- Abdu'l-Baha's talks can be used in devotional portion of Feast, by Universal House of Justice. (2011-03-15) Letter confirming that it is permissible to use informal "talks" of Abdu'l-Bahá in the devotional portion of Feast.
- Answered Questions, Some, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (2014) 'Table talks' given by ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá in ‘Akká between 1904 and 1906 in response to questions posed by Laura Dreyfus-Barney; first published in 1908, the new 2014 edition has been extensively retranslated.
- Answered Questions, Some: Study Outline, Brett Zamir, comp. (2002)
- Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání: Review, by Graham Hassall. (1991)
- Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism and The Secret of our Century: Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani: Reviews, by Cybele Sohrab. (1993)
- Asking Questions: The Independent Investigation of Truth, by Edwin McCloughan. (2001) On understanding and applying this primary principle of the Faith.
- Avoidance of Politics and Controversial Matters, by Universal House of Justice. (2003-01-12) A short explanation that the aim of Bahá'ís is to reconcile viewpoints and heal divisions, but not become involved with disputes of the many conflicting elements of society around them. Includes introductory letter from the US NSA, and a compilation.
- Bahá'í Answers, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Olivia Kelsey, comp. (1947) Answers to 95 questions on the Bahá'í Faith, collected from the writings of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi.
- Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman. Jonah Winters, comp. (2004) Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college course at Hofstra University, New York, fall 2001.
- Contacting the Universal House of Justice; Obligatory Prayer, Greatest Name, Exemptions, by Universal House of Justice. (1998-01-02) Procedures on contacting the Universal House of Justice; memorandum on obligatory prayer, reciting the Greatest Name, and exemptions from prayer.
- Conversion of the Great-Uncle of the Báb, The, by Ahang Rabbani. (1999 Spring) The history of Hájí Mírzá Sayyid Muhammad (1798-1876), maternal uncle of the Bab.
- Convincing Answers to Your Questions about ..., William Sears, ed. (1962) Introductory pamphlet about the Bahá'í Faith, including brief solutions to some of "the problems afflicting mankind in what is regarded as the most turbulent period in history."
- Huququ'llah, Sixteen Questions about, by Universal House of Justice. (1991-11-06) Sixteen detailed questions about Huququ'llah, submitted by a Bahá'í attorney.
- Kitáb-i-Aqdas, by Bahá'u'lláh. (1992) Full authoritative English translation of Baháʼu'lláh's book of laws, along with clarifying texts and detailed explanatory notes.
- Kitáb-i-Íqán, The Book of Certitude: Questionnaire and Answer Key, by Fariborz Alan Davoodi. (2004-07) A quiz designed for study circles, complete with answer key.
- Kitáb-i-Íqán, The Book of Certitude: Wilmette Institute faculty notes, by Michael W. Sours, Brent Poirier, Ismael Velasco, Iraj Ayman. (1999) Notes on various topics related to Bahá'u'lláh's Book of Certitude.
- Letters to Various Individuals, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Shirley Macias, comp. (1965-1977)
- Metaphor and the Language of Revelation, by Ross Woodman. (1997) To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the Word as the originating power of creation.
- Names of the Bahá'í Months, The: Separating Fact from Fiction, by Moojan Momen. Robert Stockman, comp. (2012-11) A blog post, compiled for the Wilmette Institute, on the original source of the names of the months of the Badí calendar — taken from a dawn prayer by the Fifth Shí’í Imám, Muhammad al-Báqir, for the month of Ramadan.
- On a Bahá'í's Engagement with Society and Non-Involvement in Politics, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, comp. (2017)
- Political Non-Involvement and Obedience to Government: Compilation by Peter Khan with Cover Letter from Secretariat, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Peter J. Khan, comp. (2003-01-12) Current world events can cause confusion and anguish among those seeking global peace. Rather than being drawn into prevailing attitudes and disputes, Bahá'ís must hold a broader long-term perspective.
- Providing answers to oft-asked questions of Baha'is, by Ted Slavin. (2009-08-15) What do Bahá'ís believe?
- Qiblih, Determining the direction of, by Universal House of Justice. (2010-07-15) Guidance on how best to ascertain the direction of the Qiblih, the focus to which the faithful turn in prayer. For Bahá’ís the Qiblih is the tomb of Bahá’u’lláh at Bahji, "the Heart and Qiblih of the Bahá’í world" — similar to the Ka'bah for Muslims.
- Questions and Answers on War and Related Issues, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. (2003-03-19) Compilation of passages and commentary on the military, political activism, disarmament, pacifism, and collective security.
- Questions of Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali Muhammad occasioning the Revelation of the Kitab-i-Iqan, by Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali Muhammad. Denis MacEoin, trans. (1997-06) Translation of the questions submitted to Bahá'u'lláh by Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad, the maternal uncle of the Bab, which
led to the revelation of the Kitab-i Iqan.
- Reflections on "Questions" and Bahá'í Studies, Some, by Matthew Weinberg (published as Matt Weinberg). (2005-04-01)
- Reflections on the Concept of Law in the Bahá'í Faith, Some, by Roshan Danesh. (2014) The concept of law in the Bahá’í Faith; its early Islamic context; the nature of legal language and discourse in Bahá’u’lláh’s writings. Religious law, rooted in conscious knowledge and the dynamics of love, rejects rigid and legalistic rules.
- Relationship between two statements of Bahá'u'lláh regarding the calculation of Ḥuqúqu'lláh, by Universal House of Justice. (2019-03-10) About the relationship between paragraph 97 of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (fraction) and “Questions and Answers”, number 8 (minimum threshold).
- "Some Answered Questions" and Its Compiler, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani. (2017) Overview of the life of Laura Clifford Barney and her role in assembling and publishing the book Some Answered Questions, and a comparison with the appendix to the Kitab-i-Aqdas called Questions & Answers.
- Special Report on Baha'i Burial vs. Maori Custom, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of New Zealand. (1989-10-06) Special report about reconciling Bahá'í burial laws with local maori customs where they conflict; includes guidance from the Universal House of Justice.
- Spontaneous Talks by Dr. Khan, at His Sunday Morning Classes, Answering Some of His 95 Questions, by Ali Kuli Khan. Terry Nelson Randolph, ed. (2013-04) Proofs of the Bahá'í Faith, written by a prominent translator and companion of Abdu'l-Bahá. Includes short biography of Khan regarding the history of this document, with photographs.
- Tabla de la Sabiduría: preguntas y respuestas, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Hasan Elías, trans. (1995) Traducción provisional de una traducción autorizada de Tablas no publicadas de 'Abdu'l-Bahá dirigida a Ethel Rosenberg en 1906 en respuesta a sus preguntas sobre la Tabla de la Sabiduría.
- Tablet of Wisdom Questions and Answers, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (1995) Authorized translation of unpublished Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá to Ethel Rosenberg in 1906 in reply to her questions about historical statements in the Lawh-i-Hikmat.
- Teaching Christians More Effectively: Handbook and Seminar, by David F. Young. (1999) Bahá'í views of Christianity; questions Christians might ask; interpretation of the Bible; theology of miracles, baptism, sin, Armageddon, and heaven and hell; social issues.
- Theocracy and Separation of Church and State, by Universal House of Justice. (1995-04-27) On theocracy in relation to the Bahá'í model of government, and issues relating to the development of the Bahá’í Administrative Order.
- These Perspicuous Verses: A passage from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, by Robert W. McLaughlin. (1982) Detailed study of a section from Ishraqat and Epistle to the Son of the Wolf.
- Tree of Life, The: A Program for the Spiritualization of the Bahá'í Community, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian Islands. (1993) Compilations for a spiritualization and teaching campaign on prayer and meditation, how to be like the "shining examples" of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh, and the 1992 Ridvan message.
- Twenty-four Questions and Answers in Bahá'í Administration, Author unknown, comp. (n.d.) The role of institutions within the Bahá'í Faith; their necessity, uniqueness; and guiding principles; the relationship between spiritual teachings and administrative principles; distinctions between Bahá'í and other religious and political systems.