Americans in the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Universal House of Justice Bonnie J. Taylor, comp. (1998). — A compilation of references in the Baha'i writings to African-Americans and those of African descent...
  30. Race and Man: A Compilation, by Maye Harvey Gift, Alice Simmons Cox (1943). — A collection of words of scientists, sociologists and educators, arranged to present the problem of ...
  31. Race and Racism: Perspectives from Bahá'í Theology and Critical Sociology, by Matthew W. Hughey (2017). — Review of the concepts of race and racism based on social scientific understanding, in order to bett...
  32. Race, Place, and Clusters: Current Vision and Possible Strategies, by June Manning Thomas (2017). — Division by place affects the possibilities for racial unity, especially in fragmented U.S. metropol...
  33. Reconsidering the Civil Rights Era in the Footsteps of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by June Manning Thomas (2022-09). — On principles of racial prejudice and 1960s South Carolina, including the fallacy of racial prejudic...
  34. Road Less Travelled By, The, by John S. Hatcher (2017). — "From the Editor's Desk": Overview of this issue's articles regarding racism and proper responses to...
  35. Seeking Light in the Darkness of "Race", by Jamar M. Wheeler (2017). — A historical sketch of how race concepts evolved, with analysis at macro and micro levels of society...
  36. Settling the Score With Mr. Ogden Nash for the Seven Spiritual Ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore and Thereby Achieving if Not a Better Verse at Least a Longer Title, by Roger White (1979). — A dialogue for two readers, adapted from a poem.
  37. Spatial Strategies for Racial Unity, by June Manning Thomas (2020-09). — On the nature and approaches of Baha’i educational programs and community building efforts which s...
  38. Spiritual Reinforcement: Study Questions, Compilation, and Quiz, Author unknown, comp. (1957 (?)). — Questions and quizzes for individual study and group discussion, on "what every Baha'i should know" ...
  39. Still the Most Challenging Issue, by John S. Hatcher (2019). — "From the Editor's Desk": On race, racism, and the American Baha'i community.
  40. Three Teaching Methods Used During North America's First Seven-Year Plan, by Roger M. Dahl (1993). — Teaching methods used by American Bahá’ís to spread the Faith; firesides and teaching campaign...
  41. Vision of Race Unity: America's Most Challenging Issue, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1991). — A formal statement from the US NSA on "the most challenging issue confronting America."
  42. World Vision of a Savant, The, by Auguste Henri Forel (1928). — Ruminations on the nature of the human brain, causes of racism, how to stop wars, the meaning of "Go...

2.   from the Chronology (18 results; expand)

  1. 1911-07-26 — The First Universal Races Congress was held at the University of London. It was the first important...
  2. 1919-03-00 — "Red Summer" is the period from late winter through early autumn of 1919 during which white supremac...
  3. 1919-04-26 — The 14 Tablets of the Divine Plan were unveiled in a dramatic ceremony at the Hotel McAlpin in New
  4. 1921-05-19 — The first Race Amity Conference was held in Washington DC at the old First Congregational Church, 1...
  5. 1921-12-05 — The second Convention for Amity between the White and Coloured Races was held in Springfield, Massac...
  6. 1924-03-28 — A public conference devoted to Inter-racial Harmony and Peace, the third Race Amity Convention, was ...
  7. 1927-01-08 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada appointed seven people to a National...
  8. 1927-04-08 — The second conference for racial amity in Washington was held at the Mt Pleasant Congregational Chur...
  9. 1927-11-10 — The third convention for amity in inter-racial relations in Washington was held in the Mt. Pleasant ...
  10. 1928-01-20 — The Chicago community held its first Race Amity Conference. Louis Gregory was a speaker at that gat...
  11. 1928-02-11 — The 'Conference for Inter-Racial Amity' was arranged by Inter-Racial Amity Committee of the Bahá'i...
  12. 1932-02-27 — Race Amity gatherings became an effective way promote the principle of racial equality. A number pf ...
  13. 1936-07-00 — Following on the success of the initial Race Amity conferences in Washington, DC, the National Spiri...
  14. 1954-06-09 — The passing of Alain LeRoy Locke (b. September 13, 1885, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) in New York...
  15. 1962-07-20 — The passing of Harlan Foster Ober (b. October 6, 1881 in Beverly, Massachusetts) in Pretoria, Gauten...
  16. 1993-03-21 — The presentation of the first Race Unity Award by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of ...
  17. 2018-04-12 — The premiere of the documentary film, An American Story: Race Amity and The Other Tradition in a tel...
  18. 2020-06-19 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States issued a statement entitled Forg...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; expand)

  1. 1943-11-12 — The Edmonton Baha'i community organized a Race Unity meeting with Muslims, Jews, Ukrainians and one ...
  2. 1993-03-21 — The presentation of the first Race Unity Award by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of ...
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